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G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)是极为重要的药物靶点,提高靶向GPCRs药物的选择性和高效性仍是新药研发必须面对的关键性问题。GPCRs变构调节的研究结果表明,其变构作用机制和调节位点存在着复杂的多样性。GPCRs变构调节作用的研究可能会为受体亚型高选择性和高效性新药的研究提供新的契机。该文总结、归纳了近年来GPCRs变构调节作用的研究进展,以便较全面地了解GPCRs变构调节机制及其生物学意义。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)介导多数激素及神经递质的细胞信号转导,同时也是最重要的药物作用靶点。相对于正位作用,对GPCRs别构调节具有能够达到高选择性、模拟生理性调制受体以及不易过度激活受体的特点而受到关注,A、B、C三族GPCRs均有别构调节剂被发现,有些已被用于临床。随着GPCRs别构理论研究的深入,若在别构调节剂开发策略指导下进行定向筛选和结构改造,将会获得更有前途的治疗药物。  相似文献   

王怡  赵雁杰  李帅 《药学学报》2022,(4):990-1001
G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptors, GPCRs)含7次跨膜螺旋,是人体最大的膜蛋白受体家族,在多种疾病的进程中起关键作用,也是非常重要的药物靶点。目前上市药物中有30%~40%为靶向GPCRs药物。纳米抗体(nanobody)又称为单域抗体(single-domain antibody, sdAb),因其分子质量小、生化性能良好、与“裂缝或空腔”亲和力高等特性,成为研究GPCRs的重要工具。且纳米抗体具有较长的互补决定区3 (complementarity determining region 3, CDR3)环,可使其深深地插入受体的配体结合口袋中,与GPCRs高效结合。本文归纳了纳米抗体的特性及其在GPCRs研究中的相关应用,并简要介绍了目前靶向GPCRs纳米抗体的产生途径,为纳米抗体在GPCRs研究应用方面提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)是具有7次跨膜螺旋的细胞整合膜蛋白,大约占人类蛋白质组的3%,它们广泛地参与到人体的细胞增殖、分化和迁移等各类生理活动中,是一类非常重要的药物作用靶点。GPCRs的结构学研究进展缓慢,因为它们在体内含量很低,必须通过体外重组技术才能获得大量有活性的GPCRs用于结构学研究。近年来,GPCRs已经在大肠杆菌、酵母、哺乳动物、昆虫杆状病毒、无细胞等多种异源表达系统中成功表达,该文对GPCRs在不同表达系统的高水平表达策略进行综述,为GPCRs的分子结构研究和以GPCRs为作用靶点的药物筛选研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

蔡欣  陈京  白波 《中国药学》2011,20(6):535-541
G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)是与G蛋白相偶联的七次跨膜受体,其成员有上千种,是重要的药物靶点之一。目前,GPCRs相关药物占市场上药物的40%-50%。在过去的十年中,对GPCRs主要以单体的形式存在着的这一假说做出了重新评估,大量事实证明GPCRs也能以同源或异源二聚体,甚至是高阶寡聚体的形式存在,比较热门的领域是GPCRs二聚化。最近研究表明同源或异源二聚化有不同于单体的特异功能特征,包括配体识别、信号转导、运输等。同时,在较少副作用治疗疾病的新药开发上,具有不同病理和信号转导途径的二聚体的出现开辟了新的领域。本综述主要介绍二聚体的特异结构及其特异的信号转导途径,从而有助于在GPCRs药物开发中取得丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

血清素2A受体(5-HT_(2A)R)作为致幻剂、抗抑郁药、抗焦虑药和非典型抗精神病药物等许多精神活性药物的作用靶点,受到人们的广泛关注。5-HT_(2A)R属于G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs),与mGluR2、D_(2)R和CB_(1)R等多种GPCRs形成异源二聚体。二聚体中的mGluR2、D_(2)R与CB_(1)R影响5-HT_(2A)R偶联的信号通路和诱导的动物行为,并且3种受体分别被敲除后,致幻性5-HT_(2A)R激动剂诱导产生的甩头反应次数明显降低。基于5-HT_(2A)R/mGluR2、5-HT_(2A)R/D_(2)R和5-HT_(2A)R/CB_(1)R异源二聚体的重要性,该文将3种受体与5-HT_(2A)R形成异源二聚体的发现与功能进行详细综述,为探寻以5-HT_(2A)R为靶点的精神活性药物作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)和酪氨酸激酶受体(RTKs)细胞膜受体,它们之间可以利用共同的信号转导途径实现信号交流。该文主要阐述GPCRs与RTKs两者之间的信号交流在肿瘤发生和治疗中的作用,为临床肿瘤治疗提供理论基础。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)是涉及信号转导的细胞膜最大的受体超家族,介导产生多种生理效应,激活相应的信号级联系统,在肝损伤过程中发挥关键作用,是一类非常重要的药物作用靶标。该文就肾上腺素受体、血管紧张素受体、趋化因子受体、蛋白酶激活受体等参与急慢性肝损伤调节的GPCRs相关研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

