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本文针对发现式教学法应用于高校理工科课程存在的问题,结合小班化教学特点,探索实践发现式教学法在小班化教学各环节的优化改进方法。该教学法可以有效发挥发现式教学法和小班化教学的优势,在传授知识的同时培养学生学会学习,培养学生的创新意识。  相似文献   

高中英语教学中,学生能力的培养旨在培养他们的创新意识,创新精神和创新能力。对高中英语教师来说,应采用激发兴趣法、情景教学法﹑讨论式教学法、图表式教学法﹑知识积累法等五种创新教学方法,以提高学生的语言实际运用和创新能力。  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法是以教师设置教学任务为明线、以学生自主建构知识结构为暗线,充分发挥学生的学习主体地位的教学方法,具有有利于提高学生学习的积极性和主动性、有利于培养学生的团队合作意识、有利于学生实现对知识体系的有效建构等优势,可以更好地促进学生成才。文章分析任务驱动教学法的理论基础,并对任务驱动教学法的实施提出建议。  相似文献   

尤明秋 《辽宁高职学报》2004,6(6):113-114,124
互动式教学法在高职“两课”教学中的优势,一是可以调动学生参与的积极性、主动性,培养学生的创新精神。运用多媒体辅助教学,以身教示范,发挥教师人格魅力的作用,运用语言艺术、渊博知识等互动式教学法赢得学生、感染学生。  相似文献   

尝试教学法不同于传统的灌输式教学,而是还学生在课堂教学中的学习主体地位,让学生在不断尝试中获得知识的一种新兴教学方法。在美术课堂中运用尝试教学法,可以提升学生的绘画能力,培养学生自主学习、创新和想象的能力。  相似文献   

环境学导论是集基础理论知识传输、现象过程认识和室内外实践于一体的一门富有哲理性的专业基础课。通过授课,不仅要传授环境科学的基础知识,还要培养学生爱护环境、创意环保的理念。PBL(Problem-Based Learning)教学法以学生为中心,通过诱导学生参与问题解决来实现对课程的掌握。在环境导论教学中应用PBL教学法,让学生面对一系列更接近实际的问题,主动来获取和掌握知识,使每个学生都能够参与到解决问题的过程中。经过PBL教学活动,学生不仅可以掌握到终身难忘的知识,学会用逻辑和创新的方式思考问题,而且能够培养团队意识,取得更好成就。  相似文献   

合作学习是全面培养学生能力和提高学生学习能力的有效途径,合作学习也是课程改革的一种教学理念,是学生主动获得知识的途径之一。合作学习可以调动每一位学生的积极性和主动性;合作学习可以让学生发现自己的优势,从而提升自信心;合作学习可以让学生理解团队的意义,培养学生的团队意识;合作学习可以有效提升学生的学习能力和责任意识。新课程实验证明:优质的合作学习可以轻易地将学困生带上来,可以让优等生更加卓越。  相似文献   

建构主义教学理论认为学生是学习的主体,通过发挥学生的主体作用,让学生更加主动、自觉地参与学习,以达到良好的学习效果,促进知识创新。将“项目导向型”教学法运用到阿拉伯语经贸应用文写作课程教学中,要充分发挥学生的主体能动性,通过项目分配、项目合作方法培养具备学习能力、实践能力和团队协作能力的复合型外语人才。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断深入,教学活动当中更加注重学生的主体地位,因此,教师必须转变传统教师主导课堂的教学方式,让学生积极地参与到教学活动当中。而参与式教学法也应运而生,在初中生物教学中得到了广泛的应用。教师在传递生物知识时必须注意将学生作为教学的主体,让学生积极参与思考,培养学生的动手能力,让学生可以主动地去发现问题,培养学生的创新精神。下文笔者就初中生物教学中参考式教学法的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

实例研习法在《知识产权法》教学中的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了实例研习教学法,指出实例研习教学法将法学理论知识传授和培养学生解决法律问题的能力相结合,克服了传统法学教育的不足,并从课堂教学、案例汇编、成绩考核等方面讨论了如何在知识产权法学的教学中引入实例研习教学法。  相似文献   

基于学习优势的学习方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习方案教学是提升学习成效的有效尝试。每一个学生都有自己的学习优势,学习方案应该基于学生的学习优势进行设计。在班级教学中,教师应首先调查分析学生的学习优势,然后基于本班学生的若干共有优势或主要优势,为学生设计学习方案。  相似文献   

日常教学生活中的教师专业成长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
丁钢 《教育科学》2006,22(6):52-55
本文主要关注教师在日常教学生活中的专业态度及其表现,从教师的专业素养、自我反思的专业精神和专业发展与团队合作等三个方面,认为在学校教育中,教师教学创新的源动力是来自于教师自身专业发展的内在需求。而研究教学最好的方式莫过于研究我们教师和学生自身教与学的现状和经验,从而寻找教师在日常教学实践中的专业发展路向。本文强调,教师在学科教学中的教学效能关注、在教学过程中的自我反思,以及教师之间专业团队合作是教师专业发展的三个重要途径。  相似文献   

