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GTS1 digital radiosonde, developed by the Shanghai Changwang Meteorological Science and Technology Company in 1998, is now widely used in operational radiosonde stations in China. A preliminary comparison of simultaneous humidity measurements by the GTS1 radiosonde, the Vaisala RS80 radiosonde, and the Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH), launched at Kunming in August 2009, reveals a large dry bias produced by the GTS1 humidity sensor. The average relative dry bias is in the order of 10% below 500 hPa, increasing rapidly to 30% above 500 hPa, and up to 55% at 310 hPa. A much larger dry bias is observed in the daytime, and this daytime effect increases with altitude. The GTS1 radiosonde fails to respond to humidity changes in the upper troposphere, and sometimes even in the middle troposphere. The failure of GTS1 in the middle and upper troposphere will result in significant artificial humidity shifts in radiosonde climate records at stations in China where a transition from mechanical to digital radiosondes has occurred. A comparison of simultaneous temperature observations by the GTS1 radiosonde and the Vaisala RS80 radiosonde suggests that these two radiosondes provide highly reproducible temperature measurements in the troposphere, but produce opposite biases for daytime and nighttime measurements in the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, the GTS1 shows a warm bias (<0.5 K) in the daytime and a relatively large cool bias (-0.2 K to -1.6 K) at nighttime.  相似文献   

2020年1月5日07时至6日04时(北京时,下同)华北中部出现一次回流暴雪天气,过程最大降雪量15.5 mm。文中应用ERA5再分析和多种高分辨率观测资料分析了此次暴雪的大尺度天气背景和本地动、热力状况,探讨了暴雪落区、强度演变和降雪微物理特征及成因。结果表明,受河套地区地面倒槽和东北平原高压影响,900 hPa以下东北气流(被称为“回流”)自东北平原经渤海抵达华北平原,早于降雪7 h开始影响华北中部,受太行山阻挡在华北平原形成浅薄的近地面中尺度辐合线,对应暴雪落区;暴雪落区位于500 hPa高空槽前、700 hPa南北走向切变线东侧,850 hPa受西南低涡外围东南气流影响。降雪前1 h石家庄市观测到800 m以下转为东北风,1 km以下气温迅速下降至?5—?1℃,形成“冷垫”;暴雪区上空700 hPa附近低空急流较降雪早2 h出现,随后急流变厚、向下伸展至2 km高度,其下部暖湿空气沿“冷垫”爬升触发降雪,急流风速增至极值(19 m/s)和急流指数达峰值(约8)与大于1 mm/h强降雪时段重合,此时700 hPa上下为上升运动和水汽输送的大值中心。本次降雪粒子直径多为0.35—0.55 mm,降雪强度与粒子数浓度呈线性正相关;降雪云层位于1.3—5.5 km高度,大致以3 km (约?10℃)为分界线,下层为冰雪混合层,上层为冰雪层,冰雪层相对湿度与地面雪花粒子浓度及降雪强度呈正相关。基于雨滴谱仪探测资料反演的地面反射率因子与降雪强度拟合关系为Z=149.85R1.14。   相似文献   

利用ncep再分析资料,对1990~2003年期间,广西14次热带气旋特大暴雨过程进行850hPa低空急流的合成分析,结果指出:广西热带气旋特大暴雨的产生伴随着中南半岛西南急流的增强,西南急流是暴雨增幅的主要水汽和能量输送系统。另外,结合大尺度环流系统的分析给出广西热带气旋特大暴雨的概念模式。  相似文献   

国产GTS1探空仪与VAISALA公司RS92探空仪对比分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李伟  邢毅  马舒庆 《气象》2009,35(10):97-102
文章从静态指标与动态对比两个方面,对中国国产GTS1探空仪与芬兰Vaisala公司RS92探空仪的综合性能进行对比.对比结果表明,GTS1探空仪温度存在滞后误差,RS92探空仪湿度测量结果明显好于GTS1探空仪,200hPa以上RS92探空仪气压变化低于GTS1探空仪,测风精度方面RS92探空仪高于GTS1探空仪,850hPa以下和150hPa以上GTS1探空仪测风与RS92探空仪存在1m·s-1以内的系统差,RS92探空仪在整体性能上高于GTS1探空仪.  相似文献   

