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精、神、气、血、津、液是中医理论中6个非常重要的概念,有关术语在《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中一共收录了59条,“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称世中联)《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中收录了58条。血、津、液的内涵较为具体,有一定的物质基础,理解并不困难。翻译上虽有差异,但亦不难统一。精、神、  相似文献   

郭振球教授高血压病辨治特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭振球教授是湖南中医药大学教授,从事临床、科研、教学工作六十一年,积累了丰富的临床经验,在学术上治学严谨。学验俱丰。1986年人选我国首批中医学博士研究生导师.1990年被评为我国首批全国继承老中医学术经验指导老师,开创了微观证治学,系世界传统医学诊断学学科奠基人。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The stable quality of Chinese herbal medicines is a critical factor for their reliable clinical efficiency. An improved liquid-liquid extraction procedure and a liquid chromatographic method were developed to simultaneously analyze five anthraquinones (aloe-emodin, rhein, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion) in a Chinese traditional hospital preparation, Fuyankang mixture, in order to quantitatively control its quality in a more effective way. METHODS: A more economical and repeatable extraction procedure based on conventional liquid-liquid extraction technique was developed and used to extract five marker components in Fuyankang mixture. These anthraquinones were separated in less than 20 min on a C18 column with methanol and 0.1% phosphoric acid (88:12, v/v) as mobile phase. The method was validated for specificity, precision, spiked recovery and stability. RESULTS: Compared to conventional liquid-liquid extraction, the improved liquid-liquid extraction was found to be more effective for simultaneous extraction of anthraquinones from an aqueous Chinese herbal preparation, especially for hydrophobic compounds. The improved extraction method was successfully applied to determine the content of five marker components in Fuyankang mixture by the means of reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography. CONCLUSION: The improved extraction procedure may be suitable for routine quality control of Fuyankanq mixture and other traditional preparations at city-level hospitals in China.  相似文献   

《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中收录有关阴阳学说及其相关概念的术语有16条,“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称世中联)标准《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中收录了39条,其翻译基本与现行译法一致,如将“阴中之阴”译作yin within yin,将“阴阳对立”译作opposition of yin and yang,将“阴阳平衡”译作yin—yang balance等等。但也有一些有别于通行译法的翻译.如将“阴阳互根”译作mutual rooting of yin and yang,将“阴阳转化”译作yin-yang conversion等。这些译法基本上反映了某些西方译者的思路与方法。  相似文献   

Background The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between prosthesis coverage and postoperative hidden blood loss (HBL) in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Methods A total of 120 patients who had undergone unilateral TKA from August 2012 to May 2013 were retrospectively studied.The Gross formula was used to calculate the amount of HBL.Routine standard anteroposterior (AP) and lateral x-ray films of the knee joint were taken postoperatively and used to measure the percentages of coronal femoral and of coronal and sagittal tibial prosthetic coverage.Then Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to assess the correlations between the percentages of prosthetic coverage for each AP and lateral position and HBL on the first and third postoperative days.Results The volumes of HBL on the first and third postoperative days after TKA were (786.5±191.6) ml and (1 256.6±205.1) ml,respectively,and lateral x-ray film measurements of percentages of coronal femoral,tibial coronal,and sagittal prosthetic coverage were (87.9±2.5)%,(88.5±2.2)%,and (89.1±2.3)%,respectively.Pearson's correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations between percentages of total knee prosthetic coverage for each AP and lateral position and volumes of HBL on the first and third postoperative days (P <0.05).Conclusions HBL after TKA correlates with degree of prosthetic coverage.To some extent,the size of the surfaces exposed by osteotomy determines the amount of HBL.Choice of the appropriate prosthesis can significantly reduce postoperative HBL.Designing individualized prostheses would be a worthwhile development in joint replacement surgery.  相似文献   

