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为了研究有大质量恒星形成的分子云与其它分子云之间的差异,对北天的59个作为大质量恒星形成区的Spitzer延展绿色天体(Extended Green Objects,简称EGOs)视线方向进行了分子云~(12)CO J=2-1和J=3-2频谱观测,并与文献中对同一批天体方向观测得到的~(12)CO J=1-0频谱数据合并进行分析.对与EGO天体成协的分子云(简称EGO分子云)和其它non-EGO分子云进行了CO多跃迁谱线强度和宽度的统计比较分析.在数据统计的基础上,讨论了这两类分子云的气体温度分布、密度分布、速度场分布对观测数据统计特征的影响.分析结果表明,直接决定是否有大质量恒星形成的关键因素可能并不是巨分子云的质量是否足够大,而是巨分子云的引力塌缩程度足否充分(即分子云团块的体积填充因子是否足够大).  相似文献   

孙燕  徐烨  杨戟 《天文学报》2012,53(2):97-105
对13个大质量恒星形成区样本进行了SiO(2-1)、CH_3OH(2-1)和C~(34)S(2-1)热线的观测.在9个分子云核中,3条热线同时被探测到.这9个SiO探测中,有3个是新探测到的且它们强度都相对较弱.所有探测到的谱线都有较明显的线翼,这可能是外向流出现的证据.SiO谱线的线宽最宽,这也更进一步表明SiO辐射可能是来自高速的外向流,即更靠近外向流的激发源.估算了各分子谱线的旋转温度,柱密度和相对元素丰度.结果表明SiO和CH_3OH元素丰度之间有较好的相关性,相关系数R=0.77,但是SiO和C~(34)S元素丰度之间却没有任何相关性.  相似文献   

深空探测器和射电源的信号通过地球大气和电离层时相位发生抖动,对地面观测系统如VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry)的测量精度产生极大影响.基于日本SELENE工程的两颗小卫星Rstar和Vstar 4测站长达1 yr的同波束VLBI观测数据,考虑视线方向不同仰角的影响并利用投影函数进行归一化处理,首次得到天顶方向的双差分电离层电子总量抖动统计数据.利用结构函数分析研究了6条基线的双差分电离层电子总量抖动的统计特性,并反演得到4个测站的统计特性.首次解算出天顶方向双差分电离层电子总量抖动的均方根与角距离的关系模型.6条基线天顶方向的双差分电离层电子总量抖动的均方根σ(单位为TECU)和角距离θ(单位为?)的关系模型为:σ=0.50928θ+0.39534,由基线反演出4个测站天顶方向的关系模型为:σ=0.36595θ+0.27974.  相似文献   

恒星形成于分子云之中, 分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征, 也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点. 利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜, 采用5种分子谱线探针(包括12CO、13CO、C18O、HCO$^+$ $J=1-0$和CS $J=2-1$, J为角动量量子数), 对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究. 通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析, 在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动, 并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源. 最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算, 分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系, 结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关.  相似文献   

利用12CO(1-0)、13CO(1-0)与C18O(1-0)分子谱线成图观测数据,并结合ATLASGAL (The APEX(Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy)尘埃连续谱巡天观测结果详细地研究了9个红外暗云(Infrared Dark Clouds, IRDCs)中团块的物理性质与运动学特征.给出了红外暗云的速度区间,以及在红外暗云所对应的Spitzer (Spitzer Space Telescope) 8μm辐射背景上叠加了与红外暗云轮廓基本吻合的13CO和C18O积分强度分布图. 9个红外暗云中有8个呈纤维状结构.在这些红外暗云中共找出51个致密团块,质量偏大的团块大部分聚集在红外暗云的枢纽位置.质量统计直方图中表现出明显的双峰结构,进一步证实纤维状分子云物质输送的图景.12CO(1-0)计算所得的典型激发温度Tex...  相似文献   

W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74–78之间的H和He的α复合线均被探测到.结合H和He复合线的多普勒致宽,算出该HⅡ区的电子温度约为7400 K, He+/H+的离子丰度比约为0.09,这与已有的研究基本吻合.考虑高信噪比的复合线,即H(n)α(74n78),计算得出W51M的平均湍动速度是13.767 km·s-1.通过确定W51M或其他HⅡ区中的复合线,获取电子温度、湍动速度以及其他物理参量,在电子数密度、元素丰度、恒星形成率等方面进行了探讨,对分子谱线以及其他波段的复合线研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

