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大容量气枪震源子波激发特性分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
大容量气枪水库激发作为陆地震源的可行性与有效性已经得到成功验证.为进一步提高气枪震源激发效果,本文通过水库气枪激发试验对单枪容量为2000 in3的气枪震源激发子波特征及规律进行了研究.依据近场水听器和远场短周期地震仪记录数据,分析气枪震源沉放深度、工作压力等不同激发条件对压力脉冲和气泡脉冲的影响.有助于人们根据不同尺度地下结构探测对震源激发信号的要求,调整气枪激发参数和激发环境,获得最佳激发效果.试验结果表明:(1)沉放深度对压力脉冲波形影响较小,其优势频率不随沉放深度而改变;(2)随着沉放深度从5 m增加到11 m,气泡脉冲的优势频率由5 Hz增加至7 Hz,其最大振幅亦近线性递增;(3)工作压力越大,激发压力脉冲能量越强,而对气泡脉冲的影响主要体现在主频降低.适合远距离深穿透地下结构探测的低频信号主要来自大容量气枪所激发气泡的反复振荡,由于气枪振荡过程非常复杂,本文通过较为简洁的数学和物理模型进行了解释.  相似文献   

为探索大容量气枪震源在陆内地壳结构反射地震探测中的应用前景,在安徽长江中下游池州一铜陵段完成气枪震源流动水体激发、岸上反射地震仪器接收的探测试验,获得测线下方反射地震数据剖面。结果显示:在研究区内大容量气枪震源激发的地震波信号具有传播距离远、穿透深度大等特点,在距炮点13km处获得清晰地震波初至起跳信号,纵向上双程走时...  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源主动探测技术系统及试验研究   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:13  
针对地下介质动态变化监测研究中的信噪比、震源可重复性和波速精确测量等关键问题,利用大容量气枪震源,构建了一套高性能的主动探测技术系统,该系统包括气枪震源激发和信号接收,并在河北、云南和新疆等地的内陆水库和人工水体等不同激发环境,开展了探索性试验研究。试验结果表明:①气枪震源激发频率低,能量强,具有高度的可重复性、可通过叠加提高信噪比、探测距离大、绿色环保等特征,是一种理想的低频震源;②该探测技术系统操作简单,易控制,自动化程度高,探测精度高,能观测到固体潮引起的连续变化,可应用于区域尺度地下介质动态变化监测和开展4D 地震学研究;③气枪震源激发产生的信号震相丰富,有较强的S波,为研究地壳介质特性、应力分布及其动态变化等提供了新的技术路线。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源及其波形特征   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
大容量低频组合气枪震源已成功应用于南海北部海陆联测实验及陆上水库实验,其信号传播最远距离可达255 km. 为了探讨气枪信号的波形特征, 从广东省地震台网数据中选择了台基相同、震级与震中距相近的珠海台的地震记录, 将气枪震源、天然地震和爆破三种震源的波形特征进行了对比分析,结果表明, 气枪信号特征明显, 信号主频4~8 Hz, 振幅±0.15 μm·s-1, 波形一般具有3~5个峰值, 并随时间有规律变化,易于准确识别. 实验探测结果说明, 这种能量强、重复性好、探测精度高、绿色环保的枪阵组合震源可广泛应用于海洋与陆地深部结构研究.  相似文献   

