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科学评价区域人居环境适宜性,是开展国土空间开发适宜性评价的前提,对提高区域资源环境承载能力,促进人与自然和谐发展至关重要。本文以内蒙古自治区为案例,基于栅格尺度从自然与人文2个方面对人居环境适宜性进行评价;将适宜性因子作为城乡建设用地扩展的限制条件,采用MCR模型对城乡建设用地进行模拟,提出区域人居环境空间优化方案,主要结论有:水文与气候条件对内蒙古自治区人居环境的整体限制作用较强;内蒙古自治区人居环境临界适宜与不适宜区占比最高,达到52.8%;高度适宜区占比最低为9%,主要分布在前套平原及西辽河平原,全区人居环境适宜性水平整体偏低。内蒙古自治区城乡建设用地人居环境比较适宜与高度适宜区占绝对优势,适宜比例超过73%,从适宜性空间分布来看,南部整体优于北部,东部整体优于西部,地带性特征明显。内蒙古自治区城乡人居环境不适宜与临界适宜主要表现为自然条件不适宜及对自然保护区的不合理占用。内蒙古自治区城乡建设用地模拟结果显示远期呼包地区一体化连片趋势明显,内蒙古自治区可逐步形成以呼包鄂都市区、赤通都市区为主体,以文化特色鲜明、公共设施完善的中心城镇及中心乡村为依托,以人居环境不适宜区为间隔,城乡融合的人居环境空间格局。  相似文献   

其中高度适宜区占总面积的32.4%;中度适宜、勉强适宜、不适宜区分别占总面积的28.9%、22.1%、16.6%。   相似文献   

近年来,随着公众环境保护意识的提升,追求人与自然和谐共生的生态旅游方式越来越受到人们的普遍关注。面对丰富多样的生态旅游资源及国内生态旅游的供需矛盾,如何在大保护的前提下有序开发、合理利用,将“绿水青山”科学、合理地转化为“金山银山”是现阶段亟需面对和解决的重大问题。本文以神农架林区为例,基于多源地理空间数据,运用XGBoost算法对其生态旅游适宜性进行评估,得出如下结论:(1)基于XGBoost算法的生态旅游适宜性评价模型融合了机器学习技术与数据挖掘思想并取得了良好的分类效果,模型在10折交叉验证下的整体分类精度为89.44%,同时兼有良好的召回率(89.68%),F1分数为0.874 5,兼顾了精确度和召回率,模型AUC值为0.959 3,模型整体分类性能表现优秀;(2)根据特征重要性排序结果,生态环境要素NDVI(26.86%)、年平均气温(11.61%)和社会经济因素距道路距离(8.90%)对模型贡献度最高,位列所有特征前3位;(3)生态旅游适宜性分类结果表明,神农架林区整体生态旅游资源丰富,高度适宜区、中度适宜区、边际适宜区和不适宜区的覆盖面积分别占林区总面积的44.13%、1...  相似文献   

开展特定区域水稻种植产业布局是科学制定区域农业种植产业规划的重要内容,而水稻种植适宜性评价是水稻种植产业布局的前提。本文以中国好粮油示范县——福建省浦城县为研究区,基于层次分析模型构建土壤条件、立地条件、灌排条件、气候条件和机械耕作条件5大类共21个指标的水稻种植适宜性评价体系,利用地学模型、回归模型和空间插值等方法计算、模拟评价指标空间分布数据,形成5 m×5 m分辨率的评价指标栅格数据集,基于经验指数法建立适宜度指数模型,开展精细尺度下的水稻种植环境综合适宜性评价。利用实测样点水稻产量与水稻种植环境综合适宜度指数进行分析,发现二者呈显著正相关,验证了本研究评价工作的正确性和可行性。最后利用K-means属性聚类法识别研究区水稻种植多维环境适宜性的空间模式。结果表明:① 研究区水稻种植高度适宜、较适宜、中度适宜耕地面积占全县耕地面积的84.4%,次适宜耕地仅占15.6%,耕地整体适宜性较高;② Ⅰ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性和各类指标适宜性均较高;Ⅱ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但灌排条件适宜性很低;Ⅲ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但立地、土壤条件适宜性较低;Ⅳ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较低,灌排条件适宜性最低。本研究可为水稻种植适宜性评价提供方法借鉴,并为浦城县更合理科学地开展农业种植规划提供依据。  相似文献   

