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1NTRODUCTIONHegu(Ll4)isoneofthemosteffectiveandmostfrequentlyusedacupointsintraditionalChineseacupuncture.ItisindicatedfOrpaininmanypartsofthebody,butisparticularlyeffec-tiveforheadache,migraine,toothache,sorethroatandotherd1sordersoftheheadandface.Manyanimalexperimentsindicatethathighercentersinthenervoussystemareinvolvedinacupunctureanalgesia["2]butdirectevidenceforhumansubjectsisdifficulttoobtainuntilthere-centadventofpowerfu1andn0n-invasivemeth-odsforneuroimaginginthe9O's.Werecentlya…  相似文献   

Facial paralysis is the common disease in clinic, manifested mainly as deviation of mouth and eye, incomplete close of eyes and facial muscle dysfunction. The disease may occur at any age, especially seen in youth ages, more in male; it happens unilaterally or bilaterally in occasion and the morbidity of it is quite higher in spring and autumn. The disease is characterized as sudden onset, manifested simply as sudden paralysis of unilateral facial muscle, deviated mouth, disappearance of forehead creases, blepharodia sta- sis, shallow nasolabial groove and the face dragged to the healthy side. We have adopted integration of ac- upuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of it at different stages and have achieved quite good therapeutic effects, now the report is as follows,  相似文献   

Facial paralysis is the common disease in clinic,manifested mainly as deviation of mouth and eye,incomplete close of eyes and facial muscle dysfunction.The disease may occur at any age,especially seen in youth ages,more in male;it happens unilaterally or bilaterally in occasion and the morbidity of it is quite higher in spring and autumn.The disease is characterized as sudden onset,manifested simply as sudden paralysis of unilateral facial muscle,deviated mouth,disappearance of forehead creases,blepharodia stasis,shallow nasolabial groove and the face dragged to the healthy side.  相似文献   

Two step regulating acupuncture therapy was employed in the treatment of 96patients with intractable facial paralysis and the therapeutic effects of the method is compared withthat in 40 patients in control.In the first step,strong regulating acupuncture was applied at Meixin(EXtra),upper Taiyang (EX-HN 5) and Xiaguan (ST 7) points in the affected face.In the secondstep,weak regulating acupuncture was used at Dicang (ST 4) and Sibai (ST 2) points in the healthface.It was revealed that among the 96 patients,37 cases (38. 5%) were cured,57 cases (59. 4%)markedly improved,2 cases (2.1%) improved with a total effective rate of 100%.The effective ratewas statistically different (P<0. 005) from that in the control.The results indicate that the method issuperior to the ordinary manipulation in treating intractable facial paralysis.  相似文献   

Trigeminalneuralgiaisadiseaseindepart-mentofneurologywithunclearcause.Itischar-acterizedbyrepeatedandparoxysmalmegalgiaindistributiveregionsofthetrigeminalnervesintheface.Thepatientssufferagonyandtheirwork,lifeandstudyareaffectedgreatly.Becauseitscausesha…  相似文献   

循经感传过程中体觉系统中枢部位机能活动特点的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴宝华  黎宝娇 《针刺研究》1993,18(2):123-128
本文以短潜伏期皮层体觉诱发电位(SEP)为指标,对感传过程中皮层体觉区机能活动的特点进行了观察。观察对象为10名循经感传显著者和16名无感传者。以矩形波脉冲刺激侠溪或合谷穴,从对侧头皮体觉区下肢、上肢和头面部三个投射点引导 SEP,观察到针刺侠溪穴时无感传者 SEP C_2的振幅按下肢、上肢和面部三个投射点依次递减。针刺合谷时上肢投射点的 C_2振幅较下肢和面部者高,形成中间高两侧低的空间分布特点。而感传显著者,无论是针刺侠溪穴还是合谷穴 SEP C_2的振幅在三个投射点基本相同。结果提示,针刺时循经感传显著者的 S_1区各投射点出现了比较广泛的兴奋过程。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical effect of scalp acupuncture combined with face muscle training on chronic facial paralysis.Methods: Sixty-two patients were randomly divided into two groups for treatment of chronic facial paralysis.Results: The experimental group had 90.63% effective rate including 15 cured, 14 valid and 3 invalid, and the control group had 66.67% effective rate including 8 cured, 12 valid and 10 invalid.The difference of the effective rate in the two groups was statistically significant(P0.05).Conclusion: Scalp acupuncture with face muscle training in treating chronic facial paralysis is clinically effective and should be promoted for its clinical value.  相似文献   

