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基于改进型SIMTOP参数化径流方案和新安江模型的三层土壤水量平衡计算方法,本文构建了一个输入数据和率定参数较少、同时具有地形指数尺度转换机制、较好描述二维水文过程的简单高效的大尺度水文模型TOPX,并将其与区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS紧密耦合,以增强区域气候模式对大尺度流域径流量的定量数值模拟能力.TOPX模型在酉水河流域和泾河流域的离线测试表明:该模型对小尺度流域的径流量模拟精度较高,能够较好地描述流域水文变化过程;同时,该模型在大尺度上具有较强的分布式模拟能力,能够捕捉陆面水文过程的主要特征和时空演变特点.TOPX与RIEMS的耦合模式在泾河流域进行了在线测试,借助TOPX模型中的地形指数降尺度转换和水文过程产汇流机制,耦合模式实现了利用区域气候模式模拟的气象资料来驱动水文模型进行大尺度流域日径流量的模拟.进一步分析还表明:区域气候模式RIEMS模拟的降水时空分布数据的精度是影响耦合模式对径流量模拟效果的关键因素.  相似文献   

水文资料匮乏流域的洪水预报(PUBs)是水文科学与工程中一个尚未解决的重大挑战.中国湿润山区中小流域大多是水文资料匮乏的流域,在此地区进行洪水预报的重要手段之一就是水文模型参数的估计.对基于参数物理意义的估算方法(以下简称物理估算法)及两种区域化方法进行了研究,将其用于新安江模型参数的估算及移植.皖南山区的29个中小流域被选作水文资料丰富的测量流域,鄂西山区的3个中小流域被视为水文资料匮乏的目标流域,目的是研究目标流域与测量流域空间位置较远但物理条件相似时,区域化等方法是否可以有效估计模型参数.结果表明,即使目标流域与测量流域空间距离较远,区域化及物理估算法也能一定程度上减少参数估计导致的模型效率损失,且在研究区的最优参数估计方案为单流域物理相似法结合回归法及物理估算法.为长江中下游资料匮乏的山区中小流域提出了可行的新安江模型参数估计方案,为该地区的洪水预报提供指导.  相似文献   

新安江模型河网汇流参数Cs对洪峰模拟影响较大,目前Cs的确定需依赖于大量的历史数据,因此Cs的确定成为无资料地区和资料匮乏区水文模型应用中亟需解决的棘手问题.本文基于参数的物理意义,通过自相似河网结构的假定,构建Cs与河网形态、流域下垫面特征的相关联系,提出基于河链蓄量方程的Cs估算方法,对半干旱、半湿润和湿润地区等不同水文气象分区的11个流域的Cs值进行推算并代入新安江模型中进行模拟,经比较发现,11个流域子流域Cs计算均值与新安江模型率定结果相近,说明该Cs计算方法是合理的.选取陈河、屯溪两个典型流域研究单元流域属性对Cs的影响,由结果可以看出Cs与流域面积、河链数、河宽呈正相关,与单元流域距离出口的远近呈负相关,这表明流域分块后各单元流域Cs值不一致,而新安江模型中采用相同Cs值对不同单元进行调节必然会造成汇流计算的误差.为进一步提高该方法在无资料地区的应用效果,将新安江模型汇流模块修改为每个单元使用对应的Cs计算值进行滞后演算,以陈河和屯溪流域为例采用新安江模型Cs率定值、Cs计算均值以及修改后新安江模型3种不同方案进行模拟比较,从模拟结果可以得出,修改后的模型具有明显优势,将模型参数与下垫面条件建立了联系,模型物理机制提高且参数的独立性增强,对于新安江模型在无资料地区的应用具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

