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王豫  王咏薇  赵小艳  郭良辰  张艳晴 《气象》2019,45(8):1149-1157
为缓解南京夏季城市热环境危机,利用天气研究和预报模式(WRF),模拟了3类屋顶(普通屋顶、高反照率屋顶、随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶)对南京夏季高温天气的影响。结果表明:(1)冷却屋顶(高反照率屋顶和随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶)均可通过削弱到达城市表面的太阳辐射而使城市降温,随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶白天平均降温为0.8~1.2℃,夜间平均降温为0.2~0.4℃,高反照率屋顶白天平均降温为0.6~0.8℃,夜间平均降温为0.2℃;(2)表面温度指数可表征冷却屋顶的热力性能,随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶的表面温度指数为0.16~0.43,高反照率屋顶的表面温度指数为0.05~0.26,表明随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶的冷却效果强于高反照率屋顶;(3)高反照率屋顶和随机玻璃-聚合物混合超材料屋顶分别能将36.7%和47.1%的太阳短波辐射返回到大气层,分别比普通屋顶少吸收19.6%和34.8%的热量。  相似文献   

王斌  王咏薇  杨大虎 《气象科学》2022,42(6):754-768
采用WRFv3.9.1模式和多层城市冠层模型的BEP/BEM方案耦合,以江苏省2017年7月20—28日一次高温热浪过程为背景,研究了高反照率墙面、路面及屋顶对城市高温及人体健康的影响。研究结果表明:(1)与普通建筑物表面算例(CTR)相比,城市中建筑物越高大密集的区域,降温幅度越明显。金融区白天时段(07—19时,北京时间)高反照率墙面算例(WALL)、高反照率路面算例(ROAD)、高反照率屋顶算例(ROOF),以及全部使用高反照率表面的算例(ALL)2 m高气温白天平均降低0.14、0.44、0.75、1.54℃;最大降温分别达0.98、1.06、1.53、2.71℃。同时,WALL、ROAD、ROOF、ALL算例可使得整个城市区域白天平均降温分别达到0.14、0.43、0.64、1.26℃。(2)当城市采用高反照率表面材料,高温得到一定程度缓解时,对于人体舒适度及死亡率也存在一定的影响。在高温热浪期间相较于CTR算例,13时,ALL算例在低密度住宅区、高密度住宅区、金融区的人体舒适度(THI)最大分别可降低0.93、1.11、1.48;热相关急诊率和死亡率最大可降低2.9%、4.8%、9.5%和3.4%、5.6%、10.9%。  相似文献   

当前采用何种冷却屋顶材料缓解城市化带来的高热灾害是城市气象领域的热点问题。本文基于城镇能量平衡模式(TEB),分析了4种不同材料的冷却屋顶,包括转化效率为14%的太阳能板(覆盖面积分别占屋顶面积的100%及50%)和3种高反照率材料:铝箔沥青膜、白色TPO膜、科罗拉多大学新研发的玻璃聚合物混合超材料,在2017年夏季高温热浪时间段(7月16~30日)对建筑物街区屋顶表面温度及辐射热量产生的影响。结果表明在持续高温的天气背景下,在屋顶铺设超材料和100%覆盖面积的太阳能板降温效果最好,屋顶表面温度白天平均分别可降低18.59 K和19.58 K,铝箔沥青膜效果次之,平均降低13.47 K,50%覆盖面积的太阳能板 TPO膜再次,平均降低9.7 K和5.4 K,夜间也具有1.08~4.53 K的降温。铺设冷却屋顶材料可以直接或间接地减少冷却能源需求,铺设100%太阳能板以及超材料屋顶可以使建筑物冷却能耗降到最低,每平方米分别至多可降低2.1 W m?2和2.16 W m?2,使用铝箔沥青膜效果次之,至多降低1.47 W m?2,50%铺设面积的太阳能屋顶及TPO膜再次。其中所选太阳能光伏板每日可额外产生最多1.84 kW h的电量,模拟的两周内产生电量可全部抵消同期空调制冷能耗。  相似文献   

