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杨江海  马严 《地球科学》2017,42(11):1910-1921
源-汇沉积过程的实质是沉积物的产生、搬运和沉积.陆表岩石的风化、侵蚀是沉积物产生的主要过程,受气候和构造因素的联合控制.现代陆表风化层研究揭示,在特定风化机制下(供给限制型化学风化)表层土壤的化学风化强度主要与陆表温度和湿度(降雨量)有关,其关系可通过建立经验气候转换方程来描述.经源-汇过程,这些气候信息可随陆源碎屑沉积物从源到汇传递,并最终可能形成沉积记录而保存于地层序列中.由于源-汇系统的复杂性和自发波动性,气候信息传递受源区侵蚀和沉积路径等的影响和扰动,具有明显的选择性,其时效性与气候变化本身的幅度和频度有关.基于陆源碎屑沉积进行深时古气候研究需要加深对源-汇沉积过程的理解,并考虑沉积系统响应和可能气候变化的时间尺度.   相似文献   

受埋深和复杂盐构造影响,深水Wilcox沉积研究难度大,开展大尺度源汇体系分析对理解墨西哥湾Wilcox沉积格局具有实际意义。通过对古科罗拉多(简称C)水系与古格兰德河(简称RG)水系相关研究成果的系统梳理,结合地震、钻井、岩芯与岩矿等资料,分析了墨西哥湾西北部深水沉积格局的演变特征及其储层意义。C水系和RG水系形成两个不同的源汇系统,源汇系统构成要素之间既有联系,也存在明显差异,物源区和搬运区各要素的时空变化决定了两大水系沉积物供给能力和深水沉积格局的变迁。古新世Wilcox沉积期,C水系沉积物供给强,在浅水陆架和深水盆地形成大规模三角洲和富砂海底扇体系,墨西哥湾西部Perdido带主要受该物源控制。始新世Wilcox沉积期,C水系物源供给减弱,海底扇规模减小,扇体轴部向东迁移,而RG水系沉积物供给增强,在陆架区形成高砂地比的三角洲体系,砂质沉积物进一步越过陆架形成西部海底扇,Perdido带浊积砂岩主要受该物源控制。广泛发育的浊积砂岩储层表明墨西哥海域Perdido带始新世Wilcox组具有较大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

聂银兰  朱筱敏  董艳蕾  杨棵  秦祎  叶蕾 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1881-1896
源—汇系统是指剥蚀地貌形成的物源通过搬运路径到汇水盆地分散沉积下来的动力学系统,在地球科学领域具重要研究意义。源—汇系统包含物源、搬运路径和沉积体系3个重要组成要素,必须把3个要素作为一个系统过程来研究,才能完整地认识地球表层的动力学过程及其演化。陆相断陷盆地是我国重要的含油气沉积盆地类型,笔者等系统分析了陆相断陷盆地结构特征,其内部陡坡带与缓坡带作为断陷盆地独立的次级构造单元,形成过程和地貌结构存在差异,进而导致相应源—汇系统要素也存在差异性。根据源汇系统耦合要素可将断陷盆地不同构造带源—汇系统类型划分为3种类型: ① 近源—短轴—浊积扇型、② 近源—短轴—冲积扇/扇三角洲型和 ③ 远源—长轴—湖泊三角洲型,其中陡坡带主要发育近源—短轴—浊积扇型、近源—短轴—冲积扇/扇三角洲型两种源—汇系统耦合类型;缓坡带和盆地长轴方向主要发育远源—长轴—湖泊三角洲型源汇系统耦合类型。未来源—汇系统研究将通过多学科、多方法开展综合研究,聚焦深时物源体系、搬运通道和分散体系研究,强调源—汇系统要素定量表征及其耦合响应关系,预测规模性有利沉积砂体,为沉积矿产勘探开发提供预测性模型和地质基础。  相似文献   

