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2004~2005赛季英超联赛红黄牌判罚情况的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2004~2005赛季英格兰足球超级联赛中红黄牌的判罚情况进行统计分析,结果表明:英超联赛等采用循环赛制的比赛中红黄牌的判罚数量远远低于世界杯等采用淘汰赛制的比赛;红黄牌的判罚数量随着联赛的深入呈上升趋势;客场球队比主场球队被判罚更多的红黄牌;中场队员被判罚的红牌数量最多,后卫队员被判罚的黄牌最多,守门员被判罚的红黄牌最少;红黄牌的判罚数量呈现出随着比赛时间的减少而增加的趋势;红黄牌的判罚与球队的风格关系更大。  相似文献   

通过对2005年中国足球超级联赛中红黄牌的判罚情况进行统计分析,得出:中超联赛采用循环赛制比赛,红黄牌的判罚数量低于世界杯等采用淘汰赛制的比赛;2005年中超联赛的红黄牌判罚数量随着联赛的深入总体呈上升趋势;联赛过程中客场球队比主场球队被判罚更多的红黄牌;后卫队员被判罚的红牌最多,中场队员被判罚的黄牌最多,守门员被判罚的红黄牌最少;红黄牌判罚数量随着比赛时间的减少而增加。  相似文献   

通过对第19届足球世界杯64场比赛中越位的整体判罚情况以及判罚失误情况进行统计与分析,能帮助我们全面了解南非世界杯比赛中裁判员的整体执法状况,同时,也有利于提高我国助理裁判员对世界大赛中越位判罚尺度的了解与认识,丰富越位判罚经验,提高判罚水平。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、录像解析法,对自由式滑雪空中技巧裁判中的“时钟法判罚标准”和“象限法判罚标准”进行深入剖析.研究发现:“时钟法判罚标准”向“象限法判罚标准”的演变过程,并没有解决裁判具体执法过程中单个动作界定以及动作组合界定的岐义问题,且“象限法判罚标准”在某种程度上加大了动作界定岐义判罚的可能性,最后提出了相应的完善对策和建议.  相似文献   

本文对2000年欧洲杯足球赛16支参赛队的31场比赛中发生球点球判罚的10场比赛的技术统计与我国足球裁判的判罚比较分析,提出提高判罚水平的对策。  相似文献   

"争议判罚"的出现往往使人们对竞技体育赛事的公平性产生质疑,并引发社会舆论,对竞技体育的健康发展带来不良影响。本文运用逻辑分析法、归纳法等,选取竞技体育比赛中"争议判罚"的典型案例进行分析。将"争议判罚"划分为竞赛规则主导型,裁判主观偏向型和客观限制主导型。提出:应进一步完善竞赛规则;德、法并施规范裁判员主观判罚;提升判罚技术、提高裁判能力;正面而充分地对争议点进行解释等。建议:周期性完善竞赛规则;系统性健全裁判员培养监督体系;体系性发展科技判罚技术、建立判罚争议的应对机制。  相似文献   

运用SWOT分析法,对影响篮球裁判员正确判罚的主要因素进行分析,归纳总结出影响裁判员判罚水平提高的内在因素和外在的因素,并提出提升裁判员判罚水平的可行性建议。  相似文献   

文章通过文献资料法、观察法、调查访问法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对山西省普通高校足球赛越位判罚情况进行分析和研究。统计了越位判罚的总次数、场均次数、上下半场分布情况并提出一些见解,同时提出提高裁判判罚准确度的方法,希望对山西省普通高校最球赛越位判罚工作提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

三人制篮球在我国已开展得如火如荼。随着中国三人篮球赛事的增多,比赛中速度、节奏、对抗性显著提高,其观赏性以及激烈程度与日俱增,这些无疑对三人制篮球裁判员有了更高的要求。本文对第14届全运会比赛中裁判员的判罚情况进行统计分析,探讨三人制篮球比赛中的判罚规律和特点,旨在为三人制篮球裁判员提供一定的参考。结果显示:裁判员判罚违例、犯规的时间点集中出现在比赛的前五分钟;追踪裁判员在犯规判罚中明显多于前导裁判员;犯规判罚主要发生在追踪裁判员负责区和共管区;违例判罚主要发生在3区,犯规判罚主要发生在2区和3区;出界违例和拉人犯规是判罚最多的违例、犯规情况;犯规情况最易发生在突破时。  相似文献   

运用文献资料和数理统计等方法,对2009赛季中国足球超级联赛16支球队被判罚红黄牌情况进行统计分析,得出:中超联赛采用循环赛制比赛,红黄牌的判罚数量低于世界杯等采用淘汰赛制的比赛;客场球队比主场球队被判罚更多的红黄牌;不同位置运动员红黄牌数存在差异;红黄牌判罚的数量随着比赛时间的推移呈上升趋势等;以其探索2009赛季中国足球超级联赛红黄牌判罚情况及其规律,为各级球队的教练员和运动员提供数据参考。  相似文献   

Approving or disapproving of athletes’ moral conduct and character is commonplace. In this essay I explore to what extent such judgements are valid and reliable moral judgements. I identify some methodological problems associated with making moral judgements particularly, but not exclusively, from a virtue perspective. I argue that we have no reliable access to states of mind needed to make informed evaluations. Moreover, even if such access was available, the validity of our judgements would be compromised or limited by our own moral character.

