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大气环流异常对云南8月低温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用1951-2005年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料与云南8月气温资料进行相关分析,发现在云南8月低温年,位势高度场的显著相关区在欧亚大陆地区具有"- -"的波列结构,显著相关区在副热带地区表现也较好;据此讨论了云南8月低温发生时的大气环流特征,得出200hPa南亚高压偏弱,500hPa欧亚大陆西风槽脊异常发展,副高偏弱是导致云南8月低温的主要原因.  相似文献   

为了更深入的了解黑龙江省冬季极端最低气温气候特征和对应的环流特征,定义了均值倍率来描述极端低温事件的变化特征,并通过百分位法定义了极端低温阈值,从而分析了黑龙江省极端低温事件的时空变化特征及其与环流之间的关系。研究结果表明:黑龙江省冬季极端低温事件总体呈减少趋势,在20世纪80年代中期以前处于偏多期,之后进入偏少期,近两年有增多趋势;在大部分极端低温事件偏多年里,东北地区上空500hPa高度场为负距平控制,极地地区为正距平控制,东亚大槽偏强,欧亚地区盛行经向环流,这有利于冷暖空气南北交换,使得极地冷空气不断南下侵袭黑龙江地区,造成该地区气温偏低,相应的极端低温事件也就增多;而在海平面气压上表现出的是西伯利亚高压偏强,阿留申低压偏弱。  相似文献   

利用NECP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,研究1951~2010年夏季青藏高原主体大气热源分布、对东亚地区的环流影响及其与同期中国降水的关系.针对高原加热局地特征明显的特点,采用旋转经验正交函数等方法探讨不同类型的热源分布以及对东亚地区大气环流的影响.结果表明,当加热中心位于高原东南侧时,青藏高原夏季风加强,南亚高压偏南偏东,西太平洋副热带高压西伸加强,而东亚中高纬地区两脊一槽的经向环流分布形势明显,有利于中国长江流域的降水而不利于华南华北的降水发展.当加热中心位于高原中北部与西南地区时,青藏高原夏季风减弱,南亚高压偏西,西太副高明显偏东偏弱,中高纬环流的纬向特征明显,有利于中国地区北方降水而不利于南方地区的降水.  相似文献   

湖南电网严重冰灾天气成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究2005年初和2008年初2次造成湖南电网严重冰灾的低温雨雪冰冻天气过程的成因,利用NCEP1°×1°全球再分析资料、地面常规气象观测资料及环流特征指数资料对过程期间高中低三层的水平和垂直结构进行了诊断分析,并分析了两次冰冻天气过程中各项环流特征指数与气温的相关性,结果表明:副高强度持续偏强,中层有暖层存在,850hPa与700hPa有明显的逆温层,700hPa强劲的西南急流,850hPa南北温差锋区的建立和维持,异常强大的冷高压长时间控制是造成两次冰灾过程的主要原因;地面降水、相对湿度、日平均气温、日最低气温、风向风速均与电线覆冰直径有关,温度垂直结构、环流指数和地形也与冰冻有一定关系。  相似文献   

基于GRAPES_ Mesov3.1模式建立的GRAPES_ Meso中尺度模式系统在西南区域气象中心运行稳定,该系统于2011年5月投入试验运行.应用GRAPES模式分析产品,NCEP的1°×1°再分析资料,实况资料以及2011年西南低涡探空加密观测资料等,对2011年汛期GRAPES_ Meso系统的预报进行统计检验与天气过程分析.结果表明,模式对2011年8月川渝持续高温、9月16~18日四川东北部大暴雨等高影响天气过程有较强的预报能力,这对实际天气预报有着积极的指导意义.预报与实况偏差主要表现在模式通常超报云南地区降水,而对西南其他地区易漏报.模式通常低报青藏高原到四川西部气温,高报四川东部及重庆地区气温.预报高度场持续偏低,西南低空急流预报偏强,对流层中低层比湿偏低,这些可能是造成降水强度偏弱、降水落区偏北、强降水落区偏小的主要原因.对流层中低层高度场持续偏低,低空急流偏强与模式温度预报偏高和加热不均匀有关.同时模式对平原地区较高原山地预报要好,误差通常随等压面高度降低而增大,在一定程度上表明复杂地形对模式预报影响较大.  相似文献   