聂银兰  朱筱敏  董艳蕾  杨棵  秦祎  叶蕾 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022072005-2022072005
源—汇系统是指剥蚀地貌形成的物源通过搬运路径到汇水盆地分散沉积下来的动力学系统,在地球科学领域具重要研究意义。源—汇系统包含物源、搬运路径和沉积体系3个重要组成要素,必须把3个要素作为一个系统过程来研究,才能完整地认识地球表层的动力学过程及其演化。陆相断陷盆地是我国重要的含油气沉积盆地类型,笔者等系统地分析了陆相断陷盆地结构特征,其内部陡坡带与缓坡带作为断陷盆地独立的次级构造单元,形成过程和地貌结构存在差异,进而导致相应源—汇系统要素也存在差异性。根据源汇系统耦合要素可将断陷盆地不同构造带源—汇系统类型划分为近源—短轴—浊积扇型、近源—短轴—冲积扇/扇三角洲型和远源—长轴—湖泊三角洲型3种类型,其中陡坡带主要发育近源—短轴—浊积扇型、近源—短轴—冲积扇/扇三角洲型两种源—汇系统耦合类型;缓坡带和盆地长轴方向主要发育远源—长轴—湖泊三角洲型源汇系统耦合类型。未来源—汇系统研究将通过多学科、多方法开展综合研究,聚焦深时物源体系、搬运通道和分散体系研究,强调源—汇系统要素定量表征及其耦合响应关系,预测规模性有利沉积砂体,为沉积矿产勘探开发提供预测性模型和地质基础。  相似文献   

源—汇系统分析已成为沉积学领域的研究热点,其中关键参数定量恢复是源—汇系统分析的重要内容。以柴北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗世发育的陆相盆地源—汇系统为例,通过支点法进行源—汇系统收支定量分析。首先识别干流河道沉积,测量或计算河道尺寸,进行粒度分析;然后计算瞬时满岸水流量及沉积物流量,结合古气候与流域分析,对年均沉积物量进行计算,得出在给定地层持续时间内输送的沉积物量;再对沉积区的沉积物量进行测量统计,并与计算出的沉积物量进行对比,分析源—汇系统收支状况。对柴北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗统石门沟组下部沉积的源—汇系统收支定量分析显示,目标研究层段河流沉积的干流满岸深度在3.1~3.3 m,河道宽度为69~77 m,流经了较缓的坡度(0.000 204 6~0.000 217 8),流速一般为1.046~1.048 m/s,搬运了中—细砂为主的沉积物。该时期流域面积约为3 209.8~3 781.6 km2,流域长度介于177.8~196.2 km,满岸水流量为239.9~286.2 m3/s,满岸推移载荷流量为0.043~0.048 m3/s,满岸悬浮载荷流量范围为0.083~0.094 m3/s。基于现代类似河流的对比研究,计算出鱼卡地区干流年均沉积物搬运量介于158 862.4~179 242.3 m3,在层序S2所持续的2.2 Ma共向沉积区输入349.5~394.3 km3的沉积物,与沉积区所统计的沉积体积(322 km3)大致相符。河流沉积物输入体积的高值约为支点下游沉积区统计体积的1.22倍,如果这一分析结果准确,则表明存在一定程度的沉积物遗失现象,研究区局限发育的重力流沉积可能是沉积物遗失的主要方式。建立的收支模型可进一步推广应用于陆相河湖沉积组合的源—汇系统分析。  相似文献   

