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1 BACKGROUNDTheincidenceofCPis 0 .7per 1 0 0 0livebirths[1 ] .Becausecerebralpalsyinfluencesthewaychildrendevelop,itoftenresultsindevelop mentaldisability .Today ,more peoplehavecerebralpalsythananyotherdevelopmentaldis ability ,includingDownsyndrome,epilepsy ,andautism .Accordingtoasurveyconductedin1 986,2 .6%ofthepopulationofPakistaniaredisabled (includingbothphysicalandmentaldis abilities) .Childrenbetween 0~1 4 yearsinageconstitute 40 %ofthedisabled populationinPakistan .Routineme…  相似文献   

针刺推拿治疗小儿食积症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:用针刺推拿方法治疗小儿食积之食欲不振,使其恢复食欲能正常进食。方法:采用针刺加推拿的方法治疗小儿食积症476例。结果:经一次治疗后痊愈者385例,好转91例,总有效率100%。结论:针灸推拿治疗小儿食积症疗效显著。  相似文献   

目的:分析小儿烧伤原因及临床特点,以预防和减少小儿烧伤的发生,方法:对我院2005—2009年999例0~12岁小儿烧伤住院病例的发病率,患儿的年龄,性别,致伤原因,季节分布,城乡分布,烧伤程度等进行了回顾总结及分析。结果:小儿烧伤占我院同期烧伤患者的59.32%,婴幼儿期发病率最高,为76.28%,夏秋季发病率为57.26%,农村患儿占89.19%,致伤原因主要以热液烫伤为主,占92.29%,烧伤程度以轻、中度烧伤为主,二者占总数的85.89%。结论:重视小儿烧伤的预防,普及烧伤的安全教育,可降低小儿烧伤的发病率。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of different needle-retaining duration on cerebral hemodynamics in cerebral paralysis (CP) children. Methods: A total of 20 cases of CP children were subjected into this study. Changes of systolic peak value (Vs), blood flow velocity at the end-diastolic phase (Ved), mean velocity (Vm), pulsation index (PI) and resistance index (RI) of the cerebral hemodynemics before and after performing JIN‘s Three-Needling Therapy with the needles retained for 30 min (group A) and 5 min (group B) were observed by using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD). Results: After acupuncture, the blood flow in the middle cerebral artery (MCA), anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and posterior cerebral artery (PCA) was accelerated, and the resistance of blood vessels decreased. The effect of needle-retaining-30 min was better than that of needle-retaining-5 min. Conclusion: In treating cerebral paralysis by using JIN‘ s Three-Needling Therapy, sufficient stimulation provided by needle remaining is an important factor for achieving satisfactory therapeutic effects.  相似文献   

Infantilementalretardation (MR)isalsocalledaschildnoasthenia ,markedbyfeeble mindedness (hypophrenia)withsignificantab senceofthesocialadaptingbehavior ,learningandlivingdisorderinclinic .Inthepastmorethan 10 years ,weused“SiShenZhen” (fourmiraculous acupointne…  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the improvement of intelligence and movement function of children with normal-pressure hydrocephalus by adopting the trinity traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) comprehensive program.Methods: Six months of the trinity TCM comprehensive program or blank control program were applied to 108 children aged 1-6 years with normal-pressure hydrocephalus.Variations on DST screening intelligence area, motor area and social adaptation area were observed before and after treatment of all cases, and the efficacy of this TCM comprehensive program was explored.Results: Indexes of intelligence and movement function were improved after treatment in both groups.The observation indexes of intelligence and movement function of the treatment group were significantly better than those of the control group.Conclusion: The trinity comprehensive program, which had a significant curative effect in improving intelligence and movement function of the children aged 1-6 years with normalpressure hydrocephalus, was worth of application.  相似文献   

In this article, effective finger pressure methods for the treatment of infantile indi-gestion were introduced, which include back finger knocking method, Jiaji points pressing methodand abdomen finger pressing method. 64 cases have been observed. Among them, cured: 43 cases,significantly improved: 12 cases. The total effective rate: 98. 4%. The results showed that fingerpressure method is an effective external treatment method which has the characteristics of simplicity,no damage. This method can be widely accepted by children.  相似文献   