冷却屋顶对北京城市热环境影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
两种类型冷却屋顶(高反照率屋顶、绿色屋顶)的研究对于北京夏季城市高温的缓解作用具有重要的意义。耦合单层城市冠层模式(SLUCM)与天气研究与预报(WRF3.8)模式, 采用北京市及其外围地区158个站点气象资料评估模式对照案例(case1)的模拟性能, 并选取7组不同反照率屋顶案例(case2—4)和不同覆盖比例的绿色屋顶案例(case5—8)进行敏感性试验。研究结果表明:(1)在北京城市区域, 高反照率为0.85的屋顶(case4)比绿色占比100%的屋顶(case8)具有更好的降温效果, case4的3 d平均降温可达到0.90℃, 而case8降温为0.46℃。(2)屋顶反照率每增加0.1, 会导致北京城市区域最高气温降低0.27℃; 绿色屋顶比例的增大也会导致温度的降低, 每增加10%, 最高气温降低0.16℃。(3)两种冷却屋顶对城市热岛也存在显著的影响, 在13—14时(北京时), case4与case1对比的城市热岛(UHI)降温最大差值为1.47℃, 比case8的城市热岛降温更加明显。(4)在城市区域垂直高度上, 冷却屋顶的降温作用可达到1.2 km, 同时湍流运动存在明显的减弱; 在3 d的12—18时, case4、case8与case1对比, 边界层高度平均降低了669与430 m。   相似文献   

上海城市集群化发展显著增强局地高温热浪事件   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
谢志清  杜银  曾燕  高苹  项瑛 《气象学报》2015,73(6):1104-1113
上海作为中国城市集群化发展的典型代表,经过30余年圈层式、集群化扩张,城市建设用地面积比例高达47.9%,接近50%的生态阈值。城市群快速扩张诱发了一个以徐家汇为中心覆盖周边40 km的区域性热岛,影响高温热浪的时空分布。基于DMSP/OLS遥感夜间灯光数据构建的城市发展指数,客观地反映出1992—2013年上海西郊嘉定、青浦和东郊的浦东集群化发展特征最凸出。利用Chow检验最优分段建模法,研究发现高温热浪期间城市群热岛突变转折与区县城市发展指数超过60%的年份相对应。城市发展指数超过60%后,近郊城市继续扩张将缩小城、郊气象站的温差,诱发更大范围热岛,增强高温热浪。1977—2000年近郊区县城市发展指数低于60%,高温热浪各要素项城郊差值显著上升,而2000年西郊城市发展指数超过60%后,和市中心差值减小,快速城市化明显增强西郊高温热浪强度和持续时间。1978年以来上海西郊与远郊高温日数差值增加了1.6倍,平均气温差值增加了34.4%,平均最高气温差值增加了41.7%。高温热浪期间遥感数据显示,向西郊伸展的城市群地表温度高值区规模扩大了32.8%,是西郊高温热浪增强的驱动因子。  相似文献   

屋顶绿化对城市降温效应的模拟分析——以南京市为例   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
沈滢洁  王成刚  曹乐  郜海阳  王咏薇 《气象》2017,43(5):610-619
利用WRF模式耦合单层城市冠层模式,针对屋顶绿化对城市降温效果进行了模拟,结果表明:(1)南京夏季绿化后的屋顶反照率约为0.15,较水泥及其他反光材料的反照率略小,在白天可造成约0.2℃的升温。(2)绿化后的屋顶热容量明显增加,可使白天气温下降0.33℃;在夜间,可使气温升高0.21℃左右。(3)在植被阻挡作用及土壤层阻挡作用下,屋顶的导热率降低。在白天,净辐射能很难向下层传递,从而转化为感热加热大气,造成气温升高。(4)土壤湿度的改变使更多净辐射能转化为潜热释放。在白天可使温度降低1.23℃;在夜间,平均降温幅度为0.44℃。除此之外,模拟不同季节的统计结果表明,屋顶绿化降温效果在夏季最为明显,最大降幅可达1.22℃,春季0.96℃,秋季0.75℃,冬季只有0.38℃。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏屋顶的安装在一定程度上能缓解城市化带来的能源危机和城市热环境的破坏。将太阳能板的传热模型引入WRF模式的多层城市冠层方案中,选取了2017年7月21—27日一次典型的高温热浪天气过程,在线模拟太阳能屋顶两种安装形式(贴覆式和支架式)对城市热环境及能量平衡的影响。结果表明:(1)贴覆式太阳能屋顶可使白天2 m气温最多降低0.29°C,降温效果优于支架式屋顶,但夜间温度下降较小。支架式屋顶白天最大降温0.23°C,夜间降温效果明显,与普通屋顶相比,温度最多降低了0.60°C。(2)太阳能屋顶白天确实可以起到降温效果,抑制白天边界层的发展高度,降低边界层的厚度。(3)太阳能屋顶除了对城市气象的影响外,最重要的是它对能源的贡献。从结果来看,太阳能电池板产生的电能可以满足商业区54.5%的空调消耗。   相似文献   

