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运用文献资料法、视频分析法,对即时回放系统在2019年国际乒联职业巡回总决赛的规则、使用情况及不足进行分析,探讨即时回放系统对乒乓球的影响,提出即时回放系统的优化策略。结果显示:即时回放系统的运用能够提高裁判判罚的准确性,减少误判、错判的情况,影响运动员的技战术发挥,对运动员提出了更高的要求,提高了乒乓球赛事的观赏性以及现代化进程。但即时回放系统引入与乒乓球赛事的契合度有待提高,因此,需要完善即时回放系统,提升与裁判间的配合方式,优化其硬件设施。  相似文献   

篮球三人裁判制与两人裁判制的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以两种不同裁判制作为研究对象,采用观察统计法、数据统计法、问卷调查法等方法,比较研究了两种不同裁判制在实施中的诸多因素。结论:两人裁判制易学、经济,三人裁判制在比赛中的错漏判减少、分工更加明确、到位率高、体力及心理负担较小。建议进一步完善、推广三人制裁判法,加强三人制裁判员的队伍建设与培养。  相似文献   

裁判法是指裁判员临场工作的方法。“区域分工’则是裁判法的一个主要组成部份。一个好的裁判员不仅对篮球规则要了如指掌,更应懂得“区域分工”,精通裁判法,这样才能保证将全场10名队员的位置与动作,纳入裁判员的视野范围之内,最大限度地减少漏判或错判,高质量地完成临场裁判任务。 一、执法技巧: 1.裁判员的眼睛应不停地转动,视野力求覆盖全场。 2.根据球的位置,两位裁判员中的一位,其眼睛应该密切注意无球区的情况。 3.要知道球的位置与眼睛盯着球  相似文献   

<正> 各项体育运动均制定有规则进行竞赛,裁判员是以评判员的身份执行规则,运动员则必须遵循规则发挥技、战术,以取得比赛的胜利。因此,为了平时训练掌握合理的技术动作和比赛战术的运用,运动员和教练员也应学习规则和裁判法。足球竞赛规则与其他项目有所不同,其特点是对抗性强,争夺激烈,而且允许运动员身体接触进行合理冲撞,仅严格区分“勇敢”与“粗野”的界线和“故意”与“无意”的犯规。还有一条特殊规定:“裁判员不作有利于犯规队的判罚”,这是规则精神、裁判原则。所以运动员必须理解规则,运用规则,以利于比赛。我国不少运动员和  相似文献   

<正> 一、基本要求 1.明确分工,加强配合在一场比赛中,裁判工作的好坏,既要靠分工明确,更要靠配合默契。因此,每个裁判员首先要明确自己的职责范围,明确如何与其他裁判员配合。 2.坚守岗位,各尽其职裁判工作就象六个队员打球一样,有不同的分工只有每个队员各尽其职,全队才能打出水平。每个裁判也应根据分工,坚守岗位,减少和避免差错,只有这样才能提高一场比赛裁判整体水平。  相似文献   

通过设计调查表对2002-2003年度中国男子篮球甲级联赛中三人制裁判员的临场情 况进行了统计分析。结果表明,裁判员在合理分配体能、判罚尺度与角度、三人协同配合、心理调 节等方面还存在着不尽合理的地方。建议,裁判员应加强三人制裁判法和规则的钻研学习,加强 体能锻炼,加强临场心理素质的培养,不断积累比赛临场经验,以促进和维护CBA的健康发展。  相似文献   

关于竞走裁判员与一般人的肤视力和标准视力的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测量、概率统计和逻辑思维方法等对竞走裁判员与一般人的肤视力和标准视力进行了比较研究。结果表明 :标准视力与肤视力是不同的 ,作为竞走裁判员不仅标准视力要好 ,而且肤视力也要好。各种肤视力之间存在着统计学差异 ,这表明 3种肤色运动员同场比赛时 ,竞走裁判员的肤视力是不同的。单一肤色运动员在一起比赛时 ,同一竞走裁判群体的黄肤视力、白肤视力和黑肤视力是不同的 ;不同肤色运动员在一起比赛时 ,同一竞走裁判群体的肤视力也是不同的。  相似文献   

彭健  郎敬 《乒乓世界》2012,(7):108-109
笔者总结多年来裁判工作的实践经验,发现在赛场上容易出现的运动员和裁判员之间的分歧,大多情况下是由于运动员和临场裁判员对《乒乓球竞赛规则》的理解不同、概念不清所造成的。如果运动员因为对于规则理解问题造成与裁判员的争议,裁判员应该有义务耐心地作出合理的解释,这也是对《乒乓球竞赛规则》一个学习普及的过程。  相似文献   