【意义】源—汇系统研究是当今沉积地质学关注热点,其重建对理解区域构造、气候、海(湖)平面升降、物源供给、搬运通道和分散系统及其相互关系与规模性砂体预测均具有重要作用。【进展】源—汇系统可以根据时间尺度、成因机制、级次等要素进行分类,其主要研究内容包括物源体系、搬运通道及沉积体系研究。研究方法主要涉及碎屑矿物年代学定量示踪、源区地貌重建与定量古地貌分析、地貌比例关系分析、沉积物通量定量估算和地层正演模拟综合表征等;源—汇系统要素之间存在定量的收支平衡关系,基于收支平衡模型可预测砂体规模和有利储层分布。沙垒田地区源—汇系统研究表明,均一母岩组成与边界条件约束下汇水高差和汇水面积较大以及地形坡度较陡通常对应形成规模和厚度较大的扇体。【结论与展望】未来源—汇系统研究应加强基于盆地类型和成因的源—汇系统类型和级次划分,加强源—汇系统参数定量研究,不断提高深时源—汇系统要素表征精度,建立具有预测功能的深时源—汇系统要素耦合模型,有效预测砂体时空分布,不断实现多学科与多方法交叉融合,建立具有中国区域地质特色的源—汇系统模型。  相似文献   

地貌演化、源-汇过程与盆地分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地球表面的地貌演化和源-汇系统的研究是当前地球科学领域颇为关注的重要课题。围绕这些课题的研究促进了多学科的广泛交叉和合作,对沉积盆地的深入研究和发展趋势产生了深刻的影响。盆地整体地貌的演化是盆地地球动力学背景演化的直接响应。盆地内的隆-坳格局、古隆起-古斜坡地貌、同沉积构造活动形成的构造古地貌等,是盆地古地貌研究的重要内容。从陆到洋的源-汇系统由物源区、冲积-滨海平原、浅海陆架、大陆斜坡及深海等多个区域性的地貌带所组成。物源的性质与母岩组成、构造及气候作用密切相关,揭示塑造山地地貌和产生物源的构造作用和气候变量是一项长期探索的课题。陆架斜坡至深海区是从陆到洋的源-汇系统的最终沉积区,其研究长期受到高度关注。大型内陆湖盆存在的源-汇系统,包括物源区、冲积平原、滨-浅湖、最后为深湖的多级地貌单元。构造活动的内陆碎屑湖盆中以近且多方向物源、构造差异活动明显、汇水盆地小、沉积物类型对气候变化响应敏感等为特征。依据物源区、沟谷(水道)及沉积体系类型划分的源-汇体系类型的研究,包括盆内古隆起形成的局部的源-汇过程,对盆地的沉积充填过程和沉积分布具有重要意义。基于高分辨率三维地震数据的地震地貌或地震沉积学分析,为地下沉积体系的沉积地貌和沉积过程的研究提供了最重要的手段。  相似文献   

中小型山溪性河流易受极端事件和人类活动影响,且对环境变化响应敏感,在大陆边缘物质循环过程中发挥着十分重要的作用,但学术界对它们的重视程度不够。以闽江—东海陆架系统为例,通过资料收集、遥感解译、样品采集与分析等方法,系统研究了亚热带中小型山溪性河流—宽陆架系统的“源—汇”过程。研究结果表明,人类活动引起的土地利用变化使得闽江入海径流量和泥沙通量在波动中略有增加,但水库的建设显著减少了入海泥沙通量,并且减弱了水沙通量的季节差异,河流入海泥沙通量变化对流域人类活动敏感且响应迅速;河口水体环境、悬浮体浓度、沉积物粒度组成及陆源有机碳埋藏的空间分布格局均显示,闽江入海泥沙主要分布在闽江河口附近海域,其中粗颗粒泥沙在水动力的作用下主要堆积在河口水下三角洲平原及前缘,细颗粒泥沙主要堆积在水下三角洲前缘斜坡及前三角洲附近海域,仅有少量细颗粒泥沙沿岸向外输运并沿途沉积,与大河流—宽陆架系统及中小型山溪性河流—窄陆架系统显著不同。河口人类活动及极端事件通过改变沉积物组成、环境动力、入海泥沙通量等方式对河流—陆架系统的“源—汇”过程产生显著影响。在当前流域来沙量锐减、河口地区海砂开采等人类活动强度增大的情况下,有必要加强相关研究。  相似文献   

