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方同明  程新彬  刘鸿  孙永华  吴虎峻  魏波  王玮  丁望 《地质通报》2016,35(12):2076-2081
太古宙基性岩墙群在北京密云地区广泛分布,其年代学研究一直备受关注,多年来取得了一些数据,但对太古宙变质片麻岩控制作用未做论述。利用LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定技术,测得放马峪石榴辉石岩中锆石的年龄为2497±15Ma,此年龄被解释为区内变质片麻岩成岩年龄应早于基性岩墙群成岩年龄,其为研究区内太古宙片麻岩成岩年龄提供了重要的参考数据。  相似文献   

对“托格拉克布拉克杂岩”的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆库鲁克塔格地区辛格尔南的达格拉克布拉克一带的片麻岩系是新疆最古老的变质岩系 ,是太古宙高级变质区的产物 ,其中达格拉克布拉克片麻岩套为具有太古宙特殊色彩的 TTG岩系 ,并经过了多次变形变质作用 ,为一套无序的变质深成岩 ,具中压相系角闪岩相区域中高温变质作用 ,具有太古宙典型的穹盆构造变形特征 ,是塔里木古老地块的古陆核  相似文献   

辽宁义县地区太古宙变质深成岩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球化学特征研究表明,义县地区太古宙变质深成岩属于太古宙晚期富钾的正常钙碱性的花岗闪长岩-石英二长岩-花岗岩系列的岩石,属于壳源分异型花岗岩,形成环境为构造活动带。  相似文献   

胶南地区前寒武纪侵入岩的岩石谱系单位划分及地壳演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胶南地区的变质杂岩主要由中、晚元古代的变质深成岩组成,按照同源岩浆演化理论,这上结深成岩可划归四个超单元:(1)海阳所超单元,由基性岩-中性岩-酸性岩构成一个较完整的岩浆演化序列,炒中元古代幔源深成岩类,形成于洋内裂谷环境,属非造山岩浆岩类;(2)荣成超单元,由二长花岗岩类构成,为晚元古代壳源S型花岗岩类,形成于碰碰撞造山队段,属同造山岩浆岩类;(3)铁山超单元,由石英正长岩-正长花岗岩组成,为晚  相似文献   

新疆太古宙变质岩系岩石组合特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
新疆塔里木盆地周边发育前寒武纪变质岩系,其太古宙变质岩系分布在库鲁克塔格-星星峡及阿尔金山前。铁克力克可能有新太古代变质岩系的存在。库鲁克塔格地区太古代变质岩出露较全,由古-中太古代及新太古代变质岩组成:阿尔金山前、南天山及中天山尾亚地区均有新太古代变质岩系分布。太古代变质岩系由表壳岩和变质深成岩(岩系)组成,前者往往呈规模不等的包体散布在变质深成岩中。变质作用主要为区域中高温变质作用和区域动力热流变质作用,变质相为中深变质的角闪岩相-麻粒岩相,具中深部构造相的塑性流变特征。  相似文献   

辽宁建平地区变质基性岩脉的地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在建平地区首次发现的变化变化基性岩脉侵入于太古宙晚期紫苏花岗质片麻岩和角闪(黑云)长英质片麻岩等变质深成侵入体中。普遍含有石榴石是基性岩脉经受变质作用的标志。据地质产状、与围岩接触、结构构造和含有少量石英等特征,可将变质基性岩脉与岩貌特征十分相似的包体岩石-角闪石榴斜长辉石岩相区别,这些特征也是在本区鉴别变质基性岩脉的标志。据矿物共生关系,计算变质基性岩脉变质作用的温度为721-742℃,压力在0  相似文献   