区域尺度地球浅部结构、状态和介质变化研究是天然地震学和勘探地震学共同关注的问题。探索适宜于大陆浅部区域尺度地下结构探测与介质物性变化监测的新型人工震源,构筑地震雷达平台,向地下主动发射地震波,将为深部油气资源利用、浅部地球动力学、城市地球物理学和防震减灾事业等提供重要工具。目前,对地下介质进行动态变化测量的适用的主要震源包括相似地震、背景噪声、人工震源和其他非常规震源。而在天然源方面,大地震时空分布不均,相似地震数量有限,地震背景噪声源需长时间叠加才能获取稳定信号且源存在季节性变化,三者对于变速变化测量时空分辨率与精度较低。在人工震源方面,传统炸药震源适用受限,连续震源等因释放能量低,不适宜进行区域尺度大陆浅部探测与监测研究。为寻找适合的理想震源,我们通过一系列野外实验探索对多种人工震源进行了测试筛选,最终选定具有绿色环保、高效、重复性好等优点的海洋勘探气枪震源作为探测震源,并成功移植到陆上有限水体激发。本文结合区域尺度大陆浅部结构探测和监测这一核心目的,以历次非调谐大容量气枪阵列激发实验为基础,围绕探索发展新的探测与监测方法,对气枪主动源探测技术中的相关信号处理与波场传播问题进行了研究。本论文的主要工作包括以下几个方面:(1)全面回顾、认识陆上大容量气枪震源。在全面回顾总结海洋气枪震源的发展历史、技术原理和气枪激发理论发展进程与研究成果的基础上,讨论了海洋气枪震源与陆地气枪震源的差异。陆上大容量气枪震源是气枪阵列与有限水体环境耦合的结果,固液界面的存在是陆上水体气枪源的关键特征。陆上水体气枪震源涉及气泡振荡理论、气-液和液-固界面的物质耦合、水体边界条件、地震波传播等复杂机制,受多种因素影响,是气体-流体-固体三相耦合的物理系统。其次详述了多年来陆上水体大容量气枪震源激发实验,总结了气枪源在研究区域尺度介质变化测量和探测中的独特优势。陆上不同水体中气枪信号模拟和实际激发效果的对比表明,影响气枪激发效果的主要因素包括气枪枪体(类型、容量、同步性)、工作条件(激发压力、沉放深度)和水体条件(水位、水体形状、水体大小)。对不同相关激发条件影响的探讨总结,有利于加深对陆上气枪震源的震源特性的认识,改进激发环境的设计与评价,获得更好的激发条件。(2)主动源数据自动筛选方法。介绍了噪声对于主动源信号叠加处理的影响,并提出了一种利用信号记录中噪声特征的主动源数据自动筛选方法——RMS筛选法。在气枪震源信号处理过程中,多次小能量激发叠加等效于一次大能量激发和利用干涉获取走时变化来成像介质变化的处理方式,决定了对叠加技术的需求;地震信号发射台的大规模激发和台阵的发展积累的海量气枪信号数据,催生了对于气枪信号自动化处理的要求。不同气枪发射台实际信号处理证实RMS筛选后叠加效果明显优于传统叠加方法,更能压制强背景噪声的干扰,可有效提高信噪比。RMS筛选叠加数据剖面显示,宾川台信号传播距离由250 km增至350 km,呼图壁台由500 km左右增加至1000 km,张掖台信号探测距离由300 km提高到了近500 km。(3)气枪震源波场信息传播特性研究。利用已建立并在持续运行的3个以大容量非调制气枪阵列为震源的固定地震信号发射台数据对气枪震源信号传播过程中的一系列问题进行了研究。研究内容包括发射台信号特征、气枪信号能量空间分布、利用主动源信号中Pn波震相研究气枪信号的衰减与几何传播、发射台配套台网的噪声水平分析等内容。研究气枪源信号波场传播影响对于深入理解陆上水体气枪源激发机理,探索不同区域的潜在应用有重要作用。发射台周边台站速度记录分析显示,气枪源激发在近源参考台记录均在106 nm/s量级,其中呼图壁台产生的信号振幅最强。各发射台信号强度在40 km左右及已降低至100 nm/s左右,接近背景噪声水平。宾川台信号的衰减最快,原因可能是由于云南地区地质结构复杂,几何传播衰减值较其他地区大,而品质因子Q值更小。信号能量空间分布显示各发射台气枪震源辐射图样基本满足几何扩散分布,但呼图壁台南部台站接收台站信号较弱。台站背景噪声水平分析显示,在气枪优势频带2~10 Hz范围内宾川台周边台站噪声水平普遍在–130 d B左右,仅部分台站背景噪声值较高。宾川台周边台站动态环境噪声水平明显低于呼图壁流动台20 d B左右。  相似文献   

本文结合实验结果从信号分析的角度研究了陆上水体大容量气枪激发的特性,大容量气枪震源激发的信号具有丰富的低频能量成分和高度的可重复性,此外还含有丰富的S波信息,分析这些特征产生的主要原因及其应用前景为大容量气枪震源的充分利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

