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岩溶地区岩体裂隙网络渗流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王环玲  徐卫亚  余宏明 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1080-1084
岩溶区由于其特殊的岩性,造成岩体裂隙非常发育,这些发育的裂隙很容易形成连通网络,在具有化学侵蚀性水流的作用下,裂隙通道被加宽,从而导致渗漏量增加。在岩溶区岩体裂隙发育特点的基础上对岩体裂隙网络进行了划分,用Monte-Carlo三维模拟技术模拟岩体裂隙的发育程度,同时也模拟出裂隙网络连通图,该图再现了优势裂隙的发育方向。在岩体节理网络的基础上,将各种裂隙和孔隙按规模和渗透性分为四级处理, 即一级真实裂隙网络、二级随机裂隙网络、三级等效连续介质体系、四级连续介质体系,各级裂隙之间以水量平衡原理建立联系。然后采用多重裂隙网络渗流模型对岩溶区岩体裂隙的渗流进行分析。研究表明,将多重裂隙网络渗流模型应用于岩溶区坝基岩体渗流分析中,能够比较确切而直观的反映出岩溶区岩体裂隙系统渗流分布规律,对岩溶区水库的防渗和防腐蚀措施具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

岩体渗流场与温度场耦合的连续介质模型   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
紫军瑞  韩群柱 《地下水》1997,19(2):59-62
孔隙型岩体、密集裂隙型岩体以及孔隙—密集裂隙型岩体的渗流问题均可视为连续介质或等效连续介质渗流问题。本文从理论上分析了这种类型岩体渗流场与温度场相互影响、相互作用的机理,提出了岩体渗流场与温度场耦合分析的连续介质数学模型,并讨论了该数学模型的有限元数值求解方法。  相似文献   

王环玲  何淼  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):187-191
工程岩体中数量众多的裂隙面限制了离散裂隙网络模型在岩体渗流中的应用,迫使人们寻找能够用理论上成熟的等效连续介质模型替代,这就要求进行岩体多孔介质的水力等效性研究。在野外大量实测裂隙的基础上,进行裂隙密度、方位、大小、延续性、开度等几何参数的统计分析,以Enhanced Baecher模型建立离散裂隙网络随机模型,采用Monte-Carlo随机模拟方法进行三维裂隙网络随机模拟。在所生成的一定尺度的三维裂隙网络图基础上,给出计算研究域REV的方法,通过判断REV是否存在,确定能否用等效连续介质模型分析岩体渗流。  相似文献   

裂隙网络非连续介质渗流场与温度场耦合分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在岩体水力学研究中,一个重要问题就是岩体渗流场与温度场的耦合分析。笔者关注了国内外相关的研究,对其发展的趋势进行了展望。系统综述了裂隙岩体渗流-温度耦合的研究情况,阐明了裂隙岩体三种渗流模型的特点、适用范围及裂隙网络非连续介质模型的研究概况,分析了裂隙岩体渗流-温度耦合作用研究及工程应用。最后,提出基于裂隙网络非连续介质渗流温度耦合分析是目前亟待解决的课题,并指出今后需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

在岩体水力学研究中,一个重要问题就是岩体渗流场与温度场的耦合分析。笔者关注了国内外相关的研究,对其发展的趋势进行了展望。系统综述了裂隙岩体渗流一温度耦合的研究情况,阐明了裂隙岩体三种渗流模型的特点、适用范围及裂隙网络非连续介质模型的研究概况,分析了裂隙岩体渗流一温度耦合作用研究及工程应用。最后,提出基于裂隙网络非连续介质渗流温度耦合分析是目前亟待解决的课题,并指出今后需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

岩体裂隙系统渗流场与应力场耦合模型   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
岩体系统具有复杂的结构。一般认为,岩体系统是非均质各向异性不连续的多相介质体系。当岩体以裂隙为主,且其分布较密集时,可将岩体系统看作等效连续多相介质体系。本文运用等效连续介质理论,提出了两种岩体裂隙系统渗流场与应力场耦合模型:一是以渗透水压力与隙变形关系、应力与渗透系统数关系为基础,建立渗透系数张量计算公式,进而建立等效效连续介质渗流为数学模型。以裂隙岩体应变张量分析为基础,建立裂隙岩体效应力张量  相似文献   

离散裂隙渗流方法与裂隙化渗透介质建模   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
流体渗流模拟的连续介质方法通常适用于多孔地质体,并不一定适用于裂隙岩体,由于裂隙分布及其特征与孔隙差异较大。若流体渗流主要受裂隙的控制,对于一定尺寸的裂隙岩体,多孔介质假设则较难刻划裂隙岩体的渗流特征。离散裂隙渗流方法不但可直接用于模拟裂隙岩体非均质性和各向异性等渗流特征,而且可用其确定所研究的裂隙岩体典型单元体及其水力传导(渗透)张量大小。主要讨论了以下问题:(1)饱和裂隙介质中一般的离散流体渗流模拟;(2)裂隙岩体中的REV(典型单元体)及其水力传导(渗透)张量的确定;(3)利用离散裂隙网络流体渗流模型研究裂隙方向几何参数对水力传导系数和REV的影响;(4)在二维和三维离散裂隙流体渗流模型中对区域大裂隙和局部小裂隙的处理方法。调查结果显示离散裂隙流体渗流数学模型可用来评价不同尺度上的裂隙岩体的水力特征,以及裂隙方向对裂隙化岩体的水力特征有着不可忽视的影响。同时,局部小裂隙、区域大裂隙应当区别对待,以便据其所起的作用及水力特征,建立裂隙化岩体相应的流体渗流模型。  相似文献   

