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痴呆可给患者及其家庭的生活质量带来毁灭性影响,并造成巨大的社会花费。世界卫生 组织认为预防痴呆是公共卫生服务的重点。治疗相关危险因素从而延缓痴呆发病将带来巨大的个 人和社会效益。经验性证据表明,在高收入国家,更健康的生活方式会使痴呆的发病率逐渐下降。 这些观察性研究的结果支持痴呆是可以被预防的,而且一些预防措施已经在发挥作用。预期寿命的 延长使得痴呆的患病率逐渐增加,在这种情况下,更需要通过审慎的预防措施来降低痴呆的发病率。 越来越多认知功能正常的个体到记忆门诊就诊,以寻求评估痴呆风险、预防痴呆或提高认知功能 的方法。不断有证据提示,这些人群中确实有部分个体存在痴呆的风险。新的健康需求要求我们将 服务对象从认知障碍患者转变为担心自身认知功能但没有认知损害的个体。不过,目前的记忆门诊 并没有合适的流程和方案服务于这种新的对象群体。我们设想发展新的脑健康服务(brain health services,BHSs)来满足那些没有认知损害但担心自身认知功能的个体的健康需求。BHSs的任务包括: 痴呆风险评估、痴呆风险沟通、降低痴呆风险和认知改善。在本文中,我们提出了建立BHSs将面临 的组织和结构挑战。  相似文献   

越来越多的证据表明,通过实施以危险因素为靶点的预防计划可降低痴呆的发病率。为了 加快这项预防计划的实施,我们提出了新一代脑健康服务(brain health services,BHSs)的设想,其中 包括风险评估、风险沟通、风险降低和认知改善。风险沟通的目的是使处于风险中的个体能够做出 正确的决定并且采取行动保护自己,是个体化降低痴呆发病风险策略的关键步骤。同时,痴呆风险 的沟通也是复杂和具有挑战性的。本文将从以下方面阐述关于风险沟通的系列观点:①从伦理、临 床和社会的角度,进行痴呆风险沟通的展望;②记忆门诊提供的经验;③从临床试验和观察性研究 中获得的披露载脂蛋白E和阿尔茨海默病生物标志物检测结果影响的现有证据;④根据BHSs建立登 记制度的价值;⑤关于有效的痴呆风险沟通策略的实用建议。此外,目前的挑战还在于缺乏在个体 层面上如何告知痴呆的实际风险,以及如何以最佳方式沟通痴呆风险的证据,尤其是对认知功能未 受损但担忧未来痴呆风险增加的个体。理想情况下,痴呆风险沟通策略应该能最大限度地提高个 体了解其健康/疾病状况的预期影响并将其潜在危害降至最低。因此,有必要对痴呆风险沟通的影 响进行更多的研究,以达到以下目的:①评估不同风险沟通方法对认知、情感和行为领域等方面预 后的优势;②制订基于证据的、统一的痴呆风险沟通指南;③开发电子工具以支持和促进BHSs遵守这 些指南。根据对研究的回顾,我们建议痴呆风险沟通应该精确,采用绝对风险、视觉显示和时间框 架,基于共享决策过程,说明任何可能情况的固有不确定性。  相似文献   

脑健康服务(brain health services,BHSs)是一种个体化预防痴呆的新方法.本文将讨论痴呆或认知障碍与社会、文化和经济背景的关系,以及痴呆预防的社会背景相关领域的挑战,并基于此提出更有效的干预方式.首先,我们关注BHSs如何应对痴呆风险人群、如何识别痴呆的危险因素以及干预措施的效果;其次,我们强调B...  相似文献   

我们计划开展一项新的脑健康服务(brain health services,BHSs),以实现痴呆一级和二级 预防目标。该服务将对现有的记忆门诊进行补充,重点针对认知尚未受损的目标人群,对其进行疾 病风险分析并制订个体化的干预措施,而不是疾病晚期的诊断和治疗。在本文中,我们回顾了痴呆 主要的可干预危险因素和遗传危险因素,并讨论了风险评估方法及其他可能的体液和影像生物标志 物。考虑了疾病的一些不确定性和疑难之处后,总结了涵盖多领域的干预措施和风险预测模型,为 BHSs提供了实用指南。根据BHSs用户的年龄、风险等级和可利用的资源对其进行痴呆风险分析。初步 的风险评估应该包含多领域的风险预测方法,对39~64岁的用户,我们推荐心血管危险因素、衰老和 痴呆发生率(cardiovascular risk factors,aging,and incidence of dementia,CAIDE)评分,而对于≥65岁 的用户,我们推荐简要痴呆筛查量表(brief dementia screening indicator,BDSI)和澳大利亚国立大学设 计的阿尔茨海默病风险指数(Australian national university Alzheimer’s disease risk index,ANU-ADRI )。 初步评估还应包括可干预的危险因素,如社会人口、生活方式和健康因素。如果条件允许,应进行 载脂蛋白E(apolipoprotein E,APOE)ε4基因型检测和结构MRI。如果初步评估提示用户的痴呆风险低, 那么可以采取低强度的干预措施;如果用户有较高的痴呆风险,在条件允许的情况下应该完善更多 的检查。常见的痴呆风险基因一般在晚发型痴呆的中老年人群中进行检测,而较罕见的基因变异型 一般在具有痴呆家族史,特别是一级亲属有早发型痴呆的人群中检测。18氟-脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射 断层扫描(18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography,FDG-PET)或淀粉PET等高级影像学检查 可以帮助高风险人群明确其可能的病理机制和病理蛋白的沉积范围。不建议在初步筛查中进行脑脊 液生物标志物的检测,而血液生物标志物在临床应用前需要进一步验证。新技术的出现,人工智能 的进步,提高了我们整合不同数据的能力,风险预测也更加全面。总的来说,通过风险分析、风险告 知、个体化风险干预和改善认知等措施,BHSs有望减少未来痴呆带来的负担。  相似文献   

