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湖泊与高大沙山共存是巴丹吉林沙漠独特的自然景观,对其形成机制尚未形成共识。已有研究发现沙层含水量偏高的现象可能在高大沙山的形成中发挥了重要作用,但对其水分来源的研究尚不充分。本研究通过对沙漠腹地3个湖盆内气象要素和浅层沙含水量时空分布的对比,结合前人对水同位素和水分运移规律的研究,发现湖泊的存在大大增加了湖盆内空气相对湿度和浅层沙含水量的变化幅度,并影响了浅层沙含水量随高度的分布特征;相关分析表明,控制有湖湖盆浅层沙含水量变化的主导过程是气温升降引起的水分损失与补充,而干湖盆浅层沙水分补给主要来自风的平流输送。尽管沙丘分层含水量的长期定量观测仍有待开展,但现有证据表明巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山沙层含水量偏高的现象很可能是湖泊蒸发的水汽以土壤吸附水汽或凝结水等形式逐渐运移至沙层内而形成,是湖泊-沙山体系长期共存、形成局地水汽平衡的结果。这为沙层水分来源研究提供了新的视角,也对沙漠腹地水资源开发利用有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

阿拉善东南部自然环境演变与地面流沙路径的分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
阿拉善东南部包括腾格里和吉兰泰两区。腾格里和吉兰泰两区在晚更新世均是一个湖域广阔的淡水大湖。之后 ,吉兰泰大湖和腾格里大湖在封闭状态下 ,一方面因气候转为干旱、蒸发致使湖域减小直至完全干涸 ,露出的湖底在风的吹蚀作用下形成沙漠 ;另一方面在“狭管效应”作用下 ,由吉兰泰西部来自雅玛雷克沙漠和在腾格里西部来自巴丹吉林沙漠的风吹沙沿着地形上狭窄通道的侵进是加剧这两个湖盆沙漠化的另一个重要因素。对此 ,基于遥感的研究提出了研究区西缘挡沙固沙 ,建立生态保护带 ,区内分块治理、有效控制流沙的侵进和扩张以及通过改善下垫面性质来控制沙尘的发生与强度 ,逐步改善生态环境的措施。研究区风沙的治理 ,对于缓解京津沙尘灾害具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

新疆主要尾闾湖演变的构造环境   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
亚洲中部大地构造格局及地貌轮廓均以山盆体系为特征,所有封闭性盆地中都发育有尾闾湖。晚第三纪以来印度大陆与欧亚大陆强烈碰撞和右旋挤压,将板内构造激活并以冲断、走滑方式将早第三纪晚期准平原化的大部分山地和相关地段再次抬升,形成了现代亚洲中部的山盆体系,同时导致了湖盆的形成演化和湖泊的变迁。湖盆演化包括湖盆联合、分解、迁移和变形等。湖泊不仅随湖盆的构造演化而变迁,而且构造对水系的调控也直接影响湖泊的物理、化学、水文和生态特性。亚洲中部尾闾湖在新构造作用下的演变具有区域同步性和地域差异性。许多尾闾湖,如艾丁湖、艾比湖、玛纳斯湖等都明显受活动构造的影响。  相似文献   

韩旭  张瑞军  康艾 《西部资源》2014,(2):117-119
在鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙漠腹地选择有代表性湖泊——布寨淖尔湖为研究区,在野外调查的基础上,选取典型剖面详细研究优势植被与地下水的关系,系统总结湖盆周缘地形地貌、包气带岩性结构、地下水水位埋深、水化学特征与植物类型和植被种群的关系,分析影响植被生态的主要因素,揭示湖盆周缘生态水文地质分带规律,划分四个生态水文地质区,提出湖盆周缘优势植被沙蒿(Artemisia)、沙柳(Salix psammophila)和苔草(Carex)的适生地下水位埋深。  相似文献   

青海共和盆地英得海、更尕海、达连海干涸趋势的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自《青海农林科技》1984年第3期刊登的关于青海省共和盆地沙珠玉地区英得海、更尕海、达连海逐趋干涸的雏见一文发表后,几年时间,英得海已完全干涸,其他两湖也收缩了许多。1984年初夏,笔者重临英得海,发觉该湖急剧退缩的湖床痕迹。而现在,在该湖原来的湖盆床面上,已看不出任何积水。三湖的存在,无论对本区的气候调节,或是对生物景观方面的改善,都有不可估量的作用。英得海的干涸,是共和高原水文演变剧烈的又一确凿证据,这种趋势必将对本区的生态系统产生连锁影响。  相似文献   