有限元/离散元耦合分析方法(FEM/DEM法)可计算连续介质的小变形,也可在新生裂缝并在裂隙间开展大变形计算。文章以位于重庆市巫山县长江左岸的箭穿洞柱状危岩体为例,分析了箭穿洞危岩体可能的破坏过程。分析表明:柱状危岩体的基座处于应力集中状态,既有拉应力集中区也有压应力集中区,应力集中造成柱状危岩体的基座附近边界岩体易破坏。应力集中新生了裂隙,裂隙的延展导致了危岩体的解体和最终的破坏。FEM/DEM方法预演了柱状危岩体压致拉裂的裂隙网络形成和破碎岩体运动过程。FEM/DEM对帮助分析大小变形混合的斜坡变形十分有利,是未来数值模拟的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

裂隙岩体渗流模型综述   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
王媛  速宝玉 《水科学进展》1996,7(3):276-282
系统综述了裂隙岩体渗流分析的各类模型,从各类模型所反映的渗透机理出发,阐明了它们的优缺点和适用条件及其工程应用情况。集等效连续介质模型和离散裂隙网络模型优点的等效-离散耦合模型是有实用前景的裂隙渗流模型。  相似文献   

模拟裂隙岩体渗流传热的主要困难在于岩体各种尺度上的非均质性。为了兼顾裂隙岩体渗流传热过程模拟的效率和精度,将二维裂隙连续方法拓展到三维问题中,应用深度优先搜索算法挑出对网格块渗透性有贡献的有效裂隙,综合考虑有效裂隙和岩石基质作用给出网格块的等效渗透率张量,采用Matlab对COMSOL Multiphysics有限元软件进行二次开发,生成由不同渗透率网格块组成的三维裂隙连续模型。数值模拟结果表明:裂隙连续模型结合了随机连续介质模型和离散裂隙模型的特点,既能避免处理裂隙网络的复杂性,又能考虑岩体渗透率的空间变异性,兼顾了模拟效率和精度;当岩石基质渗透率与裂隙渗透率比值的数量级在10-4~10-6范围内时,有效裂隙网络模型的流量计算误差会超过5%。  相似文献   

裂隙岩体渗透系数确定方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
裂隙岩体渗透系数以及渗透主方向的确定对研究岩体渗透性大小及各向异性具有重要意义。高放废物地质处置库介质岩体的渗透性能将直接影响其使用安全性。本文运用离散裂隙网络模拟的方法对我国高放废物处置库甘肃北山预选区3#钻孔附近裂隙岩体进行了渗透性质分析。通过对3#钻孔171.5~178.0m段压水试验数据的反演,标定了离散裂隙网络渗流模型中的裂隙渗透参数(导水系数T)。利用标定的离散裂隙网络模型对场区裂隙岩体进行了渗流模拟,确定了该区域裂隙岩体的渗流表征单元体(REV)的尺寸大小以及渗透主值和主渗透方向。运用离散裂隙网络模型计算得出的渗透主值的几何均值与现场压水试验计算结果较接近,证明了计算结果的有效性。  相似文献   

Fracture data available for one of the rock masses (limestone) in the dam site of Yujian River Reservoir were used to build and validate a stochastic 3-D fracture network model, and to perform a REV and equivalent continuum study in 3-D. A number of relations are developed in the paper between the rock mass mechanical parameters and fracture tensor components in 3-D. Based on the mechanical parameter values obtained in every 45° direction in 3-D, the principal parameter values, principal directions and tensors are developed for rock mass mechanical parameters to represent the REV block size properties. An incrementally linear elastic, orthotropic constitutive model is suggested to represent the equivalent continuum pre-failure mechanical behavior of the jointed rock mass by incorporating the effect of joint geometry network by the fracture tensor components.  相似文献   

多裂隙岩体的损伤断裂模型及模型试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对于由裂隙、岩石组成的多裂隙岩体,本文通过对裂隙岩体内的应力、应变的体积平均,提出了适合于这种岩体的等效连续模型。运用损伤力学以及断裂力学理论,定义了岩体损伤张量、有效应力张量、损伤应变等,建立了损伤演化方程,从而建立了多裂隙岩体的损伤断裂模型。对岩体裂隙的扩展方式进行了模拟试验。  相似文献   