越来越多的证据表明血管因素对痴呆的表现和临床过程有潜在重要性,磁共振成像脑白质高信号是脑小血管病的一种重要的影像学的表现,本文目的是对脑白质高信号在健康人群以及痴呆人群中的患病率,脑白质高信号与痴呆认知功能障碍以及精神行为症状之间的联系,以及目前有关脑白质损害的预防以及治疗方法进行综述。  相似文献   

痴呆预防的关键是要从可干预的危险因素入手。其中,营养或依赖营养的危险因素尤为重 要,通过调整饮食结构或使用膳食补充剂,即可能降低危险因素水平。血浆总同型半胱氨酸(serum total homocysteine,tHcy)水平升高属于上述的一项危险因素,其反映了3种B族维生素(叶酸、维生素 B12、维生素B6)的功能状态。专家们回顾分析了近20年的文献证据,基于Bradford Hill标准并达成共识, 认为血浆总tHcy水平升高是老年人认知功能损害、痴呆和AD发生的可干预的危险因素。在各项临床 研究中,tHcy水平中度升高(在正常范围内)的老年人发生痴呆的相对危险度为1.15~2.5,人群归因 危险度为4.3%~31%。对老年人进行认知功能损害干预的试验表明,使用B族维生素可降低tHcy水 平,并显著减缓全脑和区域性脑萎缩的发展速度,以及认知功能下降的速度。该结果进一步支持老 年人群中常见的血浆总tHcy水平中度升高(>11 μmol/L)是导致年龄相关的认知功能损害和痴呆的 原因之一。因此,应避免低估老年人中总tHcy升高的公共卫生意义,毕竟应用B族维生素治疗是简单、 廉价和安全的,但仍需要进一步的试验来确定B族维生素能否减缓或预防有认知损害或痴呆风险人 群进展为痴呆。  相似文献   

痴呆是指伴随有进行性日常生活能力下降的认知减退或行为损害的综合征.鉴于目前缺乏有效的逆转病程的治疗手段以及药物治疗效果局限,治疗策略正拟向病前干预模式转移,旨在实现功能的最大化以及减缓认知减退,由此作为主要非药物治疗之一的认知干预,近年发展迅速,现将对不同人群中防治痴呆的认知干预综述如下.  相似文献   

越来越多的证据表明, 心房颤动除了会增加死亡率以及卒中风险, 还可能增加认知功能障碍及痴呆风险, 且独立于卒中事件。然而, 目前心房颤动与认知功能的关联在临床对于心房颤动患者的风险分层、监测与治疗管理当中往往被忽视。心房颤动与大脑改变的关系及其机制以及心房颤动相关治疗是否能有效改善脑结构与功能, 目前缺乏共识。文中通过检索文献, 分析心房颤动与认知功能的关系, 探讨其可能的机制, 并进一步探讨心房颤动相关治疗对于认知功能和脑部病变的效益。  相似文献   

脑白质变化与痴呆   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前 ,脑白质变化 (WMC)与认知功能损害没有受到重视 ,影像及病理研究显示WMC与认知功能降低或痴呆发生有显著关系。血管性痴呆 (VD)、Alzheimer痴呆 (AD)存在明显WMC ,其与痴呆的发生和程度相关。其它以白质损害为主的疾病 ,如皮层下动脉硬化性脑病、多发性硬化等也合并认知功能损害。WMC在不同类型痴呆发生中的作用及机制尚不清楚。  相似文献   

背景 深部小梗死(腔隙性梗死),脑白质病变(脑白质疏松或白质高信号)和进行性认知损害或痴呆之间的联系和发病机制尚存在许多争议。概要 我们假设脑小血管内皮(即血管屏障)功能障碍(血浆成分漏入血管壁和周围脑组织导致神经元损害)可以促进3种相互重叠的致残性脑血管疾病的发生;腔隙性卒中,脑白质疏松和痴呆。这一假说能够解释缺血性脑小血管病与数种临床上似乎显著不同的痴呆综合征之间的联系。腔隙性卒中和脑白质疏松的病理学、流行病学和实验研究以及血脑屏障的MRI观察结果均支持这一假说。我们推测,作为能联系血管性疾病和常见的隐匿起病的致残性脑病的一个致病步骤,血脑屏障破坏的潜在重要性一直被忽视。例如,脂质透明变性-一种起因不明的病理学表现,可能造成某些散发腔隙性梗死——可能是敌国脑屏障破坏表现的临床疾病谱的一个结局。结论 血脑屏障破坏是一这些疾病的关键,这些证据提供了一个新的治疗靶点以减轻血管性病变对脑的危害以及预防认知功能减退和痴呆。  相似文献   