寒冬时分,可可西里管理局的保护队员进入"无人区"腹地巡山调查,当他们到达库赛湖一带时,眼前的一幕让他们吃惊不小:库赛湖已经冲破湖盆形成一条宽达20米的新河道流入20公里以外的海丁诺尔湖,原本安装在湖岸高出正常水位2米以上的湿地监测设备已  相似文献   

陈骥  姜在兴  张万益  刘超  许文茂 《中国沙漠》2018,38(5):999-1008
湖泊滨岸带风成沉积一直是湖泊沉积研究的薄弱点。占据青海湖湖盆面积近五分之一的东岸沙丘为研究现代湖泊滨岸带提供了一个现代沉积实例。随着沉积学的不断发展,研究内容已经从"一元"的传统相模式逐渐过渡为"二元"的"源-汇"体系。以野外地质考察和遥感影像资料为基础,结合文献调研和相关测试分析资料,进行分析。结果表明:团保山前发育有相对广阔的滨岸沉积,指示了青海湖湖水曾经达到山前地带。大面积的滨岸沉积和古沙丘出露水面以及风对山体的吹蚀,为湖东风砂堆积提供了物源基础。干旱-半干旱气候为沙丘的形成提供了有利的气候条件。断陷湖盆的长条形地貌使得风沿着长轴方向吹扬,造成风成堆积物在长轴的一端堆积。高大的团保山/达坂山的山前复杂地貌特征为金字塔沙丘的形成提供了有利的地形条件。西北风产生的波浪和沿岸流作用于沙岛和海晏湾的滨岸带,导致滨浅湖的砂堆积形成沿岸沙坝。随着湖平面的下降,沿岸沙坝出露水面,并逐渐闭合形成障壁岛-泻湖沉积。  相似文献   

汾河流域地貌发育对构造运动和气候变化的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
自中更新世中晚期以来,由于构造运动及气候变化,在汾河流域系列盆地中无论是地貌还是沉积都出现了相应的变化。根据对系列盆地中普遍发育的三级冲湖积台地的成因分析,发现发生于0.76MaBP,0.55MaBP及0.13MaBP的3次大幅度区域构造抬升是导致古湖盆湖退,三级台地形成的根源,根据对太原盆地东南边缘的一台地-洪山台地湖积层的分析,发现在相邻两次构造抬升之间的构造相对稳定期,气候变化完全控制着湖盆的演化,由第四纪气候的干湿变化对象太原盆地这样大的湖盆,一般只引起不大于4.5m的湖面升降,与构造抬升引起的湖面变动相差甚大,作为影响河湖地貌发育的2个主导因素,构造运动是主要的,气候变化只是在构造稳定期才突出地显示其影响。  相似文献   

中国红土期气候期构造期的耦合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红土发育、气候变化、构造活动之间存在旋回、周期、因果、主次、配置等耦合关系.其中旋回和周期,以红土发育的阶段性为标志,突出一个"期"字.通过探讨红土旋回与季风发展期、冰期间冰期、新构造期、构造活动期等的对应关系,可以将我国第四纪分为3个构造-气候(红土)主旋回.  相似文献   

为查明2004年和2005年夏季在中印边界附近发生的滑坡堰塞湖溃坝灾害,采用高分辨率为主的多时相卫星图像和“数字滑坡”技术对帕里河中段从形成堰寒湖到溃坝的整个过程进行了监测。监测结果表明位于喜马拉雅山脉西段的帕里湖为高原山地萎缩湖盆,滑坡筑坝形成堰塞湖至溃坝可分为4个阶段,估算溃坝前湖面的最大高程、最大面积和最大水繁分别达3907m、1.75km^2和6144×10^4 m^3,2005-06-26溃坝的下泄洪水量为3738×10^4 m^3。预测未来汛期帕里湖下游仍然存在崩塌滑坡活动及短暂堵江形成堰塞湖的可能性,但其规模将大多小于2004-2005年的灾害。在本次遥感监测的基础上,定期进行遥感监测,当帕里湖水面面积≥1.6km^2时,即通知下游作好撤离等避灾准备,是目前最经济有效的预警防灾措施。  相似文献   