1994—1998年新规则修改内容和篇幅之广,是国际篮联成立64年以来所罕见的,这次具有革命性与历史性的修改,无论是对裁判、球队及教练都面临着一场新的挑战。本文着重对裁判员的任务与手势的调整作一阐述。 (一)增设了助理记录员 他的任务是协助记录员负责管理好记录表,但其职责不能取代记录台其他人员的工作。 (二)裁判员服装严格统一化 原来的灰色上衣、黑色球鞋不变,长裤则改为黑色,并规定袜子必须穿黑色,而原来对袜子则没有统一规定颜色。  相似文献   

分析了足球赛场上气氛变化的原因、遭到破坏的几种情况,提出了裁判员合理运用规则、控制比赛气氛的途径与方法。  相似文献   

现代足球的发展在高速中前进,国际足联在规则中对助理裁判员的职责一再增加、修订,其目的是为更好地适应足球比赛的需要。新规则赋予助理裁判员的新职责,使得足球比赛对于助理裁判员的高标准要求越来越突出。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the physical and perceptual-cognitive demands imposed on UEFA top-class referees and assistant referees during the final round of the Euro 2000 Championship. To investigate the physical workload, the heart rates during matches were monitored by short-range radio telemetry and translated to different workloads expressed as a percentage of maximal heart rate. For measurement of the perceptual-cognitive workload, video-recordings of games were used to obtain the average number of observable decisions taken by a referee. On average, referees and assistant referees performed the matches at 85±5% and 77±7% of their maximal heart rate, respectively. Over the 31 games, the mean number of observable decisions was 137 (range 104–162), 64% of which were based on communication with the assistant referees and/or the fourth official. To optimize the physical preparation of top-class match officials, the results of this study support the application of intensive and intermittent training sessions, which should place priority on high-intensity aerobic stimuli. In addition, video training is discussed as an additional method for improving match officials' decision making.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the physical and perceptual-cognitive demands imposed on UEFA top-class referees and assistant referees during the final round of the Euro 2000 Championship. To investigate the physical workload, the heart rates during matches were monitored by short-range radio telemetry and translated to different workloads expressed as a percentage of maximal heart rate. For measurement of the perceptual-cognitive workload, video-recordings of games were used to obtain the average number of observable decisions taken by a referee. On average, referees and assistant referees performed the matches at 85 +/- 5% and 77 +/- 7% of their maximal heart rate, respectively. Over the 31 games, the mean number of observable decisions was 137 (range 104-162), 64% of which were based on communication with the assistant referees and/or the fourth official. To optimize the physical preparation of top-class match officials, the results of this study support the application of intensive and intermittent training sessions, which should place priority on high-intensity aerobic stimuli. In addition, video training is discussed as an additional method for improving match officials' decision making.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether decisions made by six qualified referees were consistent when watching the live 2016 televised Champions League Final. Referees were paired off into three separate rooms. Two referees watched the game with no supporters present. Two watched the game surrounded by Real Madrid supporters, and the remaining two watched the game surrounded by Athletic Madrid supporters. Referees were asked to decide whether each decision made by the on-field referee was either correct or incorrect. Results identified two types of refereeing inconsistency. The first type was a systematic tendency of the supporting crowds (both rooms) to influence the adjudicating referees to make fewer incorrect (disagree with the on-field referee) decisions (8 and 5) than referees in the “no supporters” room (19) (χ2 = 11.22 [df = 2], P = 0.004). The second type of inconsistency was the home advantage “bias”, where the surrounding crowd influenced the adjudicating referees to favour their team, by disagreeing with the decision made by the on-field referee (χ2 = 6.0 [df = 2], P = 0.0498). One explanation for these inconsistencies is that referees adopt a coping strategy of “avoidance”, i.e., when faced with difficult decisions, referees simply avoid making unpopular decisions by waving “play on”.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the effect of positioning on the correctness of decision making of top-class referees and assistant referees during international games. Match analyses were carried out during the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Confederations Cup 2009 and 380 foul play incidents and 165 offside situations were examined. The error percentage for the referees when indicating the incidents averaged 14%. The lowest error percentage occurred in the central area of the field, where the collaboration of the assistant referee is limited, and was achieved when indicating the incidents from a distance of 11-15?m, whereas this percentage peaked (23%) in the last 15-min match period. The error rate for the assistant referees was 13%. Distance of the assistant referee to the offside line did not have an impact on the quality of the offside decision. The risk of making incorrect decisions was reduced when the assistant referees viewed the offside situations from an angle between 46 and 60°. Incorrect offside decisions occurred twice as often in the second as in the first half of the games. Perceptual-cognitive training sessions specific to the requirements of the game should be implemented in the weekly schedule of football officials to reduce the overall error rate.  相似文献   