Epidemiological data on a national sample of 3,698 adolescents, of whom 145 were adopted, indicate that adoption significantly increases the likelihood of referral for psychiatric treatment even after controlling for the fact that adoptees display more behavior problems and come from more educated families. This is accounted for by the fact that adoptees are significantly more likely to be referred when they display few problems. Thus, contrary to popular myth and clinical lore, the overrepresentation of young adoptees in clinical settings is not attributable solely to the fact that adoptees are more troubled. Rather, adoptees do display more problems but they are also referred more readily even after controlling for extent of problems.  相似文献   

Gene therapy is now a very promising approach for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, for which there are currently few treatment options. However, gene therapy is invasive and irreversible, and its long-term effects are not yet known. Regulatable vectors allow the expression of the introduced gene to be adjusted or stopped by changing the dose of an oral inducer drug, thus adding an important safety mechanism as well as the ability to tailor the dose to an individual patient's needs. Although the use of conventional gene therapy should not be delayed until regulatable systems are available, clinical trials of regulatable gene therapies are imminent. Regulatable systems provide the best hope for safely delivering effective, flexible treatments over the long course of Parkinson's disease, and their development should be actively supported.  相似文献   

Young offenders are an issue of global concern. Despite a greater understanding of the aetiology of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency, the research on treatments and the use of evidence-based methods of interventions has not kept pace. This review critically and selectively examined interventions for young offenders, and organises them based on levels of care. The challenge is to intervene using empirical strategies that are implemented based on our emerging understanding of aggression.  相似文献   


The recent Australian Study on Low Prevalence Disorders (Jablensky et al., 2000) found that, whilst most Australians with a psychotic illness (91%) were taking medication, few were receiving adequate psychosocial support from mental health services; fully 47% of the sample perceived the need for a particular type of service which was not able to be accessed by them, either because of it simply not being available or not being affordable (65% and 49%, respectively, of respondents identified these as barriers). This article outlines a proposed framework that will help meet some of this deficit. The program will develop, evaluate and disseminate comprehensive modular treatment packages addressing the psychosocial needs of people with psychotic disorders. It is novel in terms of the comprehensiveness of the approach, the rigour of the evaluation (using controlled experimental design), and the extent of inter-sectoral and multidisciplinary involvement in mapping needs, developing the interventions, and dissemination.  相似文献   

Gene therapy for muscular dystrophy represents a promising avenue of pursuit for a disease with a limited repertoire of treatment. Recent successes in the research arena using adeno-associated viral vectors should accelerate the movement of gene-based therapeutics for muscle disorders into the clinic. Nevertheless, significant challenges remain before gene therapy can deliver on the promises avowed by early pioneers of the field. This review examines recent progress and the hurdles remaining to achieve gene-based treatment therapies for muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Gene therapy for muscular dystrophy represents a promising avenue of pursuit for a disease with a limited repertoire of treatment. Recent successes in the research arena using adeno-associated viral vectors should accelerate the movement of gene-based therapeutics for muscle disorders into the clinic. Nevertheless, significant challenges remain before gene therapy can deliver on the promises avowed by early pioneers of the field. This review examines recent progress and the hurdles remaining to achieve gene-based treatment therapies for muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Genome scan for susceptibility loci for schizophrenia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia is a relatively common, often chronic and debilitating mental illness. Evidence from various studies has clearly demonstrated that genetic factors contribute substantially to the etiology. The goal of this study was to identify chromosomal regions likely to contain schizophrenia susceptibility genes. METHODS: A genome-wide map of 388 microsatellite DNA markers was genotyped in 5 schizophrenia families. Nonparametric linkage analysis (Genehunter) was used to assess the pattern of allele sharing at each marker locus relative to the presence of disease. RESULTS: Nonparametric linkage scores did not reach a genome-wide level of statistical significance (p < 0.00002) or a p value suggestive of linkage (p < 0.007) for any marker; however, one p value suggested replicated linkage (p < 0.01) at chromosome 6p24 in region D6S309 (p = 0.0047). Furthermore, 11 markers resulted in p < 0.05 at chromosomes 6p, 6q, 10q, 12q and 14q. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the differences in diagnostic schemes, in markers used and methods of analyses between studies published so far, we think that our result supports the notion that there is possibly some consistent evidence for replicated linkage of a schizophrenia susceptibility locus around the region of D6S309 at chromosome 6p24.  相似文献   

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