江西省生态脆弱性现状GIS模型评价   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
生态环境脆弱性评价研究,对生态环境建设与保护具有重大意义。本研究以江西省为例,依据生态脆弱性的内涵与成因,针对江西区域生态环境特征,构建了江西省生态脆弱性综合评价指标体系,采用空间主成分分析法,确定各指标的权重。在GIS支持下,采用综合指数评价法计算生态脆弱度综合指数。研究结果表明,2005年,该省生态环境以中度脆弱为主,占全省总面积的85.36%,低度脆弱面积占14.64%,整体上属中度脆弱区;脆弱度空间分异特征明显:五河上游山区大多属于强中度或中中度脆弱区,五河中下游丘陵地区大多属于弱中度脆弱区;而低度脆弱区主要分布在鄱阳湖平原区和吉泰盆地。研究结果揭示了江西的自然环境条件是导致生态脆弱性的基础,而人类不合理的活动加剧了其脆弱性。  相似文献   

城市道路交通网络通达性是城市规划、交通体系建设等所要考虑的重要方面。利用GIS技术,以距离度量模型、道路加权核密度模型、路网连通度和公交服务指数为基础,分别从路网连接结构、路网密度、路网发育程度、公交便捷性几方面建立综合通达性指标,分析宁波市中心城区道路网络通达性及其空间特征。研究表明:宁波市中心城区的综合通达性以江东区和海曙区最优,其次为鄞州区和江北区,北仑区和镇海区通达性较差,整体空间格局分异明显;北仑区在道路结构方面优势明显;公交服务指数对综合通达性的影响最为显著。对以往的城市交通网络通达性研究进行一定的改进,为宁波市道路交通网络的建设与布局优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

城镇发展适宜性研究有助于了解城镇发展的优势条件,为确定城镇建设规划的扩展方向提供依据。在北极与亚北极开展研究对中国开展在城镇化、重大基础设施、廊道建设方面的国际合作有重大意义。本文使用多源数据,在采样的基础上利用逐步法的思想进行变量筛选,共筛选出5个显著指标,用logistic方法拟合出最终的模型进行城镇发展适宜性评价,最终得到研究区城镇发展适宜性分级图。研究结果表明:筛选后的显著指标对研究区城镇分布的影响作用大小排序为,温度(正向)、交通网密度(正向)、海拔高度(反向)、人口密度(正向)、距港口距离(反向);温度、交通网密度、海拔高度、人口密度、距最近港口距离增加1个单位,城镇发展的几率分别比原来增加了38.4%、16.7%、9%、0.4%、0.1%;研究区的Ⅰ(不适宜)、Ⅱ(中度适宜)、Ⅲ(高度适宜)的城镇发展适宜性均值分别为0.03、0.16、0.68(分别约占研究区总面积的76.82%、21.82%、1.37%);城镇发展适宜性总体呈现出随纬度升高而降低、随经度升高而增加的趋势,适宜城镇发展的气候地理条件是温带大陆性湿润气候带和温带海洋性气候带以及平原与低地地区;研究区的城镇发展适宜性俄罗斯西北部为0.08、瑞典为0.07、芬兰为0.06、挪威为0.03。俄罗斯西北部城镇发展适宜性整体上呈现出北低南高,南部呈现两边高中间低的空间布局;瑞典呈现出西北低东南高,沿海大于内陆的空间布局;芬兰呈现出北(高原)低南(沿海)高,中部次高的空间布局;挪威呈现出南部沿海高,西部沿海次高,其他区域低的空间布局。  相似文献   

生态旅游适宜性评价是评估生态旅游发展潜力、制定生态旅游规划和进行生态旅游开发的基础和重要参照。本文引入机器学习方法,从方法可行性、数据映射和预测实现等方面进行探讨,应用随机森林算法对湖南武陵山片区生态旅游适宜性展开实证研究。湖南武陵山片区旅游资源丰富,脱贫后亟需开展生态旅游来巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果实现与乡村振兴有效衔接以及促进可持续发展。研究结果表明:(1)将机器学习算法引入到区域生态旅游适宜性评价领域作为一种新方法,可为之后改进生态旅游适宜性评价方法提供新思路与新方案;(2)随机森林算法可以有效应用在区域生态旅游适宜性评价方面,可作为适宜性评价研究的一种新方法,模型优化后的平均测试精度达86.49%,受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)与坐标围成的面积(AUC)达0.95,评价结果能够准确反映湖南武陵山片区生态旅游适宜性程度;(3)特征重要性排序结果显示土地利用类型影响最大,占比达到28.98%,人口密度、距景点距离和生物丰富度等因子的影响也较大,分别为16.34%、12.2%和10.65%,在进行生态旅游开发时应重点考虑这些因素;(4)生态旅游适宜性结果表明,高度适宜与适度适宜区占比高,研究...  相似文献   