基于GRAPES-Mesov3.1模式建立的GRAPES-Meso中尺度模式系统在西南区域气象中心运行稳定,该系统于2011年5月投入试验运行。应用GRAPES模式分析产品,NCEP的1°×1°再分析资料,实况资料以及2011年西南低涡探空加密观测资料等,对2011年汛期GRAPES-Meso系统的预报进行统计检验与天气过程分析。结果表明,模式对2011年8月川渝持续高温、9月16~18日四川东北部大暴雨等高影响天气过程有较强的预报能力,这对实际天气预报有着积极的指导意义。预报与实况偏差主要表现在模式通常超报云南地区降水,而对西南其他地区易漏报。模式通常低报青藏高原到四川西部气温,高报四川东部及重庆地区气温。预报高度场持续偏低,西南低空急流预报偏强,对流层中低层比湿偏低,这些可能是造成降水强度偏弱、降水落区偏北、强降水落区偏小的主要原因。对流层中低层高度场持续偏低,低空急流偏强与模式温度预报偏高和加热不均匀有关。同时模式对平原地区较高原山地预报要好,误差通常随等压面高度降低而增大,在一定程度上表明复杂地形对模式预报影响较大。  相似文献   

为探讨西北地区东部的持续大暴雨过程成因及预警指标,利用2010年7月22~23日500~700hPa大气环流背景及天气影响系统和西峰新一代多普勒天气雷达回波资料分析,结果得到:500hPa西太平洋副热带高压外围河套地区环境场的演变高压外围低涡发展及维持,是这次持续性大暴雨过程的大气环流背景和影响天气系统,700hPa强盛的水汽场输送场与汇聚作用为这次持续性大暴雨过程提供了充沛的水汽条件,随着500hPa河套地区低涡-切变辐合系统的准静止维持造成这次持续性大暴雨过程;大暴雨前1.5~9.7km垂直方向上,存在明显的东南风场与西南风场的切变,风向随高度顺转,对应持续的暖平流;天气雷达强度回波反射率因子≥40dBz,暴雨期间维持少变;径向速度回波的水平辐合和气旋性涡旋运动与河套低涡切变天气系统对应一致;垂直液态水含量≥35kg.m2的雨团范围大、持续时间长;云顶回波高度维持在8km以上,对监测预警持续大暴雨天气具有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

从2007年夏天开始,“怪天气”频繁造访世界各地。南亚次大陆和半个非洲遭遇洪水袭击,澳大利亚持续干旱。到了2008年年初,我国南方遭遇雨雪冰冻灾害,澳大利亚又从旱灾变成了涝灾,而这一切背后都有着“拉尼娜”的神秘身影。2008年的冰冻灾害和今年的极端干旱让人联想到了全球变暖。  相似文献   

针对长江中下游持续性降水的研究多为个例诊断,很少从合成的角度考虑,利用长江中下游地区89站的1961~2011年的逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,采用数理统计和合成分析的方法,统计长江中下游地区夏季持续性降水事件,并合成分析了其环流特征。结果表明:1961~2011年,长江中下游地区夏季持续性异常降水事件发生了50次,主要集中在6月和7月,长江中下游地区持续性异常降水事件平均每2~3年发生一次。厄尔尼诺次年多有持续性异常降水发生;长江中下游地区持续性异常事件发生时,总伴有环流场的异常调整,低纬西太平洋副热带高压西伸,南北经向风在长江流域交汇,高层上,南亚高压东移,长江中下游地区出现强的辐散中心,为异常降水提供了重要条件。水汽来源主要是索马里越赤道气流途径暖湿的阿拉伯海,孟加拉湾和我国南海北部,进入长江中下游地区。  相似文献   

前期印度洋海温异常对中国春季降水的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步认识印度洋海温的异常变化与中国降水的关系,采用SVD分析、相关分析及合成差值分析讨论了前期冬季关键区海温的异常变化对中国春季降水影响的差异,探讨了产生这种影响的原因。结果表明:前期冬季关键区海温的异常增高(降低),会造成后期春季中国华北往南到华中、华东、华南东部及西北的新疆地区的降水明显增多(减少),西南的四川、贵州及华南的广西等地降水会有所减少(增多)。与关键区冷年相比,在关键区的暖年,环流形势反映出东欧槽显著减弱,北方气压显著降低,蒙古高压明显减弱,冷空气南下更为明显,而华南东部、华中、华东及华北一直被较为显著的南风气流控制,海洋的暖湿气流向中国内陆输送更为显著,使得东部及中部大部分地区水汽较为充沛,形成大面积的降水。  相似文献   