青藏高原新生代的地貌演变一直是国际地球科学研究的前沿领域和热点问题。目前对于高原中部新生代地貌演变及其动力学机制的认识仍旧存在较大的争议,并且通过不同研究手段得到的结论也存在较大不同。流域盆地内的沉积物不仅记录了其沉积场所的大地构造背景、古气候和古环境特征等重要信息,同时也记录了源区的剥露历史,以及整个流域盆地的时空展布、地貌演变、风化强度和沉积通量变化等重要的地表过程。高原中部至少在早中新世就已形成的内流水系为进一步认识高原地貌演化提供了可能。基于源—汇系统质量平衡原则,以高原中部新生代尼玛盆地及其物源区构成的陆相盆地源—汇系统为研究对象,以沉积通量数值模拟(BQART-MCS)为研究方法,尝试重建高原中部新生代晚期的地貌格局。模拟结果表明:只有在年均气温为2 ℃~10 ℃、最大地势为1~3 km、干旱—半干旱的地貌条件下,源区产生的碎屑物质总量才可以与汇区沉积物总量达到平衡。本项研究是深时沉积通量数值模拟方法(BQART-MCS)在青藏高原的首次尝试,为在陆相盆山源—汇系统开展沉积物定量研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

梁文栋  胡修棉 《地质学报》2023,97(9):2975-2991
现代河流沉积物忠实地记录了流域盆地内的母岩、风化、搬运和沉积过程中的化学、物理过程以及人类活动的改造作用,是探索和验证源- 汇系统等理论的重要媒介。本文以全球现代河流砂组分数据库为基础,总结了碎屑组分、重矿物组分在不同大陆的分布特征,探讨了其在物源识别、源区贡献率计算、沉积物产生及搬运过程中气候- 构造等影响因素的评估、对源- 汇系统的研究启示等方面的应用。今后建议加强基于大数据的沉积物组分对气候- 构造- 人类活动的响应、沉积物产生及通量、高时间分辨率的沉积物组分变异性、不同物源定量化方法的差异等方面的研究。  相似文献   

The reduction of shallow-water platform seas favorable for dolomite formation was one of the factors responsible for the decrease and shift of this process to the coastal zones. The carbonate accumulation was influenced by several factors, such as climatic, tectonic (subsidence rates and lithospheric plate position, which determined the shelf occurrence in favorable climatic zones), and global sealevel fluctuations, which controlled the shelf bathymetry and dimensions. The interrelation of these factors, as well as their influence on carbonate accumulation is very intricate and ambiguous. Therefore, none of them can be discriminated as preponderant. Differences in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic-Cenozoic carbonate accumulation and dolomite formation are outlined according to climatic environments, relationship with sealevel fluctuations, atmosphere composition, and other features.  相似文献   

Shelf‐edge deltas play a critical role in shelf‐margin accretion and deepwater sediment delivery, yet much remains to be understood about the detailed linkage between shelf edge and slope sedimentation. The shelf edge separates the flat‐lying shelf from steeper slope regions, and is observable in seismic data and continuous outcrops; however, it is commonly obscured in non‐continuous outcrops. Defining this zone is essential because it segregates areas dominated by shelf currents from those governed by gravity‐driven processes. Understanding this linkage is paramount for predicting and characterizing associated deepwater reservoirs. In the Tanqua Karoo Basin, the Permian Kookfontein Formation shelf‐slope clinothems are well‐exposed for 21 km along depositional strike and dip. Two independent methods identified the shelf‐edge position, indicating that it is defined by: (i) a transition from predominantly shelf‐current to gravitational deposits; (ii) an increase in soft‐sediment deformation; (iii) a significant gradient increase; and (iv) clinothem thickening. A quantitative approach was used to assess the impact of process‐regime variability along the shelf edge on downslope sedimentation. Facies proportions were quantified from sedimentary logs and photographic panels, and integrated with mapped key surfaces to construct a stratigraphic grid. Spatial variability in facies proportions highlights two types of shelf‐edge depositional zones within the same shelf‐edge delta. Where deposition occurred in fluvial‐dominated zones, the slope is sand rich, channelized with channels widening downslope, and rich in collapse features. Where deltaic deposits indicate considerable tidal reworking, the deposits are thin and pinch‐out close to the shelf edge, and the slope is sand poor and lacks channelization. Amplification of tidal energy, and decrease in fluvial drive on the shelf, coincides with a decrease in mouth bar and shelf‐edge collapse, and a lack of channelization on the slope. This analysis suggests that process‐regime variability along the shelf edge exercised significant control on shelf‐edge progradation, slope channelization and deepwater sediment delivery.  相似文献   

