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“课程思政”已成为当前我国高校思想政治教育和专业课程教学改革的研究热点。制药分离工程是制药工程专业的核心课程,也是制药工程专业建设的重要内容,“制药分离工程”的课程思政教学对于培养学生的社会责任意识和崇高职业道德至关重要。针对课程内容侧重分离技术与方法在制药领域应用的特点,通过充分发掘课程蕴涵的“思政元素”,对制药分离工程的课程思政教学进行了有益的探索,并取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

2012年烟台大学药学院“重大新药新型释药系统”服务国家特殊需求博士人才培养项目获批立项,在学科建设和人才培养方面实现了重大突破。制药工程专业硕士的培养,应在做好博士人才培养项目的大背景下,深化各环节的改革,进一步提升产学研用创新人才的培养,真正开创和建立校企联合制药工程专业硕士培养新模式。  相似文献   

制药工程领域工程硕士培养探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以制药业的发展趋势及对制药工程人才需求为背景,分析我国制药人才培养现状,论述制药工程领域工程硕士培养的重要性。结合国外制药工程教育及天津大学制药工程学科建设情况,探讨制药工程学科的核心课程体系,并从生源的工作岗位、专业背景、因人因材施教等方面探讨培养方案的制订,提出培养工程硕士的共性问题。  相似文献   

课程思政是新时代中国特色社会主义背景下提出的一种创新性教育理念,教学团队结合新工科建设和制药工程专业工程认证的要求开展课程思政,将思想政治教育融入制药工程专业核心课程药理学教学,帮助学生树立思政意识,实现“知识传授”和“价值引领”的有机统一,初步建立基于课程思政理念的、具有工科专业特点的药理学课程教学体系。  相似文献   

对学生工程素质培养的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工程素质的培养是工程类专业教学的核心 ,具有很强的实践性和可操作性。以课程设置改革和实验基地建设两个方面对制药工程专业 (生物制药方向 )学生工程素质培养的必要性进行了阐述 ,认为课程体系工程学科建设和生产中试基地的建设是提高学生工程素质能力和锤炼科研创新能力的支撑平台 ,并在短时间内如何增加学科建设的投入和提高学生动手实践能力提出了自己的看法  相似文献   

本文分析了烟台大学山东省"新型制剂与生物技术药物研究"协同创新中心获批立项的现状及专业硕士研究生培养的现状,总结了在学科建设和人才培养方面的经验,提出了制药工程专业硕士的培养改革,探索在协同创新的有利条件下,进一步提升产学研用创新人才的培养,开创校企联合制药工程专业硕士培养新模式。  相似文献   

张文君  杨硕  王立 《药学研究》2021,40(7):484-486
受新冠肺炎疫情影响,制药工程专业线下实践教学不能如期开展,本文结合制药工程专业特点,以“欧倍尔云课堂虚拟仿真学习系统”为平台,对制药工程专业线上实践教学进行探索,为提高实践教学效果和实现实践教学渠道多元化提供参考。  相似文献   

“双师”素质教师培养是高等职业技术教育发展的必然趋势,也是高职院校特色办学的有力保障,对于中药制药技术专业来讲又有其个性的问题。如何建设培养一支具有较强实践能力的“双师型”师资队伍,也是各高职院校自身发展的关键。本文对我制药工程分院中药制药技术专业“双师”素质建设的途径及为保证双师素质建设的顺利进行需要进行配套的保障工作进行了研究与探索。  相似文献   

受中国药学会制药工程专业委员会、国家教育部制药工程专业教学指导委员会委托,郑州大学化工学院、药学院、生物化工系将联合承办第五届全国制药工程科技与教育研讨会。此次大会以“让我们携手,共创制药工程美好明天”为主题,对制药工程领域的科学研究、生产技术开发和制药工程专业教育等问题进行广泛深入的探讨和交流。大会拟邀请中国科学院、工  相似文献   

