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主要针对梁腹板带有摩擦耗能螺栓的自复位钢框架节点结构进行抗震性能和可更换性能的试验研究,探讨该类节点在往复荷载作用下的滞回性能以及节点域的变形特征。在参数选型的基础上,对5组钢框架节点试件进行了低周反复荷载作用下的拟静力试验,其中:4组试件具有自复位能力,分析了各试件的承载力、刚度、耗能性能和滞回特性等性能。综合研究结果表明:所提出的拼接节点能够利用摩擦螺栓的滑移提高节点的耗能能力,有效减少梁和柱主体构件的损伤,同时预应力筋提供了结构的自复位能力。试验结果表明:在地震作用之后,通过更换腹板及摩擦螺栓可以使结构的承载能力和耗能性能与震前基本一致,从而实现结构功能的快速恢复。  相似文献   

结构可更换构件通过可更换连接与主体结构相连,共同工作并集中塑性损伤,震后更换损伤构件即可恢复结构功能。为了研究一种连梁可更换构件及连接的性能,对可更换构件及连接试件进行反复加载试验,并对低屈服点耗能钢材进行单向拉伸试验。采用ABAQUS软件对该可更换构件及连接进行有限元模拟分析,比较了壳单元和实体单元模拟的计算效率和精度,并提出合理可行的材料参数取值方法,采用非线性接触对模拟可更换螺栓端板连接,模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好。试验分析可用于研究该类可更换构件及连接的实际性能,模拟分析可为该类可更换构件及连接提供性能预测方法,并验证了可更换构件实际屈服力与设计屈服力的吻合度和超强系数,验证连接螺栓不产生滑移。在此基础上,给出了该可更换构件及连接在工程中的应用方法。  相似文献   

针对偏心支撑框架体系耗能梁段震后修复难度大、经济性差的问题,提出了采用剪切钢板阻尼器作为可更换耗能梁段的偏心支撑结构体系。采用ABAQUS有限元软件对国外已完成的可更换耗能梁段偏心支撑试验进行结构分析,验证了有限元建模的正确性,分别对不同腹板宽厚比、腹板钢材屈服强度、腹板加劲肋设置情况下的剪切钢板阻尼器K型、D型偏心支撑钢框架进行结构分析,研究了耗能梁段的变形机制、滞回耗能能力以及局部失稳、局部破坏形态。分析结果表明:剪切钢板阻尼器作为耗能梁段是可行的,阻尼器首先发生屈服,起到了主要耗能作用,在实际工程应用中建议剪切钢板阻尼器腹板宽厚比宜小于30,腹板钢材宜采用软钢及低屈服点钢,采用加劲肋来保证阻尼器不发生平面外屈曲。  相似文献   

