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目的 探讨改良Watson-Jones(OCM)入路微创全髋置换术的技术要点,观察临床应用效果.方法 2005年1月-2006年12月采用OCM入路微创全髋置换术治疗髋关节损伤及疾病患者35例,其中男16例,女19例;年龄(65.9±6.8)岁;体重指数(24.4±3.2).记录每例患者的切口长度、手术时间、术中及术后输血量、术后住院天数、并发症、假体位置、髋关节功能评分(Harris评分法)等,分析该方法的临床效果.结果 手术切口(8.3±0.9)cm;手术时间(92.1±13.5)min;输血量(300±218.2)ml;髋臼外展角(46.3±2.9)°;术后住院天数(7.9±1.7)d.平均随访17.3个月(6~24个月).前20例患者术后3个月有11例患者主诉臀部疼痛,术后6个月有9例,术后12个月减少到5例;后15例未出现类似症状.无感染、脱位、血管神经损伤或深静脉栓塞等并发症.末次随访Harris评分为(91.3±5.7)分.结论 OCM入路微创全髋置换术创伤小,术后患者康复信心足,辅以适当的功能锻炼可获得较快的恢复.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同手术入路行全髋关节置换术对髋臼假体位置及术后早期髋关节功能的影响。方法 2014年5月—2016年5月绵阳市骨科医院髋关节科应用全髋关节置换术治疗126例患者,随机分为后外侧入路组和直接前入路组,各63例。比较两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、术后卧床时间、术后住院时间,以及不同时间点的VAS评分、髋臼外展角、前倾角及随访结果。结果两组手术时间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在术中出血量、术后卧床时间、术后住院时间上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);直接前入路组术后24、48、72h的VAS评分均显著低于后外侧入路组,术后1个月的Harris髋关节功能评分显著高于后外侧入路组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组在髋臼外展角、前倾角及术前、术后6~24个月的Harris髋关节功能评分上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。患者均获得1~2年的随访,均无严重并发症发生,假体位置良好。结论与后外侧入路对比,采用直接前入路行全髋关节置换术,在不影响髋臼假体位置的前提下,能避免肌肉损伤,获得快速髋关节功能恢复,是一种安全、可靠的手术入路,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨前外侧肌间隙入路式微创全髋关节置换术对老年患者早期炎症反应的影响。方法选取2015年9月至2016年11月巴中市中心医院收治的需要进行微创全髋关节置换术的患者90例为研究对象。按照随机数字表法分将患者为A组和B组,每组各45例。A组患者实行前外侧肌间隙入路式微创全髋关节置换术治疗,B组患者进行传统手术治疗。比较两组患者治疗后切口长度、术中出血量、手术时间、引流量、置换后Harris评分、患者满意度及炎症因子变化等情况。结果治疗后,A组患者的术中出血量、引流量、手术时间、术中切口大小均明显低于B组,组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组患者炎症因子IL-1、IL-6及TNF-α水平均有所下降,A组下降程度高于B组,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组患者的Harris评分高于B组,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组患者的满意率为84.5%,明显高于B组的46.7%,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论前外侧肌间隙入路式微创全髋关节置换术对老年患者的创伤较小,具有降低炎症因子的作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经微创Supercap入路半髋关节置换治疗老年移位股骨颈骨折的临床效果.方法 回顾性分析2017年1月—2019年10月新乡医学院第一附属医院收治老年移位股骨颈骨折患者80例,男性42例,女性38例;年龄70~86岁,平均75.6岁.按照手术方法 的不同分为微创组和传统组,各40例.传统组给予传统后外侧入路行半髋关节置换术治疗,微创组经微创Supercap入路半髋关节置换术治疗.比较两组患者手术情况、术后1周内发症发生率,手术优良率,术前及术后2、4、8、12周VAS评分,术前及术后3个月生活质量评分.结果 微创组手术时间(78.9±10.3)min、术中失血量(188.4±29.1)mL、手术切口长度(5.2±1.2)cm、住院时间(10.4±2.8)d,均少于传统组(86.1±14.2)min、(219.2±34.5)mL、(6.3±1.7)cm、(14.7±2.9)d(P<0.05).微创组并发症发生率8%(3/40)低于传统组25%(10/40);手术效果优良率93%(37/40)高于传统组73%(29/40),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).微创组术后2、4、8、12周VAS评分均低于传统组(P<0.05).术后3个月微创组生活质量各项评分均高于传统组(P<0.05).结论 经微创Super-cap入路半髋关节置换术治疗老年移位股骨颈骨折能降低患者手术创伤,手术安全性及手术效果优良率较高,减轻患者术后疼痛感,提高患者生活质量,值得临床推荐.  相似文献   