As referee’s decisions are made artificially in traditional table tennis matches, many factors in a match, such as fatigue and subjective tendency, may lead to unjust decision. Based on finite state machine (FSM), this paper presents a model for table tennis referee regulation to substitute manual decisions. In this model, the trajectory of the ball is recorded through a binocular visual system while the complete rules extracted from the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules are described based on FSM. The final decision for the competition is made based on expert system theory. Simulation result shows that the proposed model has high accuracy, and can be generalised to other similar games such as badminton, volleyball, etc.  相似文献   

The referee has responsibility for control of players' behaviour during competitive football and implementing the rules of the game. To do this, the referee and the two assistant referees are obliged to keep up with play. Referees cover 10,000 m on average during a game, mean heart rate is about 160 - 165 beats . min(-1) and oxygen uptake is close to 80% of maximum (VO(2max). Assistant referees cover approximately 7500 m, mean heart rate is about 140 beats . min(-1) and the corresponding oxygen uptake is 65% VO(2max). Both groups display evidence of fatigue towards the end of the game, a phenomenon that has not been thoroughly examined for nutritional interventions. The estimated energy expenditure of referees during a game exceeds 5600 kJ. Both referees and assistant referees execute unorthodox patterns of movement during match-play that increase energy expenditure over normal locomotion. As high standards of fitness and decision making are expected of professional referees, there are nutritional consequences associated with the training regimes they adopt. The effects of nutritional interventions on cognitive performance during the later stages of a game are in need of further investigation.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法,录像观察法对足球裁判员的场上执裁工作进行了研究。结果表明:无论裁判员在场上怎样的努力,还是离不开“黑哨”的困扰。针对这些问题,笔者从《足球竞赛规则》和裁判管理制度的客观实际情况出发,提出相应的对策,使裁判员的判罚更加合理、准确。  相似文献   


In the present study, we investigated the accuracy of offside judgements of assistant referees in the English Premier League. The moment in the match, the position and movement speed of the assistant referee, attacker and second-last defender, together with the angle of view for the assistant referee were all considered to underlie incorrect decisions. The error rate was 17.5% (868 of 4960 situations). As the English assistant referees tended not to signal in doubtful situations (c = 0.91), there was an overall bias towards non-flag errors (773 non-flag errors vs. 95 flag errors). The flash-lag hypothesis could explain all flag errors, whereas the optical-error hypothesis could explain a proportion of the non-flag errors (45.4%). Fatigue, movement speed, and angle of view did not have a detrimental effect on offside decision making. In conclusion, there were fewer flag errors than in the 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups, whereas the number of non-flag errors rose. The increased awareness of factors involved in offside decision making and the instructions to give the benefit of the doubt to attackers could have contributed to this situation.  相似文献   

在我国各个行业都加速迈向世界舞台中央的新时代,我国的职业联赛改革也要树立制度自信,结合实际找到一条适合自身发展特点的道路。运用文献资料、访谈、录像观察等方法对现阶段CBA联赛竞赛规则与规程中的中国特色进行归纳和提炼,研究认为:(1) CBA联赛改革坚持走中国特色的发展道路是经验之路、自信之路、必经之路和优选之路。(2)中国特色主要体现在特殊外援制度、半职业与业余裁判相结合制度、常规赛按上赛季排名分组制度、季后赛出线制度、主教练申请录像回放制度、大学生球员选秀注册优惠制度、统一组织体能测试制度、赛前理论考试制度。根据联赛存在的问题提出了尝试多元灵活的外援引入与使用制度、探索新型开放的裁判培养与管理制度、构建公平均衡的常规赛分组动态调整制度、打造促进国家队球员历练的季后赛出线制度、优化服务主教练需求的录像回放申请制度、强制实现通畅的大学生球员选秀制度、调整完善有实效的体能测试制度、精细打造多功能的赛前理论测试制度等优化方略。  相似文献   

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