L波段探空仪器换型对高空湿度资料的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2002—2010年我国高空探测系统逐步完成了由原来的59-701型探空系统升级为L波段雷达-电子探空仪系统的工作,湿度传感器由原来的肠衣更换为碳湿敏电阻。该文对全国98个高空站相对湿度探测值在换型前后的差异进行了统计分析。结果表明:探空系统换型后,相对湿度探测值较换型前显著降低,表现为明显的干偏差,且随着高度的增加而增大,200,500 hPa和850 hPa相对湿度分别偏低14.6%,8.3%和5.3%。受太阳辐射的影响,这种干偏差在白天甚于夜间;换型前后相对湿度的概率分布也发生了明显变化,整个对流层相对湿度低于20%的低值出现频率明显高于换型前,200 hPa相对湿度小于20%的出现频率由换型前的10%增加到换型后的53%。最明显的变化是相对湿度为3%以下的出现频率,换型前各高度层出现频率均接近于0,但换型后200,500 hPa和850 hPa出现频率分别达到16.2%,9.9%和2.2%。  相似文献   

利用1961—2018年新疆12个探空气象站逐日观测资料,分析了新疆对流层850、700和500 hPa比湿的气候特征,结果表明:新疆大气比湿呈自西向东、自南向北递减分布,随高度增加而减小分布特征,新疆比湿远小于东亚季风区;新疆夏季比湿最大,其次为秋季、春季,冬季最小,850hPa和500hPa新疆各站之间比湿差异较大,而700hPa各站比湿差异较小;对流层850、700和500 hPa比湿均表现为线性上升趋势,并有1967-1986年偏干、1987-2005年偏湿的特征,1987年为突变点;对流层850、700和500 hPa比湿与降水均呈显著正相关关系;夏季暴雨天气对流层中低层比湿最大,发生暴雨时比湿约为气候平均1—2倍,夏季暴雨的动力和不稳定条件更关键,新疆暴雨天气时的比湿比东亚季风区显著偏小;冬季暴雪天气比湿是一年中最小的,春秋季强降水比湿介于夏、冬季之间,但可达气候平均的2—3倍,春秋季需要更多的水汽产生强降水。  相似文献   

The major features of the south-westerly low-level jet (LLJ) in the lower troposphere over Southeast China and its climatic impacts are investigated by using FNL reanalysis data and observational precipitation data. Results show that LLJ mainly occurs in spring and summer and the occurrence frequency of LLJ over southeast China has significant diurnal cycle, most LLJ occur in the nighttime (0200 LST and 0800 LST). The high nocturnal occurrence frequency of LLJ is mainly resulting from increased nocturnal ageostrophic wind. Research on the climatic impacts of large-scale conditions depicts that, the occurrence of LLJ in April mainly results from the northward shifting of western pacific subtropical high (WPSH), and the occurrence of LLJ in July results from the strengthening of detouring flow around Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of the climatic effects of LLJ on precipitation distribution in 3 rainy seasons over Southeast China indicates that the rainfall events with strong intensity correspond to strong LLJs. The LLJ affects the precipitation over Southeast China by transporting water vapor and triggering upward motion. Rainfall regions well corresponds to the regions of the moisture convergence and strong upward motion triggered by LLJ. Negative wind divergence anomalies at 850 hPa and positive wind divergence anomalies at 200 hPa over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley strengthen the upward motion over this region, which are conductive to produce more precipitation over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley.  相似文献   

COSMIC反演精度和有关特性的检验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
COSMIC是一个由6颗低轨卫星组成的用于天气、气候和电离层观测的空基GPS星座观测系统, 从2006年9月开始每天可提供覆盖全球的约2000~3000个掩星点, 掩星过程可提供从40 km高空到近地面的大气温、压、湿的廓线资料。为了有效利用这些资料, 以探空资料为基准, 对2007年1-10月我国及邻近区域的COSMIC掩星资料进行精度、可用性和全天候性的检验。结果表明: COSMIC反演的温度和折射率的精度很高, 水汽压的精度相对较差。与NCEP/NCAR再分析资料相比, 折射率和湿度廓线有更高精度。  相似文献   