Ford  Lickorish  & Kusznir 《Basin Research》1999,11(4):315-336
Tertiary foreland sedimentation in SE France occurred along the western sidewall of the Alpine orogen during collision of the Apulian indentor with the European passive margin. A detailed reappraisal of the stratigraphy and structure of the Southern Subalpine Chains (SSC) in SE France shows that Tertiary depocentres of differing character developed progressively toward the foreland during ongoing SW-directed shortening. The geodynamic controls on each of four stages of basin development are evaluated using a flexural isostatic modelling package of thrust sheet emplacement and foreland basin formation. (1) The initial stage (mid to late Eocene) can be explained as a flexural basin that migrated toward the NW, closing off to the SW against the uplifting Maures–Esterel block. This broad, shallow basin can be reproduced in forward modelling by loading a lower lithospheric plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. (2) The end of detectable flexural subsidence in the early Oligocene coincides with the emplacement of the internally derived Embrunais–Ubaye (E-U) nappes, which caused 11 km of SW-directed shortening in the underlying SSC. The lack of Oligocene flexural subsidence dictates that the E-U units were emplaced as gravitational nappes. Within the SSC, Oligocene sedimentation was restricted to small thrust-sheet-top basins recording mainly continental conditions and ongoing folding. Further west, Oligocene to Aquitanian NNW–SSE extension generated the Manosque half-graben as part of the European graben system that affected an area from the Gulf of Lion to the Rhine graben. (3) Following the Burdigalian breakup of the Gulf of Lion rift, a marine transgression migrated northward along the European graben system. Subsequent thermal subsidence allowed 1 km of marine sediments to be deposited across the Valensole and Manosque blocks, west of the active SSC thrust belt. (4) Mio-Pliocene conglomeratic deposits (2 km thick) were trapped within the Valensole basin by the uplifting Vaucluse block to the west and the advancing Alpine thrust sheets to the east. Late Pliocene thrusting of the SSC across the Valensole basin (approx. 10.5 km) can be linked along a Triassic detachment to the hinterland uplift of the Argentera basement massif.  相似文献   

本文根据四次南极考察所取资料,对西南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛长城站地区第三纪火山岩进行了全面和系统的总结,在火山岩地层的划分、岩相学和矿物学特点、岩浆的生成演化等问题上提出了新的认识。 长城站所在的菲尔德斯半岛出露有一套层状的熔岩、火山碎屑岩和火山碎屑沉积岩,是第三纪岛弧火山作用的产物。长城组包括碧玉山段和玛瑙滩段,由熔岩和正常火山碎屑岩组成,同位素年龄测定证明其形成于古新世至始新世。化石组主要形成于渐新世,其下部化石山段的含有植物化石的火山碎屑沉积岩不整合在玛瑙滩段岩层之上,上部的岩块山段以集块熔岩、角砾熔岩为主体,火山活动可能持续到了中新世早期。整个半岛的火山活动有两个高潮,两次较强烈的火山作用之间是较长的喷发间断,造成半岛岩石被风化剥蚀和火山碎屑沉积岩的出现。次火山岩以岩颈、岩墙、岩脉和规模较小的岩株等形式产出,并受到古火山机构和基底断裂的控制,沿着北西西-南东东的方向有规律地分布。从火山喷发中心和火山岩分布特点分析,该区火山活动有从西向东逐渐迁移的趋势。 熔岩以高铝玄武岩和玄武安山岩为主,安山岩、英安岩数量较少。斜长石和普通辉石是最主要的造岩矿物。高铝玄武岩和玄武安山岩中斜长石斑晶的核部往往为倍长石或钙长石,边缘成份与  相似文献   