ENSO cycle and climate anomaly in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inter-annual variability of the tropical Pacific Subsurface Ocean Temperature Anomaly (SOTA) and the associated anomalous atmospheric circulation over the Asian North Pacific during the El Ni o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were investigated using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/ National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) atmospheric reanalysis data and simple ocean data simulation (SODA). The relationship between the ENSO and the climate of China was revealed. The main results indicated the following: 1) there are two ENSO modes acting on the subsurface tropical Pacific. The first mode is related to the mature phase of ENSO, which mainly appears during winter. The second mode is associated with a transition stage of the ENSO developing or decaying, which mainly occurs during summer; 2) during the mature phase of El Ni o, the meridionality of the atmosphere in the mid-high latitude increases, the Aleutian low and high pressure ridge over Lake Baikal strengthens, northerly winds prevail in northern China, and precipitation in northern China decreases significantly. The ridge of the Ural High strengthens during the decaying phase of El Ni o, as atmospheric circulation is sustained during winter, and the northerly wind anomaly appears in northern China during summer. Due to the ascending branch of the Walker circulation over the western Pacific, the western Pacific Subtropical High becomes weaker, and south-southeasterly winds prevail over southern China. As a result, less rainfall occurs over northern China and more rainfall over the Changjiang River basin and the southwestern and eastern region of Inner Mongolia. The flood disaster that occurred south of Changjiang River can be attributed to this. The La Ni a event causes an opposite, but weaker effect; 3) the ENSO cycle can influence climate anomalies within China via zonal and meridional heat transport. This is known as the "atmospheric-bridge", where the energy anomaly within the tropical Pacific transfers to the mid-high latitude in the northern Pacific through Hadley cells and Rossby waves, and to the western Pacific-eastern Indian Ocean through Walker circulation. This research also discusses the special air-sea boundary processes during the ENSO events in the tropical Pacific, and indicates that the influence of the subsurface water of the tropical Pacific on the atmospheric circulation may be realized through the sea surface temperature anomalies of the mixed water, which contact the atmosphere and transfer the anomalous heat and moisture to the atmosphere directly. Moreover, the reason for the heavy flood within the Changjiang River during the summer of 1998 is reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

极地平流层位势高度变化与中国冬季气温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平流层异常对于对流层的影响研究,尤其是将平流层的异常信号加入中长期天气预报已成为近年来的研究热点。首先利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和国家气候中心提供的160站气温资料,采用SVD方法深入分析平流层位势高度场与中国冬季气温的关系。结果表明,极涡与中国东北地区温度有着非常密切的联系。即当中高纬地区位势高度场减弱时(极涡增强),东北地区的温度上升;中高纬地区位势高度场增强时(极涡减弱),东北地区的温度下降。进一步通过挑选出的6个东北亚型强极涡年,6个北美型强极涡年和8个弱极涡年,分别对冬季位势高度场和温度场进行合成分析、小波分析和交叉谱分析。结果发现,东北亚型强极涡和中国东北地区冬季气温的关系最为密切,平流层关键区位势高度场和东北地区地面温度场都有着50天左右的振荡周期,并且关键区位势高度场的季节内振荡有着超前于温度场的特征;北美型强极涡和东北地区温度的联系较小;弱极涡与东北地区温度的关系也不太明显。  相似文献   

全球变暖导致气象灾害频发,尤其是极端天气事件。极端温度对公共健康的影响已成为当今研究的热点问题之一。相比于发达国家,中国在该领域研究起步较晚。虽然已有出色的成果,但在以下3个方面还略显不足:① 大多数研究基于一个城市或几个城市,缺乏基于大量数据的区域尺度的研究;② 已有研究往往按地理因素或行政单位来划分区域,而忽视区域内部温度的异质性;③ 相比高温热浪,鲜少有研究关注低温冷害的影响。针对上述问题,本文收集了中国疾病预防控制中心2007-2012年全国127个站点的数据,利用分布式滞后非线性模型,探究了中国5个温度带温度与居民非意外死亡之间的暴露-反应曲线。在此基础上,定义当地温度分布1%处的温度为极端低温,根据温度-死亡风险曲线,计算了冷害造成的死亡风险。结果表明,不同温度带的温度-死亡关系曲线呈现U型或J型。极端低温对北亚热带影响最小,其相对风险为1.27(95%CI: 0.94-1.72);对中亚热带影响最大,其相对风险为1.93(95%CI: 1.08-3.60)。随着温度带温度的升高,低温冷效应的影响呈现“M”型,这一特征与不同温度带经济发展有关。因此,不同地区的政府除了应着力提高地区经济发展外,还应根据地区特征,采取更积极有效的措施来应对低温冷害可能给当地公共健康造成的威胁。  相似文献   

The Arctic vortex is a persistent large-scale cyclonic circulation in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere. Its activity and variation control the semi-permanent active centers of Pan-Arctic and the short-time cyclone activity in the subarctic areas. Its strength variation, which directly relates to the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ecosystem of the Arctic, can affect the lower atmospheric circulation, the weather of subarctic area and even the weather of middle latitude areas. The 2003 Chinese Second Arctic Research Expedition experienced the transition of the stratosphereic circulation from a warm anticyclone to a cold cyclone during the ending period of Arctic summertime, a typical establishing process of the polar vortex circulation. The impact of the polar vortex: variation on the low-level circulation has been investigated by some scientists through studying the coupling mechanisms of the stratosphere and troposphere. The impact of the Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SFW) events on the polar vortex variation was drawing people's great attention in the fifties of the last century. The Arctic Oscillation ( AO), relating to the variation of the Arctic vortex, has been used to study the impact of the Arctic vortex on climate change. The recent Arctic vortex studies are simply reviewed and some discussions on the Arctic vertex are given in the paper. Some different views and questions are also discussed.  相似文献   