Groundwater flow in fractured rocks is modeled using a coupled model based on the domain decomposition method. In the model, the fractured porous medium is divided into two non-overlapping sub-domains. One is the rock matrix, in which the medium is described using a continuum model. The other consists of deep fractures and fissure zones, where the medium is described using a discrete fracture network (DFN) model. The two models are coupled through the continuity of the hydraulic heads and fluxes on the common boundaries. The coupled model is used to simulate groundwater flow in a hydropower station. The results show that the model simulates groundwater levels that are in agreement with the measured groundwater levels. Furthermore, the model’s parameters relating to deep fractures and fissure zones are verified by comparing three different models (the continuum model, coupled model, and DFN model). The results show that the coupled model can capture and duplicate the hydrogeological conditions in the study domain, whereas the continuum model overestimates and the DFN model underestimates the measured hydraulic heads. A sensitivity analysis shows that fracture aperture has a considerable effect on the groundwater level. So, when the fracture aperture is large, the coupled model or DFN model is more appropriate than the continuum model in the fracture domain.  相似文献   

A stochastic discrete-fracture model was used by Cacas et al.a,b to interpret flow measurements and transport experiments in a fractured crystalline rock mass at Fanay-Augères. They considered continuum models to be incapable of properly interpreting small-scale measurements or tracer tests in fractured systems, which, in their view, require three-dimensional modeling of numerous discrete channels; in their opinion, continuum modeling applies only to average flow on a relatively large scale. Cacas et al. considered their discrete fracture model to have been validated by its demonstrated ability to reproduce selected experimental results. In this paper, flow and transport at Fanay-Augères are modeled by viewing the fractured rock as a stochastic continuum in a manner originally proposed by Neumanc,d. The stochastic continuum approach obviates the need for detailed information about fracture geometry or assumptions about how individual fractures control flow and transport. All it requires is the delineation of a few dominant features, which can be embedded into the stochastic continuum model as heterogeneous porous slabs. Though a fault zone has been identified at the Fanay-Augères experimental site, it has been modeled neither by Cacas et al. nor in this paper. In fact, in this paper, a larger selection of experimental results than those considered by Cacas et al. are reproduced merely by modeling the rock as a statistically homogeneous continuum in two dimensions. These results demonstrate that a continuum approach may be well suited for the analysis of flow and transport in fractured rock. This does not constitute a validation of the continuum approach, just as the results of Cacas et al. fall short of validating the discrete fracture approach. Instead, the two sets of results illustrate jointly the well-established principle that an open system, especially one as complex as fractured hydrogeologic environments tend to be, cannot be described uniquely on the basis of sparse data and need not be described in great detail to capture its salient behavior by a model.a Cacas MC, Ledoux E, de Marsily G, Barbreau A, Calmels P, Gaillard B, Margritta R (1990a) Modelling fracture flow with a stochastic discrete fracture network: calibration and validation. 1. The flow model. Water Resour Res 26(3):479–489b Cacas MC, Ledoux E, de Marsily G, Barbreau A, Calmels P, Gaillard B, Margritta R (1990b) Modelling fracture flow with a stochastic discrete fracture network: calibration and validation. 2. The transport model. Water Resour Res 26(3):491–500c Neuman SP (1987) Stochastic continuum representation of fractured rock permeability as an alternative to the REV and fracture network concepts, in Rock Mechanics. In: Farmer IW, Daemen JJK, Desai CS, Glass CE, Neuman SP (eds) Proceedings of the 28th U.S. Symposium, Tucson, Arizona. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 533–561d Neuman SP (1988) A proposed conceptual framework and methodology for investigating flow and transport in Swedish crystalline rocks. SKB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm, September, Arbetsrapport 88–37, 39 pp  相似文献   

Naturally fractured mine pillars provide an excellent example of the importance of accurately determining rock mass strength. Failure in slender pillars is predominantly controlled by naturally occurring discontinuities, their influence diminishing with increasing pillar width, with wider pillars failing through a combination of brittle and shearing processes. To accurately simulate this behaviour by numerical modelling, the current analysis incorporates a more realistic representation of the mechanical behaviour of discrete fracture systems. This involves realistic simulation and representation of fracture networks, either as individual entities or as a collective system of fracture sets, or a combination of both. By using an integrated finite element/discrete element–discrete fracture network approach it is possible to study the failure of rock masses in tension and compression, along both existing pre-existing fractures and through intact rock bridges, and incorporating complex kinematic mechanisms. The proposed modelling approach fully captures the anisotropic and inhomogeneous effects of natural jointing and is considered to be more realistic than methods relying solely on continuum or discontinuum representation. The paper concludes with a discussion on the development of synthetic rock mass properties, with the intention of providing a more robust link between rock mass strength and rock mass classification systems.  相似文献   

裂隙参数分析在岩体力学和水力学习性研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴旭君  潘别桐 《现代地质》1992,6(2):217-226
岩体的力学和水力学习性主要取决于其中裂隙的发育程度。一定成因的裂隙具有一定的发育规律,这一规律既具确定性又具随机性。本文详细讨论了表示岩体裂隙发育程度特征参数的量测和分析方法,重点论述了裂隙参数分析在研究岩体渗透习性、岩体中裂隙网络计算机模拟及岩体弹性参数分析等方面的应用。  相似文献   

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