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水下移动重力测量能够连续实施近水底的重力勘测,如使用自主水下无人航行器(AUV)还能允许水面母船同时执行多个任务,进而降低水下重力测量相关的高昂成本和准入门槛。研究了水下移动重力测量的基本原理和方法,建立了水下移动重力测量模型和相应的误差模型,重点分析了捷联式重力仪的传感器、姿态、位置、速度等误差源。讨论了达到 1 mgal 测量精度的可行性以及对水下定位设备的性能要求。 经计算,在重力传感器与捷联式航空重力仪一致,水声定位系统定位精度达到测量斜距的 0.5%,水压深度计测深测量精度达到 5 cm,多普勒计程仪测速精度达到 0.1 m/s 的情况下,可以确保水下移动重力测量达到精度要求。  相似文献   

传统的自主水下无人航行器(AUV)主要执行包括军事活动在内的水下情报收集、环境监测和水下目标探测与处置等。近年来随着信息化技术和人工智能的发展,AUV 行业受到各界尤其是各国军方越来越多的关注,得到了快速发展和广泛应用。作为一种无人侦察平台,AUV 逐渐突破了常规尺度,向大型化和超大型化方向发展,可搭载的载荷类型和尺度有了明显的变化和提升。通过分析大型 AUV 作为侦察型装备的国内外发展现状,对利用大型 AUV 开展水面侦察的能力建设进行了分析,重点提出了大型 AUV 搭载水面侦察载荷需要解决的关键技术,为进一步提升和拓展 AUV 作战能力和作战领域提供支持。  相似文献   

温度、盐度和压力是海洋重要的基本物理特性参数。温盐深测量仪(Conductivity Temperature Depth,CTD)是海水温盐剖面观测的关键仪器,在海洋经济开发、海洋观测、海洋国防建设方面有着极为重要的意义。本文介绍了几种典型的温盐深测量设备及移动观测平台,重点论述了CTD在Argo浮标、水下滑翔机等海洋移动观测平台上的应用现状,分析了水下滑翔机搭载的CTD在热滞效应、湍流等因素影响下产生的测量误差。最后探讨了以水下滑翔机为代表的海洋移动观测平台搭载CTD测量技术的发展趋势及应用前景。  相似文献   

正haiyang Zhongliyi海洋重力仪(marine gravimeter)测定海洋重力加速度值的仪器。属相对重力仪。分海底重力仪和船载走航式海洋重力仪两类。海底重力仪用于浅海地区的重力定点静态测量;船载走航式海洋重力仪用于近海、远海和大洋的重力普查及重点海区的重力精密测量。海底重力仪由水下测量单元、电缆和甲板控制单元组成,水下测量单元包括重力传感器、平衡装  相似文献   

AUV自主回坞是实现其水下回收和能源补充的基础,回坞过程中的航向控制技术是能否成功回坞的关键,介绍了基于超短基线声学传感器引导的某重型AUV的回坞方案设计、制导原理和路径跟踪控制方法;研究了水平面内航行器路径跟踪的航向控制问题,提出了回坞时,可以增加横贯推进器或侧翼推进器来进行航向控制的方法。通过湖上试验,验证了以上方法和算法的有效性并得出以下结论:两种方法都适用于水下回坞,侧翼转向更适合有小区域转向需求的AUV;采用横贯推进器进行航向调整,AUV转弯过程深度变化小,深度偏差均值在0.5 m以内;在对折线形的路径进行跟踪时,跟踪能力更强,末程入坞阶段,与设定航线距离偏差均值比侧翼转向方式小0.34 m。  相似文献   

动态重力仪和惯性导航系统的核心元件都是惯性元件,即陀螺仪和加速度计(重力传感器可以认为是一种特殊的加速度计),因此重力测量与惯性导航具有紧密的联系。从比力测量、物理与数学平台、惯性手段辅助重力测量,以及重力辅助惯性导航等方面分析了重力仪与惯性导航系统的紧密联系。并对惯性导航与重力测量的融合应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

重力测量系统中测量的重力,即重力加速度,是一种特殊的加速度,因而重力传感器是一种特殊的加速度计。在动态场合,现代重力仪一般采用基于陀螺仪构建的各种平台为重力传感器提供姿态基准。因此采用加速度计和陀螺仪这些惯性元件的动态重力测量系统可以看做是惯性技术的一种具体应用。从惯性技术的角度对动态重力测量的理论和现状进行了分析。首先介绍了在地球表面附近进行重力测量时涉及的参考坐标系。然后详细推导了动态重力测量的基本理论,即比力测量理论,指出比力方程是动态重力测量和惯性导航的共同基础。最后对不同载体对动态重力测量系统的影响与要求进行了分析。  相似文献   

