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通过温室气体排放和土地利用/覆盖变化,人类活动对气候变化产生显著影响。为了探究在不同温室气体浓度(Greenhouse gas concentration,GHG)背景下,相同的土地利用/覆盖变化(Land Use and Land Cover Change,LULCC)对于欧洲区域气候的影响差异,采用CESM(Community Earth System Model)耦合模式进行了模拟研究。研究发现,在1850年温室气体浓度背景下,土地利用/覆盖变化导致欧洲中东部地区降水显著增加,而在2000年温室气体浓度背景下,土地利用/覆盖变化导致欧洲中东部地区降水减少。温室气体增加后,LULCC导致该地区对流层低层大气环流由辐合变为辐散,气温以及大气水汽含量降低,这些变化能较大程度的改变LULCC对区域降水的净影响力。  相似文献   

有序人类活动造成的土地利用变化对区域降水的可能影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
人类社会发展主要通过土地利用变化和温室气体排放两种途径影响着气候环境,因此,完善的气候模式需要从这两方面与社会经济学模式进行耦合。作者从土地利用变化的角度出发,引入系统动力学模型预测的土地利用数据库资料,并利用该资料动态地修正区域气候模式的下垫面地表覆盖类型,实现了社会经济学模式与区域气候模式的单向耦合。在此基础上,利用耦合的区域环境系统集成模式(RIEMS 2.0),将社会经济稳定发展和高速发展两种驱动情景下不同时段的土地利用资料,分别进行数值模式运行。最后根据得出的预测结果,从降水的空间分布和时间演变等方面分析了未来50年中国气候可能的年代际演变特征,同时对土地利用变化影响区域气候的机理进行了探讨。 主要研究结果表明,区域气候变化尤其是区域降水对土地利用变化的响应较为敏感,而且土地利用变化引起的气候效应不仅局限于土地利用发生改变的区域,因此,研究土地利用变化对区域环境的影响要综合考虑其区域分布以及各区域的变化程度。长时间的气候预测研究,在气候模式中耦合社会经济学模式是必要的。仅考虑土地利用的变化,未来50年华南地区年降水量将呈现减少的趋势,北方地区的年降水量在2010。年左右将呈现增长的趋势,且增长的趋势可能持续到2050年。预测结果同时显示,西部干旱半干旱区沙漠绿化,增加东北及内蒙古西部地区的森林面积,华北地区退耕还草等措施对北方地区年降水量的增加是有益的。同时,对应西部沙漠面积扩大,华北地区城市用地增加,东北及内蒙古西部地区林地退化以及华南地区林地增加等土地利用的变化,北方的干旱化趋势会进一步加剧。土地利用变化可以引起气候模式下垫面参数中的地表反照率、粗糙度等发生改变,变化的地表覆盖类型与大气的能量和水分通量交换差异作用于大气的流场和温度场等要素,从而改变了区域的气候环境。  相似文献   

古气候模拟比较计划(PMIP)是古气候数值模拟领域一项重大的国际合作研究计划,其主旨是为古气候模拟和模拟结果评估提供一个协调机制,理解过去气候变化的物理机制和气候反馈的重要作用,为未来气候预估提供科学依据。同时,通过对比分析验证模式的模拟性能,探索其不确定性,促进耦合气候系统模式的发展。PMIP目前进行到第四阶段(PMIP4)。PMIP4进一步加强了与第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的协作,选取了5组共同关注的PMIP4-CMIP6古气候模拟试验(中全新世、末次盛冰期、过去千年、末次间冰期和上新世暖期),考察气候系统对不同气候背景的综合响应。除此以外,PMIP4还设计了众多敏感性试验研究不同外强迫因子的影响。PMIP4模拟试验不仅为古气候研究提供大量的模拟数据,还将服务于CMIP6及其他众多模式比较计划。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对气候影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为满足人类对食物、纤维、水和居住地的需求,全球土地利用格局发生了巨大的变化,IPCC 第四次评估报告(IPCC,2007)指出土地利用变化是人类影响气候的重要强迫之一。土地利用变化对气候的影响分为生物地球物理作用和生物地球化学作用。分别对有关生物地球物理作用和生物地球化学作用的研究进展以及研究热点进行了综述;并从定量评估两者对气候影响的相对贡献以及两者共同效应的角度,回顾了辐射强迫计算和耦合模式数值模拟两种方法的研究进展,及其在森林恢复、人工造林以及碳封存等气候变化应对措施可行性评估中的应用。最后分析和展望了当前土地利用变化对气候影响相关研究中的不确定性以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

