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张宇  李清泉  余锦华  沈新勇  毕淼  吴清源 《气象》2024,50(3):344-356
青藏高原是全球气候变暖最敏感的地区之一,是北半球夏季最大的热源,其气候响应受到广泛关注。然而,有关南极涛动与青藏高原夏季气温的关系和机理知之甚少。为了研究南极涛动与青藏高原夏季气温的关系,基于1979—2020年英国东安哥拉大学气候研究中心(CRU)的逐月气温、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的逐月海表面温度和大气环流再分析数据以及南极涛动指数等数据,采用相关、回归、合成分析等方法进行研究。结果表明,北半球夏季青藏高原西部气温与5月南极涛动存在显著负相关,即当5月南极涛动异常偏弱时,夏季青藏高原西部气温异常偏高。其影响过程为,南极涛动为正位相时,在南印度洋中高纬地区出现“负-正-负”的经向“三极子”海温模态,该模态可持续到夏季,在印度洋形成异常的纬向-垂直环流,相应在热带西印度洋和东印度洋-海洋性大陆之间的降水异常导致热带正“偶极子”降水模态,通过该降水模态在青藏高原西部引起异常反气旋环流和下沉运动,有利于高原西部气温偏高。研究结果显示,海洋的热惯性在“延长”南极涛动影响过程中起着重要的桥梁作用,可为青藏高原夏季气温预测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

有关南半球大气环流与东亚气候的关系研究的若干新进展   总被引:14,自引:15,他引:14  
范可  王会军 《大气科学》2006,30(3):402-412
南半球大气环流是全球大气环流的重要组成部分,也是影响气候变化和亚洲季风系统的一个重要因素.中国气象学家很早就注意到南半球大气环流对东亚夏季风降水的影响.近年来,有关南半球气候变率的研究目前正受到世界气象学家越来越多的关注.南半球中高纬大气资料的丰富及南极涛动的确定,使得认识南半球高中纬环流的年际变动规律及其与东亚气候关系成为可能.本文主要介绍近年来有关南极涛动的年际变化与沙尘天气发生频次及东亚冬春季气候的关系,古气候资料揭示的南极涛动与华北降水的关系,以及南半球大气环流与长江中下游夏季降水的关系和南极涛动变率的可预测性等方面的研究进展.并对未来研究方向作了初步的展望.  相似文献   

北极涛动和南极涛动的年变化特征   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,简称AO)和南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,简称AAO)分别用于描述北半球和南半球热带外气候变率的主要模态,它们分别是北半球和南半球中纬度和高纬度之间气压变化的跷跷板结构.作者利用1958年1月~1999年12月的NCEP/NCAR全球再分析月平均资料、北极涛动指数IAO和南极涛动指数IAAO来研究AO和AAO的年变化特征以及AO和AAO与纬向平均的月平均各要素场的相关系数随纬度和月份的变化规律.  相似文献   

南半球环流变化对东亚夏季风的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
南半球环流是影响东亚夏季风季节内、季节到年际变化的重要因子之一.作者系统综述了南半球环流各系统包括连接两半球的越赤道气流、马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压、南极涛动和南极海冰等对东亚夏季风环流和中国夏季降水的影响.特别是,近年来的研究揭示了南极涛动是影响东亚夏季风年际变化的强信号.当南极涛动偏强时,马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压和相关的越赤道气流也趋于偏强.同时,西太平洋副热带高压偏西偏南,强度增强,长江流域降水偏多,其两侧降水偏少.这对中国夏季降水的预测有重要的应用价值.最后提出了一些相关的科学问题以供进一步研究.    相似文献   

南极涛动异常与2006年我国东部夏季降水形势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南极涛动是南半球中高纬主要的气候变率模态,反映了南半球中高纬大气环流反位相的变化及质量交换的实质。南极涛动强,表示南半球绕极低压加深和中高纬西风加强弱,反之亦然。作者近年的研究表明了南极涛动是一个重要的气候因子,能够影响东亚的冬春气候和我国北方的沙尘频次以及华北、长江中下游的夏季降水。根据作者已有的研究结果,可以依据3—4月南极涛动指数的变化,尝试预测2006年我国东部夏季降水形势,进而考察南极涛动异常信号对我国东部夏季降水形势的预测价值。  相似文献   