太阳能屋顶的安装预计能在一定程度上缓解城市化带来的能源危机及对城市热环境的破坏。利用耦合了城市单层冠层方案(UCM)的WRF模式,以南京2010年7月27日至8月5日夏季晴天微风天气为背景,模拟了不同发电效率的太阳能屋顶的安装对城市高温的缓解效应。结果表明:(1)太阳能屋顶可以通过削弱到达城市表面的太阳辐射使城市2 m高气温降低,随着发电效率的提高,降温效果更明显,且白天降温效果明显优于夜间;白天2 m高气温最大降低0.4-1.3℃,夜间降低0.2-0.5℃。(2)太阳能屋顶可使边界层内气温降低,白天在边界层400 m以下降温显著,夜间在边界层高度200 m以下降温显著;白天边界层内最大降温出现在中午前后,降温0.1-0.8℃,夜间边界层内最大降温0.5℃。(3)发电效率为40%时,模拟期间的发电量为18.1×109 kW·h。   相似文献   

长三角城市群非均匀性对区域热岛效应影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
使用中尺度数值模式WRF3.9/Noah/UCM,对长三角地区无明显天气过程的2013年8月11至17日一周进行数值模拟,采用2013年500 m分辨率的MODIS数据更新土地覆盖资料,依据城镇比例将城市下垫面进一步分类为高中低3种类型,以此研究长三角城市群非均匀性对区域热岛效应的影响。结果表明:长三角城市群近地面气象要素场对城市下垫面的非均匀性比较敏感,平均热岛强度、干岛强度和风速衰减相较于不考虑城市非均匀性分别减小了16.41%、20.04%和6.25%;受背景风场影响,白天城市群的热岛强度弱于夜晚,均有向下游扩展现象,且内陆城市的热岛强度和干岛强度较沿岸区域更强;相比于均匀城市下垫面试验,考虑非均匀城市影响后,整体热岛强度和干岛强度减弱;白天垂直热岛环流结构明显,整体可以伸展至2 km高度,在东南风背景下,热岛上游高密度城市的热岛环流会抑制下游热岛环流发展,考虑城市非均匀性后,上游效应更显著;热岛强度受非均匀性影响在傍晚和夜间最高减弱可达0.2℃,且进入较强热岛的时间会推迟,维持时间也将缩短。因此,忽略城市下垫面的非均匀性,可能会高估区域热岛效应。  相似文献   

城市化对高温热浪的频次和强度具有重要影响,但目前对于城市化影响高温热浪过程的机理了解还不充分。本文利用WRF模式,对2010年7月2~6日(北京时)北京一次高温过程进行了模拟,分析了城市化对此次高温过程的影响机理。采用优化后的WRF模式,能够模拟出北京连续5日高温的特征和城市热岛强度的变化。城市下垫面的不透水性决定了城区2 m高度处相对湿度低于乡村,削弱了城区通过潜热调节城市气温的能力。日落后,城市感热通量下降缓慢,城区降温速率小于乡村,夜间边界层稳定、高度低,风速小,抑制了城乡之间能量的传输,形成了夜间强的城市热岛强度,造成夜间城市气温明显高于乡村。日出后城乡地面感热通量、潜热通量迅速上升,边界层稳定性下降。午后,城市下垫面分别为地表感热通量和潜热通量的高、低值中心,通过潜热调节气温的能力被削弱;边界层稳定性降低,有利于能量的垂直扩散;此时,城市热岛强度小于夜间。因此,北京城市下垫面形成了明显的城市热岛效应,加重了城区极端高温事件的强度。此外,在这次高温热浪期间,中国东部大部分地区受到大陆暖高压控制,晴空少云,西北气流越山后形成焚风效应,是北京地区高温热浪形成的天气背景。  相似文献   