鞍山-本溪-抚顺地区是我国太古宙岩石出露的主要地区及重点研究区.区内太古宙岩石以变质深成侵入体为主,变质表壳岩出露面积不足20%.区内变质深成岩侵位于始太古代-新太古代的不同时期,原岩由TTG岩系和钙碱性CA岩系组成;变质表壳岩以磁铁石英岩和斜长角闪岩为标志性岩性.两类原岩建造在太古宙时期,遭受了由麻粒岩相到角闪岩相至绿片岩相连续降温减压过程.根据区内新太古代岩石出露的特点划分3个微古陆核,分别为鞍本古陆核、清原古陆核及辽北古陆核.中太古代和新太古代为本区最重要的造陆时期,以鞍本微古陆核为最早的增生点,经拼接增生、裂解改造,形成现今的地质格局.  相似文献   

论建平群大营子组解体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大营子组是60年代建立的太古宙建平群中的岩石地层单位,近年1:5万区调证实。大营子组是由矿石地变质深成岩,即石英闪长岩,英云闪长岩,花岗岩,以及太古宙表壳岩包体,甚至还包括了早元古代的变质辉长岩,层状变质岩,早古生代闪长岩和早二叠世二长花岗岩等组成,已失去了原来的岩石地层意义。  相似文献   

彭游博 《地质通报》2020,(5):670-680
辽北开原地区新太古代变质深成岩位于华北板块北缘陆缘活动带东段,主要岩性为二长花岗质片麻岩、花岗闪长质片麻岩和英云闪长质片麻岩,其中英云闪长质片麻岩LA-ICP-MS锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄加权平均值为2489.6±9.1 Ma,为新太古代。新太古代变质深成岩属高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩,准铝-过铝质岩石系列,轻稀土元素较富集,重稀土元素相对亏损,具有下地壳或太古宙沉积岩部分熔融形成的特征。通过岩石学、岩石地球化学和构造环境及就位机制分析,结合邻区构造演化研究,认为辽北开原地区变质深成岩岩浆来自较浅的基性古陆壳局部熔融。大地构造位置可能处在洋壳与陆壳的接触带,说明新太古代清河断裂附近可能出现陆壳碰撞增生活动。闪长质-石英闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗质片麻岩体现了陆壳经历长时间的增生、造陆活动,已由早期的基性陆壳向现今的硅铝质陆壳转变。  相似文献   

辽宁鞍本—抚顺地区太古宙变质层状岩系,前人分别建立了太古宙鞍山群井家沟组、石棚子组、通什村组、红透山组、樱桃园组、大峪沟组和茨沟组等地层单位,这些地层单位均呈规模大小不等的包体状、孤岛状等形态赋存于太古宙变质深成岩中,各组之间大部分孤立存在,无底无顶,相互间接触关系不清,是否属于同一时期形成的产物,长期一来存在着较多的争议。通过对各岩组原岩恢复、层序对比、含铁建造、变质作用等特点和以往及近期获得高精度测年数据的分析研究,把辽宁鞍本—抚顺地区太古宙层状岩系厘定为新太古代井家沟岩组、红透山岩组、茨沟岩组和樱桃园岩组等四个构造岩石地层单位,形成时间在2725亿a左右,为新太古代中晚期产物。  相似文献   

The structural history of the Hercynian Pyrenees is considered with respect to the relationships between the metamorphism and the successive deformations, the characteristics and mode of emplacement of the gneissic and anatectic cores of the metamorphic domes, the migmatization and the intrusions of plutonic and basic and ultrabasic rocks.The metamorphism can be shown to have progressed upwards with time, attaining the presently exposed levels just before, during and a short time after the major penetrative regional deformation.The intrusion of major plutonic, anatectic and gneissic massifs, which has determined the metamorphic domes in country rocks, was roughly synchronous with the progression of the metamorphism, but seems to have continued later in the uppermost levels.The basic and ultrabasic rocks uplifted by the intrusion of the anatectic cores of the metamorphic domes have been deformed and foliated by the major regional penetrative deformation, thus showing that their intrusion predated this deformation in the lowermost levels.These results, together with the presently available sedimentological data, lead us to propose a dynamic model of the tectonic evolution of the Hercynian Pyrenees.The first step was a crustal extension and thinning, attaining its maximum during Frasnian time, marked in the upper levels by a “ horst and graben” controlled sedimentation and in the lower crust by intrusions of basic magmas and the onset of the very low-pressure metamorphism and anatexis characteristic of the Hercynian Pyrenees.The second step was a crustal shortening marked by large-scale crustal thrusting followed by widespread regional penetrative deformation. The flysch troughs formed in front of the progressing and emerging thrusts. In lower levels, the thrusts are believed to have controlled the progressive ascent of the plutonic and anatectic magmas which continued their uplift and emplacement during major penetrative regional deformation in the actual mesozone and probably after it in the uppermost levels.  相似文献   

