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本文通过分析大学英语四级作文的评分原则,针对优等作文的评分标准,介绍了一系列四级作文的应试技巧,即通过审题、写好主题句和扩展句、简化词句、用好过渡词和过渡句、避免多余和累赘等方法,为大学英语四级应试者指点迷津,帮助应试者提高应试技巧,写出优等作文。  相似文献   

试论英文写作技巧的应用与语言的优美性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
写作是英文学习中的一项重要内容,而写作技巧的应用与语言的优美性是英文写作成功与否的决定因素。针对英文写作技巧的运用问题,在修辞方法、句子策略、文体风格这三个方面进行了一些具体分析,以造就优美的语言,从而成就精彩的英文篇章。  相似文献   

句式变化关乎英语写作的质量。本文从句子的开头、句子的种类、修辞句式、长短句式等方面就句式变化与大学英语写作的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文从形式图式和内容图式两个方面探讨图式理论在英文扩展句写作教学中的应用,提出帮助学生构建、激活形式图式和内容图式的写作教学建议,从而锻炼学生英语扩展句的写作技能,提高段落写作能力。  相似文献   

Although prior research has identified general procedural and qualitative differences between word-processed and pen and paper writing, little attention has been directed toward identifying how these differences relate to the prior word processing experiences of individual students. Additionally, few researchers have addressed the issue of fairness when discussing the use of word processors in writing assessment. This study investigates this relationship by comparing essays composed with pen and paper for a direct writing assessment to those composed with a word processor by students having different levels of experience with using word processors for writing.We observed differences between the two composition media similar to differences observed in previous studies of word-processed writing. That is, our results show that, overall, word-processed essays are neater and longer than were pen and paper essays. Word-processed essays also have a more formal tone and a weaker voice than their pen and paper counterparts. No composition medium differences were observed for the number of mechanical errors.In terms of how word processor experience interacts with writing quality, we found that word processors use neither improved nor worsen the quality of essays produced by students who have medium to high levels of experience using computers for writing. On the other hand, the word processor essays produced by students with a low level of experience writing with computers were scored, on a six-point scale, almost an entire point lower than those produced with pen and paper by these same students. Groups with high and medium levels of experience with word processors wrote slightly more words with a word processor than with pen and paper. On the other hand, the group with a low level of experience with using computers for writing wrote over 100 words fewer on word processors than with pen and paper. As for the number of simple sentences, groups with high and medium levels of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote fewer simple sentences with a word processor than with pen and paper, while the group with a low level of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote more simple sentences with word processors than with pen and paper. There were no group by media interactions for the number of mechanical errors.  相似文献   

刘颖 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(6):182-183
探讨如何把精读教学中的语篇分析与英语写作结合起来,从词、句、篇章结构三方面有效提高学生的写作能力。在语篇中分析课文的词汇现象,引导学生深入系统地理解词汇,增加表达式词汇。关注语篇中的同义关系句,指导学生以多种句式、多种角度阐释同一主题,抓住语篇的主谓发展,了解作者话题框架的建立、发展,帮助学生提高写作技巧。  相似文献   

文章抽取了新建本科院校英语专业一年级学生的30篇作文作为语料对句子类型及句式特征进行了分析,得出此类学生的作文句型主要以简单句为主,复杂句的引导词单一且重复;由于受母语负迁移的影响,文章中出现了较多的兼语句、流水句和残缺句;句式缺乏多样化,倒装句、被动句、with复合句型等出现频率很低。针对学生作文中句子类型的特征分析了他们在写作中运用的回避策略并且提出了一些相应的教学改革建议。  相似文献   

In this study the writing products of 60 third-grade students, who drew before writing a story on a self-selected topic, was compared with the writing products of 59 third-grade students who wrote without drawing. The students in the group which drew before writing tended to produce more words, more sentences and more idea units, and their overall writing performance was higher than the students who wrote without drawing. These findings were consistent for boys as well as girls. Implications for writing research and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

不能以今天的行文贯式去诠释《孙子兵法》,否则会产生误读与误解。根据古人行文的四种文法,即句中自注、特殊省略句、拆分双音词分别用于上下句、逆分承,来解释《孙子兵法》的四个句子,以期发掘《孙子兵法》文本的真正意思,从而为《孙子兵法》研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