目的通过测量髋臼假体的外展角与前倾角,探讨全髋关节置换术(THA)中采用直接前方入路(DAA)放置髋臼假体的准确性。方法选取2015年7月至2016年1月收治的THA中采用DAA放置髋臼假体的患者81例(100髋),手术均由同一名具有高级职称的医师完成,术中使用可透光手术床,结合透视与髋臼假体导向器放置髋臼假体。术后骨盆正位X线影像测量髋臼假体的外展角与前倾角,并与Lewinneck安全区(外展角30°~50°,前倾角5°~25°)进行比较,评估THA中采用DAA放置髋臼假体的准确性。结果患者术后髋臼假体的外展角为(39.00°±4.47°),前倾角为(14.29°±5.50°);91.0%(91/100)患者术后髋臼假体的外展角与前倾角均在Lewinneck安全区内;所有患者术后10个月均未见脱位。结论 THA中采用DAA放置髋臼假体安全有效,可准确地将假体放置在安全区内。  相似文献   

目的探讨经腹直肌外侧及改良Stoppa两种入路方式治疗髋臼骨折的临床疗效及其相关性因素分析。方法回顾性分析2012年5月—2017年7月惠州市第一人民医院骨科收治的44例髋臼骨折患者的病例资料,根据不同入路分为经腹直肌外侧切口入路组(22例)和改良Stoppa切口入路组(22例)。其中经腹直肌外侧入路组:男性12例,女性10例;年龄25~56岁,平均45. 2岁;骨折Judet-Letournel分型:简单型骨折12例,复杂型骨折10例;致伤原因:坠落伤6例,重物砸伤7例,道路交通伤9例。改良Stoppa入路组:男性11例,女性11例;年龄27~59岁,平均47. 5岁;骨折Judet-Letournel分型:简单型骨折13例,复杂型骨折9例;致伤原因:坠落伤6例,重物砸伤8例,道路交通伤8例。比较两组患者围术期相关指标(如术后髋关节功能评分、手术显露时间、术中出血量、术后并发症及骨折复位质量)等差异。结果经腹直肌外侧切口入路组和改良Stoppa切口入路组患者术后髋关节功能评分分别为(16. 7±2. 6)分和(17. 2±2. 4)分;手术显露时间为(18. 0±3. 5) min和(17. 2±4. 0) min,差异均无统计学意义(P> 0. 05);经腹直肌外侧切口入路组患者术中出血量为(628. 4±25. 9) m L,显著低于改良Stoppa切口入路组(736. 8±37. 1) m L(P <0. 05);经腹直肌外侧切口入路组和改良Stoppa切口入路组并发症发生率分别为9. 09%和36. 36%,差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05);两组患者骨折复位质量比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05)。两组患者的性别及手术入路比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05),而年龄、骨折类型、手术时机、复位质量及有无异位骨化比较差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。分析发现骨折类型、复位质量及手术时机是影响术后患者临床疗效的独立因素(P <0. 05)。结论两种前入路手术方式治疗髋臼骨折患者的临床疗效相近的情况下,经腹直肌外侧切口入路术中围术期指标更优,医师应尽力做到解剖复位,帮助髋臼骨折患者术后髋关节功能恢复。  相似文献   

