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应用协方差结构方程分析方法验证运动倾向性模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斯坎伦(Scanlan)等人在过去有关研究的基础上,新提出了一个考察人们持续参加运动动机的理论模型——运动倾向性理论模型。运动倾向性被定义为:渴望和决心继续参加运动的心理状态。该模型认为,运动倾向性是由运动乐趣、参与选择、个人投入、社会约束及参与机会5个因素决定。由于“参与选择”难以测量,因此,在国外实际上只验证了4因素的模型。对北京市252名青少年足球运动员实测,建立了运动倾向性及其影响因素的协方差结构模型,用Lisre 8分析的结果表明:已被多次验证的4因素结构模型有一定的理论意义,但并不完全符合中国青少年足球运动员样本。  相似文献   

大学生体育活动倾向性模型的构建与应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据高校体育活动的实际情况,构建了大学生体育活动倾向性理论结构模型。经确定5个决定因素和体育活动倾向性的操作定义,编制了相应的调查问卷,根据对828名大学生体育活动测定的结果,建立了大学生体育活动倾向性结构模型。结果表明运动乐趣、选择和个人投入对大学生体育活动倾向性有正面效应,社会约束因素对大学生体育活动倾向性有负面效应,人际关系因素对大学生体育活动倾向性有微弱的影响,建立的结构模型能较好地评价大学生体育活动的倾向性。  相似文献   

根据高校全民健身的实际情况,建立了大学全民健身倾向性理论结构模型,经确定5个决定因素和健身倾向性的操作定义,编制了相庆的调查问卷,通过对828名大学生全民健身活动测量的结果,建立了大学生全民健身倾向性结构模型。结果表明:健身乐趣、选择和个人投入对大学生全民健身倾向性有正面效应,社会约束因素对大学生健身倾向性有负面效应,人际交流因素对大学生全民健身倾向性有微弱的影响,建立的结构模型能较好地评价大学生  相似文献   

目的:通过乒乓球选项课大学生在锻炼情景下运动承诺模型的实证分析,以期为促进大学生坚持体育锻炼提供理论参考.方法:基于240名大学生样本,运用结构方程模型对乒乓球选项课大学生在运动承诺情境下的锻炼坚持性进行了研究.结果表明:①在锻炼情境中,运动承诺理论具有较好的效度,但运动承诺理论的单层次结构模型忽略了影响因素之间的关系和变量的中介作用,分层后的结构模型在理论解释和数据拟合上更为合理.②乒乓球选项课的大学生运动承诺得分较低,坚持体育锻炼的决心不强;运动乐趣、参与选择、个人投入、社会约束和参与机会能够较好地预测大学生的运动承诺强度,故可以通过干预上述几个方面来促进大学生坚持体育锻炼.  相似文献   

基于运动承诺视角的大学生锻炼坚持机制研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以运动承诺理论为基础,采用访谈和解释结构模型法建立锻炼坚持机制的概念模型。提出个体行为坚持的认知决策理论框架。通过1179名大学生问卷调查的数据和LISREL8.53的结构方程模型法进行检验,结果表明:1)锻炼承诺是锻炼者渴望和决心继续进行身体锻炼的一种心理状态,锻炼动机定向、锻炼效果评价、坚持锻炼可能性预测是形成锻炼承诺的心理决策过程,其中锻炼效果评价的决定作用最大;2)大学生认知到的个体和社会环境等影响因素是作为心理决策的前因变量,通过3个心理决策过程的中介作用,调节对坚持锻炼的承诺程度;3)在影响因素申,个人投入、运动能力、参与机会、社会支持、锻炼条件和锻炼氛围对锻炼坚持行为具有促进和加强的作用,而社会约束、运动风险、制度约束和参与选择表现出较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

确定现阶段青少年家庭成员对其足球训练参与这一过程的主要支持动机及相应影响因素,探索影响因素之间的作用机制。方法:引入二分因变量Probit回归模型区分动机支持显著度,以结构解释模型解析各影响因素之间的层级关系。结果:影响家庭对青少年足球训练参与支持动机主要表现在健身健康支持、兴趣爱好支持、运动天赋支持三个方面;改进家庭支持动机需综合考虑各类影响因素的作用机制及层次特征。  相似文献   

探讨城市居民中有偿体育锻炼参与者的满足感、参与选择、个人投资、社会约束和社会支持等5个因素对于运动承诺的预测情况,并探讨运动承诺对于后继的体育锻炼坚持行为的预测情况。结果发现:较高的满足感、较少的参与选择、较多的个人投资、较低的社会约束以及较高的社会支持,若通过较高的想要的承诺,将带来较高的体育锻炼坚持。  相似文献   

在对足球战术意识的理解基础上,详细阐明青少年足球运动员战术意识训练与培养的方法。足球意识是影响运动员运动技术水平的重要因素,足球意识表现为运动员对比赛现实情景的观察感知、瞬时的思维判断与决策意向以及准确合理的行动应答。影响运动员足球意识的心理因素主要是记忆与思维、行动与反馈以及无意识控制机能对个人技术打法运用的控制能力。足球意识的培养途径有:学习足球理论知识;掌握足球运动的规律和方法;在平时训练中提出要求;发展专门性知觉;增加对抗和配合体验等。  相似文献   

