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利用常规气象观测资料、卫星及雷达拼图以及NCEP分辨率为1°×1°的再分析资料,对浙江和山东两个区域不同的极端降水特征及其成因进行诊断对比分析。结果表明:浙江极端降水表现出“高效”的热带降水系统特征,山东极端降水是一次长时间,中等强度的“大陆锋面型”降水。台风近海对称性和对流明显增强;同时,其西北行移速较同期台风偏慢,导致行进方向上长时间受螺旋雨带影响;受超强台风厚实云墙影响,登陆前后浙江等地风雨激增;另外,双台风及沿海山地地形对浙江降水有增幅作用。而山东地区主要受台风北侧稳定维持倒槽和西风槽结合影响,出现极端降水。敏感性分析发现山东降水和台风“第一象限”低层偏南急流强度相关性好,而台风环流持续维持、高度场的密集梯度及降水的潜热反馈共同导致低层急流(>20 m·s-1)长时间维持;同时,西风带高空槽和台风倒槽势力相当,形成稳定“锋区”;锋前多条带状对流持续向北发展,形成“列车效应”;后期冷空气侵入台风中心后山东北侧依然维持较好环流配置。上述条件共同维持了山东地区持续性的较强“锋面降水”。副高、西风槽及台风环流的强度对比是本轮台风降水预报的关键因素。  相似文献   

台风螺旋雨带相对静止与大暴雨关系初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在“艾利”台风的跟踪分析中,应用新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/SA)产品资料和自动站逐时降水及风埸资料,分析台风螺旋雨带的维持和移动等特点,阐述台风螺旋雨带在台风各个象限的移动特征,指出台风移动和螺旋雨带自身沿切线方向向外扩张的反向运动相互制约而导致台风螺旋雨带相对静止是该地区出现大暴雨的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

李芳  李南  万瑜 《山东气象》2020,40(4):69-76
为研究GPM(Global Precipitation Measurement)资料对台风雨带降水结构的探测能力,利用GPM卫星资料、地基雷达资料和地面降水实况对2018 年第18号台风“温比亚”影响山东期间的降水结构进行分析。结果表明:台风螺旋雨带造成的降水远大于台风外围云系产生的降水;台风螺旋雨带的雨顶高度大于外围云系的雨顶高度,基本在7 km以上,最大雨顶高度达到15 km;台风螺旋雨带及其外围云系都以层云和对流云降水为主,其中螺旋雨带中对流云降水所占比例高于外围云系,对流云的平均降水率是层云的3倍左右,对流云降水对应近地面降水率和雨顶高度的大值区;台风螺旋雨带的降水柱与外围云系中的降水柱相比,具有数量多、密度大、高度高的特点,这与台风螺旋雨带中对流发展旺盛有关;2A DPR数据产品对降水估测具有较好的指示意义。研究结果为用GPM产品估测降水结构提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

刘文婷  朱佩君 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1038-1054
登陆台风Matmo(2014)北侧弱回波区突发多条强对流雨带,造成严重影响。本文利用NECP/NCAR的FNL(Final)再分析资料,地面自动站加密观测资料、雷达拼图资料等对台风北侧连续出现的3条对流雨带的触发和发展过程进行研究。结果表明:初始对流是在弱的对流不稳定和条件对称不稳定条件下,由锋面强迫和地形抬升作用共同触发。接二连三发生的3条对流雨带是在台风北部高湿环境,长时间稳定的水汽辐合,明显的对流不稳定,局部弱条件对称不稳定条件下,由近地面辐合线在辐合稳定并加强后触发的,有利的环境和多层不稳定的叠加有利于雨带的发展和维持。先后触发对流雨带的3条辐合线在发生位置上相当接近。辐合线的形成一方面由海陆下垫面差异、江苏和山东南部海岸线曲率、台风风速随半径分布特点所决定;另一方面,辐合线2和3的形成还与它们北侧对流雨带的冷出流密切相关。对流带上的强降水中心往往对应着稳定的辐合中心,辐合中心主要位于风速大小梯度明显的位置上。而辐合线上的风速梯度主要受海岸线、地形附近的降水分布影响。  相似文献   

台风“海棠”的螺旋雨带结构及特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用中尺度数值模式WRF对2005年7月19—20日台风"海棠"登陆前后螺旋雨带的结构及特征进行了模拟和诊断分析。结果表明,本次台风造成的沿海暴雨与主次两条雨带活动有关。主雨带是涡旋Rossby波激发的螺旋雨带,与850 hPa正涡度带有很好的对应关系,降水强度大,辐合层次低,处在温度和切向风速梯度最大处。次雨带辐合层次相对较高,最大温度梯度和相当位温梯度发生在700 hPa以上,无明显切向风梯度配合,其发展主要与台风中心附近的阶梯状相当位温锋区有关。当台风中雨带合并时,易造成降水增幅。台风登陆前后存在螺旋雨带的断裂现象,台风中心西侧及西北侧的中低层的辐散流场使高层的气旋性流场出现和加强,台风在高层的气旋性环流与西部低压结合,使台风西部产生辐合,引起螺旋雨带的断裂,当高层的低压形成明显的气旋式切变时,也可使切变下方螺旋雨带断裂。  相似文献   