针对一种具有可更换构件的新型铁路高墩结构,基于增量动力分析(IDA)曲线,采用易损性分析方法对9度设计、罕遇与极罕遇害地震时的墩柱进行抗震性能评价。建立全桥有限元分析模型,以墩柱最不利截面材料的应变为损伤指标,以地面峰值加速度为地震动强度指标,以357条地震波作为地震动输入,IDA分析得到墩柱关键截面的IDA曲线簇及50%、84%和16%的分位曲线,结合定义的极限状态,探讨墩柱可能产生的塑性铰数量及位置,并通过绘制易损性曲线,对墩柱进行基于概率性的抗震性能评估。研究结果表明:可更换构件在桥墩中首先屈服,从PGA=0.5g时开始屈服、到PGA=1.1g时全部屈服,可更换构件实现分级耗能;墩柱在9度罕遇地震作用下处于基本完好的概率约为99.5%;可更换构件新型高墩结构在9度巨震下超越基本完好状态的概率为36.6%,超越可修复性损伤状态的概率不足1%,其大概率处于可修复性损伤状态。可更换构件高墩抗震性能优越,在近断层地区具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构通过设置可更换连梁,在地震作用下集中损伤,保护主体结构不受或只受微小破坏,震后更换损伤构件即可恢复结构功能。参照现行规范和已有试验分析结果,在普通钢筋混凝土结构设计基础上,提出带有可更换连梁的钢筋混凝土结构实用设计方法,设定性能目标,总结设计流程。采用提出的设计方法对1个50层钢筋混凝土结构进行设计,并采用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立数值模型,验证结构性能目标和提出的设计方法。结果表明:按该方法设计的带有可更换连梁的钢筋混凝土结构能满足所设定的性能目标,设计方法合理实用,为该新型结构的工程应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对目前桥梁结构横向防落梁限位装置损毁后修复困难的问题,提出一种新型的带可更换耗能段的桥梁横向防落梁限位装置。分别以可更换耗能段的腹板厚度、腹板高度及安装位置等为参数,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了10个不同参数的装置模型并对其开展拟静力仿真试验,探讨其工作机理,验证其可更换的设计思想并剖析其破坏机理,研究各参数对装置滞回曲线、承载力、延性和耗能能力的影响规律。结果表明:该装置可通过先可更换耗能段破坏再竖板破坏达到多道设防和分级耗能的目的,且整个加载过程中装置的滞回曲线饱满、稳定、无明显捏拢,表现出良好的耗能能力;随着可更换耗能段腹板厚度的增加,装置屈服承载力、极限承载力、屈服位移、极限位移以及延性系数逐渐增大,耗能能力逐渐增强;可更换耗能段高度对装置屈服承载力影响不显著;随着可更换耗能段高度的增加,装置极限承载力逐渐增大,装置屈服位移先增大后减小,装置极限位移整体呈下降趋势,装置的延性系数和耗能能力逐渐减小;可更换耗能段的安装高度对装置屈服承载力和耗能能力的影响无统一规律,但与装置的屈服位移、极限位移及延性系数成负相关。基于本析结果,建议装置在满足承载力要求的前提下,应尽量选取可更换耗能段腹板厚度较厚、高度较小和安装位置较低的参数进行设计。  相似文献   

为了增强传统钢框筒结构(Steel framed-tubed structures, SFT)的抗震性能和震后功能可恢复能力,提出了螺栓拼接连接可更换耗能梁段-钢框筒结构(Steel framed-tubed structures with bolt-splice-connected repairable link beams, SFT-RLB)。首先给出了SFT-RLB结构构件的设计方法;然后基于OpenSEES平台提出了整体结构的弹塑性数值模型建模方法,通过子结构试验结果验证了有限元模型的准确性;继而设计了SFT和SFT-RLB结构算例,对比了2种结构的弹性和弹塑性性能;最后采用IDA方法对结构算例的抗地震倒塌能力进行评估。分析结果表明,SFT-RLB结构主要通过耗能梁段发展塑性耗散地震能量代替裙梁端部形成塑性铰,其耗能能力和变形能力均明显优于SFT结构。大震作用下,裙梁中设置的耗能梁段充分进入塑性耗散地震能量,可以有效地减小结构的基底剪力和层间侧移角,从而降低结构的地震作用,减轻主体构件的损伤程度。SFT-RLB的残余层间侧移角小于试验测得的可允许更换残余侧移角,证明结构具有震后...  相似文献   

CFRP布加固损伤钢筋混凝土框架的抗震试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将用碳纤维布加固的损伤混凝土框架结构试件,进行水平低周反复荷载作用下的试验研究.根据试验现象和数据,分析了碳纤维布加固损伤混凝土框架结构在模拟地震作用下,裂缝及塑性铰出现的顺序和位置;绘出了试件的滞回曲线、骨架曲线.结果表明碳纤维布加固损伤框架结构有较好的耗能能力;延性系数达到4.5;其耗能机制是"梁端和柱端均屈服的混合机制",建议CFRP布横向加固至柱和基础连接处的根部.  相似文献   