CMIP6情景模式比较计划(ScenarioMIP)概况与评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
情景模式比较计划(ScenarioMIP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)最重要的子计划之一。该子计划基于不同共享社会经济路径可能发生的能源结构所产生的人为排放及土地利用变化,设计了一系列新的情景预估试验,为未来气候变化机理研究以及气候变化减缓和适应研究提供关键的数据支持。文中将重点介绍ScenarioMIP的试验设计及模式参与情况,并对其应用前景加以讨论和展望。  相似文献   

土地利用和土地覆盖变化对气候系统影响的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
土地利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC或LULCC)不仅对人类赖以生存的地球环境有重要影响,同时与人类福祉密切联系。人类活动对气候的强迫不仅包括温室气体排放导致的气候变暖,还通过直接改变地表物理性状以及间接改变其他生物地球物理过程和生物地球化学过程等对气候系统产生深刻影响。作者在此认识的基础上回顾了LUCC对气候系统影响的研究历史,结合新近的研究结果归纳了诸如森林砍伐、城市化、修坝等LUCC活动在区域和全球尺度的气候效应。LUCC具有高度的空间异质性,因此气候系统对它的反馈也具有明显的空间差异。由于全球平均后变化幅度相对区域上的小,LUCC对区域气候影响显著,而对全球气候影响不明显。它对区域气候的影响取决于反照率、蒸散发效率和地表粗糙率等变化的综合效应:在热带地区LUCC主要引起温度升高,在高纬度地区使温度下降。在全球尺度上LUCC导致气候的变暖主要通过减少蒸散发和潜热通量引起陆表水循环的改变,其次通过改变地表反照率导致辐射强迫改变。最后指出目前LUCC在气候变化学科中的研究所存在的问题。在此基础上提出了未来的研究首先需要评估的3个气候指标,并提倡多学科间的相互合作。  相似文献   

海洋模式比较计划(OMIP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)中的一个支撑子计划。OMIP致力于CMIP6中模式系统偏差来源及其影响这样一个重要科学问题。同时,OMIP也将在区域海平面变化和近期气候(未来10~30 a)或者年代际气候预测的相关科学问题上有重要贡献,这些问题被世界气候研究计划(WCRP)列为气候科学领域巨大挑战的科学问题。OMIP采用统一的大气外强迫数据集和通量计算方案,进行全球海洋-海冰耦合试验、示踪物试验以及生物地球化学循环试验。同时,OMIP提供了一套针对海洋变量的详细的诊断框架,这个框架既可以评估和改进模式模拟,也可以用于理解海洋-海冰过程在整个气候系统中的作用。  相似文献   

年代际气候预测计划(DCPP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的子计划之一,其目标是利用多模式开展气候系统年代际预测、可预测性和变率机制研究。DCPP设计了3组试验,即年代际回报试验、预报试验以及理解年代际变率机制和可预测性的敏感性试验。目前有21个模式拟参与DCPP计划,其中包括5个来自中国的模式。DCPP将推动解决气候系统从年际到年代际尺度预测相关的多项科学问题,评估当前气候预测系统预报技巧,挖掘潜在可预报性,研究长时间尺度气候变率形成机制,提供对科学和社会有用的预测产品。  相似文献   

世界气候研究计划(WCRP)组织开展的耦合模式比较计划已实施到第六阶段(CMIP6),中国气象科学研究院发展的气候系统模式CAMS-CSM是注册参加CMIP6的模式之一。除CMIP6要求的气候诊断、评估和描述试验(DECK)以及历史气候模拟试验(Historical)外,CAMS-CSM还计划参加情景模式比较计划(ScenarioMIP)、云反馈模式比较计划(CFMIP)、全球季风模式比较计划(GMMIP)和高分辨率模式比较计划(HighResMIP)这4个模式比较子计划(MIPs)。文中通过介绍CAMS-CSM的基本情况和模拟性能,以及计划参加的CMIP6试验及MIPs,为模式试验数据使用者提供参考。  相似文献   

