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排球运动员膝关节损伤调查分析马亮,马鲁生在排球运动的训练和教学中,有效的防止和减少运动损伤,是保证训练教学和提高运动成绩及学生健康水平的重要措施之一。在排球运动中膝关节损伤比较多见,影响也较大。为进一步了解膝关节损伤的发生特点和规律,并做好防治工作,...  相似文献   

排球运动中膝关节由于其自身的特点非常容易发生损伤,本文为了探究排球专选班学生的膝关节损伤情况,通过问卷调查法、文献法和访谈法对新乡学院排球专选班学生的膝关节损伤进行调查,总结排球专选班学生膝关节损伤形成原因与损伤特点,进而提出膝关节损伤的预防措施,以期能够帮助学生有效避免膝关节损伤,更好地参与排球运动。  相似文献   

一、排球运动员肩关节和膝关节损伤调查 运动损伤是指在运动过程中及之后发生的各种伤害及并发症,可分为急、慢性损伤。运动损伤的发生,与运动项目.训练安排,运动环境.运动者的自身条件以及技术动作有密切的关系。  相似文献   

程慧美 《精武》2012,(10):11-12
目的:通过分析高校排球运动中运动员的损伤情况,为提高排球教学质量及预防运动损伤提供参考。方法:运用文献法及调查问卷法等调查部分高校排球运动中运动员损伤情况,并进行综合分析。结论:针对高校排球运动存在的潜在损伤隐患因素,采取有针对性的训练方法及预防措施,对提高比赛及教学训练质量有重要的意义。  相似文献   

篮球运动员膝关节损伤的症状诊断与急救措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
篮球运动是一项对抗性强的运动,其运动技术容易导致运动员膝关节损伤。对膝关节损伤机理、症状进行研究,并针对性地提出急救措施,旨在维护运动员的身心健康,推动篮球运动的发展。  相似文献   

一、前言: 排球运动员膝关节损伤多年来一直居其运动损伤的首位,由於运动性的膝关节损伤,大大缩短了运动员的运动寿命,至使训练工作常因此功亏一篑。排球运动中,屈膝动作居各个动作的首位,在平时的训练中,由於不合理的负荷,掌握动作不规范,往往易造成局部负荷过重,至使运动员膝关节器质性的损伤(或病变)增多,不少有前途的运动员因此而过早地“解甲归田”。基於此,本人准备从探索膝关节损伤的角度出发,力求从中找出一些规律性的东西,以便提出一些措施和看法,供各队训练参考。二、研究的方法:  相似文献   

我国排球运动员的损伤研究(综述)   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
排球运动是世界上流行的运动项目之一,排球运动员的损伤率估计在二到五人每一千训练比赛小时,主要的损伤部位是在肩、腰、膝、踝等部位,运动损伤方面的研究目前还不成体系,因为各研究的损伤标准不一。为了减少运动损伤的发生率,从内外两个方面综述运动损伤发生的原因及其预防措施。  相似文献   

膝关节是全身负重关节,结构较复杂,在运动中损伤相当多见。据北京运动医学研究所统计,61年慢性损伤门诊患者中44%患有膑骨劳损,其中主要是篮排球与跳高运动员。膝关节损伤,特别是慢性损伤,直接影响到运动员的训练和运动成绩的提高,甚至使有的运动员因此而离队。这使摸清膝关节发病规律,早期做好防治工作成为我们工作中的当务之急。最近我们对省体工大队三十四名男女排球运动员进行了膝关节X线像表现和临床关系的调查,有关资料和数据如下:  相似文献   

通过调查发现,羽毛球运动中运动员膝关节的损伤比较高。本文就羽毛球运动中,导致膝关节运动损伤的原因、损伤类型和治疗方法进行分析研究,旨在为羽毛球运动爱好者预防和治疗运动损伤提供理论依据。  相似文献   

作者报告了一组共52例排球运动员膝关节韧带损伤。在扣球位跳起后落地是最常见的损伤途径。女性较男性多见,比赛较训练易引起损伤。根据其发病率和手术所见损伤的严重性,排球应被看作是一种高危险的运动,情形与接受这种手术的其他运动员相似。  相似文献   

为探讨等动训练对促进运动员膝关节术后肌肉力量恢复的应用价值,采用了美国产CYBEX770等动力系统对3名膝关节术后运动员进行膝关节肌肉4周力量恢复训练。结果表明,等动训练后运动员膝关节肌肉力量明显提高,提示等动训练对促进运动员膝关节术后肌肉力量恢复具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

