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在《中国文化研究》2018年第1期,我们已经发表了有关宗教学研究和教育的三篇文章,它们分别是:牟钟鉴先生的《中国宗教学的发展历程和历史责任》、卓新平教授的《士的担当与宗教学的未来》以及拙作《中国文化整体视域下的宗教学研究》。本期就有关问题继续刊发的文章,是北京大学哲学系张志刚教授的《立足中国、面向世界的宗教学》和中国社会科学院哲学所张志强教授的《基于生命教育和艺术教育的宗教学教育》。这两篇文章内容非常丰富,见地也非常深刻:前者立足于我国高校宗教学建设的历史和现实,详尽论述了加强宗教学建设应秉持的“三大着力点”,即坚持与发展马克思主义宗教观、扎根并弘扬中国文化传统、宗教学建设的国际学术视野,用心深远,宏博缜密;后者则紧密围绕生命教育,阐发了高校宗教学教育要纳入高校的通识教育课程体系的必要性,并指出宗教学教育要和艺术教育相结合,并能够从个体生命的关怀贯通于集体命运和历史进程,格局广大,见识高远。  相似文献   

民族学与宗教学在西方几乎是同时产生、平行发展的。从西方引进了民族学之后,受苏联模式的影响,我们曾经认为宗教是鸦片,所以,宗教学的创建受到过阻碍。改革开放以后,宗教学研究方才逐渐兴起和发展。中央民族大学"宗教学"学科体系的建立,直接参与和推动了中国"民族宗教学"的酝酿和发展。同时,值得注意的是,宗教研究并非是"价值中立"的纯客观,应该是"同情之默应,心性之体会",其目标是为了使人民更好地认识宗教,引导宗教与社会主义相适应。中华民族的民族格局是"多元一体"的,与之相应,中国宗教则是"多元通和"的模式。中国是一个宗教的联合国,中国人是信仰的混血儿,中国人的宗教和哲学具有良性的互动,有一种"中庸的性格"。  相似文献   

正中共中央2004年3月发出《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》,要大力实施哲学社会科学"走出去"战略,采取各种有效措施扩大我国哲学社会科学在世界上的影响。为此,过去的十年间,全国各高校和科研机构中国哲学社会科学领域的学者们致力于学术对外传播,取得了丰硕的成果。在中国学术"走出去"的道路上,邓正来教授认为,我们的优势在于对中国的认识,因此至少可以拿出三样东西走向世界:1.让中国的哲学文化传统走向世界;2.让对当  相似文献   

高校的宗教学教育应立足于生命教育,成为通识教育的一个环节,而不应简单地介绍各大宗教的具体知识,要讲授各大宗教怎么理解生命,以使学生能够尽伦尽制,获得更高的、更丰富的生命支撑。宗教学教育要结合审美的方式出现,要和艺术教育相结合,把学生伟大的情感激发出来、召唤出来,使学生能够从道德中享受到美,从而达致真善美的合一境界。  相似文献   

<正>为深入贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,着力推进中国特色高校哲学社会科学话语体系建设,全国哲学社会科学话语体系建设协调会议办公室拟于2015年10月在北京联合召开"全国哲学社会科学话语体系建设理论研讨会"。届时,中国社科院、中央外宣办、教育部、中央党校、国家行政学院、中央文献研究室、中央党史研究室、中央编译局、中国外文局等协调会议成员单位负责同志将出席会议。此次会议由教育部承办,面向全国进行征文,以文入会。  相似文献   