土地利用与土地覆盖变化的遥感监测及环境影响研究综述   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
土地利用与土地覆盖变化(LUCC)对全球生态、环境产生了巨大影响,是全球变化的原因之一,也是全球变化研究的重要组成部分。从遥感数据源、遥感分类方法、遥感动态变化监测方法3方面出发,介绍了遥感监测技术在LUCC研究中的应用现状;回顾了LUCC对气候、水文影响的研究进展,并对数值模拟方法在LUCC影响研究中的应用进行了重点评述;探讨了目前LUCC研究工作中在动力机制、对环境的影响、遥感技术及资料应用、多源数据的综合应用及利用区域气候模式进行数值模拟试验等方面存在的问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The future forests of eastern North America will be shaped by at least three broad drivers: (i) vegetation change and natural disturbance patterns associated with the protracted recovery following colonial era land use, (ii) a changing climate, and (iii) a land-use regime that consists of geographically variable rates and intensities of forest harvesting, clearing for development, and land protection. We evaluated the aggregate and relative importance of these factors for the future forests of New England, USA by simulating a continuation of the recent trends in these drivers for fifty-years, nominally spanning 2010 to 2060. The models explicitly incorporate the modern distribution of tree species and the geographical variation in climate and land-use change. Using a cellular land-cover change model in combination with a physiologically-based forest landscape model, we conducted a factorial simulation experiment to assess changes in aboveground carbon (AGC) and forest composition. In the control scenario that simulates a hypothetical absence of any future land use or future climate change, the simulated landscape experienced large increases in average AGC—an increase of 53% from 2010 to 2060 (from 4.2 to 6.3 kg m−2). By 2060, climate change increased AGC stores by 8% relative to the control while the land-use regime reduced AGC by 16%. Among land uses, timber harvesting had a larger effect on AGC storage and changes in tree composition than did forest conversion to non-forest uses, with the most pronounced impacts observed on private corporate-owned land in northern New England. Our results demonstrate a large difference between the landscape’s potential to store carbon and the landscape’s current trajectory, assuming a continuation of the modern land-use regime. They also reveal aspects of the land-use regime that will have a disproportionate impact on the ability of the landscape to store carbon in the future, such as harvest regimes on corporate-owned lands. This information will help policy-makers and land managers evaluate trade-offs between commodity production and mitigating climate change through forest carbon storage.  相似文献   

Regional climate model simulations with RegCM3 were performed to investigate how future land-cover/land-use (LCLU) change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia (MMSEA) could affect regional climate. Simulation land-surface parameterizations included present day and plausible 2050 land-covers, as well as two extreme deforestation simulations. In the simulations, the original land cover map of RegCM3, based on AVHRR 1992–93 observations, was replaced with one obtained from MODIS 2001 observations; and the model was set to work at two different spatial resolutions using the sub-grid feature of the land surface model: 27.79 km for the atmosphere and 9.26 km for the land surface. During validation, modeled precipitation closely matched observed precipitation over southern China, but underestimated precipitation in the Indochina Peninsula. The plausible 2050 LCLU simulation predicted little change in regional climate. However, an extreme irrigated crop parameterization caused precipitation to increase slightly in the Indochina Peninsula, decrease substantially in southeastern China, and increase significantly in the South China Sea. The extreme short-grass parameterization caused substantial precipitation decreases in MMSEA, but few changes elsewhere. These simulations indicate in order for significant climatological changes to occur, substantially more LCLU conversion is required than the 16 % change we incorporated into the plausible 2050 land-cover scenario.  相似文献   

Global environmental change scenarios have typically provided projections of land use and land cover for a relatively small number of regions or using a relatively coarse resolution spatial grid, and for only a few major sectors. The coarseness of global projections, in both spatial and thematic dimensions, often limits their direct utility at scales useful for environmental management. This paper describes methods to downscale projections of land-use and land-cover change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emission Scenarios to ecological regions of the conterminous United States, using an integrated assessment model, land-use histories, and expert knowledge. Downscaled projections span a wide range of future potential conditions across sixteen land use/land cover sectors and 84 ecological regions, and are logically consistent with both historical measurements and SRES characteristics. Results appear to provide a credible solution for connecting regionalized projections of land use and land cover with existing downscaled climate scenarios, under a common set of scenario-based socioeconomic assumptions.  相似文献   

Brazilian strategic interest in the Madeira River basin, one of the most important of the southern Amazon tributaries, includes the development of hydropower to satisfy the country’s growing energy needs and new waterways to boost regional trade and economic development. Because of evidences that climate change impacts the hydrological regime of rivers, the aim of this study was to assess how global climate change and regional land cover change caused by deforestation could affect the river’s hydrological regime. To achieve this goal, we calibrated a large-scale hydrological model for the period from 1970–1990 and analyzed the ability of the model to simulate the present hydrological regime when climate model simulations were used as input. Climate change projections produced by climate models were used in the hydrological model to generate scenarios with and without regional land-use and land-cover changes induced by forest conversion to pasture for the period from 2011–2099. Although results show variability among models, consensus scenarios indicated a decrease in the low-flow regime. When the simulations included forest conversion to pasture, climate change impacts on low flows were reduced in the upper basin, while, in the lower basin, discharges were affected along the whole year due to the more vigorous land-use conversion in the Brazilian region of the basin.  相似文献   

