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利用地震矩张量演鲜水河断裂带现今运动学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了利用地震矩反演断裂形变带运动学参数的基本理论和方法,将其初步应用于鲜水河断裂形变带变带分析和运动机制的研究。结果表明,鲜水河断裂带呈现出走向拉伸,倾向压缩的形变格局。由地震矩反演的断裂带剪切形变速率(10.9mm/a)与用地质学估算方法(17mm/a)和现今地过壳形变测量(8mm/a)的结果相当。同时,反演出的变主方向能解释鲜水河断裂现今活动分段性特征以及多种滑动方式共存的现状,从而证明  相似文献   

川西地区地壳形变和断层位移活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大地测量资料的分析表明,川西地区的地壳形变和断层位移活动沿着已发展成为块体边界线的鲜水河断裂带—安宁河断裂带—则木河断裂带表现为最强,两侧块体内的断裂活动相对次之。区内的现今形变活动趋势仍继承着晚第四纪以来新构造活动的格局,地震形变是现今形变的最佳表现,断层位移活动具有显著的不均匀性。  相似文献   

依据川滇地区的主要活动构造,构建该地区现今地壳形变的有限元模型,以高精度的GPS速度场作为外部约束条件,以本研究区域内部主要断层的滑动特征作为内部约束条件,对川滇地区现今地壳变形进行数值模拟,得到该地区地壳运动的速度场和应力场。应力场模拟结果表明,在各断层交汇处,特别是甘孜—玉树和鲜水河断裂交汇处两侧、小江和红河断裂交汇处北侧、则木河和小江断裂交汇处应力集中现象明显。  相似文献   

活动断裂的活动习性是认识活动断裂应变加载及释放随时间、空间变化的关键所在,也是研究区域运动学、动力学和科学评价地震危险性的重要基础。安宁河断裂、大凉山断裂与鲜水河断裂呈倒“Y”字形交于石棉一带,共同协调了鲜水河断裂向SE的应变传递,2022年鲜水河断裂磨西段发生了泸定MS6.8地震后,安宁河断裂和大凉山断裂的地震危险性再次引起了人们的关注。本文通过梳理分析这3条断裂相关的古地震和历史大地震资料,得出以下认识:(1)安宁河断裂和鲜水河断裂磨西段近4 000 a来的大地震平均复发间隔约为700 a,大凉山断裂则为524 a;(2)鲜水河断裂磨西段和安宁河断裂的古地震活动表现为丛集特征,大凉山断裂的古地震活动则表现为准周期特征;(3)近4 000 a来三条断裂在200 a时间窗内的大地震活动表现出准同步性,在时空上有相互影响的特征。  相似文献   

吕弋培  廖华 《中国地震》1999,15(2):190-198
跨断层形变测量是在现今构造活动强烈的活断层主断面上进行的动态测量。鲜水河断裂、安宁河—则木河断裂及龙门山断裂是川西现今构造活动较强的断层。近20多年来,四川省地震局地震测量队在上述断裂上陆续布设了短水准、短基线、蠕变仪等测量手段,并取得了大量测量资料...  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂作为青藏高原东南部现今运动最为强烈的活动构造,因历史上一系列大震(如1786年康定7级地震、1816年炉霍7级地震和1973年炉霍7.6级地震等)的发生而一向备受关注。本文基于跨越鲜水河断裂道孚段和干宁段的两条密集型GPS剖面自2005年以来的高精度地壳运动观测资料(其中4站为连续GPS观测,23站为每年一期的非连续GPS观测),揭示出鲜水河断裂在汶川8.0级地震之前,一直保持着强烈而稳定的左旋(~10.4±1.0mm/a)兼轻微拉张(~0.3±1.2mm/a)运动。汶川地震的发生,使鲜水河断裂干宁段和道孚段近断层两侧分别发生了量值达13mm和4mm的侧向拉伸,并使干宁—道孚段发生了量值达2.5~10mm的右旋位错,因此,对其现今的左旋运动方式施加了短暂的反向抑制,但汶川地震后,鲜水河断裂的运动状况很快恢复了以往的态势。我们的研究结果表明,汶川地震的发生,使鲜水河断裂的应变积累有所消减,故在一定程度上降低了该断裂未来的地震危险性水平。另外,青藏高原东南部的GPS速度场和鲜水河断裂两侧的应变分析显示,鲜水河断裂所表现的强烈左旋差异运动是由其南侧"流滑带"的东南向逃逸远大于北侧松潘地块的轻微东南向运动所致。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带是一个具有长期多次活动历史、性质较复杂的断裂构造。现今,仍有较频繁强烈的地震活动,是四川省著名的地震带。研究该断裂特征及其规律性,对于地质构造,地震地质及监测预报等,不无俾益。笔者于1980年前后,对鲜水河断裂带炉霍——道孚段作了一些调查,采集了一些岩石样品(见图1),进  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂是一条现今仍在强烈活动的断裂。该断裂的断层蠕动与地震愈来愈为人们所关注。为更深入研究鲜水河断裂的活动特性,1987年首次在该断裂的沟普、龙灯坝建造了半地下巷道式形变观测站,安装了能连续自动记录水平运动的DSJ断层活动测量仪。通过观测,取得了连续的断层水平运动资料,显示了沟普、龙灯坝断层的蠕动变化。初步观测表明,断层蠕动与该带上的地震有关,这一信息可以成为具有地震预报意义的前兆。  相似文献   

