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我国69个城市地下水有机污染特征研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
高存荣  王俊桃 《地球学报》2011,32(5):581-591
全国31个省的69个城市地下水有机污染检测结果表明,在检测的791个样品中有383个至少有一项有机污染组分被检出,检出率为48.42%;有18个样品的单项有机污染组分超标,除苯并[a]芘外,超标组分全部为挥发性有机物,其超标率由高到低分别为:四氯化碳0.75%、苯0.5%、氯仿0.25%、1,2-二氯乙烷0.25%、三...  相似文献   

为了解典型污染场地浅层地下水微量有机污染特征,对西北某省会城市石油化工场地地下水中的挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)污染情况进行了调查。结果表明,污染场地地下水样品中挥发性有机污染物检出率为100%;检出率较高的是氯代烃和苯系物,检出率分别为60%和40%。超标组分为苯和1,2-二氯丙烷,苯超标率为30%,1,2-二氯丙烷超标率10%,苯最大检出浓度达1515μg/L。场地内的原油储存罐、污水隔油池的渗漏以及石油冶炼、机械加工过程工业废水不合理排放均为该场地地下水VOCs的重要来源;VOCs的理化性质以及污染场地地下水防污性能差是影响该场地地下水环境中VOCs归宿的主要因素。  相似文献   

北京市平原区地下水有机污染时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2007~2008年进行的北京市平原区地下水污染调查,发现该地区地下水有机污染具有检出种类多、检出率高、浓度低的特点。主要的有机污染物为三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、1,2-二氯丙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、甲苯和苯并[a]芘。对这8种主要有机污染物的时间和空间分布特征进行了研究。研究显示,平面上,有机污染物分布广泛,主要为点状分布,局部地区集中检出。垂向上,随深度增加地下水有机污染减轻(1,2-二氯乙烷除外)。与枯水期相比,丰水期有机物检出率和浓度更高(三氯甲烷除外),四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯受枯、丰水期变化影响最小,检出重现性好,污染较严重。与2001年相比,2008年四氯化碳检出率降低,对地下水的污染有所减轻,而三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯的检出率变化较小。文章从污染源、有机物理化特性、水文地质条件等方面对有机污染时空分布特征的成因进行了阐述。  相似文献   

2007~2008年进行的北京市平原区地下水污染调查,发现该地区地下水有机污染具有检出种类多、检出率高、浓度低的特点。主要的有机污染物为三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、1,2-二氯丙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、甲苯和苯并[a]芘。对这8种主要有机污染物的时间和空间分布特征进行了研究。研究显示,平面上,有机污染物分布广泛,主要为点状分布,局部地区集中检出。垂向上,随深度增加地下水有机污染减轻(1,2-二氯乙烷除外)。与枯水期相比,丰水期有机物检出率和浓度更高(三氯甲烷除外),四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯受枯、丰水期变化影响最小,检出重现性好,污染较严重。与2001年相比,2008年四氯化碳检出率降低,对地下水的污染有所减轻,而三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯的检出率变化较小。文章从污染源、有机物理化特性、水文地质条件等方面对有机污染时空分布特征的成因进行了阐述。  相似文献   

沈阳地区河水及沿岸地下水中卤代烃的污染特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
选择沈阳地区主要河流(浑河、蒲河、细河、沈抚灌渠)地表水及其沿岸地下水进行卤代烃的定量分析,研究并探讨了卤代脂肪烃和卤代单环芳烃的污染分布特征。浑河和蒲河河水中卤代烃检出率较低,以二氯甲烷为主,检出率为33.3%。检出率高值区主要在细河和沈抚灌渠,13种卤代烃被检出。在30个站点地表水样品中有6个站点卤代烃个别化合物浓度超过我国生活饮用水卫生标准。在13个监测井中,有1个井水的1,2-二氯乙烷浓度(101.1μg/L)超标。卤代烃污染以细河上游和中游以及沈抚灌渠上游最为突出。在细河上游大于镇和中游彰驿镇河水中卤代烃的含量较高,可能与沿岸化工企业有关。沿岸土壤层中砂层为受污染的河水对浅层地下水的补给提供了条件,造成浅层地下水污染,对当地生态系统和人类健康构成潜在的威胁。  相似文献   