利用人工震源主动向地下发射地震波可以实现地下结构的高精度探测.合适的震源是进行主动源探测的关键.为研究大陆地壳结构及其变化,我们从爆破、电火花、落锤、偏心振动源、重载列车行驶产生的震动、变频汽车震源(Vibroseis)、水体中气体激发等多种震源中,遴选出水体中气体激发的人工震源(以下简称气枪)作为研究大陆地壳结构的震源.这种气枪震源具有绿色、环保、安全、高效等优点,是进行大陆地壳结构探测的新型人工震源.近年来,利用气枪震源分别在云南宾川、新疆呼图壁和甘肃张掖建成了3个固定式地震信号发射台,并开展了连续数年的监测.我们发现了气枪震源产生地震波信号高度重复的特点,利用这种特点,新疆人工水体中激发的地震波,在5000次叠加之后信号则可以追踪到近1300km,可探测面积为600万km~2,深达60km的地下结构.如果把这种人工主动震源看成是一盏照亮地下结构的明灯的话,在中国大陆,建立10个激发地震波的发射台,可以对中国大陆960万km~2的国土进行长时间连续的全覆盖探查,实现"天上有北斗,地下有明灯".  相似文献   

栾奕  杨宏峰  王宝善 《中国地震》2016,32(2):305-318
宾川气枪地震信号发射台以水库大容量非调制气枪阵列为震源,可以连续不断地激发重复性极高的地震信号。本文利用其2013年的数据,对地下介质进行了观测。由于水库水位的变化对震源波形及远处台站接收到的地震波形会产生影响,因此,为了区分介质变化与震源变化,研究了陆上水库环境下激发气枪震源所产生的地震波形的特征和合适的处理流程。结果表明:1水库水位变化较大时,同一台站记录的地震波形之间的互相关系数过小,不能直接进行叠加处理,需进行震源聚类分析,而震源聚类受水位变化量的控制;2为消除水位的影响,进行了反褶积处理,当震中距小于10km时,对不同水位激发的信号进行叠加再进行反褶积的效果优于直接进行叠加的效果;3通过互相关计算和信噪比分析发现,4个台站的波形变化可能是由地下介质变化引起的。  相似文献   

陈佳  李孝宾  杨军  叶泵 《中国地震》2016,32(2):216-221
2011年云南省地震局、中国地震局地球物理研究所在云南省宾川县大银甸水库开展了大容量气枪激发实验。为了深入研究气枪震源激发波形的特征,本文对不同距离台站记录的波形进行了频谱分析,对气枪激发震源的能量进行了计算,并将彩凤台气枪信号的波形、频谱特征与天然地震进行了对比分析。结果表明,1次激发相当于M_L0.7的天然地震。对相近震级天然地震波形的频谱与气枪激发波形的频谱进行对比后发现,气枪震源激发波形频率小于15Hz,主频多数集中在2~5Hz;气枪震源激发的地震波中低频信号较相当震级的天然地震明显;1次激发释放的能量为8.90×10~6J,相当于2.4kg硝铵炸药的当量。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源的实验与模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
气枪震源是一种新兴、环保、绿色的人工震源,在区域尺度深部探测中有重要的应用前景.本文通过实验模拟研究了用于深部探测的大容量气枪震源,主要工作为:(1)根据陆上气枪实验分析了大容量气枪震源的特征;(2)采用自由气泡振荡理论模拟气枪信号,探讨深部探测中增强气泡效应从而增大气枪低频部分能量的方法;(3)研究气枪容量、工作压力和沉放深度等对单枪信号的影响及枪阵激发时刻和气枪间距对枪阵信号的影响,指导深部探测中气枪震源工作参数的选择;(4)研究不同类型水底对反射透射系数的影响,其结果对于选择合适的场地条件有指导意义.  相似文献   

安徽气枪实验固定台层析成像初步结果   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为探索气枪震源在探测区域性地壳结构中的应用, 2015年10月10~20日在长江马鞍山-安庆段开展气枪流动激发实验(安徽实验),在20个固定点定点激发2973炮,中间流动激发1872炮,由周边109个固定台、700个流动台(包括11条测线)进行接收。为获取郯庐断裂带南端较为精细的地壳速度结构,本文利用安徽气枪实验中采集到的固定台数据进行初至P波震相拾取,对20个气枪源、52个台站、335个震相进行体波层析成像,验证了利用气枪震源进行体波层析成像的可行性,并得到了P波速度结构的一些初步结果:①利用大容量气枪震源可进行三维体波层析成像;②15km深度的成像结果显示出大区域高低速异常区的清晰轮廓,即从研究区中心向外整体呈现出低-超低-低-高的分布特征,与地质构造背景相关,具有显著的横向不均匀性;③秦岭-大别造山带显示出高速异常,与其深部超高压变质岩相对应,而长江中下游地区整体呈现低速异常,与其特殊的成矿背景相对应。  相似文献   