不管是成年人还是青少年,不管是业余体育爱好者还是专业运动员,在体育运动中都有受伤的风险.国外研究发现,在所有青少年的伤病中,由运动引起的占11%.随着青少年运动员运动水平的提高,由运动引发的伤病也随之增多.在众多对体育运动优、缺点的评估中,运动损伤开始成为主要评价因素,尤其是处于生长发育阶段的青少年运动人群.考虑到运动损伤的发生会对运动员的成绩产生巨大影响,甚至给运动者带来永久性伤痛,因此,运动项目的规则制订越来越受到重视,比如体操、游泳和一些重竞技运动项目.然而,一些人们熟知的球类项目如足球、手球和篮球等,由于参与人数多,依然存在大量的运动损伤,因此,本文运用数理统计法、实地调查法等,通过调查上海市杨浦区足球、手球和篮球项目302名(足球运动员152名,手球运动员94名,篮球运动员56名)青少年运动员的运动损伤情况,分析青少年运动员运动损伤的发生机理,旨为完善运动损伤的防御措施,更好地保护青少年运动员的成长.  相似文献   

青少年运动员不仅是竞技运动的生力军和后备力量,更是我国实现体育强国战略目标的基础。因此,培养一批优秀的青少年足球运动员,对我国足球冲出亚洲,挤进世界足球行列尤为重要。优秀的青少年足球运动员应具备良好的身体素质,精湛的技术,良好的足球意识,还要有良好的心理素质等。本文就“青少年足球运动员心理素质的培养”谈谈个人的浅见。  相似文献   

Today more and more women are playing sport and choosing activities previously considered the exclusive domain of men, such as soccer. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the role of motivational variables (individual and team) regarding the commitment to and future expectations of playing higher levels of competition in a sample of female association soccer players (N = 117) at different levels of competition (local, regional and national leagues). Results confirm that the highest league shows high values in perception of success (ego orientation and task orientation), transactional psychological contract and future expectations. On the other hand, the local league produces high values in relational contracts. A path analysis tests a theoretical model with all the motivational variables as predictors of sporting commitment and future expectations. It shows the power of individual and team motivational variables in terms of predicting the involvement of women in soccer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine age and competitive level differences in the relationship between determinants and level of sport commitment. Gymnasts (N = 304) comprised three age groups (8-11, 11-14.5, and 14.5-18 years) and two competitive levels (Levels 5-6 and 8-10). Multiple regression analyses revealed: (a) perceived costs and social constraints from parents and best friends were the strongest predictors of commitment for the youngest gymnasts, (b) perceived costs, personal investments, and parent social constraints predicted commitment for 11-14.5-year-old gymnasts, and (c) perceived competence and costs predicted commitment for the oldest gymnasts. Competitive level differences also emerged; for Level 5-6 gymnasts, personal investments, perceived costs, coach social support, and social constraints by coach, best friend, and teammates were predictors of commitment. Personal investments and teammate social constraints were significant predictors for Level 8-10 gymnasts. Developmental factors and additional determinants are important to consider in further studies of the sport commitment model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine age and competitive level differences in the relationship between determinants and level of sport commitment. Gymnasts (N = 304) comprised three age groups (8–11, 11–14.5, and 14.5–18 years) and two competitive levels (Levels 5–6 and 8–10). Multiple regression analyses revealed: (a) perceived costs and social constraints from parents and best friends were the strongest predictors of commitment for the youngest gymnasts, (b) perceived costs, personal investments, and parent social constraints predicted commitment for 11–14.5-year-old gymnasts, and (c) perceived competence and costs predicted commitment for the oldest gymnasts. Competitive level differences also emerged; for Level 5–6 gymnasts, personal investments, perceived costs, coach social support, and social constraints by coach, best friend, and teammates were predictors of commitment. Personal investments and teammate social constraints were significant predictors for Level 8–10 gymnasts. Developmental factors and additional determinants are important to consider in further studies of the sport commitment model.  相似文献   

Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of human development was used as a framework to systematically review factors associated with drop-out from soccer among children and adolescents. Keyword searches for the population (child or youth or adolescent), sport (soccer or football) and construct of interest (drop-out or attrition or discontinued or quit) identified scholarly peer-reviewed publications from the entire contents of seven databases to 31 December 2013. Publications with participants at any level of organized soccer were eligible for inclusion. The initial search identified 137 studies with 14 ultimately meeting the inclusion criteria, 11 from Europe and 3 from the United States, and 97% (n = 1125,001) of study participants were male. The proportion of children and adolescents who dropped out from one season to the next ranged from 18 to 36%, except for one study of high-level players where the rate of drop-out was 60%. These players felt the time demands of soccer, especially ‘travelling to compete’, were onerous. Prominent person-level factors associated with drop-out were lower perceptions of competence and the lack of fulfilment of basic psychological needs. Contextual factors associated with drop-out were poor relationships with teammates or coaches, lack of enjoyment, lack of opportunity to play, competing time demands, and later birthdate in relation to competitive year. Interactions between the individual and their environment were rarely examined. Future research on drop-out from soccer would benefit from expanding the demographics of those being studied and by concurrently examining interactions between the individual and the environment.  相似文献   

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