陕西省“八五”区调新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文重点论述了陕西省“八五”期间区域地质调查方面的新进展、新成果、新发现、新资料、主要包括:前寒武纪变质杂者及岩群解体划分、显生苗地层厘定、古生物和同位素测年新资料、侵入岩谱系单位建立、变质深成岩体和造山带构造研究、填图方法新的探索与区调信息化等方面。并根据全省区调成果和资料,适当作了区域性综合研究、分析归纳。  相似文献   

The paper presents data on plutonic and metamorphic rocks dredged during Cruise 249 of the German R/V Sonne to the Stalemate Ridge, Northwest Pacific Ocean and the Shirshov Rise, western Bering Sea. Dredges in the northwestern sector of the Stalemate Ridge and central portion of the Shirshov Rise show that the plutonic and metamorphic rocks obtained here are amazingly similar. Our petrologic and geochemical data led us to view the rocks as members of a mafic–ultramafic assemblage typical of cumulate portions of ophiolite complexes and backarc spreading centers. The plutonic complexes of the Shirshov Rise and Stalemate Ridge show similarities not only in the petrography and mineralogy of their protoliths but also in the character of their metamorphic transformations. Plutonic rocks from both areas display mineralogical evidence of metamorphism within a broad temperature range: from the high-temperature amphibolite facies to the greenschist facies. Relations between the index mineral assemblages indicate that the metamorphic history of plutonic complexes in the Stalemate Ridge and Shirshov Rise proceeded along a retrograde path. Hornblende schists accompanying the plutonic rocks of the Stalemate Ridge and Shirshov Rise are petrographically close to foliated amphibolites in subophiolitic metamorphic aureoles. Within the framework of geodynamic interpretations of our results, it is realistic to suggest that the examined plutonic complexes were exhumed from subduction zones of various age.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1839-1855

The Late Cretaceous accretionary complex of the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan suture zone, near Artova, is composed mainly of peridotites (variably serpentinized), amphibolite, garnet-micaschist, calc-schist, marble, basalt, sandstones, neritic limestones. The metamorphic rocks were interpreted as the metamorphic sole rocks occurring at the base of mantle tectonites, because: (i) amphibolites were observed together with the serpentinized peridotites suggesting their occurrences in the oceanic environment; (ii) foliation in amphibolites and serpentinized peridotites run subparallel to each other; (iii) all these metamorphic rocks and serpentinized peridotites are cross-cut by the unmetamorphosed dolerite dikes with island arc tholeiite-like chemistry. Geochemical characteristics of the amphibolites display enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB)- and ocean island basalt (OIB)-like signatures. The dolerite dikes, on the other hand, yield an island arc tholeiite-like composition. Geothermobarometric investigations of the metamorphic sole rocks suggest that the metamorphic temperature was ~650 ± 30°C and the pressure condition was less than 0.5 GPa. Dating of hornblende grains from amphibolite yielded age values ranging from 139 ± 11 to 157 ± 3.6 Ma (2σ). The oldest weighted average age value is regarded as approximating the timing of the intra-oceanic subduction. These cooling ages were interpreted to be the intra-oceanic subduction/thrusting time of the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan oceanic domain.  相似文献   

基于超基性岩蛇纹石化成油理论,根据构造条件和沉积条件,提出了石油勘查概念模型——"BRCF"模型:B代表侵入地壳超基性岩;R代表储油层;C代表盖层;F代表深大断裂。运用该模型分析了波斯湾地区油气田和中国典型油气田油气成藏规律,并预测了中国大陆油气勘查靶区。  相似文献   