徐钧  韩金林 《天文学报》2011,52(4):332-338
由于受射电望远镜分辨率的限制,观测视线方向上可能有多源重叠现象.观测目标源的法拉第旋率(rotation measure,RM)及偏振角(polarization angle,PA)的测量值就会受到方向束内其它背景射电源的影响.通过模拟研究发现,背景射电源对目标源偏振参量测量的干扰形式与干扰源的RM值有关.只运用两三个...  相似文献   

恒星形成区是研究恒星形成物理过程最重要的天体物理实验室. 猎户座分子云团是研究各种质量恒星形成和相关年轻恒星性质的一个著名天区. 通过对恒星形成区的光学光谱分析, 可以获取其内部热电离气体的运动学和化学性质. 基于国家大科学装置郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST)的光谱观测数据, 从LAMOST I期光谱巡天数据中筛选出8个指向猎户座分子云团的观测面板, 获取了1300多条针对猎户座分子云团内弥散电离介质的有效光谱. 选取不受星际介质污染的背景天光光谱构建超级天光, 对这些光谱数据做减天光处理, 并进一步测量其发射线性质,包括Ha、N Ⅱ] λ 6584、[S Ⅱ]λλ 6717和6731等发射线的中心波长和积分流量等.最后给出猎户座分子云团内弥散电离介质的视向速度和线强度比分布情况.  相似文献   

超新星遗迹(supernova remnant,简写为SNR)在早期阶段的结构和演化是与周围星际介质环境密切相关的,这些星际介质也就成为研究SNR.演化的探针.观测了SN1572方向周围的12CO(J=1-0)谱线,拟调查SN 1572周围CO气体的分布,为研究SN 1572与周围分子气体的关系以及该超新星遗迹的演化提供观测依据.观测结果表明,在视向速度VLSR=-69~-58km s-1范围内的CO分子气体与SN 1572成协,此速度成分来自一个大尺度分子云.分子气体沿着SNR的射电壳边缘连续地但非均匀地分布,形成一个包围着SNR的半封闭的分子壳层.整个东半边有着增强的发射,尤其是东北边缘处的CO发射最强.峰值发射位置的谱线呈致宽(>5km s-1)的速度特征,结合光学,红外、X-射线等其它波段在对应位置上的已有观测,都表明了快速的激波和抛出物质正膨胀进入东北边缘的分子气体中,与稠密的气体发生相互作用.这种相互作用将对SN 1572今后的演化有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

利用ALMA干涉阵望远镜(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array)的高分辨(~0.2′′–0.7′′)的多谱线数据,包括CO (1-0)、CO (2-1)、CO (3-2)、HCN (1-0)、HCO+(1-0)、 HCN (3-2)、 HCO+(3-2)、HCN (4-3)和HCO+(4-3),并结合连续谱数据对近邻星系NGC 1068核区的物理性质进行了研究.速度积分强度图显示核周盘(CircumNuclear Disk, CND)呈现不对称的环状结构,尺度~300 pc.各分子谱线均显示, CND上的东发射结(E-knot)比西发射结(W-knot)有着更强的发射,且E-knot处表现出的分子气体的速度比W-knot更高.致密分子气体含量占比(用HCN或HCO+不同转动跃迁线与CO (1-0)的积分强度比值表示),以及致密分子气体比值(HCN/HCO+)均在CND的东部表现出更高的值,意味着CND东部和西部有着不同的物理环境或化学组成. CO ...  相似文献   

We present 13 CO J  = 1 − 0 line observations of the H  ii region complex W51B located in the high-velocity (HV) stream. These observations reveal a filamentary and clumpy structure in the molecular gas. The mean local standard of rest (LSR) velocity ∼ + 65 km s−1 of the molecular gas in this region is greater than the maximum velocities allowed by kinematic Galactic rotation curves. The size and mass of the molecular clouds are ∼ 48 × 17 pc2 and ∼ 2.4 × 105 M⊙ respectively. In a position–velocity diagram, molecular gas in the southern part comprises a redshifted ring structure with v LSR=+ 60 to +73 km s−1. The velocity gradient of this ring is ∼ 0.5 km s−1 pc−1, and the mass is ∼ 6.2 × 104 M⊙. If we assume that the ring is expanding with a uniform velocity, the expansion velocity, radius and kinetic energy are ∼ 7 km s−1, ∼ 13 pc and ∼ 3.0 × 10 49 erg respectively. The kinetic energy and mass spectrum of the ring could be explained by an expanding cylindrical cloud with a centrally condensed mass distribution. The locations of two compact H  ii regions, G49.0−0.3 and G48.9−0.3, coincide with the two molecular clumps in this ring. We discuss star formation, and the mechanism that produced the ring structure.  相似文献   

