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采用还原铁粉处理印染废水生化出水,以ADMI7.6作为主要测试指标,考察铁粉投加量、反应时间以及进水pH对出水水质的影响,并研究在此过程中铁粉还原作用和混凝絮凝作用对整体效果的贡献比.结果表明,条件1:铁粉投加量=1.0 g.L-1,反应时间150 min,进水pH 2;条件2:铁粉投加量1.0 g.L-1,反应时间150 min,进水pH 3.条件1时,ADMI7.6去除率达到80%,但铁泥量大,酸碱消耗大,在此反应条件下,铁粉还原去除40%,混凝絮凝去除60%;条件2时,ADMI7.6去除率达到50%左右,产铁泥量小,经济合理;在此反应条件下,铁粉还原去除55%—63%左右,混凝絮凝去除37%—45%左右.经XAD8/XAD4树脂联用,分析疏水酸、非酸疏水物质、弱疏水物质及亲水物质4类有机物的去除情况表明,条件1时,能够高效去除非酸疏水物质,去除率为95%,对于疏水酸以及弱疏水物质也有一定的去除效果;条件2时,对4类有机物去除均有一定作用,但对于非酸疏水物质以及疏水酸的去除效果要略差于条件1.  相似文献   
Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources on which policy makers are greatly dependent on since it is a flexible feedstock capable of conversion into electricity, transport liquid fuels and heat by chemical and biological processes on demand. Though numerous publications have examined the relationship of economic growth with renewable energy and other parameters, biomass energy has never been included in these studies. Then, this study examines the causal relationship within a multivariate panel cointegration/error correction framework which combines the cross-section and time series data while allowing for heterogeneity across different provinces. After employing panel data regression model ranging from 2003 through 2012 to examine the relationships of biofuels production with sustainable development in China, the paper concludes that the development of biofuel energy production integrated with the consideration of the improvement of income per capita, and the attraction of more capital investment, does make a significant contribution to economic growth. However, some negative side effects including the increase of greenhouse emissions and the decrease of marginal land still coexist with the economic development. Of course, the importance of these findings lies on their implications and their adoption on strategic policies.  相似文献   
通过对矿区选矿废水污染的河流水样和悬沙进行采样,分析悬沙、铜、锌质量浓度,探讨河流悬沙与铜、锌之间的相关关系,是有重要现实意义的.研究结果表明:河流水质铜超标严重,丧失了作为农业用水的使用功能.水中铜污染物量与悬沙量相关关系,锌污染物量与悬沙量相关关系都是极显著的.经过曲线回归方程拟合,锌污染物量与悬沙量之间的回归关系比铜污染物量与悬沙量之间的回归关系显著,有3个曲线方程较优,即:对数方程、二次多项式方程、三次多项式方程.据此,通过测定污染河流悬沙量可以粗略地估算水中锌污染物量.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To investigate the change in biochar’s ability to directly immobilize Cd in soil, a successive wheat cultivation experiment was conducted. Three...  相似文献   
环境中的多氯二苯并二(口恶)(口英)(PCDD_s)和多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDF_s)是当今最受重视的污染物之一,其中PCDD_s有75个异构体而PCDF_s有135个异构体,它们的毒性大小显著地依赖于氯原子的取代数和取代位置,由于这类污染物的低溶解度和高的辛醇/水分配系数,主要分布在土壤(85%)和沉积物(14%)中,只有1%进入空气、水和生物体.在自然环境中这类污染物代谢降解速度缓慢,从而增加了环境污染的复杂性.而鉴别这类污染物就成为一个主要研究课题.  相似文献   
车用汽油铅损害及其对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对车用汽油的抗爆性能要求,探讨四乙基铅(Pb(C2H5)4)抗爆添加剂的作用机理,并着重分析研究了由此而引起的发动机铅排放对人类造成的损害及给大气环境等带来的污染。还探讨了车用汽油铅损害的对策及其最新进展  相似文献   