设计了一种水下滑翔机对中尺度涡进行水文学、运动学原位观测的方法,以航行过程与观测过程分离为原则。在硬件改进上,为水下滑翔机安装加速度传感器,用于测量水下滑翔机的运动加速度,特别是中性悬停时随着水体运动的加速度,加速度积分计算得到运动速度。在观测方法上,通过海表高度异常资料判断待测中尺度涡的位置、范围和移动方向,利用2台水下滑翔机分别在中尺度涡移动方向和移动方向法向的路径上做正交路径的剖面观测,进行中尺度涡的温盐测量;对温盐测量结果进行即时分析,得到上均匀层、强跃层、下均匀层的位置,控制4台水下滑翔机在这些水层中性悬停,做无滑脱随流运动,进行同步针对性观测。论述了浮力的精确控制方法、由水下滑翔机随流运动速度推导海流速度的过程。本方法不仅测量中尺度涡的温盐分布,还对中尺度涡的三维结构做系统的运动学观测,对中尺度涡观测技术的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以欠驱动自主水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)为试验平台,提出了一种水平面动力定位控制方法。根据自研 AUV 平台的运动执行机构配置,针对其欠驱动特性设计运动控制器,控制纵向推力与转艏力矩,经过路径跟踪与区域镇定两个阶段,使航行器先沿预设路径快速接近目标点,再低速逐渐调整水平位置,最终在该点附近小范围内保持悬停。结合试验数据证明:航行器可抵达并稳定在目标点附近 2 m 范围内,并且在受到外力扰动偏离后能够重新返回,从而验证该动力定位控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

动态重力测量技术是惯性技术的一种典型应用。作为动态重力测量系统不可或缺的一部分,稳定平台的功能是提供一种能够隔离载体动态、实时跟踪参考系的物理装置,或提供载体相对于参考系姿态信息的软件算法。当前大多数的稳定平台,都是基于惯性元件构建的,可称之为惯性平台。从稳定平台的角度对几种常见重力仪进行分类,对采用四种类型惯性平台的重力仪进行较详细的分析和评述,即双轴阻尼陀螺稳定平台、捷联方位双轴惯导平台、三轴惯导平台和捷联惯导平台。  相似文献   

针对自治水下机器人(Autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)推力器布置和控制仿真的困难性及以往电机仿真难以进行的缺点,提出1种进行多推力器运动仿真的方法,该方法建立的模型克服了推力器推力控制系统不能与电机结合的问题,能较好地反映推力器布置和电机的响应情况,可为AUV的运动控制、布置设计及控制系统开发等提供验证模型.针对流线型AUV CRanger-2的推力器布置情况,在对其建立推力器模型的基础上,利用模型对设定推力下的推力器控制进行仿真.仿真结果表明:该方法能够有效地模拟推力器布置既定情况下的电机运动与推力控制,可为水下机器人控制策略优化提供仿真平台.  相似文献   

以便携式自主水下机器人(AUV)和罩式导向对接平台的水下对接过程为研究对象,将碰撞力大小和对接时间作为评价指标,研究导向罩形状、对接管尺度以及AUV与对接管的偏心距对整个对接过程的影响。在三维建模的基础上,使用ADAMS软件进行动力学仿真分析,结果表明,减小导向罩开口角度、增大对接管直径、减小偏心距可以适当减小碰撞力和对接时间。通过对上述影响因素与评价指标建立函数关系,利用多目标优化设计的方法并结合实际情况对参数做出合理的分析和筛选,为水下机器人对接平台提供设计依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach to modeling the four quadrant dynamic response of thrusters as used for the motion control of ROV and AUV underwater vehicles. The significance is that these vehicles are small in size and respond quickly to commands. Precision in motion control will require further understanding of thruster performance than is currently available. The model includes a four quadrant mapping of the propeller blades lift and drag forces and is coupled with motor and fluid system dynamics. A series of experiments is described for both long and short period triangular, as well as square wave inputs. The model is compared favorably with experimental data for a variety of differing conditions and predicts that force overshoots are observed under conditions of rapid command changes. Use of the model will improve the control of dynamic thrust on these vehicles  相似文献   

开发了一种新型的深吃水干树式半潜生产平台(TCDD-Semi),该平台可用于中国南海深水区域的油气田开发。它的一个显著特点是立柱的截面形状呈现为渐变形式,而非传统的等截面形式。立柱的底部最大,向上逐渐变小,再结合适当的下浮体设计,能够为平台在服役前期及在位状态时提供足够的浮力以及稳性。最重要的是这种新型立柱的设计能够明显地减小平台在恶劣海况时的垂向运动,从而使在平台上布置具有干式采油树的TTR立管系统成为可能。此外,这种渐变式的立柱设计也有利于减弱平台在流作用下的涡激诱导运动(VIM)。分析结果表明这种渐变式立柱半潜平台可以明显降低平台的垂向运动,也可以在码头组装时提供足够的浮力以及在平台下沉过程中提供足够的稳性。平台优越的垂向运动性能可以使顶部张紧式立管的行程范围限制在10.5 m之内(包括平台偏移、垂荡运动、潮汐影响、海床沉降、热膨胀等因素)。分析结果表明平台的垂荡范围、水平偏移、倾侧角度、上部模块重心处的加速度等可以满足设计要求,证明了这种新型干树式半潜平台的可行性。  相似文献   

