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信息失序是数字时代下信息势能失衡与状态失序的风险化反映。本文对信息失序现象的本质机理与现实缘起进行剖析,以信息为轴,分析了防范信息失序的再造逻辑,提出信息生态涵化与调适作用下的媒介化治理路径。本研究认为,媒介化治理作为数字治理新范式,可以发挥“信息生态涵化”的实践取向,嵌入到信息源、信息链、信息流中,形成信息源应用循证、信息链精准适配、信息流净化共生的信息治理逻辑。最终,通过加强可信的知识和信息资源有效供给,在认知关联中澄清信息失序真相,构建智能过滤与智能熔断的信息流把关体系,从而达到善治信息失序的最终目的。  相似文献   

几十年来致力于推进全球媒介素养教育的联合国教科文组织,近年来开始将媒介素养与信息素养合二为一,称之为"媒介与信息素养"(Media and Information Literacy,简称MIL)。2011年起,由联合国教科文组织发起媒介信息素养与跨文化对话大会,2014年9月,第四次会议在清华大学举行;2013年6月,全球MIL合作联盟成立。当前,MIL正在逐步被各国专家学者接受和认可,与其相关的活动、政策以及课程正在全球推进。  相似文献   

如今,大学生群体性事件的信息传播经由微博、微信等途径呈聚变性传播,时常质变成弥漫的谣言,给高校管理工作带来了挑战。本文试图以“第三人效应”的理论框架为视角,探索大学生的认知心理和认知偏差,降低大学生群体性事件的危害性。  相似文献   

争议性新闻事件的报道是考察新闻媒体公信力的一个最佳场域。争议性新闻事件由于其自身的争议性,势必引发多元化的社会舆论。因此,新闻媒体采用什么样的信息组合方式或日框架来磨合信息,进而以何种新闻图景呈现事实便显得尤为重要。本文以“华南虎照片”事件为研究对象,通过对几家媒体的报道进行量化分析,运用框架理论,探讨媒体是如何设置新闻框架、再现这场争议,进而影响或引导公众对争议性事件认知的。  相似文献   

面对我国档案工作的新特点、新形势、新问题,构建具有中国特色的档案管理研究框架意义重大。本文基于对我国档案管理研究内容变化规律与发展趋势的总结,阐述了我国档案管理研究框架重构的原因,认为新时期我国档案管理研究框架的重构需要遵循实践导向、研究导向以及创新导向的原则。文章以档案管理活动的“三个维度”为逻辑起点,以“实体”和“信息”为逻辑主线,以在档案工作中的应用为逻辑终点初步设计出基于“三个体系”的档案管理研究框架。  相似文献   

文章以南京市为例,从“智慧城市”与“智慧教育”相结合的角度出发,提出了城市“智慧教育”发展规划的构建思路.主要内容包括“智慧教育”的建设原则、总体框架、发展目标、重点工程和保障措施等。  相似文献   

随着数据与可视化技术不断发展,数据图表常现于新闻报道,与文字共同传达信息。在种种新闻体裁中,数据新闻最能直接体现语图内容结构之间的配合。本研究以LC4MP为理论框架,基于对76名被试的实验研究,测量数据新闻中五种语图内容结构(图表统摄、文字统摄、语图重合、语图对话、语图协商)在三个认知阶段(编码、存储、回想)的认知效果差异。研究结果显示,不同语图结构在不同认知阶段效果差异明显,文字统摄的短期认知最佳,最有助于长期记忆的内容结构是语图重合和文字统摄。研究进一步评估了读者长期记忆中的信息质量,发现语图重合与文字统摄结构使读者认知的信息质量整体上更高。值得一提的是,图表统摄会让读者记住更多中心信息,也有利于读者对信息的再应用,促进新闻报道内容的知识化。文字在受到新技术冲击的情况下仍处于数据新闻的“招牌”地位。根据对不同类别信息的传播效果期望,新闻制作者可选择合适的内容结构进行灵活组合。  相似文献   