为了综合分析讨论鲜水河断裂带的三维运动与变形动态特征和地震危险性,利用川滇地区1999—2007和2013—2017 2期GPS速度场资料,反演计算了鲜水河断裂带的闭锁程度和平行与垂直断层的滑动亏损速率动态分布;利用布设在鲜水河断裂带附近的1980—2017年跨断层短水准资料,通过计算断层年均变化速率分析了断裂带垂直运动特征。GPS反演结果显示:1999—2007期鲜水河断裂SE段处于强闭锁状态,中段闭锁程度逐渐减弱,到NW段基本为蠕滑状态;2013—2017期鲜水河断裂SE段滑动亏损积累速率明显减弱,只有道孚—八美段之间有一小段闭锁较强,NW段依然大部分为蠕滑状态,只有炉霍SE部一段断层地表至10km深度闭锁稍有增强。水准结果显示:鲜水河断裂NW段侏倭、格篓、虚墟和沟普场地年均垂直变化速率较大,断层垂向活动较为活跃;SE段龙灯坝、老乾宁和折多塘场地年均垂直变化速率很小,断层垂向活动处于闭锁状态;汶川地震后断层垂向活动变化并不明显。综合分析认为鲜水河断裂SE段的地震危险性较高,而汶川地震降低了断层滑动亏损和应力应变能积累速率,可能在一定程度上缓解了鲜水河断裂尤其SE段的地震紧迫性。  相似文献   

王凯英  马瑾 《地震地质》2004,26(2):259-272
对川滇地区主要活动断裂地震活动性的分析表明 ,该区主要活动断裂间存在地震活动的相关性 :1)强震活跃期沿着鲜水河断裂、小江断裂、红河断裂、龙陵 -澜沧断裂及NE向的龙门山 -瑞丽断裂依次迁移 ;2 )鲜水河断裂与龙陵 -澜沧断裂不仅在强震活动上 ,而且在b值变化上存在较强的相关性 ,是平行断裂在区域应力场作用下相互作用的结果 ;3)龙门山 -瑞丽断裂与上述川滇地区其它近NW向断裂间存在地震交替活动的现象 ;4 )龙门山 -瑞丽断裂的地震具有分段活动的特征 ,是断块差异活动的体现。有限元分析显示 ,上述断层相互作用现象是块体非均匀运动过程中应力场调整的反映 ,是块体运动的结果。研究表明川滇地区主要断层地震活动间存在 3种相互作用的现象 ,即块体边界迁移型、旋向相反平行断层交替型和交叉断层交替型  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheYellowRivercarries1.6billiontonsofsedanmentload,rankedthefirstintheworld.Sedimentationinthelowerreachesresultedinfrequentlyshiftoftherivercourses.ThroughoutthehistoryofChina,theYellowRiverhasbeenassociatedwithfloodsandfamine,earningtherivername"China'ssorrow"(Hu,l996).Instabilityoftheriverchannel,especiallythedeltachannel,restraintstheeconomicdevelopmentofthearea.TheDongyingmunicipalgovernment,theShenliOilCorporationandtheYellowRiverMouthManagementBureauofYRCC(Yel…  相似文献   

Jamal Asfahani 《水文研究》2007,21(21):2934-2943
Twenty‐nine Schlumberger electrical soundings were carried out in the Salamiyeh region in Syria using a maximum current electrode separation of 1 km. Three soundings were made at existing boreholes for comparison. Aquifer parameters of hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity were obtained by analysing pumping test data from the existing boreholes. An empirical relationship between hydraulic conductivity determined from the pumping test and both resistivity and thickness of the Neogene aquifer has been established for these boreholes in order to calculate the geophysical hydraulic conductivity. A close agreement has been obtained between the computed hydraulic conductivity and that determined from the pumping test. The relationship established has, therefore, been generalized in the study area in order to evaluate hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity at all the points where geoelectrical measurements have been carried out. This generalization allows one to derive maps of the hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity in the study area based on geoelectrical measurements. These maps are important in future modelling processes oriented towards better exploitation of the aquifers. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A one month field campaign featuring two spring–neap tide cycles and three strong storms has been performed in a mobile dune area located in the central part of the Dover Strait. These dunes are known to move in a complex manner as their migration direction varies in space and time (Le Bot et al., 2000, Le Bot, 2001, Le Bot and Trentesaux, 2004). In order to gain some insights into the dune motion processes we present an analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of currents in the area emphasizing the relative influence of tides and storms. A total of eight different hydro-meteorological regimes have been distinguished during the experiment duration. The analysis of the currents measurements at five locations in the area shows that the eight hydro-meteorological regimes induce very different current responses at the bottom. The residual tidal currents exhibit a significant spatial variability both in direction and in intensity. A numerical model of tidal currents over the Dover Strait confirms the strong spatio-temporal variability of the residual tidal currents featuring three singular points. Amongst them, a saddle point is located just south of the I-dune at the convergence of opposite direction residual tidal currents. The wind-induced currents are almost uniform in space, their intensity and direction however strongly depends on the wind regime and thus on time. The mean total current feature a spatial pattern which can be tidal of wind-induced currents dominated, or either in balance, depending on the regime considered. At the PERMOD campaign time scale, the total current is dominated by the residual tidal current. These results proved to give valuable insights to explain the complex dynamics of dune motion observed in this area by Le Bot et al., 2000, Le Bot, 2001, Le Bot and Trentesaux, 2004 at short and long time scales.  相似文献   