使用热扩散管与长飞行时间气溶胶质谱联用系统对2020年深圳市秋季亚微米级气溶胶进行在线测量,获取和分析了气溶胶的化学组成及挥发性特征,并利用正矩阵因子分析法(PMF)对有机气溶胶进行了来源解析.结果显示:观测期间,气溶胶平均质量浓度为(28.3±11.1)μg/m3(9.5~76.8μg/m3),其中,有机物占比最高,为57.9%,其次为硫酸盐(24.7%).PMF对有机气溶胶解析结果得到四类源,分别为烃类有机气溶胶(HOA)、餐饮源有关的有机气溶胶(COA)、低氧化性的氧化有机气溶胶(LO-OOA)和高氧化性的氧化有机气溶胶(MO-OOA).HOA、COA、LO-OOA和MO-OOA平均分别占到总有机物的9.1%、27.2%、31.8%和31.9%.进一步采用NO+/NO2+比值法和PMF方法估算有机硝酸酯(ON)浓度,两种方法估算结果相关性良好,ON的平均浓度为0.17~0.25μg/m3,占总有机气溶胶质量的1.5%~9.7%,说明其对深圳大气气溶胶贡献显著.ON与各有机气溶胶因子的相关性比对发现,其与LO-OOA相关性最高(R=0.80),说明其可能来源于新鲜的二次生成反应.挥发性研究结果得出,深圳市气溶胶主要化学组分挥发性顺序为氯盐≈无机硝酸盐 > 铵盐 > 有机物 > 有机硝酸酯 > 硫酸盐,对于有机气溶胶因子,其挥发性排序为LO-OOA > HOA > COA > MO-OOA,除了LO-OOA,其余因子挥发性与其氧化态排序一致,而LO-OOA从50~70℃组分下降最多,说明其所含组分挥发性差异最为明显.  相似文献   
This research has applied different chemical activators to mechanically and thermally treated fine fraction (<14 mm) of incinerator bottom ash (IBA), in order to investigate the influences of chemical activators on this new pozzolanic material. IBA has been milled and thermally treated at 800 degrees C (TIBA). The TIBA produced was blended with Ca(OH)(2) and evaluated for setting time, reactivity and compressive strength after the addition of 0.0565 mole of Na(2)SO(4), K(2)SO(4), Na(2)CO(3), K(2)CO(3), NaOH, KOH and CaCl(2) into 100g of binder (TIBA+Ca(OH)(2)). The microstructures of activated IBA and hydrated samples have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) analysis. Thermal treatment is found to produce gehlenite (Ca(2)Al(2)SiO(7)), wollastonite (CaSiO(3)) and mayenite (Ca(12)Al(14)O(33)) phases. The thermally treated IBA samples are significantly more reactive than the milled IBA. The addition of Na(2)CO(3) can increase the compressive strength and calcium hydroxide consumption at 28-day curing ages. However, the addition of Na(2)SO(4), K(2)SO(4), K(2)CO(3), NaOH and KOH reduces the strength and hydration reaction. Moreover, these chemicals produce more porous samples due to increased generation of hydrogen gas. The addition of CaCl(2) has a negative effect on the hydration of TIBA samples. Calcium aluminium oxide carbonate sulphide hydrate (Ca(4)Al(2)O(6)(CO(3))(0.67)(SO(3))(0.33)(H(2)O)(11)) is the main hydration product in the samples with activated IBA, except for the sample containing CaCl(2).  相似文献   
含汞气田污水脱汞新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内气田含汞污水处理主要采用硫化物沉淀法,辅以水处理絮凝剂增加沉淀效果。国外研究了一些含汞污水脱汞新工艺:沉淀一絮凝法、活性炭吸附法、离子交换法等,组合使用效果更佳,可脱除单质汞、离子汞和有机汞,脱汞深度可达1.0×10~(-9)mg/L级。借鉴国外含汞气田污水处理工艺,研究经济高效的脱汞工艺,减少汞污染,对我国含汞气田的合理开发具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
研究了一种国产新型铝合金表面防护体系在多因素协同加速试验条件下的表面性能变化规律。涂层在0.01 Hz处的阻抗模值由初始的1.88×10~9 Ω下降为2.04×10~7 Ω。经历5个周期的户内多因素综合加速试验的过程中,2A97铝合金表面涂层体系的防护效果呈持续下降趋势,但5周期后尚未完全失效。  相似文献   
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