在半湿润半干旱地区,下垫面条件复杂,产流机制混合多变,而现有的水文模型由于其固定的结构和模式,无法灵活地模拟不同下垫面特征的洪水过程.本文利用CN-地形指数法将流域划分为超渗主导子流域和蓄满主导子流域.将新安江模型(XAJ)、新安江-Green-Ampt模型(XAJG)和Green-Ampt模型(GA)相结合,在子流域分类的基础上构建空间组合模型(SCMs),并在半湿润的东湾流域和半干旱的志丹流域进行检验.结果表明:东湾流域的参数由水文模型来主导;而志丹流域的参数受主导径流影响很大.在东湾流域,偏蓄满的模型模拟结果优于偏超渗的模型,且SCM2模型(XAJ和XAJG的组合模型)的模拟效果最好(径流深合格率为75%,洪峰合格率75%);而SCM5模型(GA和XAJG的组合模型)在以超渗产流为主的志丹流域模拟最好(径流深合格率53.3%,洪峰合格率53.3%).在半干旱半湿润流域,SCMs模型结构灵活,在地形和土壤数据的驱动下,具有更合理的模型结构和参数,模拟精度较高,适应性较强.  相似文献   

沈丹丹  包为民  江鹏  张阳  费如君 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1510-1519
本文旨在将实时监测得到的土壤墒情转化为流域水文模型可以直接使用的土壤含水量,论证将实时土壤墒情资料用于实时预报的可行性;利用实时监测土壤墒情,改进传统的模型结构,设计基于实测土壤墒情的降雨径流水文预报模型.采用土壤含水量误差抗差估计技术以抵御观测资料粗差的影响,提高系统的稳定性;并在此基础上提出了土壤含水量系统响应修正方法,以提高模型计算精度.将该模型应用于实验流域——宝盖洞流域进行应用检验,洪水模拟合格率达到92.3%,整体模拟精度达到甲级.  相似文献   

水文干旱多变量联合设计及水库影响评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于东江流域博罗站月径流数据,采用游程理论提取水文干旱事件.选用Meta-Gaussian Copula函数,统计模拟水文干旱指标的多变量联合分布.采用Kendall联合重现期和最大可能权函数,设计给定联合超越重现期的水文干旱指标组合值,并定量评估水库径流调节作用对水文干旱多变量联合特征的影响.结果表明:东江流域水文干旱历时、强度和峰值的统计优选分布均为韦布尔分布.干旱指标之间具有较高的正相关性,Meta-Gaussian Copula能够很好地模拟水文干旱指标两变量和三变量联合分布.基于任意两个变量联合设计和三变量联合设计,干旱指标设计组合值位于同频位置附近,且同一个干旱指标设计值在不同变量组合之间差别较小.水库径流调节作用对于缓解东江流域水文干旱效果明显,同一组干旱指标的多变量联合超越重现期在水库影响下明显变大.联合超越重现期越小,水库对联合设计值的影响程度越大.根据目前水库运行模式,若要满足河道内最小管理流量目标,联合超越重现期10 a一遇的干旱历时、强度和峰值依然达到了约3.89~4.04月、7.20~7.97亿m3和2.99~3.12亿m3.  相似文献   

复杂环境下华南东江中上游流域筑坝导致的水文变异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用可视化分析软件包XmdvTool来评价复杂环境下东江中上游流域(1952-2002)水文变异以克服常规RVA方法的限制,在分离了气候变化对水文变异影响后,结合RVA方法系统地研究了华南东江中上游流域由于筑坝等人类活动引起的河流水文变异时空演化规律.结果表明:(1)1952-2002间由筑坝导致的最显著的东江中上游流域水文变异是最小3d流量,低流量持续时间、1月平均流量和7月平均流量等3个IHA因子;(2)在河源和岭下两站水文变异9个IHA因子相关图中,1月和2月平均流量,1月平均流量和最小90d流量相关图中各存在一个较为明显的线性回归趋势,表明上述因子存在较明显的相关关系;(3)东江中上游综合水文变异强度由大至小分别为:河源、龙川和岭下.运用高维水文数据可视化分析技术结合RVA方法可有效用于天然河流水文变异时空变化研究,研究结果对于东江河流生态环境管理、生态恢复和水资源一体化管理具有重要意义,可为流域水文变异的理论与方法研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