贵阳观山湖区至白云区地下水有机污染现状与防治对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章按水文地质条件将全区划分为12个地下水系统,并选择43组控制性水点分丰枯两季进行有机样品采集和测试,在此基础上对研究区地下水中有机污染物的检出、超标、分布及来源均进行了分析。结果显示,参评的86组地下水样品中,有32组检出有机污染物;27种参评有机组分中,10种有机组分存在不同程度的检出,其中,三氯甲烷检出25次,检出率29.07%,其余组分检出率均低于5%;仅有1,2二氯丙烷超标1次,超标率低;区内地下水有机污染物检出浓度较低,超标率低,处于轻度污染阶段;12个系统中,有9个系统发现有机物污染物检出;检出点多分布于工矿企业的下游地段,排污河渠两侧;污染物多来源于中小型工矿企业,以污染物通过落水洞、天窗等进入含水层为主要污染途径;地下水系统排泄区的近源污染多发,危害程度大。针对上述污染特征,提出加强对中小企业污染源的集中管理,加大污水管网建设力度等对策建议。   相似文献   

本文评价了印度集中产粮区农业活动引起的饮用地下水中NO3—N和氟化物(F)的潜在污染。从不同深度、不同类型水井中共采集了342个地下水样品,分析了地下水样品中NO3—N和氟化物的含量以及pH值和导电率(EC)。也收集了研究区内有关主要种植模式、肥料和杀虫剂使用情况等数据。地下水样品中NO3—N的含量较低,浓度范围为0.01-5.97mg/L,仅6.7%的样品中NO3-N的含量大于3.0mg/L。居民区地下水样品中的NO3-N含量高于农田区。但所有样品中NO3州的浓度均低于世界卫生组织规定的饮用水中NO3—N的容许浓度。地下水样品中NO3—N的含量随水井深度的增大而减小(r=-0.297,P≤0.01),而随含氮肥料施肥率的增加而增大(r=0,931,P〈0.01)。种植浅根性作物地区地下水中NO3—N的浓度高于种植深根性作物的地区。地下水样品中氟化物的浓度也普遍较低(0.02-1.19mg/L),仅2.4%的样品中氟化物浓度大于1.0mg/L,这对局部地区居民造成了潜在的氟中毒威胁。总的来说,研究区内地下水中氟化物浓度的空间变化和随含水层深度的变化不大,这表明,研究区的地层岩性是均质的。地下水样品中氟化物的浓度与农业磷酸盐肥料(普通过磷酸钙)的施肥量呈明显的正相关关系(r=0.237,P〈0.01)。研究结果表明,目前研究区内居民饮用的地下水是安全的,但集中产粮区有关的一些人为活动的确对地下水中NO3—N和氟化物的浓度产生了影响。  相似文献   

太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。  相似文献   

河北省滹沱河冲积平原地下水质量及污染特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
地下水是河北省滹沱河冲积平原主要工农业及生活用水水源,地下水质量状况直接影响到区内居民的日常生活。为阐明人类活动影响下该区地下水质量状况,本次研究共采集了482组地下水样品进行测试分析,测试指标包含了无机常规指标以及挥发、半挥发性有机指标,共64项。利用改进的模糊数学综合评价法,评价结果显示:超III类水样点占到总取样点的21.5%,主要分布在工业聚集区和排污河流两侧,且冲洪积扇轴部水质明显劣于中部和扇缘地带。影响地下水质量的主要为常规无机组分,如溶解性总固体、总硬度、铁、锰、硝酸盐氮等,有机组分超标点较少,检出率较高的组分为三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、四氯乙烯和邻二氯苯等,利用EPI Suite软件计算可知高检出组分GUS值均较高,有较高的一致性。对地下水化学指标检出和超标因素进行分析,得出原生水文地质环境和人类活动影响是造成毒性金属、三氮、有机检出和超标的重要因素。  相似文献   

戴启  莫美仙  陈海宁 《云南地质》2009,28(4):437-444
研究认为东部浅层地下水的污染比较严重,硝酸盐超标率达到了88%;在靠近湖滨平原区地下水硝酸盐为中等污染,其超标率在(30.77~66.67)%之间。时间上,研究区随着土地利用的变化,地下水硝酸盐污染在最近几年在逐渐趋向减轻。  相似文献   