Diets lower in meat could reduce agricultural expansion and intensification thereby reducing biodiversity impacts. However, land use requirements, associated with alternate diets, in biodiverse regions across different taxa are not fully understood. We use a spatially explicit global food and land system model to address this gap. We quantify land-use change in locations important for biodiversity across taxa and find diets low in animal products reduce agricultural expansion and intensity in regions with high biodiversity. Reducing ruminant meat consumption alone however was not sufficient to reduce fertiliser and irrigation application in biodiverse locations. The results differed according to taxa, emphasising that land-use change effects on biodiversity will be taxon specific. The links shown between global meat consumption and agricultural expansion and intensification in the biodiverse regions of the world indicates the potential to help safeguard biodiverse natural ecosystems through dietary change.  相似文献   

IPCC向全球正式发布了其最新的《气候变化与土地特别报告》(SRCCL),从陆气相互作用、荒漠化、土地退化、粮食安全、综合变化和协同性、可持续土地管理等方面评估气候变化与土地的相互关联。报告是在IPCC 3个工作组共同主导下,首次系统评估气候变化与陆面过程和土地利用/土地管理之间的相关作用。报告的评估结果表明,全球陆地增温幅度接近全球海陆平均值的两倍,气候变化加重了综合土地压力,并严重影响全球粮食安全,而全球很多区域的极端天气气候事件频率/强度持续增加,加重了农业生产的灾害风险和损失。采取行业间和国家间协同一致的行动,通过可持续土地管理,可以有效地适应和减缓气候变化,同时减轻土地退化、荒漠化和粮食安全的压力。  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring potential impacts of land-use vegetation change (LUC) on regional climate variability and extremes. Results from a pair of Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) climate model 54-yr (1949-2002) integrations have been analysed. In the model experiments, two vegetation datasets are used, with one representing current vegetation coverage in China and the other approximating its potential coverage without human intervention. The model results show potential impacts ...  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of historical land-cover change on North American surface climate, focusing on the robustness of the climate signal with respect to representation of sub-grid heterogeneity and land biogeophysics within a climate model. We performed four paired climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model using two contrasting land models and two different representations of land-cover change. One representation used a biome classification without subgrid-scale heterogeneity while the other used high-resolution satellite data to prescribe multiple vegetation types within a grid cell. Present-day and natural vegetation datasets were created for both representations. All four sets of climate simulations showed that present-day vegetation has cooled the summer climate in regions of North America compared to natural vegetation. The simulated magnitude and spatial extent of summer cooling due to land-cover change was reduced when the biome-derived land-cover change datasets were replaced by the satellite-derived datasets. The diminished cooling is partly due to reduced intensity of agriculture in the satellite-derived datasets. Comparison of the two land-surface models showed that the use of a comparatively warmer and drier land model in conjunction with satellite-derived datasets further reduced the simulated magnitude of summer cooling. These results suggest that the cooling signal associated with North American land-cover change is robust but the magnitude and therefore detection of the signal depends on the realism of the datasets used to represent land-cover change and the parametrisation of land biogeophysics.  相似文献   

中国近代土地利用变化对区域气候影响的数值模拟   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
利用国家气候中心改进的高分辨率区域气候模式(RegCM-NCC)模拟研究了中国近代历史时期土地利用/覆盖变化对中国区域气候的影响,模拟结果显示,1700年以来,以森林砍伐、草地退化及相应耕地面积扩大为主的土地利用变化可能对中国区域降水、温度产生了显著影响。1700—1900年期间,由于土地利用的变化使华北、西南等地区降水呈减少趋势,其他区域变化不明显,但近50年来却使长江中下游地区、西北、东北部分地区降水有所增加。1700—1800年间的土地利用变化使得除东北及长江流域地区外的大部分地区温度呈下降趋势,1900年以后有所升高,特别是近50年来中国大部分区域平均气温升高,与这一时期由于大气中温室气体排放浓度增加造成的温度升高相一致。另外,土地利用变化不仅使大气温度、湿度发生变化,还可引起基本流场的变化,使东亚冬、夏季风气流有所增强,这主要是由于植被变化改变了地面温度,使海、陆温差进一步增大的结果。因此,土地利用变化对区域尺度气候变化的影响是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

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