茶颜悦色作为中国本土奶茶品牌,将中国传统茶文化与时尚元素相结合,融入浓郁中国风,成为来长旅游者打卡必喝的一种奶茶饮品。探索其空间分布并对其门店选址适宜性进行评估对于优化门店布局、促进经济发展和提升旅游服务水平等具有重要的实际意义。本文基于高德地图API爬取长沙市茶颜悦色POI,运用平均最近邻指数、地理集中指数、不平衡指数、标准差椭圆、核密度估计等方法分析其空间格局,在此基础上融合多源异构空间数据选取一系列影响其空间分布的指示因子并运用随机森林模型对其门店布局适宜性开展实证研究。分析结果表明:① 长沙市茶颜悦色空间分布整体上为集聚型(ANN=0.354,G=40.283),围绕城市核心商圈集聚分布,形成了“一超多核”的空间格局;② 随机森林模型优化后的平均测试精度为92.18%,OOB测试精度为93.45%,其评价结果能够准确反映长沙市茶颜悦色门店选址适宜性与空间分布的异质性;③ 茶颜悦色选址适宜性结果表明,长沙市核心商圈内适宜性概率整体较高,存在明显的高值集聚现象,符合弗里德曼“中心-外围”理论。若将各商圈抽象为不同等级的中心地,其所提供的服务职能和影响范围受到空间距离衰减作用的影响,在空间分布上符合地理学第一定律;④ 特征重要性排序结果显示竞争环境、交通区位和社会经济发展因素对模型的贡献率较大,这与最小差异化准则强调集聚效应和传统商业选址强调区位选择相得益彰,因此在进行门店选址时可以重点考虑此类因素。本研究融合多源空间数据运用数据挖掘技术解决选址问题的方法和结论可以为茶颜悦色门店选址和空间布局提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

西藏一江两河地区人口分布与地形要素关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地形条件是影响区域人口分布的最基本的因素之一,本文基于1 km×1 km人口空间分布公里网格数据定量分析一江两河地区人口分布基本特征及其与高程、坡度、坡向、地形起伏度等地形要素之间的关系,有助于揭示西藏高原人口分布现状的本质、理解人口空间分布结构特征,对于今后宜居地选址、改善农牧民人居环境、制定区域经济发展政策,促进区域内人口、资源与环境可持续发展具有重要意义。研究结果表明:① 一江两河地区90%的区域人口密度不足10人/km2,80%的人口分布在不足5%的土地上,人口分布比较集中。当前一江两河地区有2个主要的人口集中区,分别是拉萨市城关区和日喀则地区日喀则市,拉萨市城关区尤其显著。② 一江两河地区人口沿河分布,80.46%的人口居住在距离河流10 km以内区域,人口总数、人口密度与距河流距离呈明显的指数关系,距离河流2 km以内的区域人口密度高于50人/km2;③ 近99%的人口分布在海拔4500 m以下,当高程超过3800 m时,人口密度随海拔升高呈下降趋势;④ 近70%的人口分布在坡度小于15°的区域,而且随着坡度越大,人口密度越小,人口分布受坡向的影响不明显;⑤ 地形起伏度对人口分布的影响显著,近85%的人口分布在地形起伏度小于800 m的区域,人口密度与地形起伏度之间为倒指数关系。  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the world’s highest and largest plateau. Due to increasing demands for environment exploration and tourism, a large transitional area is required for altitude adaptation. Hehuang valley, which locates in the transition zone between the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has convenient transportation and relatively low elevation. Our question is whether the geographic conditions here are appropriate for adapted stay before going into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, in this study, we examined the potential use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) for mapping current and potential distribution patterns of human settlements. We chose the Maximum Entropy Method (Maxent), an ENM which integrates climate, remote sensing and geographical data, to model distributions and assess land suitability for transition areas. After preprocessing and selection, the correlation between variables and spatial autocorrelation input data were removed and 106 occurrence points and 9 environmental layers were determined as the model inputs. The threshold-independent model performance was reasonable according to 10 times model running, with the area under the curve (AUC) values being 0.917 ± 0.01, and 0.923 ± 0.002 for test data. Cohen’s kappa coefficient of model performance was 0.848. Results showed that 82.22% of the study extent was not suitable for human settlement. Of the remaining areas, highly suitable areas accounted for 1.19%, moderately for 5.3% and marginally for 11.28%. These suitable areas totaled 418.79 km2, and 86.25% of the sample data was identified in the different gradient of suitable area. The decisive environmental factors were slope and two climate variables: mean diurnal temperature range and temperature seasonality. Our model showed a good performance in mapping and assessing human settlements. This study provides the first predicted potential habitat distribution map for human settlement in Ledu County, which could also help in land use management.  相似文献   