生物医药产业作为北京市经济支柱产业之一,为北京地区制药工程专业提供了良好的发展平台。北京联合大学在制药工程专业培养方向上与北京其他高校形成了良好的互补。经过多年的专业建设,逐渐形成“重应用,强实践”的办学特色和以就业市场需求为导向的灵活人才培养模式,发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(1-2):189-202
The major focus of this paper is the sustainability of a one-year demonstration project on drug misuse prevention, which was implemented in a local community affected by acute economic crisis and high unemployment. The project was initiated by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, and supported by the European Commission. The primary goal of the project was to demonstrate that community-based prevention is possible and feasible within the context of current transitions in Poland. Its major outcome was a community prevention package consisting of a number of booklets and videos to assist other communities in their prevention efforts. Experiences from this study suggest that factors contributing to the sustainability of a community prevention project can be identified and emphasized through simple analysis of community surveys, as well as focus group discussion.  相似文献   

The major focus of this paper is the sustainability of a one-year demonstration project on drug misuse prevention, which was implemented in a local community affected by acute economic crisis and high unemployment. The project was initiated by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, and supported by the European Commission. The primary goal of the project was to demonstrate that community-based prevention is possible and feasible within the context of current transitions in Poland. Its major outcome was a community prevention package consisting of a number of booklets and videos to assist other communities in their prevention efforts. Experiences from this study suggest that factors contributing to the sustainability of a community prevention project can be identified and emphasized through simple analysis of community surveys, as well as focus group discussion.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):303-314
Early in 1980 a Veterans Administration Medical Center initiated a comprehensive program evaluation project of its Alcohol Treatment Unit. The project has resulted in numerous publications detailing the major findings; however, many outcomes of interest have not been reported, and no report is extant which summarizes the outcome of the program evaluation. In this paper, many results are reported for the first time, and previously published results are briefly described. Additionally, the problems encountered in program evaluation are discussed, as are the implications of the results of the project.  相似文献   


Based on a research project that investigates drug use and HIV risk behaviors among Asian drug users in San Francisco, this paper describes barriers and strategies for accessing, recruiting, and retaining Asian drug users. It also presents culturally appropriate and group specific strategies and underlying cultural norms that outreach workers use to build rapport with targeted drug users and community members. The paper describes culturally appropriate strategies for outreach workers and project staff to recruit and retain Asian drug users. These strategies acknowledge diversities within the targeted ethnic groups and offer flexibility to create other strategies specific to targeted Asian drug users.  相似文献   

本品含盐酸伪麻黄碱(C10H15NO·HCl)与布洛芬(C13H18O2)均应为标示量的90.0%~110.0%。 [性状]本品为双层片,一层为白色,另一层为棕红色。  相似文献   

This paper presents the organisation, progression, and main findings from a community-based substance use prevention project in five municipalities in western Norway. At the central level, this project was organised with a steering committee and a principal project leader, who is situated at the Department of Health and Social Welfare at the county level. Locally, the way of organizing differed, as one would expect from the community-based model. Top-down/bottom-up strategies can apply both in the way a community organises its efforts, as well as in the relationship between the central project organisation and the participating local communities. It is argued that it can be beneficial for the success of community action programs if one attains a "good mix" between top-down and bottom-up strategies. Factors of importance for such "mix" in the Hordaland project were that the municipalities applied for participation, the availability of economic funding, the venues for meetings between central and local project management, the position of local coordinators, the possibilities for coupling project work to otherwise existing community planning, and the extent of formal bureaucracy.  相似文献   

基因工程是生物制药专业的必修课。根据高职人才培养目标。结合基因工程课程特点以及传统教学模式存在的一些问题,对该课程进行项目化教学改革,给出该课程项目化教学的项目设计、实施步骤、评价方式等方面的示例,为高职基因工程的教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents the major therapeutic uses of Fomes fomentarius (L. : Fr.) Fr., tinder polypore. The context of this fungus is a wooly and soft material so called amadou (tinder). During the XVIII and XIXth centuries, the fungal material was used as haemostatic dressing and bandage to keep the temperature and compress parts of the body. It was also used as cautery for moxibustion and was reported in several traditional pharmacopoeias (Hungarian, Chinese, Indian).  相似文献   

This paper presents the advantages of rank analysis of covariance in contrast to the Mantel-Haenszel procedure in the presence of a covariate. In this paper, data from a clinical trial with an indication for seborrheic dermatitis, which afflicts multiple anatomical regions, is presented. This paper presents analysis performed using both the Mantel-Haenszel procedure and rank analysis of covariance for separate anatomical regions, as well as for the combined anatomical regions. The analysis for the combined anatomical regions involves weighted sums over different strata.  相似文献   

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