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Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient required for plant growth and at the same time a costly pollutant, which can cause eutrophication of water bodies. Modern agriculture relies heavily on mineral fertilisers, which contain phosphorus derived from phosphate rock, because, without regular applications, crop yields would be limited. Since phosphate rock is a non-renewable resource, there are growing concerns regarding future phosphorus scarcity and the sustainability of modern agriculture. For many farmers, animal manure was once a means of maintaining soil fertility, but now it presents a major operational problem. This study evaluated the possibility of recycling phosphorus on a national and regional scale in Italy, using major sources of manure and wastewater. These results were successively compared with an estimate of the agricultural demand for phosphorus. Considering the quantity of phosphorus fertilizer that was applied to the soil–plant system, for the years 2001–2010, the annual phosphorus requirement of Italian crops was about 101,000 t of P. Therefore, the phosphorus source comprising animal manure and civil/industrial waste (117,500 t of P and 40,000 t of P, respectively) could potentially satisfy the average annual agronomic phosphorus demand. Regarding the geographical distribution of phosphorus supply and demand on a regional scale, areas with a large deficit of phosphorus included Calabria, Puglia and Marche. However, when only livestock waste was considered, Sicily, Umbria and Friuli could also be considered to be regions experiencing a phosphorus deficit.

This work is aimed at investigating the weathering processes of the granodiorites cropping out in a small catchment of the Sila Massif. The mineral constituents in this granodiorite are plagioclase, often zoned with a Ca-rich core and a Na-rich rim, quartz, chlorite, K-feldspar, white mica and epidote. During this study, dolomite was discovered in local stream sediments, as separate monomineralic grains, probably resulting from erosion of veins cutting the crystalline rocks. Prevailing dissolution of foreign dolomite and a Ca-rich plagioclase is suggested by the Ca–Mg–HCO3 chemical composition of local groundwaters and stream waters, which is rather unexpected for waters interacting with granitoid rocks. These qualitative observations are quantitatively confirmed by reaction path modelling of the weathering processes occurring in the study area, which was carried out using the EQ3/6 software package, version 8.0, and the Double Solid Reactant Method. Indeed, it was possible to ascertain that the release of both major dissolved constituents and several trace elements (Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V and Zn), from rocks to waters, is chiefly controlled by the dissolution of foreign dolomite and the Ca-rich core of zoned plagioclases.  相似文献   
Vegetation uprooting is a complex process which depends on many interrelated factors. In this paper,attention is focused on the flow-induced uprooting in river bends, where the flow characteristics vary as effected by the channel’s curvature and its continuous changing in the downstream direction. Results are presented by an experimental work done in a high-amplitude meandering flume with mature herbaceous vegetation on the bed. In the first part of the paper, the variation along the bend of the...  相似文献   
Thirty of the 58 groundwaters sampled in September-October 2000 in the study area (La Spezia Province, Italy) have Mg-HCO3 to Ca-HCO3 composition, undetectable Cr(III) contents, and virtually equal concentrations of total dissolved Cr and Cr(VI). Therefore, dissolved Cr is present in toto as Cr(VI), with concentrations of 5-73 ppb. These values are above the maximum permissible level for drinking waters (5 ppb). Local ophiolites, especially serpentinites and ultramafites, are Cr-rich and represent a Cr source for groundwaters. However, since Cr is present as Cr(III) in rock-forming minerals, its release to the aqueous solution requires oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI). This can be performed by different electron acceptors, including Mn oxides, H2O2, gaseous O2, and perhaps Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. Based on this evidence and due to the absence of anthropogenic Cr sources, the comparatively high Cr(VI) concentrations measured in the waters of the study area are attributed to natural pollution.  相似文献   