目的探讨前方入路行全髋关节置换术的应用。方法回顾性分析行人工髋关节置换术的203例股骨颈骨折患者临床资料,其中男性91例,女性112例;年龄60~81岁,平均70.3岁。摔伤148例,撞击伤45例,高处坠落伤10例。采集到采用前方入路104例(A组),后外侧入路99例(B组),记录两种入路的切口长度、手术时间、术中出血量、下地扶拐负重时间。结果术后A组随访99例,B组95例,随访时间12~20个月,平均16.5个月。前方入路在手术切口长度、术中出血量、术后引流量,皮肤切口长度,住院天数、下地扶拐负重时间优于后外侧切口,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组的手术时间差异无统计学意义。结论前方入路行髋关节置换术可以减少手术创伤、减少出血、缩短卧床时间。  相似文献   

对28例单一前方腹直肌外侧切口治疗髋臼前后骨折的患者术前、术后给予抗休克、牵引固定、心理、疼痛、并发症预防、康复锻炼等护理。随访6~18个月评价功能康复情况,骨折均愈合,髋关节功能恢复良好。加强经腹直肌外侧切口入路治疗髋臼骨折患者的围手术期整体护理,是保障患者康复的关键。  相似文献   

目的 评价肌间隙入路椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折的临床疗效,并与传统后正中入路手术进行比较. 方法 选择2008年12月-2010年5月收治的42例胸腰椎单椎体骨折患者,行单纯后路椎弓根螺钉内固定复位治疗,其中椎旁肌间隙入路19例(肌间隙入路组),传统后正中入路23例(传统入路组).比较两组切口长度、手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量、术后住院时间、术前与术后视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)围术期指标及伤椎骨折复位情况,并行术后Oswestry功能障碍指数(Oswestry disability index,ODI)功能评估. 结果 两组切口长度、手术时间、术后住院时间、伤椎高度恢复差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).肌间隙入路组术中出血量为(148.5±26.5) ml,术后引流量为(72.9±17.3) ml,术后VAS评分为(1.1±0.3)分,ODI功能评分为(13.4±2.7)分,与传统入路组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 与传统后正中入路相比,采用椎旁肌间隙入路具有创伤小、出血少、疼痛轻、恢复快等优点,可作为无需椎管内减压的椎体骨折的首选手术入路.  相似文献   

目的 研究直接前方入路(DAA)与后外侧入路(PLA)全髋关节置换(THA)治疗老年股骨颈骨折(FNF)的临床效果分析.方法 前瞻性研究2015年7月—2018年6月佳木斯大学附属第一医院骨科收治的老年FNF患者96例,男性52例,女性44例;年龄62~86岁,平均73.3岁.依据随机数字表法分为DAA组(n=48)与PLA组(n=48).观察并比较两组切口长度、术中出血量、手术时间及术后住院时间等围术期指标;髋臼前倾角、外展角等影像学指标;术后1、6、12个月髋关节Harris评分及外展肌力矩;术前、术后7d血清皮质醇(Cor)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)等应激因子水平;VAS评分及血清前列腺素E2(PGE2)、缓激肽(BK)、5-羟色胺(5-HT)等疼痛因子水平以及术后并发症.结果 DAA组切口长度、术中出血量、术后住院时间、髋臼前倾角、髋臼外展角均少于PLA组[(10.48±1.16)cm vs.(13.39±1.42)cm,(229.96±24.57)mL vs.(352.76±36.85)mL,(11.89±1.34)d vs.(17.64±1.86)d,(21.54±2.25)°vs.(23.51±2.47)°,(37.98±3.93)°vs.(41.06±4.32)°],手术时间长于PLA组[(112.85±13.07)min vs.(90.38±9.22)min],P<0.05.术后1个月,DAA组髋关节Harris评分及外展肌力矩均高于PLA组[(82.39±8.41)分vs.(77.68±7.90)分,(0.23±0.04)Nm/kg vs.(0.16±0.02)Nm/kg,P<0.05];术后6个月,两组髋关节Harris评分及外展肌力矩差异均无统计学意义[(91.98±9.33)分vs.(90.79±9.28)分,(0.42±0.06)Nm/kg vs.(0.41±0.06)Nm/kg,P>0.05].术后12个月,两组髋关节Harris评分及外展肌力矩差异均无统计学意义[(93.64±9.47)分vs.(93.70±9.49)分,(0.53±0.07)Nm/kg vs.(0.52±0.06)Nm/kg,P>0.05].术后7d,DAA组VAS评分及血清Cor、NE、PGE2、BK、5-HT水平均低于PLA组[(149.88±16.69)nmol/L vs.(163.59±18.38)nmol/L,(236.49±25.48)pmol/L vs.(252.77±27.19)pmol/L,(132.44±14.96)pg/mL vs.(144.77±15.94)pg/mL,(5.41±0.56)μg/L vs.(5.84±0.60)μg/L,(136.78±15.42)ng/L vs.(148.55±16.45)ng/L,(4.83±0.52)分vs.(5.21±0.54)分,P<0.05].DAA组术后并发症发病率低于PLA组(2.08%vs.16.67%,P<0.05).结论 较PLA THA相比,DAA THA治疗老年FNF创伤小,可有效缓解机体应激,抑制疼痛因子生成,髋关节功能恢复良好,术后并发症发生率低.  相似文献   