将雷达测雨数据与分布式水文模型相耦合进行径流过程模拟,分析雷达测雨误差及其径流过程模拟效果,研究雷达测雨误差对径流过程模拟的影响效应.在对淮河流域气象中心业务化的5种淮河流域雷达测雨数据进行误差分析的基础上,采用雷达测雨数据驱动HEC-HMS水文模型,模拟分析淮河息县水文站以上流域2007年7月1-10日强降雨集中期的径流过程.结果表明:利用雷达测雨数据的径流模拟结果与实测资料的模拟结果基本吻合,各种雷达测雨数据误差经过HEC-HMS水文模型传递后,误差明显减小.联合校准法对应的模拟效果最好,过程流量相对误差NBs'和洪峰流量相对误差Z'分别为-20.2%和-13.3%.  相似文献   

水文非线性系统与分布式时变增益模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了以Volterra泛函级数表达的流域降雨-径流非线性系统理论与概念性模拟方法. 依据流域数值高程模型、遥感信息和单元水文过程, 提出了水文非线性系统理论的时变增益模型(TVGM)和推广应用到流域时空变化模拟的分布式时变增益模型(DTVGM). 研究表明, 除了常用的非线性系统分析方法之外, 从复杂水文关系研究中另辟蹊径, 提出一种简单关系的非线性系统分析是完全有可能的. 时变增益水文模型的提出及其与一般性水文非线性系统的联系就是一个例证. 水文非线性系统方法与分布式流域水文模拟结合的DTVGM模型, 能够发挥水文系统方法与分布式水文模拟方法相结合的优点, 探索环境变化下的流域水文模拟问题. 将DTVGM分别应用到河西走廊干旱地区的黑河流域和华北地区潮白河流域实例研究, 模拟了水文时空变化以及陆面覆被变化与水文影响分析, 取得了较好的效果, 说明了其特色和应用价值.  相似文献   

阿克苏河(中吉国际河流)现已成为塔里木河的主河源,它对塔里木河干流的形成、发展和演变过程起着决定性作用.随着国家西部开发战略--塔里木河流域综合治理的深入开展和实施,阿克苏河流域的水文特征、水文预报等研究成为热点.特别是在干旱区中纬度高海拔流域的河流中,阿克苏河是以冰雪融水补充为主河流的典型代表,对阿克苏河流域径流进行预报研究具有理论和现实意义.鉴于此:(i)结合干旱区无资料或少资料的现状,利用现有的水文气象资料,尝试并构建日尺度水文预报方法;(ii)采用高空气温代替地面实测气温与日径流相关关系法、AR(p)预报模型、气温降雨修正的AR(p)预报模型和NAM降雨径流模型,对阿克苏流域的两大支流进行日径流模拟和预报;(iii)对4种方法模拟结果进行对比分析,表明利用气温和降雨修正后的AR(p)模型所用水文气象资料少、应用简便、预报精度较高、比较适用于资料较缺乏的阿克苏流域的短期径流预报.该研究以日尺度进行水文预报,在该流域尚属首次,不仅为阿克苏河、塔里木河的水文预报、洪水防治和全流域的水量调度等提供基础,也为干旱区其他流域的水文预报提供了参考方法.  相似文献   