Autismoccursinchildhoodandreferstosyn dromecharacterizedbyseveresolitude,problemof socialinteraction,linguisticdevelopmentdisturbance,stereotypedpatternsofbehaviour,andpeculiarre sponsestoenvironmentalobjectsandevents.Itsexact pathogeniccausesremainunknownandithasnoef fectiveremediestodealwithinmodernmedicine.In recenttwoyears,theauthorsofthepresentpaperap pliedacupuncturetherapytotreatautismand achievedsatisfactorytherapeuticeffect.Followingis thesummary.1CLINICALDATA1.1Generaldata Inth…  相似文献   

Enuresisisoneofthecommonlyencoun-tereddiseasesinpediatricsdepartment.Al-thoughacupuncturehasbeendocumentedexten-sivelyasaneffectivetherapyforenuresis,itishardtobeacceptedbychildrenpatients.Forthisreason,since1985,wehaveappliedmoxi-bustioncombinedwithfinger-massagemethodtothetreatmentofenuresisandsatisfactorythera-peuticresultshavebeenobtained.Itisreportedinthefollowing.GENERALDATASixty-eightout-patients,42maleand26fe-male,wererecruitedinthisinvestigation.A-mongthem,theyoungestwas4andoldes…  相似文献   

Subjective: To identify the practicability and clinical values of acupuncture in the treatment of child cerebral paralysis, try to provide visualized evidence and mechanisms for acupuncture treatment of this disease. Methods: 13 cerebral palsy children including 9 cases of spasmodic type, 2 cases of ataxia type and 2 cases of mixed type, 9 males and 4 females were subjected into this study. Acupoints used were Hegu (LI 4), Quchi (LI 11 ), Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) that were punctured and stimulated electrically with parameters of frequency 2/15 Hz, electric current 5 mA, and duration of stimulation 30 min. Under monitoring of Siemens ECAM/ICON SPECT System, blood flow volumes of different brain regions were observed before, during and after elctroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of the above-mentioned acupoints. Results: SPECT revealed that in these 13 infantile patients, 18 regions of the brain in-cluding 12 in the frontal lobe and 6 in the temporal lobe presented insufficiency of blood perfusion and hypofunction; during EA, these cerebral regions and parietal lobe, visual cortex, thalamus, basal ganglion and cerebellum showed improvement in blood perfusion and function in different degrees. Results of the quantitative analysis on blood flow function changing rate (BFCR)% showed a significant increase in 83.3 % of the focal regions during EA. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy can effectively improve cerebral blood perfusion of the focus and is of clinical value in treatment of infantile cerebral paralysis.  相似文献   

Introduction Changes in the environment and lifestyle modifications encourage the increase in the allergic reactions especially during the age of development. As far as the respiratory allergies are concerned, the only partial result obtained so far by the vaccines and the severe side effects of the drugs used have led us to test the effectiveness of acupuncture.  相似文献   

Introduction Changes in the environment and lifestyle modifications encourage the increase in the allergic reactions especially during the age of development. As far as the respiratory allergies are concerned, the only partial result obtained so far by the vaccines and the severe side effects of the drugs used have led us to test the effectiveness of acupuncture. The encouraging results obtained with a first group of ten children (presented last year in Bali) urged us to test again the effectiveness of this approach with a second sample of subjects of the same age and clinical picture. The aim of this work is to present the evidence so far obtained.  相似文献   

朱莺 《辽宁中医杂志》2007,34(11):1571-1572
目的:探讨健脾柔肝中药治疗小儿眨眼的临床疗效。方法:观察组85例小儿眨眼患者口服健脾柔肝中药;对照组81例口服氟哌啶醇。结果:观察组中治愈19只眼,好转49只眼,有效率76.4%;对照组中治愈13眼,好转45眼,有效率71.6%。两组疗效比较无显著差异。结论:健脾柔肝中药治疗小儿眨眼有显著疗效,并且副作用少。  相似文献   