<正>辽宁社会科学院民俗学文化学研究所,是辽宁省哲学社会科学重点建设的优长学科民俗学的责任单位,学术带头人为曲彦斌研究员。  相似文献   

本文首先对古典文献学的特点及在学术研究中的地位作了深刻的阐述 ,认为对材料的全面掌握和正确解读是人文社会科学研究取得突破与重大进展的基础 ,而先进的理论与方法则是保证。各门学科有各门学科的特点 ,文献学理论更接近于技术性方法论 ,它可以印证哲学的结论 ,给哲学研究范围的扩展和理论的发展提供依据 ,但不能要求它成为哲学的分支。其次 ,本文对自己在宋前戏剧、敦煌文学、简帛、诗赋等方面的文献学研究工作作了一个简单的回顾。最后论述了文学学与学术规范的关系问题。对当前的古代文学研究与古典文献学的理论建设有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

宗教文化是人类文化中非常重要的方面。我们要把宗教教育看作是人文教育里面一个非常重要的部分,或者说看作一种基础教育。从小学来讲可以是国民教育,从大学来讲可以是通识教育。蔡元培先生认为可以"伦理代宗教"、"哲学代宗教"、"美育代宗教",指向了宗教学教育引导人性走向真善美的根本立场。研究宗教这种文化现象有各种路向,法无定法。在西方的宗教观念里面,"神圣性"和"世俗化"是相分离的,而中国宗教的特点是"人圣性"和"生活化"相统一的。故而,用一些生搬硬套的西方宗教学的概念来研究中国宗教并不适用。每一种宗教文化特点的形成是跟它整个的文化特质分不开的。认识中国的宗教文化,需要关联到整个中国文化背景和人文特质。  相似文献   

高校作为培养国家战略人才的重要基地,现已逐步成为宗教文化宣传和宗教势力渗透的重要场所。高校青年教师和大学生在我国改革开放的进程中,不断以开放的思维去探索和发现未知领域,青年群体的信仰,亦呈现多元化发展的趋势。宗教学作为一门新兴的学科,正逐步走进大学校园的课堂,并被越来越多的教师和大学生关注。新形势下,青年教师和大学生清醒、客观、正确地认识宗教及宗教信仰,对高校统战工作具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

正习近平总书记在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上指出,我们不仅要让世界知道"舌尖上的中国",还要让世界知道"学术中的中国""理论中的中国""哲学社会科学中的中国",让世界知道"发展中的中国""开放中的中国""为人类文明作贡献的中国"。宏伟的国家治理现代化进程以及卓越的治理效能,为中国向世界以学术的方式、理论的方式呈现自己的这些多维面向提供了丰富的内容、实践的支撑。要向国际社会讲好"中国的制度故事""中国的治理故事",应该将中国的制度优势和治理效能放在世界背景下,通过比较方式重点揭示中国制度优势的一般性,激发国际受众的共鸣,夯实受众认知的理性基础。之所以要这  相似文献   

Matthew Stanley 《Minerva》2008,46(2):181-194
This paper argues that that political context of British science popularization in the inter-war period was intimately tied to contemporary debates about religion and science. A leading science popularizer, the Quaker astronomer A.S. Eddington, and one of his opponents, the materialist Chapman Cohen, are examined in detail to show the intertwined nature of science, philosophy, religion, and politics.
Matthew StanleyEmail:

Matthew Stanley   is associate professor in the Gallatin School at New York University. He conducts research on the history of the physical sciences as well as the history of science and religion.  相似文献   