A train derailment near Lewisburg, Tennessee, in October 1990 prompted two series of groundwater investigations. The first was to determine the subsurface flow route of chloroform and styrene that sank into the underlying karst aquifer. The second was to determine the source of contamination for two nearby residential wells which were found to be contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE). Water-sample analysis and a dye trace performed at the time of the train derailment indicated groundwater flow to Wilson Spring. A dam was constructed to contain the entire discharge from the spring so that it could be treated before being discharged into Big Rock Creek. Three springs and three water wells were contaminated with chloroform and styrene. Dye traces were performed to determine groundwater flow directions in the vicinities of the TCE-contaminated wells and in the vicinities of potential sources. At the train derailment, the chloroform and styrene sank into the Upper Ridley Karst Aquifer and pooled on top of the Lower Ridley Confining Layer. An exploratory well revealed a layer of chloroform (a Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid DNAPL) on the bottom, a layer of groundwater in the middle, and a layer of styrene (a Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid LNAPL) on top. Groundwater with relatively low levels of chloroform and styrene in solution was carried by a small cave stream southeast along the strike to Wilson Spring. Chloroform product moved by gravity southwest down-dip along weathered bedding planes. Treatment of contaminated groundwater from Wilson Spring and recovery wells at the spill site has occurred continuously since October, 1990.  相似文献   

To investigate the urban groundwater contamination by eight trace metals and 69 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in relation to land use in Seoul, a total of 57 groundwater samples collected from wells were examined using a non-parametric statistical analysis. Land use was classified into five categories: less-developed, residential, agricultural, traffic, and industrial. A comparison of analyzed data with US EPA and Korean standards for drinking water showed that some metals and VOCs exceeded the standards in a few localities, such as Fe (N=5), Mn (N=6), Cu (N=1), TCE (N=6), PCE (N=8), 1,2-DCA (N=1), and 1,2-dichloropropane (N=1). Among the 69 investigated VOCs, 19 compounds such as some gasoline-related compounds (e.g., toluene) and chlorinated compounds (e.g., chloroform, PCE, TCE) were detected in groundwater. Non-parametric statistical analysis showed that the concentrations of most trace metals (Fe, Mn, As, Cr, Pb, Cd) and some VOCs (especially, TCE, PCE, chloroform; toluene, carbon tetrachloride, bromodichloromethane, CFC113) are significantly higher in the industrial, residential, and traffic areas (P<0.05), indicating that anthropogenic contamination of urban groundwater by those chemicals is growing. Those chemicals can be used as effective indicators of anthropogenic contamination of groundwater in urban areas and therefore a special attention is warranted for a safe water supply in those areas. The results of this study suggest that urban groundwater quality in urban areas is closely related with land use.  相似文献   

文章选取老龙洞地下河流域10个地下水点采集样品,分析水样中的水化学指标和三种重要微生物指标,以了解城市化进程对老龙洞地下河流域水质的影响,探究该地区微生物污染的主要来源。结合岩溶区独特的水文地质条件,利用粪大肠杆菌(FC)与粪链球菌(FS)比值法,初步分析得到该地区微生物污染程度和污染来源。研究结果表明:(1)老龙洞流域地下水存在严重的微生物污染,地下水总细菌数、大肠菌群远超过国家地下水标准规定,分别是国家地下水标准规定的2.3×102~5.5×104倍、0.8×104~0.9×106倍,粪大肠菌群数量为100~4.38×106 CFU?L-1;(2)4#、6#采样点微生物污染主要来源于温血动物,1#、7#、8#采样点地下水受城市化进程的影响大;(3)微生物污染主要来源于人类粪便,同时SO42-、PO43-、NO3-含量高且与微生物污染相关性密切,说明生活污水引起的次生微生物污染较严重,2#、3#、5#、10#采样点受生活污水和禽畜粪便影响较小,属于单纯的NO3-农业污染型地下水,微生物污染较轻。   相似文献   

Increasing pressure on water resources worldwide has resulted in groundwater contamination, and thus the deterioration of the groundwater resources and a threat to the public health. Risk mapping of groundwater contamination is an important tool for groundwater protection, land use management, and public health. This study presents a new approach for groundwater contamination risk mapping, based on hydrogeological setting, land use, contamination load, and groundwater modelling. The risk map is a product of probability of contamination and impact. This approach was applied on the Gaza Strip area in Palestine as a case study. A spatial analyst tool within Geographical Information System (GIS) was used to interpolate and manipulate data to develop GIS maps of vulnerability, land use, and contamination impact. A groundwater flow model for the area of study was also used to track the flow and to delineate the capture zones of public wells. The results show that areas of highest contamination risk occur in the southern cities of Khan Yunis and Rafah. The majority of public wells are located in an intermediate risk zone and four wells are in a high risk zone.  相似文献   