Regionalization of model parameters by developing appropriate functional relationship between the parameters and basin characteristics is one of the potential approaches to employ hydrological models in ungauged basins. While this is a widely accepted procedure, the uniqueness of the watersheds and the equifinality of parameters bring lot of uncertainty in the simulations in ungauged basins. This study proposes a method of regionalization based on the probability distribution function of model parameters, which accounts the variability in the catchment characteristics. It is envisaged that the probability distribution function represents the characteristics of the model parameter, and when regionalized the earlier concerns can be addressed appropriately. The method employs probability distribution of parameters, derived from gauged basins, to regionalize by regressing them against the catchment attributes. These regional functions are used to develop the parameter characteristics in ungauged basins based on the catchment attributes. The proposed method is illustrated using soil water assessment tool model for an ungauged basin prediction. For this numerical exercise, eight different watersheds spanning across different climatic settings in the USA are considered. While all the basins considered in this study were gauged, one of them was assumed to be ungauged (pseudo-ungauged) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in ungauged basin simulation. The process was repeated by considering representative basins from different climatic and landuse scenarios as pseudo-ungauged. The results of the study indicated that the ensemble simulations in the ungauged basins were closely matching with the observed streamflow. The simulation efficiency varied between 57 and 61 % in ungauged basins. The regional function was able to generate the parameter characteristics that were closely matching with the original probability distribution derived from observed streamflow data.  相似文献   

Stream flow predictions in ungauged basins are one of the most challenging tasks in surface water hydrology because of nonavailability of data and system heterogeneity. This study proposes a method to quantify stream flow predictive uncertainty of distributed hydrologic models for ungauged basins. The method is based on the concepts of deriving probability distribution of model's sensitive parameters by using measured data from a gauged basin and transferring the distribution to hydrologically similar ungauged basins for stream flow predictions. A Monte Carlo simulation of the hydrologic model using sampled parameter sets with assumed probability distribution is conducted. The posterior probability distributions of the sensitive parameters are then computed using a Bayesian approach. In addition, preselected threshold values of likelihood measure of simulations are employed for sizing the parameter range, which helps reduce the predictive uncertainty. The proposed method is illustrated through two case studies using two hydrologically independent sub‐basins in the Cedar Creek watershed located in Texas, USA, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The probability distribution of the SWAT parameters is derived from the data from one of the sub‐basins and is applied for simulation in the other sub‐basin considered as pseudo‐ungauged. In order to assess the robustness of the method, the numerical exercise is repeated by reversing the gauged and pseudo‐ungauged basins. The results are subsequently compared with the measured stream flow from the sub‐basins. It is observed that the measured stream flow in the pseudo‐ungauged basin lies well within the estimated confidence band of predicted stream flow. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Among 24 monthly water balance models, one proved to be suitable for all 75 Belgian basins studied. However, their respective parameter values proved to be significantly different. Each of these 75 basins in turn was considered ungauged and two techniques (kriging and the use of parameter values of a few neighbouring basins) were applied to compute their parameter values. Kriging gives good results in 72% of the basins, whereas the second technique gives good results only in 44%. Thus kriging is significantly better. Even if the requirements for ‘goodness’ are relaxed, a limited number of basins are badly modelled even by kriging. This may be due to the intrinsic weakness of the technique, poor data quality, or lack of data.  相似文献   


Employing 1-, 2-, 4-, 6-, 12- and 24-hourly data sets for two catchments (10.6 and 298 km2) in Wales, the calibrated parameters of a unit hydrograph-based model are shown to change substantially over that range of data time steps. For the smaller basin, each model parameter reaches, or approaches, a stable value as the data time step decreases, providing a straightforward method of estimating time-step independent model parameter values. For the larger basin, the model parameters also reach, or approach, stable values using hourly data, but, for reasons given in the paper, interpretation of the results is more difficult. Model parameter sensitivity analyses are presented that give insights into the relative precision on the parameters for both catchments. The paper discusses the importance of accounting for model parameter data time-step dependency in pursuit of a reduction in the uncertainty associated with estimates of flow in ungauged basins, and suggests that further work along these lines be undertaken using different catchments and models.  相似文献   