This paper reports the field setup and preliminary results of experiments utilizing an airgun array in a reservoir in north China for a seismotectonic study. Commonly used in offshore petroleum resource exploration, the airgun source was found to be more useful than a traditional explosive source for large‐scale and long offset land seismic surveys. The airgun array, formed by four 1,500 in3 airguns (a total of 6,000 in3 in volume) was placed at a depth of 6–9 m into the reservoir to generate the pressure impulse. No direct evidence was found that the airgun source adversely affected the fish in the reservoir. The peak ground acceleration recorded on the top of the reservoir dam 100 m away was 17.8 gal in the horizontal direction; this is much less than the designed earthquake‐resistance threshold of 125 gal for this dam. The energy for one shot of this airgun array is about 6.68 MJ, equivalent to firing a 1.7 kg explosive. The seismic waves generated by the airgun source were recorded by receivers of the regional seismic networks and a temporary wide‐angle reflection and refraction profile formed by 100 short‐period seismometers with the maximum source‐receiver offset of 206 km. The seismic wave signature at these long‐offset stations is equivalent to that generated by a traditional blast source in a borehole with a 1,000–2,000 kg explosive. Preliminary results showed clear seismic phases from refractions from the multi‐layer crustal structures in the north China region. Forward modelling using numerical simulation confirms that the seismic arrivals are indeed from lower crustal interfaces. The airgun source is efficient, economical, environmentally friendly and suitable for being used in urbanized areas. It has many advantages over an explosive source for seismotectonic studies such as the high repeatability that is supreme for stacking to improve signal qualities. The disadvantage is that the source is limited to existing lakes or reservoirs, which may restrict experimental geometry.  相似文献   

Un-tuned large volume airgun array in a water reservoir is recently proposed as a new way to generate seismic waves on land. It can be used to explore the earth velocity structure and its temporal variations as well. However, the characteristics of seismic signals (especially far-field signals) from an airgun array in a reservoir and its affecting factors (firing pressure, airgun towing depth, water level of the reservoir, etc.) has not been adequately studied. We analyzed the seismic data collected from field experiments at Binchuan Transmitting Seismic Station in 2011 and 2013 and found that (1) The similarity of seismic signals decrease with distance, which is most likely induced by the decay of signal amplitude and signal to noise ratio (SNR); (2) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are almost linearly proportional to the firing pressure; (3) The towing depth of airgun has less effects on the far-field signals; (4) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are proportional to the water level of the reservoir.  相似文献   

为了探索大容量气枪震源在探测区域结构以及在内陆水体进行水陆联测的可行性与有效性,2015年在安徽铜陵完成了长江航道走航激发、陆地接收反射波的“地学长江计划”铜陵段试验。本文从试验观测系统、共中心点分布、覆盖次数以及单炮数据属性等方面综合分析了大容量气枪震源陆地反射试验结果的影响因素。试验结果表明:① 大容量气枪震源在内陆水体激发能够用于地壳结构的探测;② 在水陆联测勘探中,根据目标层段合理设计反射角,能够有效地解决小炮检距反射角不足、大炮检距能量弱的问题;③ 在进行弯线数据采集时,需要对观测系统进行设计,以提高共中心面元的有效覆盖次数;④ 根据气枪震源容量的大小,进行最大、最小炮检距设计,是确保面元成像速度分析精度和面元炮检距属性分布合理的重要条件。   相似文献   

The active sources generate seismic waves transmitting appropriate through the deep is underground key and can be used to image Abstract high-resolution subsurface structures.Therefore,an seismic source the factor to active source exploration.In order to study the structure of continental crust and its temporal variations,we selected an artificial seismic source generated from releasing air bubbles in water(airgun source hereinafter)out of a variety and of artificial sources like the is explosion,new electronic sparkers,source hammering,eccentric proven vibration,be heavy-duty train vibration,vibroseis etc.Airgun Three source Fixed a type of artificial that have been to environmentally friendly,safe,and highly efficient.Airgun western Signal China Transmission and Stations(FASTS)have been for built a few years ago in Yunnan,Xinjiang,and Gansu provinces in have been continuously them running several years.Seismic waves generated away by the the airgun sources are highly seismic reproducible waves and stacking in of can produce can good seismograms on 1300 stations km far from source,for instance,an produced Xinjiang FASTS be well about recorded 60 nearly away after 5000 stacking,China covering area of 6 million km2 and penetrating down to of a depth of km.Establishing about 10 FASTSs in would enable long-term illuminate continuous subsurface underground structures,monitoring can all 9.6 million km2 of land area.Treating from airgun sky active sources as lanterns to we achieve the situation with"Beidou surveys the and lantern illuminates underground".  相似文献   