利用实况资料和WRF模拟资料,分析2009年8月6—10日"莫拉克"台风在台湾地区造成强降水过程中台风螺旋雨带与水平涡度的关系。结果表明:模式较好地模拟出了本次台风暴雨的发生发展过程。在7日00时—9日00时,台风外围有两条螺旋雨带,一支位于台湾的中部偏南,一支位于台湾的南部,暴雨主要位于这两支螺旋雨带上;暴雨出现在环流上升支附近,在中低层,雨带对应着较大的指向东的水平涡度,且随着水平涡度大值区移动而移动,显示出两者较密切的联系;水平涡度的大值区与垂直涡度的大值区也有较好的对应关系,存在水平涡度向垂直涡度的转化;水平涡度的旋度正值区对应上升运动区,其旋度的大值区对应强的螺旋雨带与降水。当水平涡度减小时,若水平涡度的旋度正值区存在,雨带仍然可以维持。  相似文献   

云微物理过程是影响台风降水数值模拟的关键过程。利用华东中尺度模式系统,选取Thompson与CLR两种微物理参数化方案对台风“利奇马”进行数值模拟,对比观测、卫星资料,评估两个微物理参数化方案对台风模拟的影响,结果表明:相比于Thompson方案,CLR方案对台风“利奇马”的模拟在登陆后的路径、强度、降水明显更接近观测;Thompson方案在距离台风中心约100 km形成较强的螺旋雨带,而CLR方案在距离台风中心150 km左右的位置形成了较弱的螺旋雨带。进一步的分析表明,CLR方案模拟出的外围雨带距离台风中心的距离更远,是由于CLR方案中冰、霰等冰相态水凝物下落速度更小,更有可能被推送到距离台风中心更远的位置,从而形成不同的雨带分布。   相似文献   

在"艾利"台风的跟踪分析中,应用新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/SA)产品资料和自动站逐时降水及风埸资料,分析台风螺旋雨带的维持和移动等特点,阐述台风螺旋雨带在台风各个象限的移动特征,指出台风移动和螺旋雨带自身沿切线方向向外扩张的反向运动相互制约而导致台风螺旋雨带相对静止是该地区出现大暴雨的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

台风登陆前后雨带断裂与非对称降水的成因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用美国WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式对“海棠”台风(0505)登陆前后的雨带变化进行分析和模拟试验。结果显示:台风登陆前后其雨带会产生断裂,这种现象可发生在陆地和海上,使非对称降水更加明显。分析得出雨带断裂不仅与地形有关,而且与高层台风环流和中纬度系统的相互作用有关:台风登陆前后,200 hPa南亚高压和台风外围的辐散气流结合形成在台风西北方向的弱倒槽,台风中心西侧及西北侧的中低层辐散流场稳定维持,使高层气旋性流场加强,与气旋性流场相伴的正涡度一部分随气流逆时针旋转,并逐步平流至台风中心附近的正涡度区形成一个沿22~25 °N的正涡度输送带并延伸至台风中心东部,而中心东部高层的正涡度带中有下沉运动,不利于降水发展而导致雨带断裂是非对称降水的主要原因。高层台风的带状涡度向外围的传播可导致中纬度气旋性环流的进一步加强和正涡度向台风输送的加强,使雨带断裂更加明显。  相似文献   

基于多普勒天气雷达、区域气象观测站、常规观测和NCEP再分析数据等,利用三维雷达拼图技术对2018年第18号台风“温比亚”造成的山东暴雨中尺度特征进行分析。研究表明:台风“温比亚”造成的山东暴雨,不同阶段雨强特征有较大差异,长时间强降雨是造成灾害性暴雨的主要因素;此次台风暴雨雨团具有很强的移动特征,是否形成“列车效应”是造成灾害性暴雨的重要因素;雷达三维拼图数据可以清晰识别和分析暴雨过程中尺度雨团的移动、合并和发展规律,这些对准确监测预报暴雨的发生至关重要。  相似文献   