无论对英语专业学生还是对非英语专业学生来说,英语写作都是一个薄弱环节。学生在写作中常见的问题集中表现在用词和造句两个方面,因而要想提高学生英文写作能力就必须首先提高学生遣词造句的能力,既让学生多阅读,多背诵优美的英文篇章、段落及词句,同时让学生多做写作练习,老师多评改,只有这样才能真正提高学生的英文写作能力。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion about the effects of new technology on writing by assessing whether or not an experienced writer's style of writing changes when a new technology is introduced. 14 typed word-processed letters from ES to JH were compared with 14 dictated word-processed letters from ES after he had changed to using a voice-recognition system (Dragon Naturally Speaking). The results showed that, although there were large differences between the methods and experience of writing with the two technologies, there were no significant differences between the average letter lengths, numbers of paragraphs written and number of sentences used in each group of letters. Nor were there any significant differences in terms of readability, or typographical and grammatical errors. However, the dictated letters did have significantly shorter sentences, significantly fewer particularly long sentences (ie, those containing more than 50 words), and used the first-person pronoun more frequently. The overall results thus indicate that using the voice-recognition software had only marginal effects upon the written products, despite the fact that it had a strong effect on ES's experience of the writing process.  相似文献   

写作教学是中学语文学科整个语文教学的重要组成部分,当前存在的主要问题是:不少学生写不好字,写不通文章,为应试而学习写作,教学方法习惯于随意性。写作教学的改革必须以科学发展观为指导,坚持科学发展的理念,明确写作教学的基本要求是:教会学生写通文章(包括写好字),并在写通的基础上逐步求得写好,达到能表现出一定的新意、创见和特色。写作课应参照写作的特点进行教学,讲求写作教学艺术,改进教学方式方法。  相似文献   

在英语写作中,遣词与炼句是写好一篇文章的基本要素,而如何进行遣词与炼句,是英语写作课的教学重点之一。本文将就这两条脉络针对英语写作中的实际问题进行具体的阐述和翔实的分析,并分别阐释写作中遣词与炼句的特点、种类、技巧等,以期在教学中帮助学生提高英语写作能力。  相似文献   

为检验二语学习者写作中的句法复杂性是否随二语水平的提高而变化,系统分析120篇英语论说文中的句法特征。研究发现:写作单位的长度和频数与学期水平密切相关;非英语专业大学生同样经历着从并列句到子句的过渡;句子类型使用上,简单句使用过多。句法复杂性与作文质量显著正相关,对写作教学和作文评分具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

王幼琨 《海外英语》2011,(11):71-73
由于传统的英语写作教学过分注重语法和句子结构,学生能够写出合乎语法的正确句子,却不知如何布局谋篇,如何处理句子与段落、段落与篇章的关系。该文运用主位推进模式分析非英语专业学生的一次当堂四级水平要求的英语作文,着重从语篇层面分析学生的弱点,探讨该理论在大学英语写作教学中的应用。  相似文献   

胡彩霞 《海外英语》2011,(9):333-334,344
二语写作中母语负迁移的影响客观存在而且涉及到写作的各个环节。句子作为表达独立完整观点、构建段落篇章的基本单位起着至关重要的作用。因此,分析和探究母语负迁移对句法造成的影响有利于写作教学的有效开展。  相似文献   

阅读是学生学习英语的重要输入途径之一,而写作则是语言输出的一种方式。提高初中学生的英语写作能力,需要教师在平时的阅读教学时,在加强学生阅读能力和阅读技巧培养的同时进行写作能力的培养,分析阅读文章的篇章结构,输入相关词汇和句型,为写作打下坚实的基础。实践证明,读写结合模式能有效提高写作教学质量。  相似文献   

本文采用语料库分析法,对46篇中关非英语专业大学生的同题作文,从句法和语篇层面进行对比分析,并探讨两者表现出差异的原因及给中国英语教学提供的启示。结果表明:中国学生在写作中多使用简单句,美国学生更多地使用复合句,特别是that宾语从句;中国大学生使用连接词、第一人称代词、情态动词should,must的比率高于美国大学生。  相似文献   

语文教学中读写结合是一种重要的教学方式,可以帮助刚接触语文写作的学生迅速了解写作方法,感悟语言文字的魅力。教师需帮助学生积累阅读文本中的优美词句和写作技巧与手法,通过写作训练锻炼学生的语言思维,促使学生灵活使用从文本中积累的素材,进而逐步培养学生的语文综合能力,提高学生的语文综合素养。  相似文献   

歧义句的出现是汉语表达中的一种消极现象。歧义句成因复杂,类型各异,因而歧义的消除也必然是多角度、全方位的。与此同时,也应注意划清歧义与非歧义的界限。  相似文献   

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