Receiver functions (RFs) from teleseismic events recorded by the NARS-Baja array were used to map crustal thickness in the continental margins of the Gulf of California, a newly forming ocean basin. Although the upper crust is known to have split apart simultaneously along the entire length of the Gulf, little is known about the behaviour of the lower crust in this region. The RFs show clear P -to- S wave conversions from the Moho beneath the stations. The delay times between the direct P and P -to- S waves indicate thinner crust closer to the Gulf along the entire Baja California peninsula. The thinner crust is associated with the eastern Peninsular Ranges batholith (PRB). Crustal thickness is uncorrelated with topography in the PRB and the Moho is not flat, suggesting mantle compensation by a weaker than normal mantle based on seismological evidence. The approximately W–E shallowing in Moho depths is significant with extremes in crustal thickness of ∼21 and 37 km. Similar results have been obtained at the northern end of the Gulf by Lewis et al., who proposed a mechanism of lower crustal flow associated with rifting in the Gulf Extensional Province for thinning of the crust. Based on the amount of pre-Pliocene extension possible in the continental margins, if the lower crust did thin in concert with the upper crust, it is possible that the crust was thinned during the early stages of rifting before the opening of the ocean basin. In this case, we suggest that when breakup occurred, the lower crust in the margins of the Gulf was still behaving ductilely. Alternatively, the lower crust may have thinned after the Gulf opened. The implications of these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently reported detrital zircon (DZ) data help to associate the Paleogene strata of the Gulf of Mexico region to various provenance areas. By far, recent work has emphasised upper Paleocene‐lower Eocene and upper Oligocene strata that were deposited during the two episodes of the highest sediment supply in the Paleogene. The data reveal a dynamic drainage history, including (1) initial routing of western Cordilleran drainages towards the Gulf of Mexico in the Paleocene, (2) an eastward shift of the western continental divide, from the Jura‐Cretaceous cordilleran arc to the eastern edge of the Laramide province after the Paleocene and (3) a southward shift, along the eastern Laramide province, of the headwaters of river systems draining to the Mississippi and Houston embayments at some time between the early Eocene and Oligocene. However, DZ characterisation of most (~20 Myr) of the middle Eocene‐lower Oligocene section remains limited. We present 60 DZ age spectra, most of which are from the middle or upper Eocene outcrop belts, with 50–200‐km spacing. We define six to eight distinct groups of DZ age spectra for middle and upper Eocene strata. Data from this and other studies resolve at least six substantial temporal changes in age spectra at various positions along the continental margin. The evolving age spectra constrain the middle and upper Eocene drainage patterns of large parts of interior North America. The most well‐resolved aspects of these drainage patterns include (1) persistent rivers that flowed from erosional landscapes across the Paleozoic Appalachian orogen either into the low‐lying Mississippi embayment or directly into the eastern Gulf; (2) at least during marine regressions, a trunk channel that likely flowed southward along the axial part of Mississippi Embayment and integrated tributaries from the east and west; and (3) rivers that flowed to the Houston embayment in the middle Eocene that likely originated in the Laramide province in central Colorado and southern Wyoming, as Precambrian basement highs in those source areas were being unroofed.  相似文献   

黄渤海海岸季节性风沙气候环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了黄渤海海岸气候形成因素和影响风沙活动的各种气候要素的季节性变化特征,指出冬、春季研究区受东亚大陆气团的影响,形成了干旱、多风的风沙气候环境,尤其是渤海海岸地区冬、春季气候条件与我国内陆沙漠区和严重沙漠化地区相似,也存在风沙灾害的威胁。  相似文献   

西南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛火山岩地质初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
西南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛主要由基性熔岩、火山碎屑岩及薄层沉积岩组成,并有次火山岩体及脉岩发育.野外观察及K—Ar,Rb—Sr全岩年龄说明岩石形成于始新一渐新世.主要元素和微量元素地球化学特征说明岩石属低钾高铝钙碱性玄武岩,但具有拉斑玄武岩的某些特征,是岛弧火山活动的产物.岩层呈平缓单斜,发育有近同期及后期走滑正断层,以及由断层活动形成的局部以称褶皱.  相似文献   

华北地文期命名之新见   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
依据山地侵蚀与平原堆积是一个地文期的两种不同表现形式,以山地侵蚀期与平原粗(包括底部的不整合面)、细(包括表层的风化壳或古土壤)粒物质堆积期相关的原则,对华北地区新生代地文期进行重新命名。晚白垩纪地文期是北台期侵蚀一卢沟桥、无极期堆积,早第三纪地文期是甸子梁期侵蚀—孔店、沙河街期堆积,晚第三纪地文期是唐县期侵蚀—馆陶、明化镇期堆积,早更新世地文期是汾河期侵蚀一固安期堆积,中更新世地文期是湟水期侵蚀—杨柳青期堆积,晚更新世地文期是清水期侵蚀一欧庄期堆积,早、中全新世地文期是板桥期侵蚀—杨家寺、高湾期堆积,晚全新世地文期是段曲期侵蚀一岐口期堆积。  相似文献   

