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原生结构煤受构造应力破坏后形成不同类型煤体结构煤,其孔隙结构、吸附/解吸、扩散和渗透能力等将发生变化,从而影响煤层气的赋存与产出.通过对沁水盆地赵庄井田3号煤层原生结构煤与构造煤样品进行甲烷等温吸附实验、低温液氮和二氧化碳吸附实验,分析了构造煤与原生结构煤的吸附?解吸性能及孔隙结构特征;应用单孔和双孔非稳态扩散模型,揭...  相似文献   

带吸附作用的煤层气运移规律一直是煤层气地质学界关注的焦点问题之一。为研究吸附-解吸状态下的煤层气运移机制,推导了气体吸附-解吸方程并分析了多孔介质扩散-渗流理论,开展了煤层气运移实验并对实验结果进行了分析。研究结果发现:煤体孔隙结构对煤层气运移具有"容阻效应","容储""阻降"二重特性并存构成了煤基质的基本功能;气体运移过程中煤体对CO2和CH4吸附能力的差异体现在吸附响应时间、吸附速率增长率、吸附平衡时间和最大吸附体积等4项指标;煤层气运移过程中扩散和渗流两种方式并存,当裂隙及大孔内气体压力较中-微孔隙系统气体压力高时,气体运移速率以渗流为主,否则以扩散为主。   相似文献   

甲烷在煤基质中的扩散性能是影响煤层气产出的重要储层参数。采用云南东南部地区新近系中新统小龙潭组褐煤样品,开展了低煤阶煤中甲烷等温吸附实验。基于等温吸附实验获得的吸附量与时间的关系数据,应用一元孔隙结构气体非稳态扩散模型,计算了煤中甲烷气体扩散系数,揭示了煤中甲烷扩散规律和控制机理。研究结果表明,低煤阶煤中气体扩散规律服从Langmuir方程,煤中甲烷有效扩散系数和扩散系数随着压力的增高而增大;吸附时间常数随着压力的增高而减小,服从负指数函数规律。4个实验煤样Langmuir有效扩散系数和扩散系数分别是(1.71~5.46)×10-4 s-1和(2.17~6.91)×10-12 m2/s,Langmuir压力为0.63~1.97 MPa。在相同温度和压力条件下,干燥煤样的有效扩散系数和扩散系数大于平衡水分煤样,随着温度的增高,其有效扩散系数和扩散系数增加,煤中气体扩散性能增强。   相似文献   

煤层甲烷在煤孔隙中扩散的微观机理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
分析了煤层甲烷在煤体中的扩散模式和微观机理,得出在煤体中存在有以下几种扩散模式:菲克型扩散、诺森扩散、过渡型扩散、表面扩散和晶体扩散,并分析了抽放时甲烷在煤层中的运移过程及其在煤微孔隙中的扩散过程。根据分子运动论从微观上讨论了压强和温度对甲烷分子平均自由程的影响规律,并解释了升高压强和温度增强甲烷气体在煤层微孔隙中扩散能力的机理。   相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、压汞试验、等温吸附实验分析贵州金佳矿区8个主要煤层孔隙发育特征。煤储层发育较多的原生孔、气孔及张性裂隙,次生孔隙主要为粒间孔,矿物溶蚀孔、矿物铸模孔相对较少;压汞试验表明,3#煤层开放孔较多,压汞曲线为Ⅱ型,孔隙连通性较好; 1#、7#煤层以微小孔为主,压汞曲线为Ⅰ型,孔隙连通性中等;其余煤层压汞曲线为Ⅲ型,孔隙连通性差;煤储层孔隙度、孔容、比表面积与变质程度呈正相关;甲烷等温吸附实验显示3#、24#煤甲烷吸附速率快,吸附能力最强;矿区煤储层孔隙结构对甲烷吸附性的影响有限;对比分析矿区3#煤层有利于煤层气的开发。  相似文献   

正煤中孔隙空间由有效孔隙空间和孤立孔隙空间构成,前者为气、液体能进入的孔隙,后者则为全封闭性"死孔"。煤的孔径结构是研究煤层气赋存状态、气、水介质与煤基质块间物理、化学作用以及煤层气解吸、扩散和渗流的基础。煤中的大孔和中孔有利于甲烷气体的运移;而小孔和微孔则与甲烷的吸附能力有关。低煤级煤是煤化作用早期阶段形成的产物,通常指碳含量低、挥发份高、发热量较低的褐煤、长焰煤,其最大镜质组反射率R_(o,max)  相似文献   