The external hip adduction moment during walking is greater in individuals with gluteal tendinopathy (GT ) than pain‐free controls. Although this likely represents a greater demand on the hip abductor muscles implicated in GT , no study has investigated activation of these muscles in GT . For this purpose, fine wire electrodes were inserted into the segments of the gluteus minimus and medius muscles, and surface electrodes placed on the tensor fascia lata, upper gluteus maximus, and vastus lateralis muscles of eight individuals with, and eight without, GT . Participants underwent six walking trials. Individual muscle patterns were compared between groups using a wavelet‐based linear effects model and muscle synergy analysis performed using non‐negative matrix factorization to evaluate muscle activation patterns, within‐ and between‐participant variability. Compared to controls, individuals with GT exhibited a more sustained initial burst of the posterior gluteus minimus and middle gluteus medius muscle segments. Two muscle synergies were identified; Synergy‐1 activated in early‐mid stance and Synergy‐2 in early stance. In GT participants, posterior gluteus minimus and posterior gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata contributed more to Synergy‐1 active during the period of single leg support. Participants with GT exhibited reduced within‐participant variability of posterior gluteus medius and reduced between‐participant variability of anterior gluteus minimus and medius and upper gluteus maximus. In conclusion, individuals with GT exhibit modified muscle activation patterns of the hip abductor muscles during walking, with potential relevance for gluteal tendon loading.  相似文献   

The greater trochanter pain syndrome refers to pain on the lateral aspect of the hip joint. This is frequently attributed to trochanteric bursitis and distension of the subgluteal bursae. Associated tears of the tendons of gluteus medius and minimus have been described and may result from repetitive frictional trauma to these tendons and their associated bursae secondary to impingement beneath the tensor fascia lata. Occasionally tendinous damage may result from acute local direct trauma or a hyperadductive strain injury. We describe MRI in two patients with chronic lateral hip pain.  相似文献   

A case of total hip arthroplasty through a direct lateral approach is described. The patient had a markedly positive Trendelenburg test at follow-up. Radiographs showed features consistent with the denervation of the gluteus medius. This was confirmed on CT scan. The standard post-operative radiograph following a total hip replacement may suggest denervation of the gluteus medius. Received: 20 July 2000 Revision requested: 23 August 2000 Revision received: 8 October 2000 Accepted: 10 October 2000  相似文献   