Paleoclimate reconstruction of continental environments has been hampered by the limited evidence. A thick sequence of Jurassic continental deposits in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China yields abundant paleosols that may offer valuable insights regarding Jurassic climate scenarios. A succession of 169 paleosols belonging to Protosols, Calcisols, and Argillisols from 23 detailed stratigraphic sections was recognized and characterized macro- and micromorphologically and assessed for mineral and geochemical compositions. Quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions using bulk geochemical proxies, the depth to and the stable oxygen isotopic composition of paleosol carbonates indicated a predominant alternation of semiarid and arid cool/warm-temperate climatic conditions punctuated by several episodes of subhumid and humid climates that generally prevailed in the Sichuan Basin during the Jurassic. The estimated paleoatmospheric CO2 concentrations (pCO2) from calcic paleosols yielded a low range of ~104 ± 58 to ~610 ± 152 ppmv during the Middle Jurassic. The terrestrial paleotemperature changes in the Sichuan Basin coincided with the pCO2 variations, which probably resulted from global geological events (e.g., volcanic activities, magmatic and oceanic events, and the ephemeral caps development) in the Middle Jurassic. Jurassic climatic fluctuations in the basin were likely attributed to true polar wander due to global plate motion, megamonsoon effect linked to global and regional paleogeography, and regional paleotopography.  相似文献   

Clay mineral assemblages of a soil chrono-association comprising five fluvial surface members (QGH1 to QGH5) of the Indo-Gangetic Plains between the Ramganga and Rapti rivers, north-central India, demonstrate that pedogenic interstratified smectite–kaolin (Sm/K) can be considered as a potential indicator for paleoclimatic changes during the Holocene from arid to humid climates. On the basis of available radiocarbon dates, thermoluminescence dates, and historical evidence, tentative ages assigned to QGH1 to QGH5 are <500 yr B.P., >500 yr B.P., >2500 yr B.P., 8000 TL yr B.P., and 13,500 TL yr B.P., respectively. During pedogenesis two major regional climatic cycles are recorded: relatively arid climates between 10,000–6500 yr B.P. and 3800–? yr B.P. were punctuated by a warm and humid climate. Biotite weathered to trioctahedral vermiculite and smectite in the soils during arid conditions, and smectite was unstable and transformed to Sm/K during the warm and humid climatic phase (7400–4150 cal yr B.P.). When the humid climate terminated, vermiculite, smectite, and Sm/K were preserved to the present day. The study suggests that during the development of soils in the Holocene in alluvium of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, climatic fluctuations appear to be more important than realized hitherto. The soils older than 2500 yr B.P. are relict paleosols, but they are polygenetic because of their subsequent alterations.  相似文献   