为了研究甲烷在颗粒煤中扩散、吸附至平衡过程的扩散特性,基于颗粒煤吸附甲烷幂函数扩散模型,利用磁悬浮天平高压等温吸附仪,测定不同压力下颗粒煤甲烷吸附过程中扩散量随时间变化值,研究颗粒煤甲烷吸附达到平衡前的扩散特征。实验结果表明:平衡压力对颗粒煤甲烷吸附和扩散特性影响显著;吸附量和平均扩散系数随着压力增大而增大;颗粒煤甲烷吸附过程扩散系数随时间呈幂函数衰减,前500 s衰减幅度较大,平均扩散系数与时间呈负相关关系。研究认为颗粒煤吸附甲烷幂函数扩散模型对于描述颗粒煤甲烷吸附扩散过程具有较高准确性,有助于分析煤层气排采过程煤层气吸附量的动态变化,提高煤层气采收率。   相似文献   

煤层气在煤储层中的扩散及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
煤层气在煤储层中的扩散是指从煤基质孔隙表面上解吸的煤层气运移到割理系统的主要过程。发生扩散的前提条件是气体浓度差的出现,衡量扩散能力大小的重要参数是扩散系数。前者为由解吸速度、解吸气量和煤层气产量、井孔压力降等因素控制的动态参数,而后者为主要受扩散物质性质、扩散介质特征、扩散系统的温度、压力和孔隙结构形态等因素影响的静态参数。煤层气在煤储层中的扩散量与煤层气浓度差和扩散系数呈正比关系。  相似文献   

研究煤复杂发育的孔隙结构对揭示煤层气体赋存机理及扩散运移规律有重要意义.为了研究煤的纳米孔隙结构,利用SEM、液氮吸附、小角X射线研究了不同煤阶煤的纳米孔隙在形式和分布上的非均匀性.实验煤样煤基质中的孔呈多峰分布,且孔径范围主要集中在2~10 nm.煤样低温液氮吸附实验测得煤样的吸附量为3.676 cm3/g,煤样的比表面积为1.416 m2/g.以最可几孔径作为研究对象,在实验压力范围内,吸附压力越大,最可几孔径变大的越多;瓦斯气体在纳米级孔隙结构中的扩散模式以过渡型扩散为主,微孔更发达的煤样中,扩散更接近Knudsen型扩散,中孔更发达的煤样中,扩散更接近Fick型扩散;Knudsen数与温度呈负相关关系,温度高于250 K后,Knudsen数趋于稳定,与压强呈正相关关系,压强越大,扩散越容易.   相似文献   

为探究高压气体吸附-解吸试验对煤基质中孔隙发育规模和结构的影响,选取安鹤矿区鹤壁六矿二1煤层煤样进行了高压氮气置换甲烷吸附-解吸试验,采用低温液氮吸附方法分别测定了高压氮气置换甲烷前后煤的低温液氮吸附解吸曲线,利用BET、BJH和QSDFT 3种分析模型,对煤基质中1.14~300 nm的孔隙规模、分布与结构特征进行了对比分析。分析结果显示煤样的孔容、比表面积和孔隙结构在高压气体置换过程中均发生了变化,孔隙BET比表面积从12.746 0 m2/g降低到7.227 0 m2/g,总孔容从0.009 0 cm3/g降低到0.006 6 cm3/g;孔隙发育规模与孔径分布均发生明显变化,但孔隙形态基本保持不变,孔径分布的变化主要表现为微孔孔容与比表面积的降低为主,而中孔和大孔基本保持不变。   相似文献   

研究煤的吸附和放散特性,对于查明煤与瓦斯突出中甲烷的作用,提高煤层气采收率或矿井抽采率具有重要作用。通过自行研制的实验装置,对河南新安矿和平煤一矿软煤和硬煤甲烷吸附和扩散的性质、相同吸附压力下的吸附量和Langmuir吸附常数的差异进行分析,阐明煤表面能的控制因素,查明煤在初始解吸时刻的扩散系数。结果表明,同一煤层中软煤比共生的硬煤具有更大的Langmuir吸附体积,在同一吸附压力下同阶煤的吸附量与煤的软硬和吸附压力有关,软煤和硬煤的表面能与煤阶有关,短时间解吸时软煤扩散系数大于硬煤,长时间解吸后硬煤的扩散系数大于软煤,且软硬煤的扩散系数均随解吸时间延长和吸附平衡压力的增加而减小。   相似文献   