The Sekarna Zn–Pb deposit is located in Central Tunisia at the northeastern edge of the Cenozoic Rohia graben. Mineralization comprises two major ore types: (1) disseminated Zn–Pb sulfides that occur as lenses in sedimentary phosphorite layers and (2) cavity-filling zinc oxides (calamine-type ores) that crosscut Late Cretaceous and Early Eocene limestone. We studied Zn sulfide mineralization in the Saint Pierre ore body, which is hosted in a 5-m-thick sedimentary phosphorite unit of Early Eocene age. The sulfide mineralization occurs as replacements of carbonate cement in phosphorite. The ores comprise stratiform lenses rich in sphalerite with minor galena, Fe sulfides, and earlier diagenetic barite. Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of sphalerite and galena show a wide range of minor element contents with significant enrichment of cadmium in both sphalerite (6,000–20,000 ppm) and galena (12–189 ppm). The minor element enrichments likely reflect the influence of the immediate organic-rich host rocks. Fluid inclusions in sphalerite give homogenization temperatures of 80–130°C. The final ice melting temperatures range from −22°C to −11°C, which correspond to salinities of 15–24 wt.% NaCl eq. and suggest a basinal brine origin for the fluids. Sulfur isotope analyses show uniformly negative values for sphalerite (−11.2‰ to −9.3‰) and galena (−16‰ to −12.3‰). The δ34S of barite, which averages 25.1‰, is 4‰ higher than the value for Eocene seawater sulfate. The sulfur isotopic compositions are inferred to reflect sulfur derivation through bacterial reduction of contemporaneous seawater sulfate, possibly in restricted basins where organic matter was abundant. The Pb isotopes suggest an upper crustal lead source.  相似文献   
This paper is aimed to elucidate the ecological scenario in Italy in the Early to Middle Pleistocene, when species of the genus Homo are known to spread across Europe in two distinct waves: earlier than 1.2 Ma and at about 600 ka, respectively. This topic represents both (1) a fundamental aspect for a better understanding of the factors that allowed humans to colonize the middle latitudes of Eurasia, and (2) a reasonable frontier for current Quaternary palaeobiology, thanks to increasing knowledge of regional and local patterns. As for Italy, a combination of palaeobotanical and palaeontological data sets shows on the one hand a general complexity in both space and time, and on the other hand changes of considerable importance within and among the biological communities. These changes had a major importance during the worldwide change in the Earth climatic system known as “Middle Pleistocene Revolution”, which according to our data culminates with crucial effects of the extreme conditions of MIS 16. Subsequently, during great part of the Middle Pleistocene, the peculiar features of the Italian territory may have favoured isolation and a local persistence of plant populations and possibly mammal taxa, humans included, as for instance suggested by the corrected chronology of the Ceprano calvarium.  相似文献   
The monumental tomb of Jefferson Page, an officer in the American Navy, was built in 1899 and is located in the Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome (Italy). This study presents complementary diagnostic studies characterizing the stone of the tomb and the weathering and decay phenomena it has undergone. The monument is made of a single type of whitish marble, variously veined and often covered with black patinas. Petrographic, isotopic and LA-ICP-MS analyses attribute the marble to the Carrara district. SEM/EDS and microbiological analyses indicate that the black patinas are due to cyanobacterial autotrophic and fungin heterotrophic colonization. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the presence of organic material on some portions of the tomb, due to undocumented restoration carried out with a mixture of marble powder and a polyester resin.  相似文献   
The complex development of the northern Crotone Basin, a forearc basin of the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy), has been documented by sedimentological, stratigraphic and structural analyses. This Mediterranean‐type fault bounded basin consists of small depocentres commonly characterized by a mix of facies that grades from continental to shallow marine. The lower Pliocene infill of the Crotone Basin consists of offshore marls (Cavalieri Marl) that grade upwards into a shallow‐marine to continental succession up to 850 m thick (Zinga Formation). The succession is subdivided into three main stratal units: Zinga 1, Zinga 2, Zinga 3 bounded by major unconformities. The Zinga 1 stratal unit grades from the Cavalieri Marl to deltaic and shoreface deposits, the latter organized into several stacked progradational wedges that show spectacular thickness changes and progressive unconformities related to salt‐cored NE‐trending growth folds and listric normal faults. The Zinga 2 stratal unit records a progressive and moderate deepening of the area, marked by fluvial sedimentation at the base, followed by lagoonal deposits and by a stacking of mixed bioclastic and siliciclastic shoreface units, organized into metre‐scale high‐frequency cycles. Deposition was controlled by NE‐trending synsedimentary normal faults that dissected the basin into a series of half‐grabens. Hangingwall stratigraphic expansion was compensated by footwall condensed sedimentation. The extensional tectonic regime continued during sedimentation of the Zinga 3 stratal unit. Deposition confined within structural lows during a generalized transgressive phase led to local enhancement of tidal flows and development of sand‐wave trains. The tectonic setting testifies the generalized structural domain of a forearc region. The angular unconformity at the top of the Zinga 3 stratal unit is regional, and marks the activation of a large‐scale tectonic phase linked to strike‐slip movements.  相似文献   
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