本文以β2-肾上腺素能受体(beta-2 adrenergic receptor, β2-AR)、5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)、血管紧张素Ⅱ-1型受体(angiotensin II type 1 receptor, AT1R)为例,建立可快速预测G蛋白偶联受体(G proteincoupled receptors, GPCRs) N端、C端、胞内环、胞外环、跨膜(transmembrane, TM)区氨基酸起始位置的方法,并通过此方法预测Mas相关基因G蛋白偶联受体X3 (Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors X3, MRGPRX3)的结构。具体操作为利用不依赖序列和连接的克隆方法 (sequence and ligation-independent cloning, Slic)将纳米荧光素酶(nanoluciferase, NLuc)插入GPCRs的不同位点,在同一受体表达水平相同的条件下,检测NLuc插入GPCRs不同位点对于发光值的影响。结果显示,当NLuc插入GPCRs不同位点时,检测到的NLuc发光...  相似文献   

不同类型G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)之间的异源二聚化作用已得到普遍认可,异源二聚体具有不同于单体和同源二聚体的高阶结构特点,这在一定层次上类似于变构调节机制,使得GPCRs异源二聚体呈现更高的信号特异性和多样性.成功筛选GPCRs异源二聚体的特异配体或偏向性配体,能够为研发降低副作用的药物提供新的策略.该文就GPCRs异源二聚体的信号特点及其偏向性配体的生理药理学价值和筛选GPCRs异源二聚体偏向性配体的技术做一简要综述.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a major class of signal transduction proteins that modulate various biological functions. GPCRs are one of the most common targets for drug development-currently, 39 of the top 100 marketed drugs in use act directly or indirectly through activation or blockade of GPCR-mediated receptors. Nearly 160 GPCRs have been identified based on their gene sequence and their ability to interact with known endogenous ligands. However, an estimated 500-800 additional GPCRs have been classified as "orphan" receptors (oGPCRs) because their endogenous ligands have not yet been identified. Given that known GPCRs have proven to be such clinically useful drug targets, these oGPCRs represent a rich group of receptor targets for the development of novel and improved medicines. To develop ligands for these potential drug targets requires the ability to identify groups or pools of GPCRs that are likely to be involved in a specific disease process (obesity, schizophrenia, depression, etc.) and to dissect out the pharmacological and signal transduction differences between these GPCR subtypes. It also requires the development of assays to detect ligands of GPCRs even when the endogenous ligands are unidentified. This paper will review novel strategies to identify clinically interesting oGPCRs and to screen for small molecules that act as ligands without prior knowledge of endogenous ligands. This involves the use of constitutively activated GPCRs, a technology that provides a unique opportunity to identify several classes of pharmacological agents, including agonists, inverse agonists and allosteric modulators.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of action of anesthetics are unclear. Much attention has been focused on ion channels in the central nervous system as targets for anesthetics. During the last decade, major advances have been made in our understanding of the physiology and pharmacology of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Several lines of studies have shown that GPCRs are targets for anesthetics and that some anesthetics inhibit the functions of Gq-coupled receptors, including muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) M(1), metabotropic type 5 glutamate, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) type 2A, and substance P receptors. Nearly 160 GPCRs have been identified, based on their gene sequence and ability to interact with known endogenous ligands. However, an estimated 500-800 additional GPCRs have been classified as "orphan" receptors (oGPCRs) because their endogenous ligands have not yet been identified. Given that known GPCRs are targets for anesthetics, these oGPCRs represent a rich group of receptor targets for anesthetics. This article highlights the effects of anesthetics on Gq-coupled receptors, and discusses whether GPCRs other than Gq-coupled receptors are targets for anesthetics.  相似文献   