本文针对秋季南极涛动(AAO)和冬季中国南方降水的关系作了研究,发现两者之间存在显著的反向年际变化关系。AAO正(负)异常年,副热带西风急流显著增强(减弱),欧洲西部槽、乌拉尔山高压脊和东亚沿岸大槽均偏强(偏弱),阿留申低压、南支槽和西太平洋副高偏弱(偏强),西南急流上的扰动不活跃(活跃),我国大部分地区出现异常偏北风(偏南风)和OLR弱正距平,导致南方降水偏少(偏多)。两半球存在东亚—南半球高纬地区和纵贯太平洋南北的两个遥相关型,海洋性大陆对流活动可能是秋季AAO影响南方冬季降水的一个机制。因此,秋季南极涛动的异常很可能对预测我国南方冬季降水有显著指示意义。  相似文献   

南极涛动和北半球大气环流异常的联系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
宋洁  李崇银 《大气科学》2009,33(4):847-858
使用ECMWF逐日再分析资料分析研究了北半球冬季南极涛动和北半球大气环流异常之间的联系。资料的分析结果表明, 南极涛动和滞后其25~40天位于北大西洋地区的一个弱的类似于北大西洋涛动 (North Atlantic Oscillation, 简称NAO) 的偶极子模态, 以及伴随这一偶极子模态而出现的北半球中纬度纬向风异常之间存在着统计上的联系。处于正 (负) 位相的南极涛动对应着滞后25~40天后, 北大西洋高纬极区出现位势高度负 (正) 异常, 副热带大西洋出现位势高度正 (负) 异常; 同时, 在北半球中高纬度地区(45°N~65°N) 出现西 (东) 风异常, 中低纬度地区(25°N~40°N)出现东 (西) 风异常。文中也对资料分析结果进行了简单的动力学分析, 表明与南极涛动相联系的涡动动量异常是驱动北半球纬向平均纬向风异常的主要原因。  相似文献   

张乐英  徐海明  施宁 《大气科学》2017,41(4):869-881
基于1962~2011年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,本文研究了北半球冬季南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,AAO)对欧亚大陆地表气温的影响及其物理过程。线性回归结果表明,在扣除冬季ENSO信号后,1月AAO与2月欧亚大陆地表气温呈显著正相关关系。当1月AAO处于正位相时,东南太平洋出现显著的位势高度正异常,这对应着南半球副热带高压的增强。该高度正异常在空间上从南半球向北扩展至北半球东太平洋地区,在时间上可一直持续到2月,它在南北半球相互作用过程中起重要作用。2月,北半球东太平洋高度正异常随高度向北倾斜,在对流层上层位于美国西南侧,该位置对应着北大西洋风暴轴入口处。进一步的相关分析表明,美国西南侧的高度正异常与地中海西北侧的瞬变波活动显著正相关,进而对应着斯堪的纳维亚半岛地区的高度负异常的形成。该负异常通过向下游频散波能量,引起贝加尔湖西侧高度正异常,形成典型的负位相斯堪的纳维亚环流型。该环流型对应60°N附近的西风异常,抑制了北侧冷空气南下,进而引起欧亚大陆地表气温正异常,反之亦然。  相似文献   

秋季南极涛动异常对冬季中国南方降水的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱卓蕾 《大气科学》2014,38(1):190-200
本文针对秋季南极涛动(AAO)和冬季中国南方降水的关系作了研究,发现两者之间存在显著的反向年际变化关系。AAO正(负)异常年,副热带西风急流显著增强(减弱),欧洲西部槽、乌拉尔山高压脊和东亚沿岸大槽均偏强(偏弱),阿留申低压、南支槽和西太平洋副高偏弱(偏强),西南急流上的扰动不活跃(活跃),我国大部分地区出现异常偏北风(偏南风)和OLR弱正距平,导致南方降水偏少(偏多)。两半球存在东亚—南半球高纬地区和纵贯太平洋南北的两个遥相关型,海洋性大陆对流活动可能是秋季AAO影响南方冬季降水的一个机制。因此,秋季南极涛动的异常很可能对预测我国南方冬季降水有显著指示意义。  相似文献   