BackgroundAtypical frontal plane hip kinematics are associated with iliotibial band syndrome in women runners. Gluteus medius is the primary muscle controlling the hip adduction angle during the loading response of stance. It is unclear if differences exist in gluteus medius activity magnitude and activity duration between runners with previous iliotibial band syndrome and controls. Furthermore, hip neuromechanics may change after a prolonged run.Research QuestionDo differences exist in the hip adduction angle and gluteus medius activity between women with previous iliotibial band syndrome and controls at the beginning and end of a 30-minute moderate paced treadmill run?MethodsThirty women participated (n = 15 controls). Lower extremity kinematics and gluteus medius activity were recorded at the start and end of a 30-minute treadmill run at participants’ self-selected pace. Hip kinematics and gluteus medius activity were analyzed via separate two-way (group x time) mixed-model analysis of variance with time as the repeated measure.ResultsHip neuromechanics were similar at the start and end of a 30-minute treadmill run in women with previous iliotibial band syndrome and controls. However, hip adduction excursion was less in women with previous iliotibial band syndrome compared to controls. Average gluteus medius activity magnitude and activity duration were not significantly different between groups.SignificanceThese findings support the growing body of literature that smaller hip adduction motion is related to previous iliotibial band syndrome in women. Regardless of injury history, gluteus medius activity was similar between groups during the loading phase of stance.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of abductor tendons and muscles in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients after lateral transgluteal total hip arthroplasty (THA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The institutional review board approved the study, and all patients provided informed consent. Two musculoskeletal radiologists blinded to clinical information analyzed triplanar MR images of the greater trochanter obtained in 25 patients without and 39 patients with trochanteric pain and abductor weakness after THA. Tendon defects, diameter, signal intensity, and ossification; fatty atrophy; and bursal fluid collections were assessed. In 14 symptomatic patients, MR imaging and surgical findings were correlated. Differences in the frequencies of findings between the two groups were tested for significance by using chi2 analysis. RESULTS: Tendon defects were uncommon in asymptomatic patients and significantly more frequent in symptomatic patients: Two asymptomatic versus 22 symptomatic patients had gluteus minimus defects (P < .001); four asymptomatic versus 24 symptomatic patients, lateral gluteus medius defects (P < .001); and no asymptomatic versus seven symptomatic patients, posterior gluteus medius defects (P = .025). In both patient groups, tendon signal intensity changes were frequent, with the exception of those in the posterior gluteus medius tendon, which demonstrated these changes more frequently in symptomatic patients (in 23 vs five asymptomatic patients, P = .002). Tendon diameter changes were frequent in both groups but significantly (P = .001 to P = .009) more frequent in symptomatic patients (all tendon parts). Fatty atrophy was evident in the anterior two-thirds of the gluteus minimus muscle in both groups, without significant differences. In the posterosuperior third of the gluteus minimus muscle, however, differences in fatty atrophy between the two groups were significant (P = .026). Fatty atrophy of the gluteus medius muscle was present in symptomatic patients only, with significant differences among all muscle parts. Bursal fluid collections were more frequent in symptomatic patients (n = 24) than in asymptomatic patients (n = 8, P = .021). The MR imaging-based diagnosis was confirmed in all 14 patients who underwent revision surgery. CONCLUSION: Abductor tendon defects and fatty atrophy of the gluteus medius muscle and the posterior part of the gluteus minimus muscle are uncommon in asymptomatic patients after THA.  相似文献   

