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目的 目的 了解腾冲县医疗机构发热病人蜱虫叮咬情况及相关影响因素。方法 方法 选择2014年7-8月在腾冲县疾病 预防控制中心、 荷花卫生院、 界头卫生院、 曲石卫生院和新华卫生院5家医疗机构门诊就诊的发热病人为调查对象, 对调 查对象进行问卷调查, 了解其一般情况及蜱虫叮咬史等信息。采用单因素分析及多因素Logistic回归分析对蜱虫叮咬的 影响因素进行分析。结果 结果 共回收884份有效问卷。884名调查对象中, 85人 (9.6%) 报告有蜱虫叮咬史。单因素分析表 明, 蜱虫叮咬史与性别、 年龄、 家中是否养牛、 境外务工史、 进山砍柴史和进山伐木史等因素有关 (P均<0.05); 多因素Lo? gistic回归分析表明, 男性、 家中养牛以及有境外务工史、 进山砍柴和伐木史者蜱虫叮咬风险更高。结论 结论 部分腾冲县居 民存在蜱虫叮咬风险, 蜱虫叮咬风险在不同特征的人群中存在差异。相关疾控部门应加强对高危人群的健康教育, 以减 少人群感染蜱传疾病的风险。  相似文献   

蜱虫叮咬致病报道增多,已引起医务工作者重视。目前,大多数医务工作者关注蜱虫叮咬所引起的感染性疾病,而对蜱虫叮咬所致红肉过敏关注甚少,本文从蜱虫叮咬与红肉过敏的相关性,以及蜱虫叮咬所致红肉过敏的发病机制、诊断与鉴别诊断、治疗及预后等方面综述蜱虫叮咬所致红肉过敏的研究进展,以期为临床提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨在蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病感染预防控制工作中加强健康教育的效果,希望为蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病感染的预防提供参考依据。方法随机选择2018年3至2020年3月到本疾病预防控制中心接受蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病筛查的420例居民作为研究对象,评价健康教育的实施效果。结果健康教育干预后,调查对象关于蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病各项知识知晓率均提高,其中有323例(88.25%)调查对象认为被蜱虫叮咬后需使用酒精或碘酒麻痹蜱虫后取出,335例(91.53%)认为被蜱虫叮咬后需立刻就医,322例(87.98%)、318例(86.89%)愿意参加社区开展的蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病知识讲座和免费检测,与健康教育干预前比较(P0.01)。结论加强对居民进行健康教育,可有效提高居民对蜱虫病及人感染新型布尼亚病毒病感染预防相关知识知晓率及自我防护意识。  相似文献   

据中国疾病预防控制中心的监测统计,截止到6月份为止,今年全国已报告”蜱虫病”病例280例以上,死亡十余人。而每年的5~10月是该病发病的高峰期。面对“蜱虫病”的高发时节,身为推崇”要多走出去”的糖尿病患者该如何应对呢?  相似文献   

目的了解驻湖北孝感某部营区蜱虫及蜱媒病原体感染现状,为防治蜱媒病对人群健康危害提供科学依据。方法 2012年对某营区的仓库及训练场开展蜱虫调查,采集营区警犬饲养员及离营区20 km医院发热待查患者血样、警卫犬体表及营区草地上的蜱虫,分别提取其基因组DNA,PCR方法检测分析测定病原体基因分型。结果累计收集患者血110份,将血样混合分组,共7组;警犬饲养员血1份。患者血样检出巴尔通体和肺炎军团菌分别为3组和1组,最大似然估计(maximum likelihood estinate,MLE)感染率分别为27.77%(4/110),8.52‰(1/110);警犬饲养员血液检测到巴尔通体。从警犬身上、营区草地上分别采集蜱虫6只、20只。警卫犬体表蜱虫和营区草地蜱虫均检测到巴尔通体和立克次体。营区警犬饲养员及医院发热待查患者血样与营区警犬体表蜱虫检测到的巴尔通体基因型不同,分别为牛巴尔通体(B.bovis USAMRIID-000002),杆菌巴尔通体(B.birtlesii USAMRIID-000020),伊莉萨白巴尔通体(B.elizabethae USAMRIID-000008 or B.grahamii USAMRIID-000026),巴尔通体变形菌(B.grahamii USAMRIID-000026);而警犬体表蜱虫携带的为巴尔通伯格霍夫亚种(Bartonella vinsonii subsp.berkhoffii)基因型Ⅲ。不同来源的样本检测的巴尔通体基因型不同。结论该调查点蜱虫易见,蜱媒病原体感染率高,应采取蜱虫防制措施。  相似文献   