本文基于44年ERA40再分析月平均土壤湿度资料和大气环流变量场资料,去除ENSO遥相关以及趋势影响后,利用滞后最大协方差方法分析非洲南部地区土壤湿度分布与南半球大气环流异常之间的线性耦合。第一最大协方差模态的结果表明:在南半球冬季(Jun-Jul-Aug,6~8月)和夏季(Jan-Feb-Mar,1~3月),大气中类似南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,简称AAO)正位相的环流型与超前月份(最长时间达到5个月)的非洲南部地区土壤湿度的异常分布显著相关。基于土壤湿度变率中心的线性回归分析方法证实非洲南部地区其北部土壤湿度正异常、中南部土壤湿度负异常的空间分布对后期夏季和冬季的大气有显著的反馈作用。诊断结果显示由于夏秋季节和春季初夏非洲南部地区土壤湿度异常均有显著的持续性,同时对后期AAO产生持续增强作用,所以滞后最大协方差方法可以检测出它们对后期AAO的显著影响。以上非洲南部地区土壤湿度异常超前于南极涛动的信号,将有助于加强对土壤湿度反馈机制及其对南半球大尺度环流变率影响的认识。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the possible influence of boreal winter Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/ NAO) on the Indian Ocean upper ocean heat content in summer as well as the summer monsoonal circulation. The strong interannual co-variation between winter 1000-hPa geopotential height in the Northern Hemisphere and summer ocean heat content in the uppermost 120 m over the tropical Indian Ocean was investigated by a singular decomposition analysis for the period 1979–2014. The second paired-modes explain 23.8% of the squared covariance, and reveal an AO/NAO pattern over the North Atlantic and a warming upper ocean in the western tropical Indian Ocean. The positive upper ocean heat content enhances evaporation and convection, and results in an anomalous meridional circulation with ascending motion over 5°S–5°N and descending over 15°–25°N. Correspondingly, in the lower troposphere, significantly anomalous northerly winds appear over the western Indian Ocean north of the equator, implying a weaker summer monsoon circulation. The off-equator oceanic Rossby wave plays a key role in linking the AO/NAO and the summer heat content anomalies. In boreal winter, a positive AO/NAO triggers a down-welling Rossby wave in the central tropical Indian Ocean through the atmospheric teleconnection. As the Rossby wave arrives in the western Indian Ocean in summer, it results in anomalous upper ocean heating near the equator mainly through the meridional advection. The AO/NAO-forced Rossby wave and the resultant upper ocean warming are well reproduced by an ocean circulation model. The winter AO/NAO could be a potential season-lead driver of the summer atmospheric circulation over the northwestern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

黄荣辉  王磊 《大气科学》2010,34(5):853-864
本文利用1979~2007年日本气象厅JRA-25风场和高度场再分析资料和美国JTWC热带气旋的观测资料分析了7~9月份西北太平洋台风和热带气旋 (TC) 在我国登陆地点的年际变化及其与北半球夏季大气环流异常的东亚/太平洋型 (即EAP型) 遥相关的关系, 特别是分析了7~9月份在厦门以北登陆台风和TC数量的年际变化与夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数的相关。分析结果表明: 当夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数为高指数时, 则7~9月份在东亚和西北太平洋上空500 hPa高度场异常将出现 “-, +, -” EAP型遥相关的波列分布, 这时西太平洋副热带高压的位置偏北、 偏东。在这种情况下, 西北太平洋上较多的台风和TC的移动路径偏北, 这引起了7~9月份在我国厦门以北沿海登陆的台风和TC数量偏多。反之, 当夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数为低指数时, 在东亚和西北太平洋上空500 hPa高度场异常为 “+, -, +” 的 EAP型遥相关的波列分布, 这时西太平洋副热带高压的位置偏南、 偏西。在这种情况下, 西北太平洋上较多的台风和TC移动路径偏南, 这引起了7~9月份在我国厦门以北沿海登陆的台风和TC数量偏少, 较多的台风和TC在厦门以南的华南沿海登陆。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic aerosols (AA) have significantly caused anomalous winter mean atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere, but the main daily patterns of winter large-scale circulation change are not well understood. Here a self-organizing map analysis is applied to identify the leading patterns in AA-induced winter daily geopotential height (Z) anomaly fields simulated by three atmospheric general circulation models, with a focus on fast adjustments. Two winter daily circulation response patterns with a synoptic time scale are found: one pattern shows concurring Z anomalies over North America and North Asia with the same sign and the Bering Sea seeing the opposite, resembling the Asia–Bering–North American teleconnection; while the other is the Arctic Oscillation-like pattern with similar Z anomalies over North Pacific and North Atlantic and the opposite over the Arctic region. The AA-induced anomalous precipitation over the tropics and anomalous synoptic eddy activities over the extratropical oceans concur to support and maintain these circulation anomaly patterns. The winter-mean climate responses to AA can be understood as a result of these daily anomaly patterns, especially over the higher latitudes. Specifically, the associated changes in surface air temperature (SAT) over the mid-high latitudes are caused by the AA-driven meridional movements of polar (cold and dry) airmass and midlatitude (warm and moist) airmass in the regions, mainly through the relevant surface downward longwave radiation. This study highlights the role of AA in altering daily weather patterns, which is not sufficiently captured by seasonal mean responses.  相似文献   