目的 探讨对于无选择患者微创全髋关节置换(total hip arthroplasty,THA)后侧入路缩短切口长度的合理性,并比较不同切口长度患者的临床效果.方法对2001年3月-2007年12月共256例单侧THA患者进行前瞻性研究.术前均不特意选择切口长度,采用后侧入路及微创手术技术,按照术后切口长度测量值分组:小切口组(<10 cm)99例,中度切口组(10~14 cm)112例,标准切口组(>14 cm)45例.收集住院期间患者相关资料包括年龄、性别、诊断、体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、手术时间、术中出血量和总出血量、外旋肌保留和关节囊修复情况,分析术后X线平片,记录术中及术后并发症.术前及术后采用视觉模拟疼痛评分法(visual analog scale,VAS)来估测疼痛强度,Harris评分评定患髋功能.结果所有患者均获随访,平均随访时间6.1年(2.5~9.2年).有211例无选择THA患者可用较小的切口(<14 cm)完成手术.小切口组体重指数低,术中出血量少,术后早期疼痛轻、对切口满意度高,但其髋臼假体外展角异常比例更高,与其余两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).中度切口组在关节囊解剖位修复及梨状肌保留例数、手术时间和术后6周Harris评分与小切口组相同,但与标准切口组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论对于无选择THA患者采用微创手术技术,较小的后侧切口可以获得安全满意的疗效.尽量缩短手术切口而非强求小切口,可最大限度减轻软组织损伤使手术顺利进行,并保证远期临床效果.
Objective To explore the reasonability of posterior approach incision length in an unselected patient cohort with minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty (THA) and compare the clinical results of different incision lengths. Methods A consecutive unselected 256 patients who underwent primary unilateral THA between March 2001 and December 2007 were studied prospectively. Prior to the operation, the incision length was not deliberately selected for the patients. A posterior approach was used for all procedures with minimally invasive surgical techniques. The patients were divided into three groups according to the incision length at the end of surgery: mini-incision group ( < 10 cm, 99 patients) , moderate incision group (10-14 cm, 112 patients) and standard incision group ( > 14 cm, 45 patients). The in-hospital data including age, sex, diagnosis,body mass index (BMI),operation duration, intraoperative blood loss, total blood loss, preservation of the external rotators, anatomic repair of the capsule as well as postoperative radiographs were collected for analysis of the intraoperative and postoperative complications. The pain was estimated by using the individual visual analog scale (VAS) and the functional outcome evaluated by Harris hip score preoperatively and postoperatively. Results All the patients were followed up for an average period of 6.1 years (2.5-9.2 years). The incision length was shortened and optimized ( < 14 cm) in 211 patients. There showed decrease of BMI, less intraoperative blood loss, less pain, satisfactory outcome but higher proportion of abnormal abduction angle of the acetabular prosthesis in the early postoperative period in the mini-incision group, with statistical difference compared with the other two groups (P < 0.05). The preservation of the piriformis tendon, anatomic repair of the joint capsule, operation duration and Harris score at 6th postoperative week in the moderate incision group were similar to those in the mini incision group but showed statistical difference in comparison with the standard incision group ( P <0. 05). Conclusions Minimally invasive THA with a smaller posterior incision can attain safe and effective curative effect for the unselected patient cohort. A smaller but not necessarily miniincision may allow minimal soft tissue trauma for the surgeon to perform the procedure well and ensure a long-term clinical results.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine the relationship between gluteal muscle activity and strength and knee and hip biomechanics during single leg loading tasks.DesignCorrelation study.SettingUniversity Biomechanics laboratory.Participants34 physically active, healthy participants, (17 males and 17 females).Main outcome measuresgluteal muscle EMG activity; hip abduction and extension muscle strength; knee and hip angles and moments.ResultsIn females knee abduction moments and angles were strongly correlated to hip abduction strength across all tasks, whereas in males the relationships were less clear across tasks with both hip abduction strength and gluteus medius EMG activity showing the strongest relationships in specific tasks.ConclusionHip and knee kinetic and kinematic variables related to the development of dynamic knee valgus would appear to be influenced by gluteal muscle strength and EMG activity. The level of influence varies across single leg squatting and landing tasks and varies between genders.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate trochanteric anatomy with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, bursography, MR bursography, and anatomic analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: T1-weighted and fat-saturated T2-weighted (transverse, sagittal, coronal, and coronal oblique planes) MR imaging of the greater trochanter was performed in 10 cadaveric hips and 12 hips of asymptomatic volunteers. Three bursae comprising the trochanteric bursa complex were injected, and conventional radiography and MR imaging were performed. The specimens were sectioned for anatomic analysis, corresponding to the MR imaging planes. Tendon attachments and bursal localization were related to the facets of the greater trochanter. RESULTS: The bony surface of the greater trochanter consists of four facets: anterior, lateral, posterior, and superoposterior. The gluteus medius muscle attaches to the superoposterior and lateral facets. The gluteus minimus muscle attaches to the anterior facet. The trochanteric bursa covered the posterior facet and the lateral insertion of the gluteus medius muscle. The subgluteus medius bursa was located in the superior part of the lateral facet, underneath the gluteus medius tendon. The subgluteus minimus bursa lies in the area of the anterior facet, underneath the gluteus minimus tendon, medial and cranial to its insertion, and extends medially covering the distal anterior part of the hip joint capsule. The trochanteric bursa is delineated with fat on both sides and can be seen on transverse nonenhanced T1-weighted images as a fine line curving around the posterior part of the trochanter. CONCLUSION: MR imaging and bursography provide detailed information about the anatomy of tendinous attachments of the abductor muscles and the bursal complex of the greater trochanter.  相似文献   

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