The results of integral pumping tests (IPTs) performed in the city of Fabriano, Italy, are presented. The IPT methodology was developed by the European Union project INCORE, as a tool for groundwater investigation and source localization in contaminated areas. This methodology consists of a multiple-well pumping test in which the wells are positioned along a control plane downstream of suspected contaminant source zones and perpendicular to the mean groundwater flow direction. During the pumping, concentration time series of target contaminants are measured. In Fabriano, two control planes were realized to identify a chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon plume, to estimate the mass fluxes and draw up a ranked list of the main contamination sources. A numerical flow model was implemented to support the IPT design and to interpret the results. This study revealed low-level trichloroethylene contamination (concentration below 8 μg/l), tetrachloroethylene contamination (mean concentration up to 500 μg/l) and a mass flow rate of about 300 g/day. Through the application of the IPT method, the mean contaminant concentrations, the spatial distribution of concentration values along the control planes, and the total contaminant mass flow rates were evaluated, and the investigation area was reduced for further and deeper investigation activities.  相似文献   

An integrated approach was performed on the soil,plant-crops and groundwater system at the Thiva basin,to evaluate the extent and intensity of the heavy metal contamination,the percentage of metals tra...  相似文献   

In this study, a risk-based management model is developed and applied to an industrial zone. The models proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Han Bing have been improved by adding a residual ratio of volatile organic compounds (VOC) after boiling and deleting the related parameters in half-life. Using this improved model, an integrated process was used to assess human health risk level in the study area. Compared with water quality analysis, the results highlight the importance of applying an integrated approach for decision making on risk levels and water protection. The results of this study demonstrated that: (1) Compared with these permissible level standards in China (GB 3838-2002) and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations of the United States, the residents’ daily life had not been affected by the groundwater in this area (except for relative bad water quality of HB3-4 and HB3-6); (2) The typical detected organic contaminants of all groundwater samples were chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethene, and the pollution sources were mainly industrial sources by preliminary investigations; (3) As for groundwater, the non-carcinogenic risk values of all samples do not exceed the permissible level of 1.0 and the carcinogenic risk values are relatively lower than the permissible level of 1.00E-06 to 1.00E-04; (4) Drinking water pathway of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene mainly contribute to increasing the health risk of residents’ in study areas; (5) In terms of non-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk, the health risk order for drinking water pathway and dermal contact pathway was: drinking water pathway > dermal contact pathway.  相似文献   

应用吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱法测定岩溶地区垃圾渗透液中36种挥发性有机物(VOCs)的含量。获取样品溶液5 mL于吹扫瓶中,利用TELEDYNE TEKMAR型吹扫捕集直接进样,经DB-VRX毛细管色谱柱分离、电子轰击电离(EI)全扫描检测,选择特征离子,再用外标法进行定量测定。结果表明:36种挥发性有机物的质量浓度在1~100 μg·L-1 范围内,与其峰面积呈线性关系,方法检出限在0.03~0.27 μg·L-1 之间,加标回收率在88%~110%之间,相对标准偏差(n=7)在2.32%~6.51%之间。   相似文献   

华北平原某集约化种植区地下水污染探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以华北平原某集约化种植区为典型研究区域,通过对采集的8个地下水样品及11个土壤样品分析,探讨集约化种植区地下水的污染程度,解析其污染影响机制。结果表明:该集约化种植地区土壤中残留物主要为有机氯农药,多环芳烃及邻苯二甲酸酯类有机化合物。地下水中硝酸盐含量显著增加;重金属中以Cr含量最高,但均未超标;地下水并未受到有机氯农药的污染,但仍显示有多氯联苯的输入;半挥发性有机物检出种类较多,其中残留农膜释放的邻苯二甲酸酯类有机化合物浓度最高;地下水已受到较为严重的污染。集约化种植区大量施用化肥、农药和覆盖农膜,污染负荷严重,灌溉频繁且量大,污染质运移驱动力大是地下水污染的根本原因;当地包气带中黏性土厚度不均以及井孔止水不严等因素也成为了地下水受到污染的直接原因。  相似文献   

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