鼾症与儿童智商   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨小儿鼾症对智商发育的影响。方法对56例6~7岁鼾症患儿进行智商测试,并与随机抽取的60例同年龄组健康儿童进行对照研究。结果鼾症患儿平均智商为(95.75±17.67)分,同年龄组健康儿童平均智商为(108.03±17.41)分,鼾症患儿智商低下者所占比例8.9%,较正常儿童智商低下者所占比例1.7%明显增加,而正常儿童高智商者比例28.3%,较鼾症患儿高智商者比例10.7%明显增加。结论鼾症患儿智商明显低于同年龄组非鼾症儿童,鼾症可能对儿童智商产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿阑尾炎的声像图特征及彩超对小儿阑尾炎的诊断价值。方法:应用彩色多普勒超声对70例小儿阑尾炎患者进行检查,并将观察结果与手术结果对照。结果:小儿阑尾炎的超声诊断符合率为84%,70例中急性单纯性阑尾炎27例,占38.6%。急性化脓性阑尾炎32例,占45.7%。坏疽性阑尾炎7例,占10%。阑尾周围脓肿4例,占5.7%。结论:彩超检查对小儿阑尾炎的诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

Epilepsyisaclinicalsyndromeandmainlyresultsfromdysfunctionofthebrainduetore peatedattackinducedabnormaldischargeofthecerebralneurons .InTraditionalChinesemedicine,itiscalledas“XianSyndrome”andmanifestedbyparoxysmaltrance ,disturbanceorlossoftheconscious…  相似文献   

目的观察小儿哮咳症见"气池"青紫与免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgA、IgM)关系的临床研究,探寻小儿哮咳发病的影响因素,为预防、治疗小儿哮咳提供依据,"气池"变化的观察为儿科望诊新增添的内容。方法收集小儿病例资料90例,选择症见"气池"青紫的哮咳患儿30例为观察组、单纯哮咳而未见"气池"青紫患儿30例为对照A组及健康体检小儿30例为对照B组,检测其免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgA、IgM)指标,进行观察、研究、总结。结果症见"气池"青紫哮咳患儿的IgG、IgA、IgM水平较单纯哮咳而未见"气池"青紫患儿及健康体检小儿均有不同程度降低,并且以IgA、IgM降低为主;少数患儿存在免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA、IgM在正常范围内偏高的现象。结论免疫力低下是症见"气池"青紫哮咳患儿反复发作的病因之一,故对临床症见"气池"青紫的哮咳患儿应常规检查免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgA、IgM)指标,以便调节机体的免疫力及为系统、规范化诊疗提供新的诊断依据。"气池"改变与免疫球蛋白指标变化关系的研究为儿科望诊新增添的内容。  相似文献   

目的:探讨右旋糖酐铁口服液治疗儿童缺铁性贫血的临床疗效。方法:选择我院收治的儿童缺铁性贫血患儿86例,随机将患儿分为研究组和对照组。研究组患儿给予口服右旋糖酐铁口服液的治疗,对照组患儿则给予口服葡萄糖酸亚铁片的治疗,并对两组患儿的疗效及相关指标进行分析。结果:与对照组相比,研究组的痊愈率和总有效率均明显提高,而无效率均则明显降低,差别均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组的红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、红细胞平均血红蛋白量(MCH)、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)均明显提高,差别均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:采用右旋糖酐铁口服液治疗儿童缺铁性贫血,其疗效确切,效果显著,且明显减少了不良反应的发生,是儿童缺铁性贫血患儿较为理想的治疗药物。  相似文献   

从小儿感冒的分类及鉴别,小儿感冒的预防,小儿感冒的护理要点(起居及穿着护理,饮食护理)阐述了小儿风寒感冒和风热感冒的预防及护理,防止患儿疾病的发展和传变,防止高热神昏、惊厥的产生,保护小儿的身体健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童型脊柱侧弯矫形术的治疗方法及疗效:方法对我院2009年1月~2010年7月收治的8例儿童型脊柱侧弯患者采用脊柱侧弯板-棍矫正装置(PRSS)进行矫形并观察其临床疗效。结果8例患儿术后脊柱外观均有一定程度的改善,患儿身高平均身高4Cm侧弯幅度由平均61.52%矫正为平均23.84%。8例患儿均未见手术合并症,侧弯旋转矫正度数为1度以上,侧弯且先天性后凸者平均矫正率为30%。结论PRSS装置矫形术能避免植骨、能随患儿脊柱生长而延伸,能避免曲轴现象,不易脱钩,并发症较少见,是一种良好的治疗儿童型脊柱侧弯的矫形方法,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

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