The study examines the potential of urban roofs to reduce the urban heat island (UHI) effect by changing their reflectivity and implementing vegetation (green roofs) using the example of the City of Vienna. The urban modelling simulations are performed based on high-resolution orography and land use data, climatological observations, surface albedo values from satellite imagery and registry of the green roof potential in Vienna. The modelling results show that a moderate increase in reflectivity of roofs (up to 0.45) reduces the mean summer temperatures in the densely built-up environment by approximately 0.25 °C. Applying high reflectivity materials (roof albedo up to 0.7) leads to average cooling in densely built-up area of approximately 0.5 °C. The green roofs yield a heat load reduction in similar order of magnitude as the high reflectivity materials. However, only 45 % of roof area in Vienna is suitable for greening and the green roof potential mostly applies to industrial areas in city outskirts and is therefore not sufficient for substantial reduction of the UHI effect, particularly in the city centre which has the highest heat load. The strongest cooling effect can be achieved by combining the green roofs with high reflectivity materials. In this case, using 50 or 100 % of the green roof potential and applying high reflectivity materials on the remaining surfaces have a similar cooling effect.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has intensified summer heat waves in recent decades in Beijing, China. In this study, effectiveness of applying high-reflectance roofs on mitigating the warming effects caused by urban expansion and foehn wind was simulated for a record-breaking heat wave occurred in Beijing during July 13–15, 2002. Simulation experiments were performed using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF version 3.0) model coupled with an urban canopy model. The modeled diurnal air temperatures were compared well with station observations in the city and the wind convergence caused by urban heat island (UHI) effect could be simulated clearly. By increasing urban roof albedo, the simulated UHI effect was reduced due to decreased net radiation, and the simulated wind convergence in the urban area was weakened. Using WRF3.0 model, the warming effects caused by urban expansion and foehn wind were quantified separately, and were compared with the cooling effect due to the increased roof albedo. Results illustrated that the foehn warming effect under the northwesterly wind contributed greatly to this heat wave event in Beijing, while contribution from urban expansion accompanied by anthropogenic heating was secondary, and was mostly evident at night. Increasing roof albedo could reduce air temperature both in the day and at night, and could more than offset the urban expansion effect. The combined warming caused by the urban expansion and the foehn wind could be potentially offset with high-reflectance roofs by 58.8 % or cooled by 1.4 °C in the early afternoon on July 14, 2002, the hottest day during the heat wave.  相似文献   

In a surface urban heat island (SUHI), the urban land surface temperature (LST) is usually higher than the temperature of the surrounding rural areas due to human activities and surface characteristics. Because a SUHI has many adverse impacts on urban environment and human health, SUHI mitigation strategies are very important. This paper investigates the mechanism of a SUHI based on the basic physical laws that control the formation of a SUHI; five mitigation strategies are proposed, namely: sprinkling and watering; paving a pervious surface; reducing the anthropogenic heat (AH) release; using a “white roof”; increasing the fractional vegetation cover or leaf area index (LAI). To quantify the effect of these mitigation strategies, 26 sets of experiments are designed and implemented by running the integrated urban land model (IUM). The results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that sprinkling and watering is an effective measure for mitigating a SUHI for an entire day. Decreasing the AH release is also useful for both night- and daytime SUHI mitigation; however, the cooling extent is proportional to the diurnal cycle of AH. Increasing the albedo can reduce the LST in the daytime, especially when the solar radiation is significant; the cooling extent is approximately proportional to the diurnal cycle of the net radiation. Increasing the pervious surface percentage can mitigate the SUHI especially in the daytime. Increasing the fractional vegetation cover can mitigate the SUHI in the daytime but may aggravate the SUHI at night.  相似文献   