Rural settlements are the main carriers of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; thus, optimizing the production and living space of rural settlements is highly significant to rural development. Taking the effective allocation of resources as the starting point, a suitability evaluation system of rural settlements, based on accessibility of production and living, was proposed in this study to provide scientific basis for the optimization of production and living space. The accessibility of production and living was measured by an improved two-step floating catchment area method, which considered proximity and availability based on the inclination of rural residents. The suitability evaluation system consisted of traditional suitability evaluation and newly proposed limiting factor identification based on the loss score proportion of suitability. Tingzu Town of Hubei Province, China, was chosen as the case study area. Based on the results of the suitability evaluation system, corresponding suggestions on rural land consolidation, industry division, as well as the layout of health care and education facilities were proposed to optimize the production and living space of rural settlements in Tingzu Town. It is found that the suitability evaluation based on accessibility of production and living is more scientific and accurate than the traditional ones which significantly overestimate production and living convenience. Moreover, the limiting factor identification can help us put forward suggestions according to local conditions and bring about the highly targeted optimization of production and living space of rural settlements.  相似文献   

Terrain can influence the spatial distribution of settlements. Studies on the terrain characteristics of settlements can help to understand the effects of the environment on human activities. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the relationship between settlements and topographical factors. A statistically significant sample of residential locations and ASTER GDEM V2 were used to investigate terrain traits and settlements distributions. We selected eight topographical factors and introduced a practical concept, distributive entropy, into assessing the aggregation extent of the settlements' spatial distribution. The study showed that topography varies within the study area, and distributive entropy indicates that settlements have distinctive distribution tendency in statistic approach. According to the results of this study, mountain inhabitants prefer to settle in valleys. Additionally, with distributive entropy, residential suitability was divided to three levels: suitable, normal, and unsuited. The results showed that suitable area is small in Sichuan Province, accounting for 8.2%~29.9%; however, unsuited area is large, accounting for 33%~63.3%.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Soil and water loss in the Dabie mountainous area is one of the most severe environmental problems in Anhui Province and the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin as well.Itnotonlyresultsinenvironmentaldegradation,but alsorestrictstheproductionoflocalindustryand agricul- ture and hinders the sustainable economic and social de- velopment of the area, which has done great harm to the people's life and production there (XU, 2000; ZHANG and SHI, 2001). Since the 1980s, especial…  相似文献   

Land suitability assessment is a prerequisite phase in land use planning; it guides toward optimal land use by providing information on the opportunities and constraints involved in the use of a given land area. A geographic information system-based procedure, known as rural settlement suitability evaluation (RSSE) using an improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), was adopted to determine the most suitable area for constructing rural settlements in different geographical locations. Given the distribution and independence of rural settlements, a distinctive evaluation criteria system that differed from that of urban suitability was established by considering the level of rural infrastructure services as well as living and working conditions. The unpredictable mutual interference among evaluation factors has been found in practical works. An improved TOPSIS using Mahalanobis distance was applied to solve the unpredictable correlation among the criteria in a suitability evaluation. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses obtained via Monte Carlo simulation were performed to examine the robustness of the model. Daye, a resource-based city with rapid economic development, unsatisfied rural development, and geological environmental problems caused by mining, was used as a case study. Results indicate the following findings: 1) The RSSE model using the improved TOPSIS can assess the suitability of rural settlements, and the suitability maps generated using the improved TOPSIS have higher information density than those generated using traditional TOPSIS. The robustness of the model is improved, and the uncertainty is reduced in the suitability results. 2) Highly suitable land is mainly distributed in the northeast of the study area, and the majority of which is cultivated land, thereby leading to tremendous pressure on the loss of cultivated land. 3) Lastly, 12.54% of the constructive expansion permitted zone and 8.36% of the constructive expansion conditionally permitted zone are situated in an unsuitable area, which indicates that the general planning of Daye lacks the necessary verification of suitability evaluation. Guidance is provided on the development strategy of rural settlement patches to support decision making in general land use planning.  相似文献   