PETREL,a winged hybrid-driven underwater glider is a novel and practical marine survey platform which combines the features of legacy underwater glider and conventional AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle).It can be treated as a multi-rigid-body system with a floating base and a particular hydrodynamic profile.In this paper,theorems on linear and angular momentum are used to establish the dynamic equations of motion of each rigid body and the effect of translational and rotational motion of internal masses on the attitude control are taken into consideration.In addition,due to the unique external shape with fixed wings and deflectable rudders and the dual-drive operation in thrust and glide modes,the approaches of building dynamic model of conventional AUV and hydrodynamic model of submarine are introduced,and the tailored dynamic equations of the hybrid glider are formulated.Moreover,the behaviors of motion in glide and thrust operation are analyzed based on the simulation and the feasibility of the dynamic model is validated by data from lake field trials.  相似文献   

In practical maritime conditions, ship hulls experience heave motion due to the action of waves, which can further drive the ship’s propellers to oscillate relative to the surrounding water. In order to investigate the motion of a propeller working behind a surface vessel sailing in waves, a numerical simulation is conducted on a propeller impacted by heave motion in cavitating flow using the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. The coupling of the propeller’s rotation and translation is fulfilled using equations of motion defined for this purpose. The heave motion is simplified as a periodic motion based on a sinusoidal function. The numerical transmission of information from the unsteady flow field is achieved using the overset grid approach. In this manner, the unsteady thrust coefficient and torque coefficient of propellers in different periods of heave motion are analyzed. A comparative study is implemented on the unsteady cavitation performance and wake characteristics of propeller. With the propeller’s heave motion, the flow field non-uniformity constantly changes the load on the propeller during each revolution period and each heaving period, the propeller load and the wake field are closely related to the variation of heave motion period. The results obtained from the numerical simulation are expected to serve as a useful theoretical reference for the numerical analysis of a propeller in a heave motion.  相似文献   

A hybrid underwater glider Petrel-II has been developed and field tested. It is equipped with an active buoyancy unit and a compact propeller unit. Its working modes have been expanded to buoyancy driven gliding and propeller driven level-flight, which can make the glider work in strong currents, as well as many other complicated ocean environments. Its maximal gliding speed reaches 1 knot and the propelling speed is up to 3 knots. In this paper, a 3D dynamic model of Petrel-II is derived using linear momentum and angular momentum equations. According to the dynamic model, the spiral motion in the underwater space is simulated for the gliding mode. Similarly the cycle motion on water surface and the depth-keeping motion underwater are simulated for the level-flight mode. These simulations are important to the performance analysis and parameter optimization for the Petrel-II underwater glider.The simulation results show a good agreement with field trials.  相似文献   

A hybrid underwater glider Petrel-II has been developed and field tested. It is equipped with an active buoyancy unit and a compact propeller unit. Its working modes have been expanded to buoyancy driven gliding and propeller driven level-flight, which can make the glider work in strong currents, as well as many other complicated ocean environments. Its maximal gliding speed reaches 1 knot and the propelling speed is up to 3 knots. In this paper, a 3D dynamic model of Petrel-II is derived using linear momentum and angular momentum equations. According to the dynamic model, the spiral motion in the underwater space is simulated for the gliding mode. Similarly the cycle motion on water surface and the depth-keeping motion underwater are simulated for the level-flight mode. These simulations are important to the performance analysis and parameter optimization for the Petrel-II underwater glider. The simulation results show a good agreement with field trials.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop maneuvering models and systems of a simulator to improve the motion performance of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) at the preliminary design stages in advance. The AUVs simulation systems based on the standard submarine equations of motion in six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) integrated with the Euler-Rodriguez quaternion method for representing singularity-free AUV attitude and time-saving calculation, and with a nonlinear control model for maneuvering and depth control simulations, time-marching in the fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. For validation of the simulation codes, results of the ISiMI AUV open-loop tests including turning test and zigzag test as well as an AUV simulator on the basis of Euler-angle method were used to compare with the quaternion-based AUV simulator. The computational results from the proposed simulator agree well with those from both the ISiMI AUV experiments and the Euler-angle based simulations. Additionally, a new maneuvering procedure, namely "put-out" was implemented to test directional stability for a large-scale AUV in the proposed AUV simulator that can be considered for vehicles in space as well as in constrained planes.  相似文献   

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