华北板块北缘发育一条中元古代晚期大陆边缘碰撞造山带 ,它由内蒙西部狼山起向东延伸到辽西和吉林东部一带 ,全长 2 0 0 0余km。造山带内部发育了不同类型变质的沉积岩、火山沉积岩 ,以及各种类型深成侵入岩。在 1.0Ga左右 ,由西伯利亚板块和华北板块对接碰撞 ,形成了巨大陆缘碰撞造山带。这次构造事件是Rodinia超大陆拼合事件的一部分 ,表明了在Rodinia超大陆时期华北板块和西伯利亚板块是连在一起的。  相似文献   

The paper presents characteristics of the Nd and Sr isotopic systems of ultrabasic rocks, gabbroids, plagiogranites, and their minerals and data on He and hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions in the same samples. The materials presented in this publication were obtained by studying samples dredged from the MAR crest zone at 5°–6° N (U/Pb zircon dating, geochemical and petrological-mineralogical studies). It was demonstrated that the variations in the isotopic composition of He entrapped in the rocks and minerals were controlled by variable degrees of mixing of juvenile He, which is typical of basaltic glass of MAR (DM source) and atmospheric He. An increase in the fraction of atmospheric He in the plutonic rocks and, to a lesser degree, in their minerals reflects the involvement of seawater or the hydrated material of the oceanic crust in the magmatic and postmagmatic processes. This conclusion finds further support in a positive correlation between the fraction of mantle He (R) and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio. The high-temperature hydration of ultrabasic rocks (amphibolization) was associated with an increase in the fraction of mantle He, while their low-temperature hydration (serpentinization) was accompanied by a drastic decrease in this fraction and a significant increase in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio. The insignificant variations in the 143Nd/144Nd (close to 0.5130) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7035) in most of the gabbroids and plagiogranites, as well as the fraction of mantle He in these rocks, amphibolites, and their ore minerals, indicate that the melts were derived from the depleted mantle. Similar?Nd values of the gabbroids, plagiogranites, and fresh harzburgites (6.77–8.39) suggest that these rocks were genetically related to a single mantle source. The value of ?Nd = 2.62 of the serpentinized lherzolites likely reflects relations of these relatively weakly depleted mantle residues to another source. The aforementioned characteristics of the rocks generally reflect the various degrees of mixing of components of the depleted mantle with crustal components (seawater) during the metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that accompanied the formation of the oceanic crust.  相似文献   

西秦岭下拉地超基性岩体的地球化学特征及构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了西秦岭下拉地超基性岩的地质与地球化学特征,结果表明:下拉地超基性岩具有低SiO2、富Mg和贫碱特点;变质原岩主要属于橄榄岩类;不同岩石类型之间微量元素及稀土元素的分布具有一定差异;下拉地岩体的原生超基性岩岩浆主要起源于上地幔,成因类型属于俯冲带地幔橄榄岩;岩浆演化过程中受到壳源物质的加入和海相碳酸盐物质的加入,造成下拉地超基性岩高Al2O3、高CaO的特殊地球化学组成特点。笔者对由于蚀变作用影响形成的地球化学特征的原因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Recently sampled slopes of ridges and canyons in the mid-oceanic hyperbasitic belt yield typical greenstones, products of metamorphism of basic intrusive and effusive rocks, which are associated paragenetically with the more or less serpentinized ultrabasic rocks. Expressions of metamorphism indicate a wide range of stages and temperatures. Low-temperature metamorphism accompanied by intensive deformations is regionally common. Nearly every sample shows it as fissuring, slickensides, fragmentation, tectonic brecciation, and so on, and every new phase of mineralogenesis represents a tectonic movement. Secondary alterations of greenstones resemble a regressive regional metamorphism, as in ancient geosynclines; serpentinization of ultrabasic rocks is very much like it is in peridotites of the Alpine type. -- V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

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