结构地震损伤破坏,本质上是地震动输入能量超出结构或构件耗能能力所致。“能量”参数能够综合反映地震动强度、频谱特性以及强震持时对结构破坏的影响,本文基于能量耗散原理建立结构损伤模型,采用有限元软件ABAQUS对3榀单层单跨钢筋混凝土平面框架结构抗震性能进行数值模拟,通过损伤指数量化研究了地震作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构的损伤演化规律。研究表明:基于应变能耗储的结构损伤模型,能够合理有效地反映“位移首超破坏”与“累积损伤破坏”模式,且上、下界收敛;模拟分析得到的滞回曲线和骨架曲线与试验数据吻合较好,数值建模方法适用于以梁、柱构件为主的框架结构抗震性能分析;耗能构件框架梁能够对结构损伤破坏发展和抗震性能劣化起到一定延缓作用,承力构件框架柱的损伤加剧会加速结构抗震性能的劣化;加载幅值较小时,结构依靠混凝土裂缝闭合摩擦消耗能量,“位移首超破坏”所致损伤所占比例较大,随着位移幅值及循环次数的增加,“累积损伤破坏”所致损伤所占比例逐渐增大。  相似文献   

一般采用梁柱焊接节点钢框架结构在遭遇强烈地震地震作用下,结构倒塌破坏可能由于是耗能能力不足所导致。以某钢框架结构为算例,选取20条实际地震动记录,对结构进行易损性分析,对比不同损伤指标和不同梁端构造形式的钢框架结构抗震性能差异。研究显示:对梁柱焊接的普通钢框架结构,其倒塌破坏是由于结构耗能能力不足所导致的,评价结构抗震性能不仅需考虑结构变形能力,尚需同时考虑结构耗能能力;对于改进形式的钢框架结构,结构耗能能力得到显著提高,使得位移首超破坏先于累积损伤破坏,此时基于变形的评价结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new concept for enhancing the seismic ductility and damping capacity of diagrid structural frames by using shear-link fuse devices and its seismic performance is assessed through nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The architectural elegancy of the diagrid structure attributed to its triangular leaning member configuration and high structural redundancy make this system a desirable choice for tall building design.However,forming a stable energy dissipation mechanism in diagrid framing remains to be investigated to expand its use in regions with high seismicity.To address this issue,a diagrid framing design is proposed here which provides a competitive design option in highly seismic regions through its increased ductility and improved energy dissipation capacity provided by replaceable shear links interconnecting the diagonal members at their ends.The structural characteristics and seismic behavior(capacity,stiffness,energy dissipation,ductility) of the diagrid structural frame are demonstrated with a 21-story building diagrid frame subjected to nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.The findings from the nonlinear time history analysis verify that satisfactory seismic performance can be achieved by the proposed diagrid frame subjected to design basis earthquakes in California.In particular,one appealing feature of the proposed diagrid building is its reduced residual displacement after strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

Eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) can be repaired after a major earthquake by replacing the links. The link replacement is not a straightforward process and is influenced by the type of the link and the amount of residual frame deformations. The past decade has witnessed the development of different types of replaceable links such as end-plated links, web connected links, bolted flange and web spliced links, and collector beam and brace spliced links. All of the developed replaceable link details, except the web connected links, are not suitable for link replacement under residual frame drift. In this paper, a detachable replaceable link detail which is based on splicing the link at its mid-length is proposed. The detail is well suited for installation under residual frame drifts. In addition, the weight and size of the members to be transported and erected are reduced significantly, thereby facilitating the replacement procedure. Performance of this proposed replaceable link is studied by conducting six nearly full scale EBF tests under quasi-static cyclic loading. The link length ratio, type of end-plated mid-splice connection, and the amount of residual drift are considered as test variables. The test results revealed that the inelastic rotation capacity of the detachable replaceable links exceeds the requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings. No failures are observed in the end-plated mid-splice connections demonstrating the potential of the proposed details. The detachable replaceable links are investigated by numerical analysis as well to further validate their applicability and to develop design recommendations.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of an experimental study conducted on replaceable links for steel eccentrically braced frames (EBFs). A replaceable link detail which is based on splicing the directly connected braces and the beam outside the link is proposed. This detail eliminates the need to use hydraulic jacks and flame cutting operations for replacement purposes. Performance of this proposed replaceable link was studied by conducting eight nearly full‐scale EBF tests under quasi‐static cyclic loading. The link length ratio, stiffening of the link, loading protocol, connection type, bolt pretension, gap size of splice connections, and demand‐to‐capacity ratios of members were considered as the prime variables. The specimens primarily showed two types of failure modes: link web fracture and fracture of the flange at the link‐to‐brace connection. No failures were observed at the splice connections indicating that the proposed replaceable link detail provides an excellent response. The inelastic rotation capacity provided by the replaceable links satisfied the requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC341–10). The overstrength factor of the links exceeded 2.0, which is larger than the value assumed for EBF links by design provisions. The high level of overstrength resulted in brace buckling in one of the specimens demonstrating the importance of overstrength factor used for EBF links. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内藏钢桁架混凝土组合低剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
进行了3个1/3缩尺的低剪力墙的抗震性能试验研究,包括1个普通混凝土低剪力墙、1个内藏钢框架混凝土组合低剪力墙和1个内藏钢桁架混凝土组合低剪力墙。在试验研究基础上,对比分析了各剪力墙的刚度及其衰减过程、承载力、延性、滞回特性、钢筋应变、耗能能力及破坏特征。试验表明:内藏钢框架和内藏钢桁架混凝土组合低剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土低剪力墙明显提高。  相似文献   