利用多种观测及分析资料对台风温比亚(1818)暴雨过程的降水演变、极端降水特点及环境场物理量特征等进行分析。此次台风暴雨日降水量极端性显著,降水主要分为登陆前后、深入内陆并转向以及冷空气作用和变性3个阶段,其中第2阶段为最强降水时段。受其影响,河南、山东等地多个站点的日降水量突破历史极值。温比亚(1818)最大小时降水量达127.7 mm,其中74个站点小时降水量超过80 mm,短时强降水维持时间长达14 h,高降水效率及长持续时间造成极端降水。对流层中、低层存在标准化异常小于-4倍标准差的异常低压环流,造成极端低层辐合,叠加高空急流和高压边缘的极端高空辐散,动力条件极端性显著,200 hPa辐散和850 hPa辐合均接近或远超1988—2017年日降水量排名前30(HT30)降水日的最大值。受台风东侧水汽输送影响,降水区假相当位温、整层大气可降水量和水汽通量散度无论与气候态相比,还是与HT30降水日相比,均具有显著极端性,且极端水汽维持时间长达30 h。  相似文献   

Multisatellite data is used to analyze the characteristics of three eyewall replacement cycles (ERCs) during the lifetime of Typhoon Muifa (1109). Spiral rainbands evolutions, concentric eyewall (CE) structure modes, CE durations, and intensity changes are discussed in detail. In addition, an ERC evolution model of Typhoon Muifa is given. There are four main findings. (1) The outer spiral rainband joins end to end to form the outer eyewall after it disconnects from the original (inner) eyewall. The inner eyewall weakens as the outer eyewall becomes axisymmetric and is intensified. The contraction of the outer eyewall causes the inner eyewall to dissipate rapidly. Finally, the ERC ends with an annular eyewall or spiral rainbands. (2) Although the CE duration times of Typhoon Muifa’s three ERCs covered a large range, the CE structures were all maintained for approximately 5 h from the formation of the axisymmetric outer eyewall to the end of the cycle. (3) There is no obvious precipitation reflectivity in the eye or moat region for the subsidence flow. The convection within the two eyewalls is organized as a radially outward slope with increasing height. (4) Typhoon intensity estimation results based on ADT may not explain the intensity variations associated with ERC correctly, while the typhoon’s warm core data retrieved from AMSU-A works well.  相似文献   

In this study, fine structures of spiral rainbands in super Typhoon Chanchu (2006) are examined using an Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecast (WRF-ARW) model simulation with the finest grid size of 2 km. Results show that the simulation reproduces well Typhoon Chanchu’s track, intensity and basic structures. According to their locations and features, spiral rainbands are classified into principal, secondary, inner and distant rainbands, and their dynamic and thermodynamic features are investigated. The principal rainbands remain quasi-stationary with respect to Chanchu’s center and exhibit a wavenumber-1 feature with their outer edges separated by dry air. The secondary rainbands that occur on the radially inward side of the principal rainbands move around Chanchu''s center. The inner rainbands are closest to the center. They propagate both radially outward and azimuthally with time. The distant rainbands are located outside the inner-core region, and have stronger and continuous updrafts compared to the other rainbands. Distant rainbands are inward-sloping with height along the radial direction and have a cold pool in the low layers, whereas the principal and secondary rainbands lean radially outward with height. The inner rainbands do not show tilting with height along the radial direction. However, there are few vertical tilting cells along the azimuthal orientation among the four types of rainbands. The simulated radar reflectivity cores in all rainbands are collocated with the maxima of updrafts and equivalent potential temperatures in the low layer, indicating the important roles of energy supply in the boundary layer in determining the development of the rainband convection.  相似文献   

利用中国气象局上海台风研究所热带气旋最佳路径数据、MICAPS常规资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料和FY-2G相当黑体亮温资料,分析2018年8月17日02时至19日14时因登陆热带气旋“温比亚”影响中国黄淮中部连续2 d多的暴雨成因。结果表明:中国黄淮中部短时强降雨站次多、强度大,除了对流云的前或后边界、“列车效应”、核心区与它们之间的合并能导致短时强降雨之外,非对流云也可导致强降雨。17日黄淮中部及以南,暴雨偏在“温比亚”移动路径右侧,中层倒槽偏在低层倒槽西侧有利于触发黄淮中部强降雨。18日暴雨主要中尺度影响系统为“温比亚”北侧中、低层倒槽和偏东风急流,以及热带气旋本体环流和弱冷空气。水汽925 hPa辐合、400 hPa辐散加大,中低层温湿能量增加,是黄淮中部暴雨增幅的原因,风的垂直切变加大对强降雨具有较好的指示作用。18日20时开始渤海北岸西南风高空急流形成,低层倒槽东侧偏南气流加强北上,高、低空环流耦合导致山东北部等地暴雨发展,黄淮中部降雨则明显减弱。  相似文献   