基于南黄海海相油气勘探的地震采集技术研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南黄海盆地中部隆起区前第三系油气储层主要为中一古生代海相碳酸盐岩地层,厚度大、分布广,具有良好的油气前景.由于厚度小于1000 m的新近系低速地层直接覆盖在高速碳酸盐岩地层之上,对地震波的向下传播起到了强烈的屏蔽作用,使之深部目的层地震资料品质差,影响了油气勘探的进程.根据区域地质、地球物理特征,进行了基于AV0(Am...  相似文献   

The investigations on the structure and temporal variations of the continent crust have been the long-lasting topics of seismology. The artificial sources play the most important role in these studies for their well-known locations and occur times among all the sources producing elastic waves, so that precise results are obtained. In past decades, we have successfully excited the airgun sources in on-land water bodies such as reservoirs, expanding their applications in marine seismology. Large volume airguns have been used to produce low frequency signals which can travel hundreds of kilometers after stacking, providing a source connecting the exploration seismology and traditional seismology at regional scale. In this review, we introduce the changes through which we turn the airgun into scientific instruments by experiments. We also present the advances on imaging the continental crust structure and monitoring the velocity variations using the highly repeatable signals emitted by airgun sources. The potential applications such as imaging the subsurface of urban areas and high resolution illuminating of mines are proposed and the challenges for further investigations are also discussed.  相似文献   

利用固定台站分析长江激发气枪信号特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“地学长江计划”安徽实验是以气枪震源为核心的大型主动源探测实验。通过在长江安徽段20个固定点定点激发气枪震源,结合109个固定台站、11条流动测线组成的观测网络,首次利用主动源实现了对长江流域安徽段约6万km2面积的三维地下结构探测。本文利用固定台站对长江激发气枪信号进行了分析,结果表明,长江中气枪信号激发效果良好,固定台记录中气枪信号可识别的最远距离达300km。对气枪信号绝对振幅的研究结果表明:① 50km处的气枪信号约为10nm量级,200km处的气枪信号小于1 nm;② 气枪信号强度的空间分布存在一定的方位各向异性,可能与长江的几何形状有关;③ 台站背景噪声对于提取气枪信号至关重要,高质量的固定台网为识别nm量级气枪信号提供了可能。  相似文献   

A comparison between airguns and explosives as wide-angle seismic sources   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The relative merits of a 48-gun, 9324 cu. in. (153 litre) airgun array and a 200 kg explosive source are considered for the purposes of long-range (0–400 km) refraction seismic work, with particular reference to traveltime modelling. Theoretical source calculations indicate that in the frequency range 2.5–12.0 Hz, the airgun source will produce an RMS pressure ∼ 8% of that produced by the explosive source and an initial burst pressure ∼17% of that produced by the explosive source. Observed data support these calculations at short ranges and illustrate the greater attenuation of the airgun signal with range due to its lack of very low frequency (< 5 Hz) content. At short offsets, the airgun array provides a preferable seismic source to the explosives, due to densely spaced shots and a consistent waveform resulting in excellent trace-to-trace coherence. With increasing offsets, it may be necessary to stack the airgun data to enhance its signal-to-noise ratio: here we use a 4-fold stack. Large explosive shots, although more powerful, produce a less consistent waveform and are more widely spaced due to operational constraints. The offset at which airguns provide a preferable source is dependent on the ambient noise. This practical comparison of real sources demonstrates that, even without advanced processing, a well-tuned airgun array may provide a preferable source to explosives at offsets up to 160 km, under favourable experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Probability Data Screening Method in Airgun Signal Processing Application   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The signal excited by the airgun source is weak, and is easily affected by human motion noise, instrument failure, and earthquake and blasting events, resulting in insufficient utilization of the amplitude information of the airgun signal. The effective removal of interference and the preservation of true amplitude information of the signal is difficult in airgun signal processing. Based on the randomness of noise and the highly repetitive characteristics of airgun signals, we propose probability data screening method. The airgun data from experiments conducted in the Ansha Reservoir and Shanmei Reservoir in Fujian Province in June, 2017 are taken as the research object to assess the effect in practical applications. The results show that the probability data screening method can automatically reject multiple interferences and effectively preserve the amplitude information of the signal by screening out large amplitude records in appropriate proportions. Compared with direct linear superposition, the probability-related linear superposition method can effectively reduce the impact of abnormal interference, and significantly improve the quality of the observed data.  相似文献   

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