文章以ocLc的“学术科研信息工作框架模型”为基本研究框架,采用问卷调查收集129份问卷资料,并深入访谈12位研究人员,对数字信息环境下学术科研人员在科研过程中的科研信息行为(信息查找、存取、组织、阅读利用、写作和学术成果分享等活动和行为)和需求的特点与现状展开调研和分析,以期为科学定位个人科研信息空间的功能框架和探索研究图书馆资源建设和服务提供实证指导依据。  相似文献   

“事件出版”随着信息传播的即时性而获得发展的契机,是以“事件”为中心,围绕事件构成元素进行断面或连续性综合报道和深入研究的出版行为.事件出版可以分为偶发事件出版、频发事件出版、奇异事件出版、人工事件出版等四种基本类型.这四类出版实践既有正当、适宜、主体自觉的伦理“在序”状态,也可能存在失时、失利、失义的伦理“失序”问题.有序的事件出版在伦理上应该对出版义利观、主体现、绩效观进行重新思考.  相似文献   

本文对研究设想从框架理论出发,并以言语行为构建分析框架。框架的概念形成经历了贝特森的人类学到高夫曼的符号互动理论再到传播学的发展历程。框架理论在西方传播学兴起是在20世纪70、80年代,将框架作为阐释个人的“认知框架”并应用于传播情景。认知框架即“贮存在人脑中的经验和知识的认知结构”,或“根据经验建立的概念与概念之间的相对固定的关联模式”。  相似文献   

在数据智能的基础上,虚拟世界与现实世界的快速融合可能成为未来三十年最大的社会变革之一。这一自信息时代就已开始的历史进程,将重塑几乎所有赛道的业态。对信息资源管理领域而言,是机遇,更是终极挑战。而业态优化与重塑,核心在于"先立后破""破立并举",治理是其中最关键的环节之一。元宇宙发展的现有风险中,脱实向虚、游戏为先、治理未预三大问题较为集中,本质上则是对于急速爆发的前沿领域、传统的管理和应对方式力有未逮。本文认为"敏捷治理"是塑造未来数智世界和元宇宙治理的重要选项。针对此领域,应从评价监管问责规范化、政务治理智能化、政产学创新集约化三个方向出发,向具有预见性、实时性和动态性的敏捷治理模式转型,并在数据智能的基础上构建敏捷反应模式,从法律规约、科技规制、教育规正三个方面推动未来数智世界治理的相关实践。  相似文献   

文章旨在研究美国“图书馆准备好编程”项目给图书馆行业带来的信息素养教育改革新趋势。通过文献分析和案例研究,对“图书馆准备好编程”项目的三个阶段进行了梳理,汇总整理项目成果并探讨项目所蕴含的计算思维内涵;在此基础上调查论述国内外计算思维教育现状。经研究总结发现“图书馆准备好编程”项目对我国高校图书馆信息素养教育改革主要有以下几方面启示:高校图书馆应重视并在信息素养教育中引入计算思维;制定计算思维能力评估框架;图书馆各级学会应积极联动发挥顶层设计优势;开发高校图书馆大数据资产作为教育资源;培养具有计算思维的图书情报人才。  相似文献   

“双一流”建设是我国高等教育发展的重大举措,为高校图书馆发展提出了新要求。文章分析了“双一流”建设背景下高校图书馆信息资源建设的新使命,以此为目标确立信息资源建设的指导原则,在此基础上探究高校图书馆信息资源建设策略与路径,以期对高校图书馆助推“双一流”建设研究有所裨益。  相似文献   


The rise of “digital humanities” and the “spatial turn” in the humanities has generated many new insights in the study of culture, history, literature, and arts. Within this research trend, the library's geospatial service can play an active role by introducing spatial information literacy and technology. In this article, we use the information literacy framework to explore the library's role in supporting digital humanities by introducing a successful collaboration involving a librarian and history and education researchers in hosting a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)-funded summer institute for school teachers. Our results suggest that the framework has opened a new way to facilitate collaborations between librarians and multidisciplinary researchers.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):11-22