Don K. Price 《Minerva》1988,26(3):416-428
Conclusion The social sciences stand at a strange crossroads. There is a greater need for disciplined inquiry into the issues of policy facing the United States. Yet the incentives in the political system, and in the professional guilds of those performing social research, discourage a close involvement of many prominent social scientists with policy. The political system, fearing an elite imposing its values on society, welcomes the natural scientist who seems to conform to the model of the politically neutral expert who solves problems and addresses facts. This model also fits the higher ranks of the civil service, made up of specialists rather than generalist administrators, and the outside advisers serving officials concerned with high policy. Likewise, to protect themselves from changes of partisanship, leading academic social scientists forsake policy concerns for topics within the analytic traditions of Weberian Wertfreiheit. Just as Weber sought to avoid censorship by value neutral scholarship, the modern social scientist disdains the normative concerns of policy in favour of more tractable, morally neutral issues defined as the core of the discipline.The country needs to draw some of the best analytical talent in the social science community into the policy process and advisory roles. Disciplined inquiry cannot be left only to technicians whose professional interests are far removed from political, economic, social and other human sciences. To promote better policy and better social science, we should encourage serious, professionally grounded inquiry into social values, the directions of policy, and the role and proper limits of state power. In the clamour of American politics, there is little danger that policy will be monopolised by an elite group, but considerable danger that debate on policy will be impoverished by the absence of those most knowledgeable about social and economic reality.A revised and expanded version of the first Dael L. Wolfle Lecture given on 6 October, 1987, at the Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle. Don K. Price was dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and is the author ofGovernment and Science (1954),The Scientific Estate (1965) andAmerica's Unwritten Constitution (1983). He has held senior posts in the United States Bureau of the Budget, the Defense Research and Development Board, and the Ford Foundation, and was an adviser to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson.  相似文献   

In Portugal, as elsewhere, the rhetoric of managerialism in higher education is becoming firmly entrenched in the governmental policymakers?? discourse and has been widely disseminated across the institutional landscape. Managerialism is an important ideological support of New Public Management policies and can be classified as a narrative of strategic change. In this paper, we analyse how far the managerialism narrative has been injected into the discursive repertory of Portuguese academics in their role as the co-ordinators of the higher education institutions?? teaching and academic middle levels. Based on an analysis of interview responses, it seems that most academics support traditional academic values such as autonomy and collegiality, and reject university or polytechnic governance based on corporate philosophy.  相似文献   

Funding agencies in Canada are attempting to break down the organizational boundaries between disciplines to promote interdisciplinary research and foster the integration of the social sciences into the health research field. This paper explores the extent to which biomedical and clinician scientists’ perceptions of social science research operate as a cultural boundary to the inclusion of social scientists into this field. Results indicated that cultural boundaries may impede social scientists’ entry into the health research field through three modalities: (1) biomedical and clinician scientists’ unfavourable and ambivalent posture towards social science research; (2) their opposition to a resource increase for the social sciences; and (3) clinician scientists procedural assessment criteria for social science. The paper also discusses the merits and limitations of Tom Gieryn’s concept of boundary-work for studying social dynamics within the field of science.
Brian D. HodgesEmail:

Michael Chayut 《Minerva》1994,32(3):297-308
Conclusion Carothers's polymerisation theory, and Flory's enunciation of equal reactivities, were hybrids of ideas, extensions by analogy of the principles and methods of rigorous scientific disciplines into a new field, still in a state of conceptual unclarity. Their hybrid-ideas were radical innovations which contributed towards establishing polymer chemistry as a separate chemical discipline. Joseph Ben-David's theory of hybridisation can cast new light on the social and technological origins of significant innovations in twentieth-century science. Carothers and Flory's enunciations of radically novel ideas were inseperable from their identification with the new role of polymer chemist.Quasi-academic or academically peripheral milieux have had a systematic, indeed historic, role in bringing about innovations in fundamental science, in isolating significant problems and fruitful analogies, and in shaping new types of academic careers. This mechanism at the periphery offsets the pressures for conformity and orthodoxy which otherwise tend to prevail in academic science at the centre.  相似文献   

This study employs Cultural Identity Spectrum Theory to analyze identity construction and positioning of faith-based nonprofit organizations (FBOs). Intercultural communication studies have not adequately analyzed religion and identity, particularly as they intersect with socio-economic class and racial marginalization. Because religion is one of the most conflict-ridden social divides, the study situates FBOs as important (inter)cultural sites, and traces an FBO's Secular–Religious location on the Cultural Identity Spectrum to critically engage cultural discourses surrounding the organization, to shift its identity to serve historically marginalized groups. Building on the dialectical approach the study interrogates challenges of creating partnerships with diverse community stakeholders to promote enduring and far-reaching social change.  相似文献   