Interpretation of carbon dioxide diffusion behavior in coals   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Storage of carbon dioxide in geological formations is for many countries one of the options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus to satisfy the Kyoto agreements. The CO2 storage in unminable coal seams has the advantage that it stores CO2 emissions from industrial processes and can be used to enhance coalbed methane recovery (CO2-ECBM). For this purpose, the storage capacity of coal is an important reservoir parameter. While the amount of CO2 sorption data on various natural coals has increased in recent years, only few measurements have been performed to estimate the rate of CO2 sorption under reservoir conditions. An understanding of gas transport is crucial for processes associated with CO2 injection, storage and enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) production.A volumetric experimental set-up has been used to determine the rate of sorption of carbon dioxide in coal particles at various pressures and various grain size fractions. The pressure history during each pressure step was measured. The measurements are interpreted in terms of temperature relaxation and transport/sorption processes within the coal particles. The characteristic times of sorption increase with increasing pressure. No clear dependence of the characteristic time with respect to the particle size was found. At low pressures (below 1 MPa) fast gas diffusion is the prevailing mechanism for sorption, whereas at higher pressures, the slow diffusion process controls the gas uptake by the coal.  相似文献   

The Panguan Syncline contains abundant coal resources,which may be a potential source of coalbed methane.In order to evaluate the coalbed methane production potential in this area,we investigated the pore-fracture system of coalbed methane reservoirs,and analyzed the gas sorption and seepage capacities by using various analytical methods,including scanning electron microscopy(SEM),optical microscopy,mercury-injection test,low-temperature N2 isotherm adsorption/desorption analyses,lowfield nuclear magnetic resonance and methane isothermal adsorption measurements.The results show that the samples of the coal reservoirs in the Panguan Syncline have moderate gas sorption capacity.However, the coals in the study area have favorable seepage capacities,and are conductive for the coalbed methane production.The physical properties of the coalbed methane reservoirs in the Panguan Syncline are generally controlled by coal metamorphism:the low rank coal usually has low methane sorption capacity and its pore and microfractures are poorly developed;while the medium rank coal has better methane sorption capacity,and its seepage pores and microfractures are well developed,which are sufficient for the coalbed methane’s gathering and exploration.Therefore,the medium rank coals in the Panguan Syncline are the most prospective targets for the coalbed methane exploration and production.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of coal permeability to the effective stress means that changes in stress as well as pore pressure within a coal seam lead to changes in permeability. In addition coal swells with gas adsorption and shrinks with desorption; these sorption strains impact on the coal stress state and thus the permeability. Therefore the consideration of gas migration in coal requires an appreciation of the coupled geomechanical behaviour. A number of approaches to representing coal permeability incorporate the geomechanical response and have found widespread use in reservoir simulation. However these approaches are based on two simplifying assumptions; uniaxial strain (i.e. zero strain in the horizontal plane) and constant vertical stress. This paper investigates the accuracy of these assumptions for reservoir simulation of enhanced coalbed methane through CO2 sequestration. A coupled simulation approach is used where the coalbed methane simulator SIMED II is coupled with the geomechanical model FLAC3D. This model is applied to three simulation case studies assembled from information presented in the literature. Two of these are for 100% CO2 injection, while the final example is where a flue gas (12.5% CO2 and 87.5% N2) is injected. It was found that the horizontal contrast in sorption strain within the coal seam caused by spatial differences in the total gas content leads to vertical stress variation. Thus the permeability calculated from the coupled simulation and that using an existing coal permeability model, the Shi–Durucan model, are significantly different; for the region in the vicinity of the production well the coupled permeability is greater than the Shi–Durucan model. In the vicinity of the injection well the permeability is less than that calculated using the Shi–Durucan model. This response is a function of the magnitude of the strain contrast within the seam and dissipates as these contrasts diminish.  相似文献   

Enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) involves the injection of a gas, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, into the coal reservoir to displace the methane present. Potentially this strategy can offer greater recovery of the coal seam methane and higher rates of recovery due to pressure maintenance of the reservoir. While reservoir simulation forms an important part of the planning and assessment of ECBM, a key question is the accuracy of existing approaches to characterising and representing the gas migration process. Laboratory core flooding allows the gas displacement process to be investigated on intact coal core samples under conditions analogous to those in the reservoir. In this paper a series of enhanced drainage core floods are presented and history matched using an established coal seam gas reservoir simulator, SIMED II. The core floods were performed at two pore pressures, 2 MPa and 10 MPa, and involve either nitrogen or flue gas (90% nitrogen and 10% CO2) flooding of core samples initially saturated with methane. At the end of the nitrogen floods the core flood was reversed by flooding with methane to investigate the potential for hysteresis in the gas displacement process. Prior to the core flooding an independent characterisation programme was performed on the core sample where the adsorption isotherm, swelling with gas adsorption, cleat compressibility and geomechanical properties were measured. This information was used in the history matching of the core floods; the properties adjusted in the history matching were related to the affect of sorption strain on coal permeability and the transfer of gas between cleat and matrix. Excellent agreement was obtained between simulated and observed gas rates, breakthrough times and total mass balances for the nitrogen/methane floods. It was found that a triple porosity model improved the agreement with observed gas migration over the standard dual porosity Warren-Root model. The Connell, Lu and Pan hydrostatic permeability model was used in the simulations and improved history match results by representing the contrast between pore and bulk sorption strains for the 10 MPa cases but this effect was not apparent for the 2 MPa cases. There were significant differences between the simulations and observations for CO2 flow rates and mass balances for the flue gas core floods. A possible explanation for these results could be that there may be inaccuracy in the representation of mixed gas adsorption using the extended Langmuir adsorption model.  相似文献   

深部煤层渗透性普遍较差,直井压裂开发单井产量低效果不甚理想,而U型水平井分段压裂开发煤层气技术已取得很好的效果。该项技术试验前必须进行适合该井型的地质评价。以鄂尔多斯盆地东缘延川南区块为例,首先分析影响水平井压裂产能的地质因素,主要为单井控制资源量、储层渗透性和煤层气解吸难易程度,其中单井控制资源量受含气量和煤层厚度影响,渗透性与煤层埋深、构造及煤体结构等有关,碎裂煤发育区渗透性相对好。而后假定吸附性能不变的前提下,利用数值模拟方法分别模拟了不同渗透率、含气量和煤层厚度条件下水平井压裂的产气情况,模拟结果表明水平井压裂后累计产气量与渗透率、含气量、煤层厚度正相关。最后在经济效益评价的基础上,查明适合水平井压裂的地质条件:渗透率>0.25×10–3μm2,含气量>12.3m3/t,煤层厚度>2.9m。该地质适用性评价标准在现场得到广泛应用,并收到了良好的开发效益。   相似文献   

为研究沁水盆地东北部煤层气成藏特征与产出控制因素,基于寺家庄区块煤层气勘探和生产资料,从地质构造、煤厚与煤层结构、埋深和水文地质特征等方面研究了煤层含气性影响因素,并结合压裂排采工艺和煤体结构等因素探讨了煤层气井产能控制因素。结果表明:(1) 研究区煤储层含气性受构造影响较大,在褶皱的轴部及旁侧构造挤压带,多呈现出高含气量,尤其是向斜轴部。在陷落柱和水文地质条件叠加作用下,15号煤层含气量整体较8、9号煤层低,且8、9号煤层含气饱和度也整体高于15号煤层。(2) 8、9和15号煤层含气性均表现出随煤层埋深增加而增大的趋势,但随埋深增加,构造应力和地温场的作用逐渐增强,存在含气量随埋深变化的“临界深度”(700 m左右)。煤层含气性也表现出随煤层厚度增加而增大的趋势,煤层结构越简单,煤层含气性越好。(3) 研究区中部的NNE?NE向褶皱与EW向构造叠加地区,因较大的构造曲率和相对松弛的区域地应力,具备较好渗透率条件和含气性,故成为煤层气高产区。(4) 发育多煤层地区采用分压合采技术可以有效增加产气量,多煤层可以提供煤层气井高产能的充足气源,且多个层位的同时排水降压可使不同煤储层气体产出达到产能叠加,实现长期稳产,含气性较好及游离气可能存在的区域可出现长期持续高产井。   相似文献   

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