Molecular outflows and the jets which may drive them can be expected to display signatures associated with rotation if they are the channels through which angular momentum is extracted from material accreting on to protostars. Here, we determine some basic signatures of rapidly rotating flows through three-dimensional numerical simulations of hydrodynamic jets with molecular cooling and chemistry. We find that these rotating jets generate a broad advancing interface which is unstable and develops into a large swarm of small bow features. In comparison to precessing jets, there is no stagnation point along the axis. The greater the rotation rate, the greater the instability. On the other hand, velocity signatures are only significant close to the jet inlet since jet expansion rapidly reduces the rotation speed. We present predictions for atomic, H2 and CO submillimetre images and spectroscopy including velocity channel maps and position–velocity diagrams. We also include simulated images corresponding to Spitzer IRAC band images and CO emission, relevant for APEX and eventual ALMA observations. We conclude that protostellar jets often show signs of slow precession but only a few sources display properties which could indicate jet rotation.  相似文献   

We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow.  相似文献   

Long-slit spectra of the molecular outflow Herbig–Haro (HH) 46/47 have been taken in the J and K near-infrared bands. The observed H2 line emission confirms the existence of a bright and extended redshifted counter-jet outflow south-west of HH 46. In contrast with the optical appearance of this object, we show that this outflow seems to be composed of two different emission regions characterized by distinct heliocentric velocities. This implies an acceleration of the counter-jet.
The observed [Fe  ii ] emission suggests an average extinction of 7–9 visual magnitudes for the region associated with the counter-jet.
Through position–velocity diagrams, we show the existence of different morphologies for the H2 and [Fe  ii ] emission regions in the northern part of the HH 46/47 outflow. We have detected for the first time high-velocity (−250 km s−1) [Fe  ii ] emission in the region bridging HH 46 to HH 47A. The two strong peaks detected can be identified with the optical positions B8 and HH 47B.
The H2 excitation diagrams for the counter-jet shock suggest an excitation temperature for the gas of T ex≈2600 K . The lack of emission from the higher energy H2 lines, such as the 4–3 S(3) transition, suggests a thermal excitation scenario for the origin of the observed emission. Comparison of the H2 line ratios with various shock models yielded useful constraints about the geometry and type of these shocks. Planar shocks can be ruled out whereas curved or bow shocks (both J- and C-type) can be parametrized to fit our data.  相似文献   

Our new 21-arcsec resolution CO J  = 2 → 1 map of the L 43 dark cloud shows a poorly collimated molecular outflow, with little evidence for wings at velocities 10 km s−1. The outflow appears not to be currently driven by a jet: its structure can instead be modelled as a slowly expanding shell. The shell may be compressed either by a wide-angled wind catching up with an existing shell (as in the case of planetary nebulæ), or by the thermal pressure of a hot low-emissivity medium interior to the shell. The outflow is most probably in a late stage of evolution, and appears to be in the process of blowing away its molecular cloud. We also present a 45-arcsec resolution CO J  = 1 → 0 map of the whole molecular cloud, showing that the outflow structure is clearly visible even in the integrated intensity of this low excitation line, and suggesting that rapid mapping may prove useful as a way of finding regions of outflow activity. We also examine the immediate surroundings of the driving source with 450 μm imaging: this confirms that the outflow has already evacuated a bay in the vicinity of the young stellar object.  相似文献   

The detailed processes giving maser line radiation from various molecules in space are not well understood, as can be seen from many recent detailed studies of maser line emission with high spatial and velocity resolution, and with polarization measurements. We now propose an improved maser mechanism based on amplification of the original molecular line emission by stimulated emission in Rydberg Matter (RM) clouds in HII regions, containing clusters H N and (H2) N . This mechanism will amplify the molecular lines, depending on the position, velocity, cluster size and state of excitation of the clusters in the RM cloud. RM will only support certain frequencies, corresponding to rotational transitions of the clusters. The bond lengths in the RM clusters are known within 1% from radio frequency emission measurements in the laboratory, and it is now shown that all the commonly studied maser lines agree well with stimulated emission transitions in several types of RM clusters simultaneously. This may explain the strongly varying intensities of neighboring or related maser lines, an important effect that is not well understood previously. It is also pointed out that the magnetic field due to RM is of the same order of magnitude as observed from the Zeeman splitting in maser lines; thus, the molecules that are the original sources of the lines may be embedded in the RM clouds, for example in dense HII regions that are likely to be RM regions.  相似文献   