Abbreviations: ECB: England and Wales Cricket Board; VAR: Video Assistant Referee  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to suggest and illustrate a methodological approach for studies of learning in physical education (PE) and sport pedagogy in order to investigate and clarify the relation between how people learn and the settings or context in which they learn. Drawing on the work of John Dewey, the later works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and socio-cultural approaches, a practical epistemology analysis (PEA) with a focus on aesthetic judgements is suggested as a way of developing a valuable approach for investigating situated learning. The approach is illustrated by an analysis of a biographical story written by the English author Jenny Diski. As can be seen from the illustration, the significance of aesthetic experience for learning is visible when an author tells us about skating as a child. By using PEA to examine aesthetic experience—operationalised through the aesthetic judgements the author includes in the story—we can shed light on the relation between the skater and the situation in which skating takes place. The fact that aesthetic judgements are used by the author normatively to decide what is to be included and excluded in skating, and also that aesthetic judgements are used to make relations between the skater and her life as a whole, facilitates an exploration of the relation between the sports learner and the life situation in which learning is situated.  相似文献   

对大学生篮球裁判员错漏判成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对韶关学院部分二、三级学生篮球裁判员调查访谈,结果显示:大学生篮球裁判员临场执法的错漏判主要成因是对竟赛规则理解不透彻、基本功掌握不扎实、移动跑位不到位、对篮球技战术理解不透、校内外临场实践机会较少、执法时缺乏自信心等.通过分析此因,为今后大学生篮球裁判员在执法中减少错判、漏判,进一步提高大学生篮球裁判执法水平提供...  相似文献   

In this study we explored the existence of a favourable attitude towards sport psychologists by female athletes in relation to other sport-oriented and mental health professionals. Ninety female student athletes made judgements of similarity between 11 practitioner terms using the triad method. A rank-order task was also completed, where the 11 professionals were ranked on three expertise variables in sporting, mental and physical issues. The results were analysed using (1) the metric scaling procedure of correspondence analysis, (2) cultural consensus analysis and (3) PROperty FITting analysis. A two-dimensional solution provided the best interpretation of the similarity judgements. The correspondence analysis configuration positioned the sport psychologist centrally between a sport-oriented pair and the cluster of mental health professionals. Participants reported adequate consensus on all three expertise variables, which is consistent with the assumptions of Cultural Consensus Theory. Consistent with earlier research, the three variables were salient in the participants' similarity judgements of sport and mental health professionals. Our results suggest the existence of a more favourable perception of the sport psychologist and a distancing from a direct association with mental health practitioners. However, the centrality of the term may indicate a more cloudy distinction as to where the sport psychologist exists in relation to other professionals.  相似文献   

技能类运动竞赛裁判员评分合理性评价方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本研究依据定量的评价方法,对技能类运动竞赛裁判员在执行裁判中主观评分的公正性、合理性进行优劣排序评价,以期裁判员在执行裁判中进一步做到公正、准确。  相似文献   

This study examined the integration of professional judgement and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. The study utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. Results revealed that, in order to make judgements and decisions in practice, expert coaches employ a range of practical and pedagogic management strategies to create and opportunistically use time for decision-making. These approaches include span of control and time management strategies to facilitate the decision-making process regarding risk management, venue selection, aims, objectives, session content, and differentiation of the coaching process. The implication for coaches, coach education, and accreditation is the recognition and training of the approaches that “create time” for the judgements in practice, namely “creating space to think”. The paper concludes by offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in adventure sports coaching.  相似文献   

乒乓球运动员应加强快速、准确、灵活的步法训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了乒乓球运动员在短时间内,根据来球方向、速度、落点以及旋转等快速作出判断时步法移动的重要意义,并提出一些训练措施。  相似文献   

张岩 《体育与科学》2002,23(2):4-6,3
1.论述了概念在科学认识形成中的作用,举例说明了由于在体育学研究中概念不准确而带来的认识和判断错误。2.对体育学的一个基本概念进行了剖析,以实例说明善于咬文嚼字对于达到概念准确的必要性。3.建立起一批内涵准确用语规范的基本概念,并以此为中心形成一个逻辑严谨的概念系统,是体育学学科建设的重要任务。  相似文献   

篮球裁判员知觉技能水平的测量与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用比赛情景测试的方法,对不同等级篮球裁判员的知觉技能水平进行了测量与评价。结果显示,这一方法能有效区分不同等级篮球裁判员的知觉技能水平。有效评价指标是正确判断次数和漏判次数。  相似文献   

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