<正> 面部是多条经脉所过之处,针刺远端穴位用于治疗面部疾患并可取得疗效,是以经络理论指导临床实践的具体体现。“面口合谷收”已成为每位针灸医生最熟知的取穴治疗经验了。许多面部疾患患者接受针刺治  相似文献   

Pharmacotherapy (nomatterWesternmedicinesorChineseherbalmedicines)mayhaveapoortherapeuticeffectforallergicdiseasesinclinic.Manyexperimentalstudieshaveindi catedthatacupunctureofbodyacupointscanraiseandregulatethecontentofserumcomple mentofhypersensitivi…  相似文献   

Objective:Acupuncture is a popular choice for the treatment of Bell's palsy(BP).However, most patients with BP will recover naturally by themselves.Previous studies suggested that cortical reorganization played an important role in the course of recovery, and found that anterior cingulate cortex(ACC) was closely related to face movement.Considering the ACC's role in motor performance monitoring and error detection, we hypothesized that functional connectivity of ACC would be enforced in the process of natural recovery of Bell's palsy.Methods: Task-state fMRI data were acquired from 37 healthy subjects performing the task of face movement(mouth protruding).Seed points of both sides of ACC related to face movement were first extracted from the group analysis results of the healthy, and then functional connectivity of both sides of ACCs(ipsilateral and contralateral) was analyzed with resting-state fMRI data acquired from 130 patients with different BP onset time.The correlation between the degrees of ACC functional connectivity and the onset time was finally analyzed with ANCOVA.Results: It was demonstrated that the connectivity of both sides of ACC with sensorimotor areas was increasingly enforced as the onset time became longer, and the connectivity enforcement was more significant in the contralateral than in the ipsilateral side.Increased connectivity of contralateral ACC was found in inferior parietal lobule, postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus, middle frontal gyrus and medial frontal gyrus while increased connectivity of ipsolateral ACC was found in inferior parietal lobule, and middle frontal gyrus.Conclusion: It was concluded that the enforcement of connectivity of ACC with the sensorimotor areas, especially the enforcement of connectivity of the contralateral, might result from a compensatory mechanism and play an important role in promoting the cortical reorganization of the natural recovery of BP.  相似文献   

The effects of smiling or crying facial expressions on grip strength and the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test were evaluated in this study. Ten right-handed basketball players (age group 18-28) were included in the study. Grip strength was measured with a Riester hand dynamometer and the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test successively, after the players had looked at the drawing of a "crying face" for 5 seconds from a distance of 40 cm at the eye level. Immediately afterwards they were shown the drawing of a "smiling face" and were asked to grip with the same condition. Once all 10 players carried out this experiment, the order in which the drawings were shown was reversed. We then proceeded to measure the same variables, using the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. The statistics obtained thereby were subjected to Pearsons correlation coefficient and paired t-test. Using a hand dynamometer and the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, it was found that, in both tests, the "smiling face" drawing (first crying, then smiling face: with hand dynamometer, it increased from 8.34+/-0.97 kg to 9.18+/-0.9 kg; t=5.39,p=0.0001) increased the grip strength of the basketball players, and the "crying face" drawing (first smiling face, then crying face: with hand dynamometer it decreased from 9.35 +/- 0.90 kg to 8.51+/- 0.96 kg; t=9.81, p=0.0001) decreased the grip strength. Exposure to the smiling face drawing increased the grip strength, and exposure to the crying face decreased it, in every subject tested in this group. Similar effects were observed with the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (first crying, then smiling: it increased from -2.80 +/- 1.13 to 2.20 +/- 1.32; t=33.54, p=0.0001; first smiling then crying: it decreased from 2.40 +/- 1.34 to -2.20 +/- 1.62; t = 15.06, p=0.0001).  相似文献   

电针刺激颜面腧穴引起的大脑皮层诱发电位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
<正> 以往我们在摸索“经络感传”现象客观指标时曾以电脉冲刺激人体手、足、躯干及面部的个别腧穴而从被试者的头皮上记录平均诱发皮层电位。晚近早崎芳等做了刺激井、腧穴引起的体觉诱发电位的研究,但未报道面部腧穴刺激的诱发反应。本工作拟观察面部不同区域腧穴受有规律的电针刺激所诱发的皮层电位特征,以作为进一步探讨经络理论的基础。对象与方法被试者共43人(男26人、女17人),年龄22~64岁,平均39.3岁,共中5人系  相似文献   