The Lower Tagus Valley in Portugal contains a well-developed valley-fill succession covering the complete Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. As large-scale stratigraphic and chronologic frameworks of the Lower Tagus Valley are not yet available, this paper describes facies, facies distribution, and sedimentary architecture of the late Quaternary valley fill. Twenty four radiocarbon ages provide a detailed chronological framework. Local factors affected the nature and architecture of the incised valley-fill succession. The valley is confined by pre-Holocene deposits and is connected with a narrow continental shelf. This configuration facilitated deep incision, which prevented large-scale marine flooding and erosion. Consequently a thick lowstand systems tract has been preserved. The unusually thick lowstand systems tract was probably formed in a previously (30,000–20,000 cal BP) incised narrow valley, when relative sea-level fall was maximal. The lowstand deposits were preserved due to subsequent rapid early Holocene relative sea-level rise and transgression, when tidal and marine environments migrated inland (transgressive systems tract). A constant sea level in the middle to late Holocene, and continuous fluvial sediment supply, caused rapid bayhead delta progradation (highstand systems tract). This study shows that the late Quaternary evolution of the Lower Tagus Valley is determined by a narrow continental shelf and deep glacial incision, rapid post-glacial relative sea-level rise, a wave-protected setting, and large fluvial sediment supply.  相似文献   

川西高原位于高原气候区和季风气候区的过渡位置,该地区的气候特征对于认识青藏高原对周边气候的影响具有重要意义。通过对漳腊黄土剖面的14C年代测试、地层对比,结合粒度-年龄模型建立了剖面的年代序列。测试了粒度、色度、磁化率和碳酸盐等指标,建立了剖面的气候演化序列。结果表明,剖面记录了104 ka以来的气候变化过程。漳腊黄土粒度在MIS(深海氧同位素阶段)3和MIS4阶段的中值粒径接近,分别为17.6 μm和17.7 μm,反映了期间有一次高原隆升。漳腊黄土粒度曲线记录了多个粒度变粗和变细事件,粒度在H(海因里希)2时明显粗于H1,表明受到了高纬气候系统的影响。另外还存在2个明显的粒度变细事件,分别发生在处于MIS3的28~31 ka和42~45 ka,是低纬气候系统影响的结果。漳腊黄土研究结果表明川西高原气候系统影响因素的复杂性。  相似文献   

A closed or semi-closed plateau lake, whose sediment records can provide us with plenty of fine and high resolution information, is a sensitive indicator of climatic and environmental changes. During the reconstruction of various short-time-scale climatic and environmental changes, the geochemical records in plateau-lake sediments are superior to other natural files. Based on fine dissection of the vertical profile of sediment particle sizes, this paper reveals the quasi-periodical changes of sediment particle sizes, which indicates the quasi-periodical fluctuations of the regional climate. A synthetic analysis of multiple indexes shows that sediment particle size is a more sensitive and more effective index of climatic and environmental changes than other geochemical indexes. High content of >20μm sediment particles and low content of 2–10μm sediment particles indicate a warm-dry climate and conversely a cold-humid climate, and their ratio can be used as an effective index of climatic changes. The basic climate succession in the region of Lake Erhai is characterized as being alternatively warm-dry and cold-humid and it has been developing into a warm-dry climate as a whole. There exist at least 2 time-scale quasi-periodical fluctuations of the regional climate in Lake Erhai. At present, the region of Lake Erhai is at the end of the warm-dry period and at the beginning of a cold-humid period, so the temperature will go down and the water level will rise. This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 49894170, 49773207).  相似文献   