Mechanisms responsible for pulmonary hypertension   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pulmonary hypertension is a pathophysiologic process characterized by progressive elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance and right heart failure, which is a common complication of many diseases. Pulmonary hypertension with no apparent causes (unknown etiology) is termed primary pulmonary hypertension or, more recently, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). Before the availability of disease-specific (targeted) therapy (through the mid-1980s) the median life expectancy from the time of diagnosis in patients with this disease was 2.8 years. Modem treatment has markedly improved physical function and has extended survival, and the 5-year mortality is 50%. Although there is already more than 100 years of research history, the mechanisms of this disease are still not very clear. Recently, with the development of cell biology and molecular genetics, further research into the mechanisms responsible for pulmonary hypertension have been possible, which has helped in its diagnosis and treatment. It is believed that the mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension can not only be described by pathophysiology but involve multiple factors (pathways) like cellular, humoral and molecular genetics, etc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress, and adipokine-ameliorating effects of Liuwei Dihuang (LWDH), a traditional Chinese herbal formula, in obese rats. METHODS: After 2 weeks of acclimation with free access to regular rodent chow and water, obese-prone-caesarean-derived (OP-CD) rats were fed a modified AIN-93G diet containing 60% energy from fat. Treatment was performed twice daily by gavage feeding with 500, 1 500, or 3 500 mg/kg body weight LWDH suspended in water (n=12 rats per group). Twelve obese-resistant-CD (OR-CD) rats were fed the atherogenic diet and gavaged with water, and served as the normal control. Blood biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and adiponectin were measured post-sacrifice and used to determine the treatment effect of LWDH and assess the suitability of OR/OP-CD rats for studying these parameters. RESULTS: After 9 weeks of treatment, LWDH lowered serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels. Serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels showed a tendency towards reduction, but were not significantly different from the OP-CD control. Liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was increased in response to all three doses of LWDH, while the levels of reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were unchanged. Serum adiponectin levels were increased in response to oral administration of LWDH at the dose of either 500 or 1 500 mg/kg body weight. In addition, comparisons between OR-CD and OP-CD rats revealed differential, and for some biomarkers, conflicting characteristics of high-fat diet-fed OP-CD rats in reference to obese human subjects in terms of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers and circulating adiponectin levels. CONCLUSION: The results show, for the first time, the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress and adiponectin-ameliorating effects of LWDH in obese rats. The suitability of the OP-JOP-CD rat model as  相似文献   

在中医名词术语的英语翻译中,与经络学说相关的术语,其翻译一般都比较统一。在中医药的对外交流中,针灸是率先走出国门并为西方世界所接受的中医疗法。其传入西方的历史远远早于中医药学的其他领域。正因为如此,其用语的英语翻译在国际上相对比较一致。在《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中共收录了有关经络学说的术语43条。“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称“世中联”)《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中则收录了87条。下面试根据WHO的标准并结合“世中联”的方案,对这些术语的翻译问题加以简要的比较分析。  相似文献   

《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中,一共收录了51条有关五行学说的术语,“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称世中联)的标准《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中则收录了103条。这些术语的翻译与通行译法基本一致,如将木、火、土、金、水译为wood、fire、earth、metal、water。但一些关键词语的翻译却多参照海外译法而行。如将“五行”译为five phases(同时也罗列出了five elements这一通行译法),  相似文献   

“脏腑”是中医基本理论中的一个重要方面,其基本概念和用语为中医名词术语的核心内容,反映了中医翻译的基本问题。对这方面术语的翻译和标准化问题的讨论,有利于我们进一步明确中医翻译的基本理论与方法。《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中共收录有关脏腑的术语83条,  相似文献   

胃溃疡炎症机制及中医药防治进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染可导致慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、淋巴瘤,也是胃癌的高危因子。大量的基础与临床研究结果表明,炎症反应是Hp致病的重要机制之一,炎症细胞浸润胃黏膜后释放的炎性细胞因子作为第二信使始终参与这一过程。  相似文献   

Objective:To describe the use of the GlideScope in comparison with direct laryngoscopy for elective surgical patients requiring tracheal intubation. Methods:Two hundred patients, ASA Ⅰ - Ⅱ scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia requiring orotracheal intubation were selected. Information was collected identifying the patient demographics and airway assessment features (Mallampati oropharyngeal scale, thyromenta distance and mouth opening). In a random crossover design, after induction of anesthesia and neuromuscular block, the laryngoscopes were inserted in turn, and the views of the glottis at laryngoscopy (Cormack and Lehane scores) were compared. The tracchea was intubated using either the standard Macintosh laryngoscope or GlideScope after the second grading at laryngoscopy was done. Complications associated with intubating were recorded. Results: There were 200 patients including 107 males and 93 females, with mean age being 52±13 years, height 164.8±11.3 cm, weight 64.0±11. 5 kg, thyromental distance 6. 9± 1.1 cm, and mouth opening 5.7±0.5 cm. There was a significant association between the preoperative view of the oropharynx (Mallampati score) and the view of the glottis at laryngoscopy for both the direct Macintosh laryngoscope (P〈0. 001) and the GlideScope (P〈0. 001). Among 200 patients, 106 patients had the same C&L grade, 91 of remaining patients showed improvement in the C&L grade (P〈0. 001 ) obtained with GlideScope compared with the direct Macintosh laryngoscope. 3 of remaining patients showed better view of the glottis(C&L grade) with the direct Macintosh laryngoscope (grade 1) than with GlideScope (grade 2). There were no cases of failure to be intubated. There were no cases of dental or mucosal injury in all patients. Conclusion: GlideScope videolaryngoscope yielded comparable or superior laryngeal view compared with Macintosh laryngoscope. The new type of laryngoscope may have potential advantages for managing the d  相似文献   