The observations made by the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) of molecular CO in absorbing gas towards X Persei are reported. The two-component statistical equilibrium model incorporating radiative excitation of CO by line emission at the same velocity that originates in nearby molecular clouds has been used to reproduce high-resolution GHRS spectra. Earlier analysis indicates that the cloud has a complex structure and at least a two-component model should be used to obtain accurate results. The spectra obtained from the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ) were used to complement GHRS data and constrain the space of possible solutions. The new oscillator strengths recommended by Eidelsberg et al. for A–X bands have been used. The results show that one of the components may be attributed to the Perseus OB2 molecular cloud, and the other component to an extension of the Taurus dark cloud. The total CO column density N (CO)=(1.0±0.2)×1016 cm−2 has been determined. According to the results about 85 per cent of the observed CO belongs to an extension of the Taurus dark cloud. The CO radiation that originates in nearby molecular clouds may be the dominant excitation mechanism of the observed CO. The early results of 13CO line analysis indicate a 13CO/12CO ratio of about 40.  相似文献   

We present the results of modelling of the H2 emission from molecular outflow sources, induced by shock waves propagating in the gas. We emphasize the importance of proper allowance for departures from equilibrium owing to the finite flow velocity of the hot, compressed gas, with special reference to the excitation, dissociation and reformation of H2. The salient features of our computer code are described. The code is applied to interpreting the spectra of the outflow sources Cepheus A West and HH43. Particular attention is paid to determining the cooling times in shocks whose speeds are sufficient for collisional dissociation of H2 to take place; the possible observational consequences of the subsequent reformation of H2 are also examined. Because molecular outflow sources are intrinsically young objects, J-type shocks may be present in conjunction with magnetic precursors, which have a C-type structure. We note that very different physical and dynamical conditions are implied by models of C- and J-type shocks which may appear to fit the same H2 excitation diagram.  相似文献   

We have detected the   v = 1 → 0 S(1) (λ= 2.1218 μm)  and   v = 2 → 1 S(1) (λ= 2.2477 μm)  lines of H2 in the Galactic Centre, in a  90 × 27 arcsec2  region between the north-eastern boundary of the non-thermal source Sgr A East, and the giant molecular cloud (GMC)  M−0.02 − 0.07  . The detected  H2 v = 1 → 0  S(1) emission has an intensity of  1.6–21 × 10−18 W m−2 arcsec−2  and is present over most of the region. Along with the high intensity, the large linewidths  (FWHM = 40–70 km s−1)  and the  H2 v = 2 → 1 S(1)  to   v = 1 → 0 S(1)  line ratios (0.3–0.5) can be best explained by a combination of C-type shocks and fluorescence. The detection of shocked H2 is clear evidence that Sgr A East is driving material into the surrounding adjacent cool molecular gas. The H2 emission lines have two velocity components at ∼+50 and  ∼0 km s−1  , which are also present in the NH3(3, 3) emission mapped by McGary, Coil & Ho. This two-velocity structure can be explained if Sgr A East is driving C-type shocks into both the  GMC M−0.02 − 0.07  and the northern ridge of McGary et al.  相似文献   

To better understand the environment surrounding CO emission clumps in the Keyhole Nebula, we have made images of the region in H2 1–0 S(1) (2.122-μm) emission and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission at 3.29 μm. Our results show that the H2 and PAH emission regions are morphologically similar, existing as several clumps, all of which correspond to CO emission clumps and dark optical features. The emission confirms the existence of photodissociation regions (PDRs) on the surface of the clumps. By comparing the velocity range of the CO emission with the optical appearance of the H2 and PAH emission, we present a model of the Keyhole Nebula whereby the most negative velocity clumps are in front of the ionization region, the clumps at intermediate velocities are in it and those which have the least negative velocities are at the far side. It may be that these clumps, which appear to have been swept up from molecular gas by the stellar winds from η  Car, are now being overrun by the ionization region and forming PDRs on their surfaces. These clumps comprise the last remnants of the ambient molecular cloud around η Car.  相似文献   

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