人体膝关节复杠杆模型的修正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘慧炬 《体育科学》2000,20(2):88-90
对Stacy提出的膝关节更杠杆模型进行了评价。指出了原模型的缺陷,并建立了修正后新的复杠杆模型。结果表明:膝关节更杠杆在膝伸且膝关节角较大时,起一定的作用,并非主要作用;在膝关节退让性工作时,可能起较主要作用;新模型更符合运动实践。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad x s(-1) on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found between mean (+/- s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255 +/- 434 W; isokinetic knee extension: 771 +/- 81 W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad?·?s?1 on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P <?0.05) were found between mean (?± s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255?±?434W; isokinetic knee extension: 771?±?81W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

目的:对辽宁省排球队女运动员下肢急停纵跳落地时的力矩和最大关节角度进行研究,以期对有膝关节损伤的排球运动员进行科学训练提供参考。方法:以14名辽宁省排球队女运动员为研究对象,将运动员分为两组,其中无伤组8人,损伤组6人,采用三维测力平台和红外光电运动捕捉系统,记录受试者在完成急停纵跳动作落地时的髋关节、膝关节、踝关节的力矩以及最大关节角度数据。结果:在急停纵跳落地时,损伤膝关节的旋转、收展力矩大于无伤组,屈伸力矩小于无伤组,损伤组的髋关节的屈伸、收展、旋转力矩均大于无伤组;损伤组的踝关节旋转力矩小于无伤组,收展力矩和屈伸力矩大于无伤组。损伤组的踝关节在屈伸、收展和旋转时的最大关节角度大于无伤组;损伤组的膝关节在屈伸和收展时的最大关节角度大于无伤组,旋转时小于无伤组;损伤的髋关节屈伸和收展时的最大关节角度大于无伤组,髋关节旋转时的最大关节角度左侧小于无伤组,右侧大于无伤组。结论:膝关节损伤的运动员完成急停纵跳动作落地时,通过代偿性改变增大髋关节力矩、增加膝关节旋转和收展力矩,增大踝关节收展和屈伸力矩,增加膝关节和髋关节在屈伸和收展时活动角度,增加膝关节屈伸和收展时活动角度来完成动作。  相似文献   

中医方法消除运动性膝关节疲劳的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对特别设计的运动训练课前后受试者膝关节临床体征、肌肉功能、关节松弛、超声图形以及肌肉反射时的测定 ,根据中医学的理论和实验结果 ,初步确立运动性膝关节疲劳证机理 ,并采用中医方法对运动性关节疲劳的消除作了初步研究 ,发现推拿和经穴中药导入对运动性膝关节疲劳有一定的消除作用  相似文献   

俞晓春 《安徽体育科技》2006,27(3):43-45,64
研究利用等动测力及康复系统对膝关节损伤的女运动员进行等速向心训练。经过约8周的训练,患膝屈伸肌群的峰值力矩在不同测试速度下均有显著提高,但伸肌峰值力矩提高较屈肌快。此次研究表明等速向心训练对膝关节损伤后的肌肉功能恢复有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Knee injuries in golf comprise approximately 8% of all injuries, and are considered to result from overuse, technical faults or a combination of those factors. This review examines factors involved in injury, including the structure of the knee joint, kinematics and kinetics of the golf swing, forces sustained by knee joint structures and the potential for joint injury as well as injury prevention strategies. The golf swing generates forces and torques which tend to cause internal or external rotation of the tibia on the femur, and these are resisted by the knee ligaments and menisci. Research has shown that both maximum muscle forces and the forces sustained during a golf swing are less than that required to cause damage to the ligaments. However, the complex motion of the golf swing, involving both substantial forces and ranges of rotational movement, demands good technique if the player is to avoid injuring their knee joint. Most knee injury in golf is likely related to joint laxity, previous injuries or arthritis, and such damage may be exacerbated by problems in technique or overuse. In addition to appropriate coaching, strategies to remedy discomfort include specific exercise programmes, external bracing, orthotics and equipment choices.  相似文献   

刘巍  刘冬森  刘峰 《冰雪运动》2011,33(1):24-26,31
通过测试我国优秀花样滑冰运动员等速状态下膝关节屈肌群与伸肌群力量,对我国优秀花样滑冰运动员膝关节力量状况进行研究,结果:在60°/s等速测试中,我国优秀花样滑冰运动员相对最大峰力矩均值左侧膝关节屈肌为1.51 N·m/kg,伸肌为2.44 N·m/kg,右侧为1.54 N·m/kg和2.70N·m/kg;左侧膝关节屈肌群与伸肌群力矩比为62.02%,右侧为57.49%;膝关节左侧屈肌群与右侧屈肌群比值的均值为99.60%;左侧伸肌群与右侧伸肌群比值的均值为91.77%;差异均未出现显著性(P〉0.5)。结论:1)总体上说我国优秀花样滑冰运动员双膝力量未存在显著性差异;2)就单个运动员而言,我国优秀花样滑冰运动员双膝力量存在一定差异;3)我国优秀花样滑冰运动员膝关节屈肌群力量有待增强。  相似文献   

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