The following is a brief analysis of 22 terms related te gynecology and obstetrics in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) included in the WHO International Standard Termi- nologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region (abbreviated as the WPRO Standard) and the International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as the WFCMS Standard), according to explanations made in the book entitled A Concise Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the studies made in the book entitled International Standardization of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Study of Theory, Summarization of Practice and Exploration of Methodsc.  相似文献   

医疗卫生领域正发生着一场安静的革命,包括美国人在内的世界传统医药消费日益增长。相应地,需要大量经过培训的专业人员来完成这种新的健康模式的转变,同时传统医学的作用机制及其安全性、有效性和质量控制的研究也得到大力加强。美国近年除了许多私立传统医学学校如雨后春笋般成立起来以满足曰益增长的对补充替代医学(complementary and alternative medicine,CAM)的需求外,许多著名大学也在积极参与甚至主导该领域的工作。  相似文献   

Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD) are clonal haematopoietic stem cell disorders characterized by proliferation of one or more myeloid cell lineages in the bone marrow and increased numbers of mature and immature cells in the peripheral blood. MPDs are classified into five categories: polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET), idiopathic myelofibrosis (IMF), chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) and atypical MPD. The atypical MPD includes chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia, chronic neutrophilic leukaemia, chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, chronic basophilic leukaemia, hypereosinophilic syndrome, systemic mastocytosis, atypical CML and unclassifiable cases.1-3 Apart from the Philadelphia chromosome and BCR-ABL fusion gene as the characteristic genetic abnormality of CML, the molecular pathogenesis of most MPDs such as PV, ET and IMF has not been described. Nonspecific cytogenetic abnormalities were found at diagnosis in numerous patients including deletions of the long arms of chromosome 20 and chromosome 13,  相似文献   

The following is the second discussion about how to understand and translate the names of diseases in tradi- tional Chinese medicine (TCM) gynecology and obstetrics included in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region (abbreviated as the WPRO Standard) and the International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as the WFCM Standard) , according to explanations made in the book entitled A Concise Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the studies made in the book entitled International Standardization of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Study of Theory, Summarization of Practice and Exploration of Methods.  相似文献   

近30年的改革开放把中医翻译推向了一个新台阶,人才辈出,机构完善,现在已经有世界卫生组织西太区传统医学术语国际标准(international srandard terminologies on traditional medicine in the Western Pacific Region,  相似文献   

1关于中医翻译批评的一点见解 去年在讨论有关方面推出的几个中医名词术语英译标准时,有杂志约我写篇有关中医翻译批评的文章,评判一番有关问题的是非曲直。我欣然应命。然而,准备动笔时,却踌躇非常,不知从何说起。翻译之务.向非易事。旁观者自以为“局外者清”,所以尽可恣意“指点江山”。而从业者却也并非总是“当局者迷”,其间的纷纷绕绕.更是感同切肤。只是身在其中。难得分辨而已矣。  相似文献   

目的观察益智健脑颗粒联合针灸对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimers disease,AD)大鼠学习记忆的影响。方法将大鼠随机分为假手术组(A组)、模型组(B组)、针灸组(C组)、益智+针灸组(D组)各10只,B、C、D 3组分别以海马CA1区注射β淀粉样蛋白25-35(Aβ25-35)造模,A组注射等量的双蒸水,各组分别治疗20 d后行Morris水迷宫试验,观察大鼠学习记忆能力变化。结果B组较A组的平均潜伏期明显延长,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);与B组比较,C组、D组的平均潜伏期明显缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);与C组比较,D组的潜伏期缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论益智健脑颗粒联合针灸能够提高Aβ25-35介导的AD模型大鼠的学习记忆能力。  相似文献   

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