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在商业活动中正确运用公共关系学进行宣传、服务以及利用公众心理和语言艺术树立自身的形象 ,扩大产品的知名度 ,达到提高经济效益的目的 ,以推动公共关系学知识在商业活动中的广泛应用  相似文献   
Previous studies implicate suprasegmental phonology in reading acquisition. However, little is known about how suprasegmental sensitivity develops or how it contributes to reading. Here, 130 Spanish primary-school children participated in this 2-year longitudinal study. Nonlinguistic rhythm, lexical-stress sensitivity and metrical-stress sensitivity, along with phonological awareness, vocabulary, nonverbal intelligence, and reading aloud, were assessed on five occasions. Results suggest that prosody abilities have different developmental trajectories and that prosody explains unique variance in reading beyond that explained by other factors. There was some evidence that the contribution of each prosody skill occurred at different phases in reading development. Nonlinguistic rhythm, lexical-stress sensitivity, and metrical-stress sensitivity assessed at the end of kindergarten, the start of Grade 1, and the end of Grade 1, respectively, predicted reading performance 6 months later. Nevertheless, sample size and reliability temper the conclusions that can be made. The implications of prosody skills for literacy development are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to examine the relationship between heart rate intensity and pedometer step counts in adolescents. To determine cardiorespiratory fitness, 106 participants (47 boys, 59 girls, mean age 14.2 years, s = 0.8) completed the Queen's College Step Test and were classified as having low, moderate or high cardiorespiratory fitness. Adolescents also completed a 10-min treadmill trial while wearing a pedometer and heart rate monitor. The participants were instructed to maintain their heart rate between 65 and 75% of their maximum heart rate while running or walking on a treadmill. A heart rate of 65–75% maximum was associated with 146 steps per minute (s = 22) in boys and 137 steps per minute (s = 22) in girls. Results of analysis of variance indicated that there was a main effect for level of fitness (F 2,102 = 9.36, P < 0.001). The correlation between mean steps per minute and estimated maximum oxygen consumption was statistically significant (r = 0.44, P < 0.001). The results from this study suggest that a step rate of 130 steps per minute is equal to 65–75% maximum heart rate in low-fit adolescents and achieving 130 steps per minute could be used as an initial goal to improve fitness.  相似文献   
文章对百度百科、互动百科和维基中文百科的知识分类和主题组织方法进行对比分析,研究网络环境下知识组织的特征,提出了基于"分类-主题-用户标签"多级映射的结构化概念空间模型,为网络百科知识组织提供参考依据。  相似文献   
介绍在CEPA条件下澳门社会经济发展的新形势,针对澳门图书馆拥有的丰富特色资源,指出建立定题服务中心,搭建科技信息平台,深化教育功能,促进第三产业发展等是澳门图书馆谋求新发展与世界图书馆同步发展的必由之路。  相似文献   
体育学院附属竞技运动学校采取“亦读亦训”的方针,能够培养出有文化的高水平运动员,但在人员结构、发挥体院综合优势、项目设置及竞校学生文化学习等方面有待完善,同时国家有关部门应允许竞校以体院名义组团或队参加国内比赛,进一步调动体院办竞校的积极性。  相似文献   
本文研究设计了一种新型的机载相控阵雷达调度(SOMAPAR)的专家系统。该系统构造了一个由多种知识表达方式实现的知识库,并运用模糊数学方法表达知识,建立了一个简单的模糊推理机。仿真结果表明,该SOMAPAR专家系统能使雷达自适应于目标环境的变化,调整自身状态在最佳条件下工作,具有一定的专家水平。  相似文献   
This paper reports the findings from a study of the participation of children with special educational needs (SEN) in decision‐making about their needs in a sample of mainstream schools which were self‐selected for having promising practices. The findings show promising practices in eliciting views, the importance of a school participation ethos and inconsistencies between policy and practices. The study also illustrates the complexity and challenge of consulting and sharing decision making with children and young people. The outcomes are discussed in terms of educational psychologists becoming involved in research and in supporting whole school developments of participation practices.  相似文献   
The extraordinary romance and thrilling adventure associated with the tale of wootz steel shows how Indian metallurgists were the world leaders in antiquity in the manufacture of this legendary high-grade steel. In many ways this material was brought to global attention by the writings of Cyril Stanley Smith. Modern metallurgy and materials science rest on the foundation built by the study of this steel during the past three centuries.  相似文献   
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