Library staff and other patrons encounter patrons who are one or a combination of the following: mentally ill/disturbed, homeless, street persons, angry, aggressive, unreasonable, rude. Commonly referred to as “problem patrons,” they appear in any type of library: public, academic, institutional, corporate and special. Most of them behave poorly because of their own troubles. The history of “problem patrons,” various types of problem patrons and their identifying behaviors are discussed in this paper. In attempting to define “problem patrons” the information provides a framework for understanding the problems of challenging patrons and for learning to discriminate between problem patrons and patrons who have problems.  相似文献   

A basic understanding of the Internet's physical and operational structure is one element of information literacy. In this article, “traceroute” and “whois” commands are demonstrated as tools that librarians can use to illustrate how the Internet is geographically distributed, how businesses enable and control information sharing, and how to check a source's credibility by determining website ownership. With these tools, students can gain a better understanding of how online information is created, accessed, and affected in ways that may be otherwise invisible.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(5):572-587
How do online journalists define themselves? Journalistic self-perception plays a big part in understanding developments in the practice of online journalism in newsrooms. This article presents an analysis of the self-perceptions of online journalists using the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu and data from empirical longitudinal observations based on ethnographic fieldwork in three Danish newsrooms. The analytical concepts “journalistic doxa”, “news habitus” and “editorial capital” are applied in an analysis both of ethnographic observations of journalistic practice, and a series of interviews with 35 journalists and editors. This analysis shows that online journalists position themselves in opposition to the “old” forms of journalism, which include the use of such well-known journalistic resources as specialist knowledge, technical skills, and research and writing as professional tools. However, at the same time they accept the “old” as “better” journalism, which indicates that online journalism is deeply embedded in a dominated position in the overall field of journalism. A scheme of four different analytical positions among online journalists is presented within a constructed “field of online news production”.  相似文献   

Although considerable attention has been focused on information users in recent years, little phenomenographic research into the word “information” has been conducted, perhaps because cursory consideration may suggest that work of this type is less useful than explorations of areas such as information-seeking. The lack of an established methodological framework discourages inquiry and, if understandings of the term are unique to each individual, there seems little scope to develop even broad principles for practice. Nevertheless, phenomenographic research helps professionals to learn how far users’ attitudes to the term “information” are consistent with their own and can reduce confusion between information providers and their clientele. Despite the absence of an accepted framework, several individual techniques are available. Ultimately, the research findings may prove highly instructive. They may, for example, influence the use of the word “information” by professionals when they interact with clients, whilst also offering insights into information behavior and information worlds.  相似文献   

为应对日渐凸显的公共服务碎片化情形及其造成的服务效率低下等困境,以“系统集成”改革公共服务,已成为政府和学界的共识。档案部门一直以来参与政府信息公开业务,为其继续参与“一站式”的政府公共服务集成改革提供了经验,但同时也面临着与其他相关单位博弈、协同机制尚不完善以及自身参与协同合作的服务类型有限等问题。所以应明确自身在集成框架中的地位和功能,力争建立广泛多元的合作渠道和抢占数据整合的主动权,最终通过参与扁平化改革来促进公共服务的团队化与流程化改造。  相似文献   


How do educators capitalize on students’ comfort with ubiquitous communications in order to develop information literacy skills required in the 21st century? A curriculum materials librarian and a professor in the School of Education present an approach that uses library instruction, online research scaffolds, and peer evaluation within a class wiki to enhance student research practices and academic achievement. The explosion of information sources and access to networked technologies has provided the opportunity to “ratchet up” the expectations for student research in higher education. The Association of College & Research Libraries's information literacy standards for higher education provide a framework for setting these expectations. The authors describe features of an introductory education course that seeks to enhance honors freshman students’ knowledge of library research resources, efficient research skills, and scholarly writing, as described in these standards.  相似文献   

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