Prosopalgia is a common algetic disease in clinic and is often seen in the aged people. It is characterized as paroxysmal attack, shock-like colic, or lacerative violent pain, difficult to be controlled by medicine and has a higher incidence, etc.. In recent years, the author adopted electroacupuncture (EA) therapy to treat it and achieved a good result. Here is the report.  相似文献   

谈头面部针灸应注意的一些问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邰浩清 《中国针灸》2002,22(4):12-20
针灸临床中,经常涉及到头面部针灸。由于头面部结构的复杂多变,临床操作起来往往不能得心应手。从形态学角度这一区域作一系统的阐述,对头面部针灸应有指导作用。  相似文献   

辨证取穴药线埋植治疗癫痫的临床研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:观察辨证取穴埋植药线治疗癫痫的疗效;疗效与病程的关系;疗效与证型的关系。方法:将270例癫痫患者随机分为治疗组180例与对照组90例。治疗组采用经安定注射液浸泡的羊肠线进行穴位埋植,每隔2周施治1次。对照组取穴同治疗组,采用毫针针刺,予平补平泻法,隔日1次,均6个月后观察疗效。结果:治疗组近期临床痊愈49例,总有效率占87%;对照组近期临床痊愈21例,总有效率占75.6%。治疗组病程愈短,疗效愈好。埋线对各种不同中医证型癫痫均有效,其中风痫型疗效最佳,先天型最差。结论:埋线较传统针刺更为省时、有效。  相似文献   

中医学是我国的传统医学,是医学文化素质教育的重要内容之一。面对八年制临床医学专业学生,如何实现传统医学与现代医学之间的相互渗透和互补,是摆在中医教学工作者面前的一个重要课题。笔者提出一系列《中医学》教学改革措施,旨在使其教学方式和教学内容更为合理,以提高八年制临床医学生学习中医的兴趣,加强对中医知识的了解。  相似文献   

针对 2 1世纪中医药发展面临的挑战与机遇 ,认为下一个世纪中医药工作的关键还是正确处理好继承与发展 (创新 )的关系 ,并从继承是基础 ,发展须条件 ;继承不排他 ,术业有专攻 ;扬中医之长 ,走携手之路等角度展开讨论 ,阐述其对中医药学自主发展的看法。  相似文献   

Scapulohumeral periarthritis, a commonly and frequently encountered disease among the middle aged and the elderly, makes a lot troubles to the life and work of the suffers. In modern medicine it is managed by non-surgical local tender spot block therapy, or oral administration of analgesics, the therapeutic result is unfavorable. The authors treated 37 cases of the disease by needle-knife therapy in combination with massage from Sep. 1998 to Dec. 2002 and gained satisfied results. The treatment is reported in the following.  相似文献   

变应性鼻炎患者生存质量的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:运用自制变应性鼻炎(A llergic rh intis,AR),生存质量量表,研究此类患者的生存质量及其临床证型,为变应性鼻炎的临床防治工作提供参考。方法:采用5分制评分并用非双盲定群研究进行检验。结果:71名变应性鼻炎患者参加AR生存质量量表原始表的项目的筛选,从测评结果来看,在自身症状,活动受限,心理因素,社会关系,环境因素等五个方面,以活动受限和心理因素评分最高,另外,年龄大者,病程越长者及女性患者评分高,说明受影响越大,各方面的评分与变应性鼻炎中医辨证分型相关,其中以肾阳不足型为高(P<0.05)。结论:对女性患者、年龄大者、病程长者多注意活动受限情况,除药物治疗外,要多进行心理疏导。  相似文献   

妇科膏方亦是美容佳品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵庆 《中医药导报》2009,15(9):61-62
膏方可活血通络,滋阴润肤,补益肝肾,调和气血,治病和养颜并举.女性有针对性地服用膏方,可以改善面部血液循环,调节女性逐渐衰退的内分泌功能,延缓女性的衰老,养颜靓肤.膏方美容作用稳定而且持久,宜于女性保养.  相似文献   

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