Bihemispheric atmospheric interaction and teleconnection allow us to deepen our understanding of large-scale climate and weather variability. This study uses 1979-2017 spring NCEP reanalysis to show that there is interrelation between bihemispheric circulations at the extratropics. This is regarded as a significant negative correlation between the Antarctic and the Arctic regional surface air pressure anomalies, which is induced by interhemispheric oscillation (IHO) of the atmospheric mass. The spatial pattern of IHO is characterized by antiphase extratropical airmass anomalies and geopotential height anomalies from the troposphere to stratosphere between the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. IHO is closely related to stronger bihemispheric low-frequency signals such as Antarctic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation,thereby demonstrating that IHO can be interpreted as a tie in linking these two dominant extratropical circulations of both hemispheres. IHO is associated with a strong meridional teleconnection in zonal winds from the middle-high troposphere to the lower stratosphere, with the wind anomalies in the form of alternate positive-negative wavy bands extending from the Antarctic to Arctic region, which act as a possible approach to interactions between the bihemispheric atmospheric mass. It is argued that IHO-related omega angular momentum anomalies led by the extratropical atmosphere cause the meridional teleconnection of relative angular momenta, thereby giving rise to the zonal wind anomalies. The modeling of GFDL and UKMO as components of the CMIP5 project have been verified, achieving the related IHO structure shown in the present paper.  相似文献   

基于1979~2017年数据,利用回归方法和线性模式试验,分析了两类El Ni?o事件(东部型EP和中部型CP)盛期(12月至2月)南大洋海冰异常的差异及其可能机制。结果表明,两类事件期间尽管海冰异常定性上类似,但强度和位置存在明显差异:在罗斯海和阿蒙森海,两类事件期间海冰均偏少,但 EP期间海冰减少范围更大,振幅更强;在威德尔海,两类事件期间海冰均偏多,但EP期间增多更明显,而且位置相对CP期间偏西偏北。造成这种差异的主要因素是两类事件期间海温异常强度的不同:EP期间对应的海温偏东偏强,其激发的类太平洋—南美型(PSA)模态在南极边缘海的异常高压中心强度更大、范围更广,使得罗斯海区域为东北风异常控制,有利海冰向高纬输送,海冰范围进而减少;而威德尔海区域则是异常偏南风控制,使得海冰向北输送,有利于威德尔海南部海冰范围减少,北部海冰范围增大。相比之下,CP事件期间,赤道中东太平洋的暖海温异常偏于中太平洋且强度弱,其激发的类PSA在南极边缘的异常高压偏弱,使得动力作用引起阿蒙森海的海冰减少和威德尔海海冰增加偏弱。进一步的分析表明,CP事件期间威德尔海海冰增多还与该区域更早时间(11月份)的海冰增多,及随后海冰—太阳反照率的正反馈效应有关。本研究结果显示两类事件期间海冰异常的强度和位置的差异,与两类事件期间赤道中东太平洋SSTA强度和位置的差异,二者有很好的对应关系,相比前人的合成分析结果(CP期间海冰异常强于EP期间),物理上更为合理。  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice concentration (ASIC) in boreal autumn exhibits prominent interannual variability since 1979. The physical mechanism responsible for the year-to-year variation of ASIC is investigated through observational data analyses and idealized numerical modeling. It is found that the ASIC interannual variability is closely associated with the anomalous meridional circulations over the Northern Hemisphere, which is further linked with the tropical sea surface temperature (SST) forcing. A tropics-wide SST cooling anomaly leads to an enhanced meridional SST gradient to the north of the equator in boreal summer, generating strengthened and northward shifting Hadley circulation over the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, the meridional circulations are enhanced and pushed poleward, leading to an enhanced descending motion at the North Pole, surrounded by an ascending motion anomaly; the surface outflow turns into easterly anomalies, opposing the mean-state winds. As a result, positive cloudiness and weakened surface wind speed emerge, which reduce ASIC through changes in the surface latent heat flux and the downward longwave radiation.  相似文献   