As a unique low-temperature water mass in Antarctic coastal region, the Ice Shelf Water (ISW) is an important component for the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). In this paper, we present a criterion for ISW identification based on freezing point at the sea surface, and we study spatial distribution of ISW in front of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) and its flow path in Prydz Bay by analyzing hydrographic data from Australian cruises in 2001 and 2002, as well as Chinese cruises in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008, all being made in the austral summer. The relatively cold and fresh ISW occurred as several discrete water blocks with cold cores in front of the AIS, within the depth range of 100?600 m, under the seasonal thermocline. ISW had obvious temporal and spatial variations and the spatial distribution pattern changed greatly after 2005. Most of ISW was concentrated west of 73°E during 2001 to 2003 and 2006, but it was widespread to east in 2005 and 2008. In all observation years, a small amount of cold ISW always occurs at the west end of the AIS front section, where the coldest ISW in the whole section also occurred in 2001, 2003 and 2006. Considering general cyclonic circulation pattern under the AIS, the ISW flowing out from west end of the AIS front might have experienced the longest cooling period under ice shelf, so it would have the lowest temperature. Analysis of data from meridian sections in Prydz Bay in 2003 implied that ISW in the west could spread north to the continental break along the east flank of the Fram Bank near 70.5°E, mix with the upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water and possibly contribute to the formation of AABW.  相似文献   

2008年1月中下旬至2月上旬,我国南方地区出现了大范围、长时间的强降雪及冰冻灾害。这次冰冻雨雪灾害,不仅对广大人民群众的生活和社会经济运行造成了极大破坏,而且对当地生态环境也产生了深刻影响。本文以湖南省资兴市为例,运用遥感技术和地面野外调查相结合的方法,监测了本次冰雪过程对当地生态环境的影响。监测发现:本次冰雪过程对植被覆盖破坏显著,植被指数呈较大范围降低趋势,降低区域的总面积占资兴市土地总面积的54.12%;森林生态系统受损严重,除灌木林外302.2万亩森林全部受灾,其中,针叶林比阔叶林严重,幼龄林比成熟林严重,外来种比乡土树种严重,人工林比天然林严重;冰雪过程后土壤含水量增加、边坡失稳,地质灾害危险程度明显增高,工程建设区和林缘陡坡地带以滑坡(崩塌)为主的地质灾害频频发生。  相似文献   

The interdecadal factors affecting the summer monsoon winds over Somalia and the South China Sea were studied. Global geopotential heights and wind velocity fields of the 850-hPa and 200-hPa pressure levels, as well as sea surface temperature anomaly data and correlation coefficients were analyzed. The monsoons over Somalia and the South China Sea were found to be two different monsoon systems, operating on different mechanisms and being affected by different ocean-atmosphere interactions. The intensity of the Asian subtropical summer monsoon is influenced by the intensity of the summer monsoon over Somalia in the month of June and by the intensity of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea in the months of June and July. The summer monsoon wind strength over Somalia is affected by regional factors, such as the heating of the Tibetan plateau, and by global mechanisms, such as the subtropical heat exchange with Antarctica. The summer monsoon over the South China Sea is affected by different ocean-atmosphere interactions. The Somalia and subtropical summer monsoons have wind blowing down the pressure gradient from area over ocean to that over land, like typical summer monsoons. The South China Sea summer monsoon has winds that blow down the pressure gradient from area over land to that over ocean. The South China Sea summer monsoon is affected by the Kuroshio Current off the east coast of Japan.  相似文献   

丽江市冰雹天气的红外云图和雷达回波特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用丽江市2006—2008年3—9月的25次降雹资料,分析了丽江市冰雹时空分布特征和大气环流特征。选取2008年3月22日、6月9日和9月24日发生在丽江3次冰雹天气过程的红外云图和雷达回波进行分析,结果表明:春季南支槽冰雹天气云层厚度小(类似层状云降水)且TBB值较高,冰雹云雷达回波强度弱,高度低;夏秋季节在典型环流背景下,强对流冰雹云的TBB值最低、最集中、附近强对流天气单体活动最剧烈,在雷达回波上表现为较大区域内出现有组织、相对孤立的点状回波,这些点状回波发展较快、生命史较长,通过雷达加密监测,可及时发现对流天气并及时预警。  相似文献   

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