利用京津冀区域加密自动气象站、SA多普勒天气雷达、L波段风廓线雷达、NCEP 0.25° 再分析资料及0.03° 高分辨率地形资料研究了北京2018年7月15—16日暖区特大暴雨特征和形成机制。结果表明:(1)这次暖区特大暴雨发生在副热带高压边缘的暖气团(θse高能区)中,无明显冷空气强迫,斜压性弱,有丰沛的水汽,850 hPa以下出现强水汽辐合。(2)暴雨的中尺度对流系统发展有3个过程:带状对流建立和局地强雨团影响、北京北部“列车效应”南部雷暴冷池出流造成对流加强和移动、平原地区线状对流重建。(3)暴雨发生前,低层西南风出现风速脉动,低空急流建立。首先在2500—3500 m高度形成低空急流,2 h后2500 m以下风速显著增大,5 h后急流厚度由边界层伸展到700 hPa。急流出口区降压,低层出现气旋性风场或切变,有利于垂直上升运动发展,触发和加强对流。(4)西南低空急流暖湿输送导致高温、高湿、高能的对流不稳定层结反复重建,这是对流发展加强的重要原因。(5)地面辐合线是对流触发并逐渐组织成带状对流系统的关键影响因素。地面辐合线方向、低空急流轴、回波移动方向三者几乎重叠是造成对流后向传播和“列车效应”的有利条件。(6)太行山和燕山地形对对流触发和暴雨增幅有重要影响。北京最大雨强≥40 mm/h站点中的77.4%位于西南部和东北部200—600 m海拔高度处。偏东风在华北西部太行山局地迎风坡触发对流,西南低空急流在北京北部迎风坡和喇叭口地形处辐合和抬升更为显著,造成局地特大暴雨。   相似文献   


We study the spatio-temporal variability of Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) and associated integrated water vapor and atmospheric parameters over the Euro-Atlantic region using long-term reanalysis datasets. Winds, temperature, and specific humidity at different pressure levels during 1979–2018 are used to study the water vapor transport integrated between 1000 and 300 hPa (IVT300) in mapping ARs. The intensity of ARs in the North Atlantic has been increasing in recent times (2009–2018) with large decadal variability and poleward shift (~ 5° towards the North) in landfall during 1999–2018. Though different reanalysis datasets show similar spatial patterns of IVT300 in mapping ARs, bias in specific humidity and wind components led to IVT300 mean bias of 50 kg m−1 s−1 in different reanalysis products compared to ERA5. The magnitude of winds and specific humidity in the lower atmosphere (below 750 hPa) dominates the total column water vapor and intensity of ARs in the North Atlantic. Reanalysis datasets in the central North Atlantic show an IVT300 standard deviation of 200 kg m−1 s−1 which is around 33% of the ARs climatology (~ 600 kg m−1 s−1). Though ARs have a higher frequency of landfalling over Western Europe in winter half-year, the intensity of IVT300 in winter ARs is 3% lower than the annual mean. The lower frequency of ARs in the summer half-year shows 3% higher IVT300 than the annual mean. While ARs in the North Atlantic show a strong decadal change in frequency and path, the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Scandinavian blocking on the location of landfall of ARs are significant. Furthermore, there is a strong latitudinal dependence of the source of moisture flux in the open ocean, contributing to the formation and strengthening ARs.


1979—2012年中国探空相对湿度资料的非均一性检验与订正   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
陈哲  杨溯  刘靓珂 《气象》2015,41(11):1374-1382
利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的PMTred非均一性检验方法,以ERA interim资料作为参考序列,应用中国区域各探空台站详细的元数据信息为主要断点判断依据,对1979—2012年我国125个探空台站各标准等压面月平均探空相对湿度资料进行了非均一性检验和订正。并结合详细的元数据信息分析了造成我国探空相对湿度序列非均一问题形成的主要原因及对资料的影响程度。结果表明:仪器换型、探测系统资料整理计算方式变化以及辐射订正方法改变和探测系统升级等是造成这一时段中国区域月平均探空相对湿度资料不均一的主要原因。其中,2002年以后的L波段雷达 电子探空仪换型造成了相对湿度资料非常明显的不连续问题,这主要是由于早期59 701型探空仪穿云挂水,造成探测到的相对湿度资料明显偏湿。两个观测时次相对湿度序列不均一的台站数和断点数随高度的增加而增加。各标准等压面上月平均相对湿度序列不均一的探空台站平均订正幅度也随着高度的升高而增大,并且订正量为负值的比例在整套订正资料中所占的比例较高,说明我国的探空月平均相对湿度原始观测资料有明显高估的问题。1979—2012年以来,从全国的情况来看,订正前全国850~300 hPa 5个标准等压面全部为相对湿度降低趋势。但是订正后,850~300 hPa这5个标准等压面在1979—2012年相对湿度的变化趋势均不显著。  相似文献   