The increasing demand for water in southern Africa necessitates adequate quantification of current freshwater resources. Watershed models are the standard tool used to generate continuous estimates of streamflow and other hydrological variables. However, the accuracy of the results is often not quantified, and model assessment is hindered by a scarcity of historical observations. Quantifying the uncertainty in hydrological estimates would increase the value and credibility of predictions. A model-independent framework aimed at achieving consistency in incorporating and analysing uncertainty within water resources estimation tools in gauged and ungauged basins is presented. Uncertainty estimation in ungauged basins is achieved via two strategies: a local approach for a priori model parameter estimation from physical catchment characteristics, and a regional approach to regionalize signatures of catchment behaviour that can be used to constrain model outputs. We compare these two sources of information in the data-scarce region of South Africa. The results show that both approaches are capable of uncertainty reduction, but that their relative values vary.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Kapangaziwiri, E., Hughes, D.A., and Wagener, T., 2012. Incorporating uncertainty in hydrological predictions for gauged and ungauged basins in southern Africa. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 1000–1019.  相似文献   


In a typical reservoir routing problem, the givens are the inflow hydrograph and reservoir characteristic functions. Flood attenuation investigations can be easily accomplished using a hydrological or hydraulic routing of the inflow hydrograph to obtain the reservoir outflow hydrograph, unless the inflow hydrograph is unavailable. Although attempts for runoff simulation have been made in ungauged basins, there is only a limited degree of success in special cases. Those approaches are, in general, not suitable for basins with a reservoir. The objective of this study is to propose a procedure for flood attenuation estimation in ungauged reservoir basins. In this study, a kinematic-wave based geomorphic IUH model was adopted. The reservoir inflow hydrograph was generated through convolution integration using the rainfall excess and basin geomorphic information. Consequently, a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method was used to route the inflow hydrograph to obtain the reservoir outflow hydrograph without the aid of recorded flow data. Flood attenuation was estimated through the analysis of the inflow and outflow hydrographs of the reservoir. An ungauged reservoir basin in southern Taiwan is presented as an example to show the applicability of the proposed analytical procedure. The analytical results provide valuable information for downstream flood control work for different return periods.  相似文献   

The estimation of the monthly mean flow is a critical issue in many water resource development projects. However, in practice the mean flow is not easily determined in ungauged and poorly gauged basins. Therefore, in the literature, various flow estimation methods have been developed recently for mountainous regions which are generally ungauged or poorly gauged basins. In this study a fuzzy logic model based on the Mamdani approach was developed to estimate the flow for poorly gauged mountainous basins. This model was applied to the Solakli Basin which is located in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Limited rainfall and flow data are available for this basin. In addition to these variables, the stream and time coefficients were introduced and used as variables for modeling. The data was divided into training and testing phases. The model results were compared with the measured data. The comparison depends on seven statistical characteristics, four different error modes and the contour map method. It was observed that the fuzzy model developed in this study yielded reliable results.  相似文献   

Approaches to modeling the continuous hydrologic response of ungauged basins use observable physical characteristics of watersheds to either directly infer values for the parameters of hydrologic models, or to establish regression relationships between watershed structure and model parameters. Both these approaches still have widely discussed limitations, including impacts of model structural uncertainty. In this paper we introduce an alternative, model independent, approach to streamflow prediction in ungauged basins based on empirical evidence of relationships between watershed structure, climate and watershed response behavior. Instead of directly estimating values for model parameters, different hydrologic response behaviors of the watershed, quantified through model independent streamflow indices, are estimated and subsequently regionalized in an uncertainty framework. This results in expected ranges of streamflow indices in ungauged watersheds. A pilot study using 30 UK watersheds shows how this regionalized information can be used to constrain ensemble predictions of any model at ungauged sites. Dominant controlling characteristics were found to be climate (wetness index), watershed topography (slope), and hydrogeology. Main streamflow indices were high pulse count, runoff ratio, and the slope of the flow duration curve. This new approach provided sharp and reliable predictions of continuous streamflow at the ungauged sites tested.  相似文献   

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