We study the tectonic setting and lithospheric structure of the greater Barents Sea region by investigating its isostatic state and its gravity field. 3-D forward density modelling utilizing available information from seismic data and boreholes shows an apparent shift between the level of observed and modelled gravity anomalies. This difference cannot be solely explained by changes in crustal density. Furthermore, isostatic calculations show that the present crustal thickness of 35–37 km in the Eastern Barents Sea is greater than required to isostatically balance the deep basins of the area (>19 km). To isostatically compensate the missing masses from the thick crust and deep basins and to adequately explain the gravity field, high-density material (3300–3350 kg m−3) in the lithospheric mantle below the Eastern Barents Sea is needed. The distribution of mantle densities shows a regional division between the Western and Eastern Barents and Kara Seas. In addition, a band of high-densities is observed in the lower crust along the transition zone from the Eastern to Western Barents Sea. The distribution of high-density material in the crust and mantle suggests a connection to the Neoproterozoic Timanide orogen and argues against the presence of a Caledonian suture in the Eastern Barents Sea. Furthermore, the results indicate that the basins of the Western Barents Sea are mainly affected by rifting, while the Eastern Barents Sea basins are located on a stable continental platform.  相似文献   

The onset of deformation in the northern Andes is overprinted by subsequent stages of basin deformation, complicating the examination of competing models illustrating potential location of earliest synorogenic basins and uplifts. To establish the width of the earliest northern Andean orogen, we carried out field mapping, palynological dating, sedimentary, stratigraphic and provenance analyses in Campanian to lower Eocene units exposed in the northern Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (Cocuy region) and compare the results with coeval succession in adjacent basins. The onset of deformation is recorded in earliest Maastrichtian time, as terrigenous detritus arrived into the basin marking the end of chemical precipitation and the onset of clastic deposition produced by the uplift of a western source area dominated by shaly Cretaceous rocks. Disconformable contacts within the upper Maastrichtian to middle Palaeocene succession document increasing supply of quartzose sandy detritus from Cretaceous quartzose rocks exposed in eastern source areas. The continued unroofing of both source areas produced a rapid shift in depositional environments from shallow marine in Maastrichtian to fluvial‐lacustrine systems during the Palaeocene‐early Eocene. Supply of immature Jurassic sandstones from nearby western uplifts, together with localized plutonic and volcanic Cretaceous rocks, caused a shift in Palaeocene sandstones composition from quartzarenites to litharenites. Supply of detrital sandy fragments, unstable heavy minerals and Cretaceous to Ordovician detrital zircons, were derived from nearby uplifted blocks and from SW fluvial systems within the synorogenic basin, instead of distal basement rocks. The presence of volcanic rock fragments and 51–59 Ma volcanic zircons constrain magmatism within the basin. The Maastrichtian–Palaeocene sequence studied here documents crustal deformation that correlates with coeval deformation farther south in Ecuador and Peru. Slab flattening of the subducting Caribbean plate produced a wider orogen (>400 km) with a continental magmatic arc and intra‐basinal deformation and magmatism.  相似文献   

南设得兰群岛是晚中生代以来古太平洋板块向南极板块俯冲消减过程中形成的,目前对整个群岛的地层特征及沉积演化无统一认识。通过归纳总结国内外研究成果,认为该群岛出露的地层具明显的时空规律。群岛主体的西南部出露上侏罗统-下白垩统,发育海底扇、深海、斜坡裙、扇三角洲等沉积相,相伴随的火山作用主要为钙碱性玄武岩和玄武安山岩的喷发,记录了弧前盆地-火山岛弧的演化过程;群岛主体的东北部主要出露上白垩统-下渐新统,其中上白垩统-始新统发育一套玄武质熔岩、火山碎屑-沉积岩建造,为温暖气候下的陆相沉积,火山活动具有岛弧拉斑玄武岩与钙碱性火山岩的过渡性质。渐新统-下中新统则记录了从间冰期正常海相到冰期冰海相沉积的转变过程。  相似文献   

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