We analyzed wind profiler data collected over Ulsan airport during the period from 2008 to 2009 to examine the characteristics of low level jets (LLJs). The Ulsan airport is located within the narrow valley with north-south axis. The frequency analysis results indicates that the nearly 19% of the total nocturnal periods have the presence of jets and LLJ occurrence rate is high in winter (32%) and low in summer (10%). The mode in the wind speed histogram is 4?C6 m s?1. A majority of jet occurs below 100 m (about 77.8 m) above ground. The predominant wind direction of jet is northerly. In order to examine the favorable conditions for LLJ formation of Ulsan airport, we investigated temperature difference between valley and plain at the surface and synoptic wind direction and speed at 850 hPa. Our results show that air temperature in the valley is lower than over the plain during the nighttime, indicating the existence of thermal forcing for along-valley wind. Under a significant temperature difference along the valley, westerly wind speed at 850 hPa is slightly weaker on LLJs event night than no event night, indicating weaker north-south large-scale pressure gradient on LLJ event night. The magnitude of northerly wind at 850 hPa is much stronger on event night than no event night, implying higher downward transfer of northerly wind on event night. Our findings suggest that jet formation over Ulsan airport is related to the strong northerly wind at 850 hPa in the presence of thermal forcing due to temperature contrast between valley and plain.  相似文献   

RS92型GPS探空仪的性能试验与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用同球施放的方法,对芬兰维萨拉GPS探空仪的性能进行了试验。结果表明:气压和湿度的测量一致性符合RS92型GPS探空仪的探空整体非确定性的标称;温度除白天10hPa外,其它各规定层都能够满足RS92型GPS探空仪的探空整体非确定性的标称;湿度、风速能够满足WMO对全球气候观测系统(GCOS)探空的要求,高度能很好满足WMO对GCOS探空的要求。辐射特性分析表明,RS92型GPS探空仪在70hPa以下受辐射影响较小,20hPa以上温度受辐射影响相对较大。出、人云特性分析表明,RS92型GPS探空仪的湿度测量性能较好,能较灵敏地跟踪湿度变化,温湿度配合合理,数据丢失情况比RS80型探空仪明显减少,但产品在稳定性、检测和软件方面仍需要改进。  相似文献   

L波段探空仪湿度资料偏差订正及同化试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
L波段探空仪观测资料是基础资料之一,无论在天气预报还是在数值天气预报中都起着重要作用,其资料质量直接影响数值模式同化分析及降水预报准确性。通过对我国3种常用的L波段探空仪观测湿度的偏差特性比较,研发适合该仪器的偏差订正方案,并在GRAPES同化系统中加以试验应用。结果表明:L波段探空仪湿度观测资料与ECMWF再分析湿度场比较有偏干现象。多种偏差订正方案订正结果显示:湿度偏差值比订正前减小,特别是在500 hPa以上层次减小明显。在GRAPES分析同化系统中使用Vomel偏差订正方案,分析偏差减小5%;预报模式个例和连续试验中湿度观测订正后预报降水更接近实况,预报降水检验评分显著提高,故该订正方案在实际应用中表现出积极的正效果。  相似文献   

利用自动气象站逐小时雨量资料、常规气象观测资料以及NCEP每6 h一次的1°×l°全球再分析资料,分析了2010年12月12日和15日江西2次大范围暴雨过程。结果表明,在"拉尼娜"的气候背景下,高空急流右后侧的强辐散区与中低层异常加强的西南气流辐合区耦合,形成冬季暴雨过程。在动力、水汽条件方面,冬季暴雨700 hPa高度层比850 hPa高度层表现明显,暴雨落区与700 hPa高度层的水汽辐合区一致。与江西汛期暴雨过程相比,涡度、散度、垂直速度量值较小,动力条件较弱,造成逐小时降雨强度不大;850 hPa高度层的比湿值仅为汛期值的50%,低层水汽条件差,但整层水汽输送与汛期暴雨相近;对流不稳定、对称不稳定为冬季强降雨、强降雪存储了不稳定能量。  相似文献   