进行了3个1/3缩尺的中高剪力墙的抗震性能试验研究,包括1个混凝土中高剪力墙、1个内藏钢框架组合中高剪力墙和1个内藏钢桁架组合中高剪力墙。在试验研究基础上,对比分析了各剪力墙的刚度及其衰减过程、承载力、延性、滞回特性及破坏特征。试验表明:内藏钢框架混凝土组合中高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土中高剪力墙明显提高;内藏钢桁架混凝土组合中高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土中高剪力墙显著提高。  相似文献   

通过对3个1/3缩尺的高剪力墙模型(其中包括1个普通混凝土高剪力墙、1个内藏钢框架组合高剪力墙和1个内藏钢桁架组合高剪力墙)的抗震性能试验研究,探讨了不同组合形式剪力墙的承载力、刚度及其退化过程、延性、滞回特性及破坏特征。试验表明:内藏钢框架混凝土组合高剪力墙和内藏钢桁架混凝土组合高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土高剪力墙明显提高。  相似文献   

This study assesses the seismic performance of a hybrid coupled wall (HCW) system with replaceable steel coupling beams (RSCBs) at four intensities of ground motion shaking. The performance of the HCW system is benchmarked against the traditional reinforced concrete coupled wall (RCW). Nonlinear numerical models are developed in OpenSees for a representative wall elevation in a prototype 11‐story building designed per modern Chinese codes. Performance is assessed via nonlinear dynamic analysis. The results indicate that both systems can adequately meet code defined objectives in terms of global and component behavior. Behavior of the two systems is consistent under service level earthquakes, whereas under more extreme events, the HCW system illustrates enhanced performance over the RCW system resulting in peak interstory drifts up to 31% lower in the HCW than the RCW. Larger drifts in the RCW are because of reduced coupling action induced by stiffness degradation of RC coupling beams, whereas the stable hysteretic responses and overstrength of RSCBs benefit post‐yield behavior of the HCW. Under extreme events, the maximum beam rotations of the RSCBs are up to 42% smaller than those of the RC coupling beams. Moderate to severe damage is expected in the RC coupling beams, whereas the RSCBs sustain damage to the slab above the beam and possible web buckling of shear links. The assessment illustrates the benefits of the HCW with RSCBs over the RCW system, because of easy replacement of the shear links as opposed to costly and time‐consuming repairs of RC coupling beams. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内藏钢桁架混凝土组合高剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
进行了3个1/3缩尺的高剪力墙的抗震性能试验研究,包括1个普通混凝土高剪力墙、1个内藏钢框架混凝土组合高剪力墙和1个内藏钢桁架混凝土组合高剪力墙。在试验研究基础上,对比分析了各剪力墙的刚度及其衰减过程、承载力、延性、滞回特性及破坏特征。试验表明:内藏钢框架混凝土组合高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土高剪力墙明显提高;内藏钢桁架混凝土组合高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土高剪力墙显著提高。  相似文献   

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