2003年北半球大气环流及中国气候异常特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
杨义文  许力  龚振淞 《气象》2004,30(4):20-24
2002年发生的厄尔尼诺事件于2003年初结束;受这次事件的影响,西太平洋副热带高压冬、春、夏、秋季持续偏强;夏季西伸脊点位置偏西;6、7月脊线位置偏南,8月偏北。初夏6月上中旬有贝加尔湖阻高影响,6月下旬至7月中旬有鄂霍次克海阻高影响;盛夏东亚夏季风异常偏强;青藏高原500hPa高度年趋势偏高,大部分地区冬季积雪少;热带对流强度年趋势偏弱。  相似文献   

A survey of the spatial and temporal behavior of the atmospheric general circulation as it relates to both polar regions is presented. The review is based on the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-year reanalysis (ERA-40), updated using ECMWF operational analyses. The analysis spans 1960–2005 in the Northern Hemisphere, but is restricted to 1979–2005 in the Southern Hemisphere because of difficulties experienced by ERA-40 prior to the modern satellite era.The seasonal cycle of atmospheric circulation is illustrated by focusing on winter and summer. The huge circulation contrasts between the land-dominated Northern Hemisphere and the ocean-dominated Southern Hemisphere stand out. The intensification of the North Atlantic Oscillation/Northern Annular Mode and the Southern Annular Mode in DJF is highlighted and likely due to warming of the tropical Indian Ocean. The Arctic frontal zone during northern summer and the semi-annual oscillation throughout the year in the Southern Hemisphere are prominent features of the high latitude circulation in the respective hemispheres.Rotated principal component analysis (RPCA) is used to describe the primary modes of temporal variability affecting both polar regions, especially the links with the tropical forcing. The North Atlantic Oscillation is a key modulator of the atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic sector, especially in winter, and is the dominant control on the moisture transport into the Arctic Basin. The Pacific-South American teleconnection patterns are primary factors in the high southern latitude circulation variability throughout the year, especially in the Pacific sector of Antarctica where the majority of moisture transport into the continent occurs.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the features of Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), that is, the annular modes in the extratropics, in the internal atmospheric variability attained through an ensemble of integrations by an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) forced with the global observed SSTs. We focused on the interannual variability of AO/AAO, which is dominated by internal atmospheric variability. In comparison with previous observed results, the AO/AAO in internal atmospheric variability bear some similar characteristics, but exhibit a much clearer spatial structure: significant correlation between the North Pacific and North Atlantic centers of action, much stronger and more significant associated precipitation anomalies, and the meridional displacement of upper-tropospheric westerly jet streams in the Northern/Southern Hemisphere. In addition, we examined the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)/AO and East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). It has been shown that in the internal atmospheric variability, the EAWM variation is significantly related to the NAO through upper-tropospheric atmospheric teleconnection patterns.  相似文献   

Based on experiments using a coupled general circulation model which resolves tropical ocean–atmosphere coupled phenomena such as El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole, forcing mechanisms of the Indian Ocean subtropical dipole (IOSD) are investigated. In the control experiment, as in the observation, several types of the IOSD are generated by the variations in the Mascarene High during austral summer and characterized by a dipole pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the southern Indian Ocean. In another experiment, where the SST outside the southern Indian Ocean is nudged toward the monthly climatology of the simulated SST, one type of the IOSD occurs, but it is less frequent and associated with the zonal wavenumber four pattern of equivalently barotropic geopotential height anomalies in high latitudes, suggesting an interesting link with the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave. This indicates that, even without the atmospheric teleconnection from tropical coupled climate modes, the IOSD may develop in association with the atmospheric variability in high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. In the other experiment, where only the southern Indian Ocean and the tropical Pacific are freely interactive with the atmosphere, two types of both positive and negative IOSD occur. Since the occurrence frequency of the IOSD significantly increases as compared to the second experiment, this result confirms that the atmospheric teleconnection from ocean-atmosphere coupled modes in the tropical Pacific such as ENSO may also induce the variations in the Mascarene High that generate the IOSD. The present research, even within the realm of model studies, shows clearly that the predictability of the IOSD in mid-latitudes is related to both low and high-latitudes climate variations.  相似文献   

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