GPCRGα融合蛋白是近几年用于受体研究的新颖手段之一,它的表达确保了受体与G蛋白之间1∶1的化学计量关系、空间位置上的邻近性及适宜于高通量的配基筛选,使其为孤儿G蛋白偶联受体提供了一种新的研究策略,将在孤儿受体的配基筛选中发挥重要作用,对研发以oGPCR为作用靶点的新药产生积极意义。  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs)are the most widely targeted class for approved drugs but only a small portion(-15%)of GPCRs are currently targeted.Work in my laboratory has tested the hypothesis that individual cell types express previously unrecognized GPCRs that regulate cell function and may be novel drug targets.A key focus has been our efforts to define differential expression(DE)of GPCRs on normal cells versus cells from patients with diseases:pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells/pulmonary arterial hypertension,lung and cardiac fibroblasts/lung and cardiac fibrosis and pancreatic cells/pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC).To test our hypothesis,we have used unbiased(GPCRomic)approaches(Taqman GPCR arrays and RNA-seq),mining of publicly available datasets(the GTEX database for normal tissues and the Cancer Genome Atlas,TCGA)and studies of signaling and functional activity to validate newly detected GPCRs.The GPCRomic studies reveal that most cell types and tissues express>100 different GPCRs with limited prior data for many highly expressed GPCRs,numerous of which are"orphans"(which lack known physiologic agonists).Numerous GPCRs have DE and alter functionin diseased cells.For example,studies of PDAC tumors/cells and pancreatic cancer-associated fibroblasts(PCAFs)identify two GPCRs with high DE,respectively,in PDAC cells compared to normal pancreatic ductal epithelial cells and in PCAFs compared to normal pancreatic Fs/stellate cells.These two GPCRs:(1)are frequently,highly expressed in PDAC tumors compared to normal pancreas and(2)regulate functional activities that influence the malignant phenotype.Overall,the results indicate the utility of unbiased GPCRomic and data-mining approaches to identify previously unrecognized,functional GPCRs that may contribute to human disease and that may be novel,drug gable targets.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent not only one of the most successful target classes for the pharmaceutical industry, but also one of the largest and most structurally and functionally diverse. Many are "orphan" GPCRs that have not yet been paired with their cognate ligands. Computational approaches are well suited for this type of classification problem, but most are confounded when the orphan is dissimilar to characterized GPCRs.  相似文献   

Nearly all molecules known to signal cells via G proteins have been assigned a cloned G-protein-coupled-receptor (GPCR) gene. This has been the result of a decade-long genetic search that has also identified some receptors for which ligands are unknown; these receptors are described as orphans (oGPCRs). More than 80 of these novel receptor systems have been identified and the emphasis has shifted to searching for novel signalling molecules. Thus, multiple neurotransmitter systems have eluded pharmacological detection by conventional means and the tremendous physiological implications and potential for these novel systems as targets for drug discovery remains unexploited. The discovery of all the GPCR genes in the genome and the identification of the unsolved receptor-transmitter systems, by determining the endogenous ligands, represents one of the most important tasks in modern pharmacology.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most successful target proteins for drug discovery research to date. More than 150 orphan GPCRs of potential therapeutic interest have been identified for which no activating ligands or biological functions are known. One of the greatest challenges in the pharmaceutical industry is to link these orphan GPCRs with human diseases. Highly automated parallel approaches that integrate ultra-high throughput and focused screening can be used to identify small molecule modulators of orphan GPCRs. These small molecules can then be employed as pharmacological tools to explore the function of orphan receptors in models of human disease. In this review, we describe methods that utilize powerful ultra-high-throughput screening technologies to identify surrogate ligands of orphan GPCRs.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have long been considered to be monomeric membrane proteins. Although numerous recent studies have indicated that GPCRs can form multimeric complexes, the functional and pharmacological consequences of this phenomenon have remained elusive. With the discovery that the functional GABA(B) receptor is an obligate heterodimer and with the use of energy transfer technologies, it is now accepted that GPCRs can form heteromultimers. In some cases, specific properties of such heteromers not shared by their respective homomers have been reported. Although in most cases these properties have only been observed in heterologous expression systems, there are a few reports describing data consistent with such heteromultimeric GPCR complexes also existing in native tissues. The present article illustrates well-documented examples of such native multimeric complexes, lists a number of recommendations for recognition and acceptance of such multimeric receptors, and gives recommendations for their nomenclature.  相似文献   

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