在当前中国城市化进程愈演愈烈的情形下,城市热岛冷却效应的研究对于确立城市生态环境可持续化发展的正确途径等有重要意义。采用离线城市冠层模型分析了城市冠层中街区形态和屋顶材料的变化对辐射热量、表面温度及冠层内气温的影响。研究发现:建筑物高度、宽度以及街道宽度等参数的改变对冠层各表面温度的影响较大,当街道宽度增加3 m时,地面温度升高约3.5 K。但是街道宽度增加,多重反射导致的辐射截陷效应减弱,墙面上更多的热量释放出去,各墙面温度降低约1.5 K;冠层气温先增加,日出后降低约0.4 K。屋顶材料的改变对辐射及热通量和表面温度也有较大影响,与灰色水泥屋顶相比,采用高反照率白色涂料冷却屋顶后,屋顶净辐射热量损失约380 W m-2,屋顶表面温度降低约10 K。冠层内街区形态和屋顶材料对城市辐射热环境产生直接的影响。  相似文献   

为了解浙江省城市增暖的地域差异及其受热岛效应影响的程度,对杭州、宁波、温州3个城市的气候变化趋势进行了分析。为减少观测资料的非均一性,运用最优插值法将浙江省1971—2010年62个站点资料的信息植入到NCEP月平均温度资料的背景场中,得到格距为5 km的格点资料。研究结果表明:3个城市在近40年表现出明显的增温趋势,城区增温明显快于乡村的。各地区增温率的时空变化存在一定差异,与人口密度、工业总产值、用电量及车辆拥有量等经济数据的分布及变化基本一致。沿海城市温州增温率最小,但城乡差异最明显。同样为沿海城市的宁波,由于经济发展地域差别较小,虽表现最明显的增温,但城市热岛效应最弱。3个城市的热岛效应及热岛增温贡献率均存在明显的季节变化:杭州的热岛效应呈春、夏、冬、秋依次减弱的变化规律;温州则呈春、秋、冬、夏依次减弱的变化规律;宁波类似于城市群发展的模式,导致其热岛效应较不明显,以夏季和秋季最强。城市化发展引起的增暖占有较大的比重,杭州和温州年平均气温的增加大约有1/3是由城市化引起的,其中杭州夏季热岛增温贡献率达到2/3以上,温州春、夏季热岛增温贡献率均达到43%左右,宁波城市热岛增温贡献率相对较小,夏季的最大,为20%左右。  相似文献   

Global cooling: increasing world-wide urban albedos to offset CO2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing urban albedo can reduce summertime temperatures, resulting in better air quality and savings from reduced air-conditioning costs. In addition, increasing urban albedo can result in less absorption of incoming solar radiation by the surface-troposphere system, countering to some extent the global scale effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Pavements and roofs typically constitute over 60% of urban surfaces (roof 20–25%, pavements about 40%). Using reflective materials, both roof and pavement albedos can be increased by about 0.25 and 0.15, respectively, resulting in a net albedo increase for urban areas of about 0.1. On a global basis, we estimate that increasing the world-wide albedos of urban roofs and paved surfaces will induce a negative radiative forcing on the earth equivalent to offsetting about 44 Gt of CO2 emissions. At ~$25/tonne of CO2, a 44 Gt CO2 emission offset from changing the albedo of roofs and paved surfaces is worth about $1,100 billion. Furthermore, many studies have demonstrated reductions of more than 20% in cooling costs for buildings whose rooftop albedo has been increased from 10–20% to about 60% (in the US, potential savings exceed $1 billion per year). Our estimated CO2 offsets from albedo modifications are dependent on assumptions used in this study, but nevertheless demonstrate remarkable global cooling potentials that may be obtained from cooler roofs and pavements.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the contribution of urban land use change to near-surface air temperature during the summer extreme heat events of the early twenty-first century in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan area. This study uses the Weather Research Forecasting model with a single urban canopy model and the newest actual urban cover datasets. The results show that urban land use characteristics that have evolved over the past ~20 years in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan area have had a significant impact on the extreme temperatures occurring during extreme heat events. Simulations show that new urban development has caused an intensification and expansion of the areas experiencing extreme heat waves with an average increase in temperature of approximately 0.60 °C. This change is most obvious at night with an increase up to 0.95 °C, for which the total contribution of anthropogenic heat is 34 %. We also simulate the effects of geo-engineering strategies increasing the albedo of urban roofs, an effective way of reducing urban heat island, which can reduce the urban mean temperature by approximately 0.51 °C and counter approximately 80 % of the heat wave results from urban sprawl during the last 20 years.  相似文献   

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