Sequence developments in rift basins are considered to be influenced largely by tectonics and to a lesser extent by eustatic sea‐level and climate. Studies indicate that in passive margin basins, climate can mask the effects of tectonics and eustasy by modulating the sediment supply. It is, however, less understood how the sedimentary sequence in rift basins might respond to strong climatic fluctuations where tectonic pulses generate rapid accommodation space. Here a case study has been provided to assess the effect of climate vis à vis sea‐level and tectonics on sequence development in the Cambay rift basin, western India, during the Early Palaeogene (Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene) super greenhouse globe. Facies analysis of this shale–lignite sequence suggests deposition in a lagoon/bay, developed over the Deccan Trap basement. Detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis using basin‐wide representative composite sections, marker lignite seam, event bed and high‐resolution carbon isotope (δ13C) chemostratigraphy suggest an overall transgressive motif. Among the three prominent Early Eocene eustatic highstands, only the one at ca 53·7 Ma is expressed by the thickest coal accumulation throughout the basin. Expression of the other sequence stratigraphic surfaces is subdued and can be due to the overall finer grain size of the sediment or local variation in the subsidence rate at different fault‐controlled mini‐basins. Enigmatic presence of a maximum flooding surface coinciding with the 53·7 Ma climate event (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2), manifested by negative carbon isotope excursion, indicates possible influence of climate over and above tectonics in developing the rift sequence. Qualitative rainfall variation assessed using the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion and pollen abundance show that a relatively dry/low precipitation climatic phase during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 hindered the siliclastic supply to the basin. Thus, it has been inferred that climate‐induced high siliciclastic supply possibly enhanced the autocyclic reorganization and hindered the development of the key sequence stratigraphic surfaces across the basin during climate extremes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT High resolution seismic profiles, supported where possible by radiocarbon dates and regional stratigraphic data, indicate that the last post-glacial transgression in the SW Pacific was episodic, comprising major stillstands punctuated by rapid rises in sea-level. On the terrigenous continental shelf east of South Island, New Zealand, a succession of shorelines (S8-S1) are recognized, as follows: S8 =c. ?113 m, 18,000 yr BP; S7 =c. ?88 m, 17,000 yr BP; S6 =c. ?75 m, 15,000 yr BP; S5 =c. ?56 m, 12,000 yr BP; S4 =c. ?46 m, 11,000 yr BP; S3 =c. ?28 m, 9,500 yr BP; S3a =c. ?24 m, 9,000 yr BP; S2 =c. ?9 m, 7,500 yr BP; S1 = 0 m, 6,500 yr BP. With the exception of S8, and possibly S2, the shorelines are associated with wedges of sediment, the size and presence of which imply that (1) sea-level stabilized at some shorelines for a considerable period of time (up to 1-2,000 yr); and (2) the intervening rises of sea-level, estimated to have been at least 10-12 m 103 yr?1, were too rapid to allow the reworking of the wedges into a transgressive sediment sheet, as favoured in some current models. On the Great Barrier Reef shelf, off Queensland Australia, shorelines S8-S1 have also been recognized, with a further shoreline feature S4a occurring at c. -39 m. Shorelines S1a (0 m/0 yr BP), Sib (+ 2-3 m/6,000 yr BP) and Sic (0 m/6,500yr BP) are recognized as discrete aspects of the post-6,500 yr BP sea-level behaviour in north-eastern Australia. The rapid rise in sea-level, at least between shorelines S5 (12,000 yr BP) and S3 (9,500 yr Bp), is known to have outpaced reef growth, causing in situ drowning of reefs located along the deeper shorelines. All modern reefs so far drilled and dated began their development at or above S3 (-28 m, 9,500 yr BP). Some of the shorelines, particularly S5, appear to correlate between the northern and southern hemispheres on the basis of age, succession and general depth of occurrence, suggesting (1) that they may be global features controlled by the post-glacial pattern of ice-sheet decay; and (2) that hydro-isostatic adjustment may exert only a minor control on the depth of particular shorelines, at least during the earlier parts of the post-glacial transgression.  相似文献   

东营凹陷下第三系层序地层格架及盆地充填模式   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
冯有良 《地球科学》1999,24(6):635-642
以构造地层、层序地层分析和基准面分析原理为手段,对东营陷高精度层序地层格架,层序型式、体系域构造和盆地充填模式进行了研究,在高分辨地震剖面、测井曲线、岩相和古生物等方面,识别出3个级别的层序界面标志,建立了该凹陷层序地层格架,将其下第三系划分为1个构造层序,3个层序组,12个层序;确定了该陷3个构造幕发育的3种没成因的三级层序型式,即初始裂陷型层序、裂陷伸展型层序和裂陷收敛型层序,研究表明,该盆地  相似文献   

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