2010年冬季江西两次暴雨过程的环境场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自动气象站逐小时雨量资料、常规气象观测资料以及NCEP每6h一次的1°×1°全球再分析资料,分析了2010年12月12日和15日江西2次大范围暴雨过程.结果表明,在“拉尼娜”的气候背景下,高空急流右后侧的强辐散区与中低层异常加强的西南气流辐合区耦合,形成冬季暴雨过程.在动力、水汽条件方面,冬季暴雨700 hPa高度...  相似文献   

In this study,the observational data acquired in the South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment (SCHeREX)from May to July 2008 and 2009 were integrated and assimilated with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS; information available online at http://laps.fsl.noaa.gov).A high-resolution mesoscale analysis dataset was then generated at a spatial resolution of 5 km and a temporal resolution of 3 h in four observational areas:South China,Central China,Jianghuai area,and Yangtze River Delta area.The quality of this dataset was evaluated as follows.First,the dataset was qualitatively compared with radar reflectivity and TBB image for specific heavy rainfall events so as to examine its capability in reproduction of mesoscale systems.The results show that the SCHeREX analysis dataset has a strong capability in capturing severe mesoscale convective systems.Second,the mean deviation and root mean square error of the SCHeREX mesoscale analysis fields were analyzed and compared with radiosonde data.The results reveal that the errors of geopotential height,temperature,relative humidity,and wind of the SCHeREX analysis were within the acceptable range of observation errors.In particular,the average error was 45 m for geopotential height between 700 and 925 hPa,1.0-1.1℃ for temperature,less than 20% for relative humidity,1.5-2.0 m s-1 for wind speed,and 20°-25° for wind direction.The above results clearly indicate that the SCHeREX mesoscale analysis dataset is of high quality and sufficient reliability,and it is applicable to refined mesoscale weather studies.  相似文献   

2005年6月华南持续性暴雨爆发和维持机制分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用常规气象资料及T213分析场资料,对2005年6月18日~23日华南大范围持续性暴雨过程的高低空形势、能量及动力条件进行诊断分析。发现:这次过程低空急流维持了低空对流不稳定形势,高空急流维持了高空辐散、低空辐合的有利形势,高空西南急流与高空西北急流一样,能造成暴雨区高空有利的辐散形势,形成高层辐散、底层辐合,触发强烈的上升运动,高低空耦合是此次强降雨爆发的熏要机制,强降雨落区位于低空西南风急流出口区的左侧和200hPa西北风急流的出口区西南侧,即低空急流的左侧与切变线的前沿;暴雨区域高湿能条件的维持.保证了强降雨过程的能量供给,是强降雨持续的重要条件。  相似文献   

In the present study objective analyses of relative humidity (RH) at surface and at the levels of 850,700 and 500 hPa have been made using Gandin’s (1963) optimum interpolation scheme. As the horizontal resolution of the radiosonde stations is rather inadequate for upper air humidity analysis, a scheme has been developed, following Rasmussen (1982) to estimate the upper air RH from the surface observations like surface RH, present weather and cloud cover. The relative humidities at the levels 850, 700 and 500 hPa were related to the surface observations through three separate regression relations. The RH values at 850, 700 and 500 hPa levels were estimated from the surface RH, cloud coverage and present weather using the above regression relations and subsequently the objective analyses at 00 GMT for the period from 4 July to 8 July 1979, were made using these estimated data along with the observed radiosonde data. Objective analyses were also made for the same period using only the radiosonde data for comparison to study the impact of those estimated data. Root mean square errors were computed for all the five days by interpolating RH at the observing stations from the objectively analysed field and comparing them with the actually observed RH to examine how best the analyses (with and without estimated data) fitted the observations. Lastly they were compared with satellite cloud pictures. This study shows that the estimated upper air RH values have positive impact on the analysis of upper air RH and could be used over radiosonde date sparse region and even over oceanic regions.  相似文献   

Here, we analyze the characteristics and the formation mechanisms of low-level jets(LLJs) in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River during the 2010 mei-yu season using Wuhan station radiosonde data and the fifth generation of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ERA5) reanalysis dataset. Our results show that the vertical structure of LLJs is characterized by a predominance of boundary layer jets(BLJs) concentrated at heights of 900–1200 m.The BLJs occur most frequently at 230...  相似文献   

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