Based on the data(including radius of maximum winds) from the JTWC(Joint Typhoon Warning Center),the tropical cyclones(TCs) radii of the outermost closed isobar, TCs best tracks from Shanghai Typhoon Institute and the Black Body Temperature(TBB) of the Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite M1 TR IR1, and combining13 tropical cyclones which landed in China again after visiting the island of Taiwan during the period from 2001 to2010, we analyzed the relationship between the number of convective cores within TC circulation and the intensity of TC with the method of convective-stratiform technique(CST) and statistical and composite analysis. The results are shown as follows:(1) The number of convective cores in the entire TC circulation is well corresponding with the outer spiral rainbands and the density of convective cores in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) TC intensity. At the same time, the number of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is more than that within the inner core and does not change much with the TC intensity. However, the density of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is lower than that within the inner core.(2) The relationship described above is sensitive to landing location to some extent but not sensitive to the structure of TC.(3) The average value of TBB in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) of TC intensity, which is also sensitive to landing situation to some extent. At the same time, the average value of TBB within the outer spiral rainbands is close to that within the entire TC circulation, and both of them are more than that within the inner core. However, they do not reflect TC intensity change significantly.(4) The results of statistical composite based on convective cores and TBB are complementary with each other, so a combination of both can reflect the relationship between TC rainbands and TC intensity much better.  相似文献   

To better understand how severe storms form and evolve in the outer rainbands of typhoons, in this study, we investigate the evolutionary characteristics and possible formation mechanisms for severe storms in the rainbands of Typhoon Mujigae, which occurred during 2–5 October 2015, based on the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data, conventional observations, and Doppler radar data. For the rainbands far from the inner core (eye and eyewall) of Mujigae (distance of approximately 70–800 km), wind speed first increased with the radius expanding from the inner core, and then decreased as the radius continued to expand. The Rankine Vortex Model was used to explore such variations in wind speed. The areas of strong stormy rainbands were mainly located in the northeast quadrant of Mujigae, and overlapped with the areas of high winds within approximately 300–550 km away from the inner core, where the strong winds were conducive to the development of strong storms. A severe convective cell in the rainbands developed into waterspout at approximately 500 km to the northeast of the inner core, when Mujigae was strengthening before it made landfall. Two severe convective cells in the rainbands developed into two tornadoes at approximately 350 km to the northeast of the inner core after Mujigae made landfall. The radar echo bands enhanced to 60 dBZ when mesocyclones occurred in the rainbands and induced tornadoes. The radar echoes gradually weakened after the mesocyclones weakened. The tops of parent clouds of the mesocyclones elevated at first, and then suddenly dropped about 20 min before the tornadoes appeared. Thereby, the cloud top variation has the potential to be used as an early warning of tornado occurrence.  相似文献   

基于2 km分辨率的ARW-WRF数值模拟资料,讨论了台风"珍珠"(2006)螺旋雨带中对流单体及内雨带的发展机制。结果表明:模式很好地再现了台风的路径和强度。作为雨带中仅仅存在于眼壁外侧的内雨带,其传播机制与重力波、涡旋Rossby波及混合波没有联系,其可能发展机制仅与低层出流、水平风场和变形场有关。低层出流使得内雨带径向向外运动,而低层的水平风场和变形场使其形成螺旋结构。同时,就螺旋雨带中精细对流单体的发展而言,涡度收支方程定量分析表明,其主要通过两种方式获得垂直涡度:水平涡度倾斜为垂直涡度;上升运动拉伸垂直涡度。随着平流输送,对流单体在眼壁附近合并和汇聚。  相似文献   

The characteristics of the moving course of Typhoon Matsa (No.0509), associated heavy rain and physical quantities fields have been analyzed, with the focus on the reason of the typhoon’s abrupt northeastward turn in Anhui Province and heavy rain concentrating in the northeast of typhoon center instead of near it. Meaningful conclusions are as follows. The reasons for typhoon abrupt turning are that the subtropical high pressure was moving southward and divergence fields of 200 hPa were to the right of the typhoon center; there was no obvious cold air invading Shandong after the typhoon entered the westerly belt; the southeasterly jet of typhoon and shear brought heavy rainfall to the Shandong peninsula before the typhoon entered Shandong. But after the typhoon’s movement into Shandong, the typhoon’s inverted trough brought the rainfall to the northern and central Shandong.  相似文献   

0509号台风麦莎影响山东分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了0509号台风的移动路径、强降水分布及物理量场分布,重点分析台风在安徽突然转向东北和强降水不在中心附近而是偏于中心东北侧的原因。结果表明:副高突然南落及200hPa辐散偏向台风中心右侧是台风在安徽转向进入江苏的原因;台风进入西风带以后没有明显的冷空气侵入;台风进入山东前,半岛大暴雨是由台风右侧东南急流和切变线引起,而台风进入山东境内时,鲁北、鲁中强降水由台风倒槽引起。  相似文献   

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