In the past few dacades, urbanization and urban growth have been increasing rapidly in many of the developing countries. It is expected that over 50% of the world population will live in cities in 2005. The growing trend indicates that as many as one fifth of all households still remain with housing tenure problems, which they try to solve through very expensive rentals, insecurity, socially and environmentally-hazardous squatting or unhealthy overcrowding, sometimes ending up with none at all. And hence, proper planning is necessary in urban development policies to improve human settlement managements in a sustainable way. This article has tried to handle urban poverty in the Sudan to a reasonable level of detail. It dealt with selected areas with regard to promotion of sustainable human settlement. The study managed to identity some recent progress in Sudanese human settlements, that is, however, still accompanied by numerous serious instances of decline in the urban environment, especially that of the greater Khartoum.Such instances of environmental deterioration are profiled and analyzed by the study with respect to all human settlement aspects of management, land-use, infrastructure, energy and transport. The paper‘s conclusion emphasized that improving all these aspects is of high priority.  相似文献   

随着“增减挂钩”和“人地挂钩”等政策的实施,农村居民点的合理布局对缓解建设用地供需矛盾意义重大。本研究以吉林省2010年土地利用变更调查数据和2011年统计年鉴数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析和景观指数定量分析相结合的方法,研究了长吉都市区农村居民点空间格局现状特征及其影响因素。同时,用多因子综合评价法确定农村居民点的区位适宜性,将农村居民点划分为不同的整治规划类型,为该区域国土综合开发整治提供理论支持和参考。研究表明:(1)长吉都市区内农村居民点在区内分布不均衡,数量和密集度差异大;(2)地形条件(坡度)、水源条件(河流)、交通状况(公路和铁路),对研究区农村居民点的空间格局均有影响,另外,不同等级的公路(干线和支线)、不同形式的铁路(铁路线和站点),对居民点的作用程度也不同;(3)在此基础上,评价农村居民点图斑的区位适宜性,将农村居民点分为优先发展型、保留发展型和限制发展型,以确定不同类型农村居民点的整治规划方向。  相似文献   

Urban construction land suitability evaluation (UCLSE) is a complex system engineering and the basis for rational use of the limited urban land resources in China. It has an important practical value on urban construction land use planning and management from the angle of methodology. As a widely used technique, traditional multi-criteria evaluation based on GIS (MCE-GIS), is not suitable for UCLSE. This study develops an improved MCE-GIS method which could be more suitable for UCLSE based on urban complex ecological system theory and the summary of the shortcomings of traditional MCE-GIS. The improvements include three aspects: a composite evaluation index system rather than natural indexes alone, an index weight calculated by using fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method rather than the common AHP method, and the integrated overlay rule, which includes selecting the minimum value, weighted linear combination (WLC) and simple summation. The main advantage of this improved technique is that it can make UCLSE more comprehensive, more operational and more reasonable. It can provide a scientific basis for decision making in the planning and management of urban construction land use. The improved MCE-GIS system has been adopted in the New Hefei City, Anhui Province, China. Based on the results of UCLSE in New Hefei, three functional areas including construction-appropriate areas, construction-restricted areas and construction-forbidden areas could be worked out, in which 36.90% of the total study area could be developed as urban construction land and the remaining 63.10% should be protected as reserves land or as ecological land. Furthermore, the results can orovide scientific decision suooort for spatial planning and eco-environment nrotection in New Hefei.  相似文献   

This study comprehensively considered the climate, soil, terrain, and land-use type conditions suitable for Rosa damascena trigintipetala and further established an ecological suitability evaluation model of R. damascena trigintipetala in Sichuan Province, China, based on geographic information systems(GIS) and Agro-Ecological Zone(AEZ)models; then we assessed the different ecological suitability grades for this species in Sichuan Province of China and summarized the suitable land areas and spatial distribution pattern for R. damascena trigintipetala. The results show that the suitable areas(which contain highly suitable, generally suitable, and critically suitable areas) for R. damascena trigintipetala are 307.268×104 hm2, which accounts for 6.34% of the total provincial area. Results also indicate that shrub land and open forest land are the major land-use types suitable for R. damascena trigintipetala, with the suitable areas of 303.162×104hm2(6.25% of the total provincial area). An introduction test was conducted in one of the suitable areas, Xichang City, which demonstrated that R.damascena trigintipetala grows well at theexperimental sites. The quality of rose oil extracted from R. damascena trigintipetala planted in Xichang meets the Bulgaria Rose Oil Standard, thus verifying the accuracy and reliability of the ecological suitability assessment results.  相似文献   

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