The evolution of the eastern part of the Terek mouth area in the period of the current rise of the Caspian Sea level has been traced by aerial and space photographs made at different times. With the help of computer processing of the photographs, a set of maps have been compiled including maps of the eastern part of the Terek delta (including the former Agrakhan Bay and the Agrakhan Peninsula with a new delta) in 1978, 1991, and 1997, as well as a map of its dynamics in the period of its most radical changes (1978–1991). The response of the coastal environment to the sea level rise has been analyzed, and the correctness of the forecasts of changes in the coastal zone has been evaluated.  相似文献   

针对当前城市化所引起水系衰减、河流连通受阻以及由此所引起洪涝与水环境的问题,以秦淮河中、下游为例,选取1979和2006年两期流域遥感影像,分析了城市化影响下的下垫面变化特征;选取1980s和2009年的地形图对河流水系进行提取,借鉴景观生态学中河流廊道空间结构分析方法,通过不同时期水系分级,探讨了城市化对水系结构及其连通性的影响.结果表明:(1)城市化使得2006年城镇用地面积相比1979年增加84.54 km2,增加了9倍多,大量林草地、耕地以及水域转变成城镇用地;(2)河流长度在过去的30年里减少了41%,河道主干化趋势明显;河流发育呈现由多元到单一、由复杂到简单的趋势;(3)连通性参数连接率、实际结合度分别由原来的1.28、0.43下降到0.79、0.26,河流的连通性呈下降趋势.该研究将为城市化地区河流水系保护提供支持与参考.  相似文献   

Relative variations in the number of sunspots and sunspot groups in activity cycles have been analyzed based on data from the Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station and international indices. The following regularities have been established: (1) The relative fraction of small sunspots decreases linearly and that of large sunspots increase with increasing activity cycle amplitude. (2) The variation in the average number of sunspots in one group has a trend, and this number decreased from ~12 in cycle 19 to ~7.5 in cycle 24. (3) The ratio of the sunspot index (Ri) to the sunspot group number index (G gr) varies with a period of about 100 years. (4) An analysis of the sunspot group number index (G gr) from 1610 indicates that the Gnevyshev-Ohl rule reverses at the minimums of secular activity cycles. (5) Ratio of the total area to area of Ssp/Sum nuclei has long-term variation with a period approximately 8 cycles. Minimum ratio falls on 16–17 cycles of activity. (6) It has been indicated that the magnetic field intensity and sunspot area in the current cycle are related to the amplitude of the next activity cycle.  相似文献   

Water jet flow has many usages in the field of management and water resource operation that can be applied in mixing, dilution and aerification. The current study has calculated the flow velocity, length and height of jet penetration area (jet and main flow are of opposite directions) by the use of methods of finite element (FEM) and finite volume (FVM) and k–ε model. In order to evaluate and verify this turbulent model, the results of the numerical model have been compared with the experimental results. This model has been studied for consideration of various jet flow velocities and thicknesses. The conclusions have indicated that the length and the height of the penetration area have linear relationship with jet flow velocity; therefore, as the jet flow velocity increases, the length of jet penetration increases as well. The comparison of the results of numerical method with the experimental data have demonstrated that the FVM holds less convergence time and better results compared with FEM.  相似文献   

闽南漳州沙建温泉区的微震观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1982年9-12月,在漳州温泉区布设了台网进行微震观测。结果表明,在漳州及其以北的沙建温泉区一带均有微震与小震群活动,震级为Ms=-1~1级,震源为3-14km。用震源的分布、震源机制解和微震综合断层面解的结果,研究了地质断裂的现今活动性及其与温泉的关系。认为区内东西向与北东向断裂是控制温泉分布的主要构造,而北西向断裂则是温泉的涌水构造。经探明,在有浅层热储的漳州市以及地质断裂发育的沙建地区,地震波速与介质泊松系数均低于正常值。此外,台网尚观测记录到一些异常的振动现象。根据地震的综合信息,探讨了研究区微震活动与水热活动的关系。  相似文献   

本文分析了板内块体与板块运动的差别,提出以Bursa公式作为板内块体的运动学模型,并据此提出了划分板内活动地块的方法。根据华北GPS网1995、1996和1999年的3期观测成果,用本文提出的数学模型和方法,将华北北 剖地区划分为8个小块体。本文用地壳水平运动划分的结果与用本区地壳垂直运动划分的结果在是体旧一致或相近的。本文的划分结果与新构造运动也基本一致,本区活动块体的现今运动是新构造的继承和发  相似文献   

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