Education reforms from teacher‐centred to student‐centred courses usually come with the adoption of new teaching strategies. However, following the growing design and development of student‐centred teaching and learning innovations in many fields of study, not many efforts have been found in the field of software application teaching. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new strategy for creating a student‐centred learning environment for software applications, in which students learn in a more active, collaborative environment with reduced reliance on teachers. This study puts forward a teaching innovation, called Expert Panel, designed in three stages of activities: exploration, experimentation and reflection. Thirty‐eight college students and one teacher participated in the implementation of the innovation. This article describes the design specifications of the innovation, and reports the preliminary findings of the implementation. The findings show that the teacher derived a certain degree of pleasure and surprise at being a true ‘facilitator’ rather than solely an instructor. Students felt engaged in the activities and motivated throughout the learning process. However, the student‐centred learning method challenged the students’ understanding of the traditional teacher's role. Therefore, accommodating not only teachers but also students in the acquisition of new concepts of teaching and learning was suggested. Several possible solutions for the drawbacks and pitfalls in the strategy were drawn up at the end for further development of the strategy.  相似文献   

加强实践教育培养学生的综合创新设计能力   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
根据新世纪人才培养的目标,加强实践教育,以培养学生的综合创新设计能力。转变教育理念,课程设计与创新设计相结合,实现课内外结合、基础理论与动手制作结合、相关课程结合;实验教育与工程实际相结合,提高综合运用知识的能力;师生互动和团队学习相结合,体现以学生为主体,以教师为主导的教育思想;知识教育和素质教育相结合,培养开放性人才、复合型人才、创新型人才。  相似文献   


In this study, criminal justice classes were team taught by six pairs of one faculty member and one student teacher. The professor-student teaching teams met together before class to plan and after class to problem solve. The student teachers were charged with helping the professors introduce active learning exercises into their classes. This article reports on survey data from these professors, student teachers and the students they taught, including their views on both the benefits and problems. The article shows professors how to team teach with a student and helps professors who want to try the approach to anticipate and minimize the problems while capitalizing on the benefits.  相似文献   

浅谈高师音乐教学法课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师音乐教育一定要突出师范性,音乐教学法课程的开设是突出师范性的象征。因此音乐教学法课堂教学,应提供给学生一个运用专业技能、发展综合艺术能力、增强创新意识、挖掘个人潜能的实践操作空间和整合发展的机会。是帮助学生分析"教"与"学"及培养学生从"学生"到"教师"转变的一门关键性学科,使学生在走上岗位之前得到充分的培训。今天,我们从高师音乐教学法课程定位准确性、课程设置和合理性、任课教师专业性、教学模式创新性等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Outcomes and findings from an evidence‐based approach to targeting primary school students’ developmental reading comprehension levels for effective learning are described. Nineteen schools participated in a literacy assessment project designed to monitor and improve the reading comprehension achievement levels of their students. The project integrated a developmental approach to learning and teaching, information derived from standardised reading comprehension assessments, and professional development for teachers. Reading comprehension achievement across the schools increased at a higher rate than typically expected. Teacher discourse about teaching and learning changed from discrete skill and resource focused, to developmentally focused. The centrality of a professional learning team approach to change for the student, teacher and school is discussed.  相似文献   

教学方法是教法和学法的辩证统一。教法与学法相互制约与联系,两者重在学法,并可相互转化。要提高教学质量,既要重视教法又要重视学法。然而长期以来,受传统教学观念“教师中心论”的影响,我国教学改革的重点过分集中在教师的教法和教学观念的更新和变革方面,学校和教师将太多的注意力放在教法方面,忽视对学法的研究和指导,从而造戍教法和学法脱节,教学质量达不到预期效果。要扭转这种教法与学法脱节的局面,师生就要在教法与学法问题上形成良性互动。教师要让学生了解教法,引导和指导学生探索相应学法,充分发挥学生的主体性,达成教法与学法的统一,从而促进教学。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into the first time implementation of a technology education unit of work by a beginning primary school teacher. The researchers monitored the teacher's implementation of the unit across a 6 week period using an interpretivist research approach. A variety of data sources were drawn upon including teacher and student interviews, video and audio recordings of small group and whole-class interactions, and student-developed artefacts. Providing appropriate learning activities to assist students to develop understanding about patterns and shapes incorporated into buildings and other structures to enhance strength and stability was a challenge faced by the beginning teacher. However, she drew support from a teaching resource, which provided guidance and structure for the teaching of technology concepts and processes related to strength and stability of structures and materials. The resource helped her to develop learning activities that were appropriate to the topic and to the needs of the students in her class. Implications of the study relate to the needs of teachers grappling with teaching design and technology for the first time and the support that they can gain from predetermined planning and teaching models and well-developed teaching resources.  相似文献   

高校人才培养质量,是学校生源、教师教学、学生学习、满足社会需求等综合质量的反映,毕业率是教学质量的衡量标准之一。以985高校本科生毕业率来看,年均保持在90%以上,仍有近10%的本科生未能如愿毕业。笔者以某985高校学院本科生学籍数据为依据,从教学模式、培养方案、教师团队、学生自身等四个方面对未毕业原因进行剖析,从心理健康、学业管理、教学改革、管理创新等四个方面高校教务管理问题分析对本科生毕业率的影响,提出提高本科毕业率的措施和建议,为提升行业人才培养质量提供参考。  相似文献   

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