Feldman  Maryann P.  Desrochers  Pierre 《Minerva》2004,42(2):105-126
American research universities have long been a source of technical advance for industry, yet few have written on the history of university-industry relationships. This essay examines the evolution of practices and policies at Johns Hopkins University, which was established in 1876 as the first research university in the United States. Although an academic vision shaped its founding culture, the interests of technology transfer increasingly shape that culture. This essay considers the tensions between academic research and commercial orientation and the process of changing university orientation and culture.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics – the so-called shotgun marriage between biology and computer science – is an interdiscipline. Despite interdisciplinarity being seen as a virtue, for having the capacity to solve complex problems and foster innovation, it has the potential to place projects and people in anomalous categories. For example, valorised ‘outputs’ in academia are often defined and rewarded by discipline. Bioinformatics, as an interdisciplinary bricolage, incorporates experts from various disciplinary cultures with their own distinct ways of working. Perceived problems of interdisciplinarity include difficulties of making explicit knowledge that is practical, theoretical, or cognitive. But successful interdisciplinary research also depends on an understanding of disciplinary cultures and value systems, often only tacitly understood by members of the communities in question. In bioinformatics, the ‘parent’ disciplines have different value systems; for example, what is considered worthwhile research by computer scientists can be thought of as trivial by biologists, and vice versa. This paper concentrates on the problems of reward and recognition described by scientists working in academic bioinformatics in the United Kingdom. We highlight problems that are a consequence of its cross-cultural make-up, recognising that the mismatches in knowledge in this borderland take place not just at the level of the practical, theoretical, or epistemological, but also at the cultural level too. The trend in big, interdisciplinary science is towards multiple authors on a single paper; in bioinformatics this has created hybrid or fractional scientists who find they are being positioned not just in-between established disciplines but also in-between as middle authors or, worse still, left off papers altogether.  相似文献   

凤子 《文化交流》2012,(8):50-53
叶景葵(1874-1949),字揆初,号卷庵,浙江杭州人。光绪癸卯年(1903)进士。辛亥革命后,弃官就商,走上实业救国的道路,担任浙江兴业银行上海总行董事长达三十年,是著名的银行家。在民国的金融业发展中,“叶氏”的名字鲜明地浮现,除了银行家的风采之外,更缘于其在另一片书香弥漫的世界中所留下的印迹,  相似文献   

Louise Ackers 《Minerva》2008,46(4):411-435
This paper discusses the relationship between internationalisation, mobility, quality and equality in the context of recent developments in research policy in the European Research Area (ERA). Although these developments are specifically concerned with the growth of research capacity at European level, the issues raised have much broader relevance to those concerned with research policy and highly skilled mobility. The paper draws on a wealth of recent research examining the relationship between mobility and career progression with particular reference to a recently completed empirical study of doctoral mobility in the social sciences (Ackers et al. Doctoral Mobility in the Social Sciences. Report to the NORFACE ERA-Network, 2007). The paper is structured as follows. The first section introduces recent policy developments including the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the European Commission’s Green Paper on the ERA. The discussion focuses on concerns around the definition of ‘mobility’ and the tendency (in both policy circles and academic research) to conflate different forms of mobility and to equate these with notions of excellence or quality. Scientific mobility is shaped as much by ‘push’ factors (limited opportunity) as it is by the ‘draw’ of excellence. Scientists are exercising a degree of ‘choice’ within a specific and individualised framework of constraints. The following sections consider some of the ‘professional’ and ‘personal’ factors shaping scientific mobility and the influence that these have on the relationship between mobility, internationalisation and excellence. The paper concludes that mobility is not an outcome in its own right and must not be treated as such (as an implicit indicator of internationalisation). To do so contributes to differential opportunity in scientific labour markets reducing both efficiency and equality.
Louise AckersEmail:

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