班博 教授.主任医师.医学硕士。济宁医学院附属医院副院长兼内科主任、内分泌科主任。中华医学会山东省内分泌分会委员.山东省医师协会理事.山东省医学伦理学学会理事.山东省心理卫生协会理事.济宁市内分泌分会副主任委员。从事临床医学工作24a,擅长糖尿病、甲状腺疾病、肾上腺疾病,垂体疾病,继发性高血压.骨质疏松症、高脂血症、  相似文献   

蜱类是多种疾病的传播媒介兼贮存宿主.2010年在我国河南省发现了新型布尼亚病毒疾病,与蜱类关系密切.本文以蜱的生态为基础,简要阐述了蜱类综合控制的原则和方法,较为系统地介绍了有效的防治手段,旨在为蜱虫的防治提供参考.  相似文献   

蜱虫在吸食动物血液的同时可携带病原体传播多种人兽共患病。经蜱传播的疾病统称为蜱媒传染病。蜱媒传染病与气象因素,尤其是温度、相对湿度、降雨量、相对大气压和风速等存在一定的相关性。本文对蜱媒传染病与气象因素相关性研究及其防治措施的研究进展进行综述,以期建立蜱媒传染病的气象模型和早期的气象预报预警系统,用于预测疾病的发生和监测疾病的发展。  相似文献   

目的了解广西南宁某警犬养殖训练基地蜱虫及病原体携带情况。方法 2013年7月在广西南宁某警犬养殖训练基地,采用逆毛式检蜱法采集犬体表以及犬舍墙壁的蜱虫,用巴贝虫属18S rRNA通用引物的巢式PCR、原核生物16S rRNA及真核生物线粒体16S rRNA通用引物的PCR和序列测定方法,鉴定蜱虫体内的病原体感染情况和蜱虫种类。结果从警犬体表及犬舍墙壁共计采集5只饱血蜱和13只饥饿蜱;经PCR鉴定均为血红扇头蜱(Rhipicephalus sanguineus)。蜱虫体内扩增到田鼠巴贝虫(Babesia microti)、伯纳特氏立克次氏体(Coxiella burnetii)、假单胞球菌(Pseudomonas sp.)、甲基杆菌(Methylobacterium sp.)DNA序列,阳性率分别为27.8%(5/18)、22.2%(4/18)、11.1%(2/18)、11.1%(2/18)。结论南宁某警犬养殖训练基地蜱虫存在一定比例的田鼠巴贝虫、伯纳特氏立克次氏体、假单胞球菌、甲基杆菌感染阳性率,对接触人员、及其他牲畜有潜在感染的风险,应加强预防和控制。  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省信阳地区家畜寄生蜱感染巴贝虫的情况。方法 2022年6—8月在河南省信阳市光山县和商城县采集家畜动物体表寄生蜱,采用形态学和PCR扩增蜱虫16S rDNA鉴定蜱虫种类。提取蜱虫基因组DNA,采用巢式PCR扩增巴贝虫18S rRNA基因。目的条带经测序后,进行BLAST比对分析,采用邻接法构建系统进化树,采用MEGA7.0软件进行同源性分析。结果 共釆集335只蜱,形态学和PCR扩增鉴定结果显示,长角血蜱49只、微小扇头蜱208只、褐黄血蜱1只、具环扇头蜱34只、刻点血蜱43只。PCR扩增结果显示,335份蜱虫样品中有2份样品扩增出巴贝虫400 bp大小的目的条带,蜱虫巴贝虫总阳性率为0.6%。BLAST比对分析结果显示,1份样品扩增出的18S rRNA序列与GenBank中来自美国(MK609547)、泰国(MG199181)、中国(KU204794)的田鼠巴贝虫序列相似性均达99.26%;另1份样品扩增出的18S rRNA序列与GenBank中来自美国(MH620203)、印度(MN161136)和中国(KP666166)的吉氏巴贝虫序列相似性均达100%。系统进化树...  相似文献   

Ticks are currently considered to be second only to mosquitoes as vectors of human infectious diseases in the world. Each tick species has preferred environmental conditions and biotopes that determine the geographic distribution of the ticks and, consequently, the risk areas for tickborne diseases. This is particularly the case when ticks are vectors and reservoirs of the pathogens. Since the identification of Borrelia burgdorferi as the agent of Lyme disease in 1982, 15 ixodid-borne bacterial pathogens have been described throughout the world, including 8 rickettsiae, 3 ehrlichiae, and 4 species of the Borrelia burgdorferi complex. This article reviews and illustrate various aspects of the biology of ticks and the tickborne bacterial diseases (rickettsioses, ehrlichioses, Lyme disease, relapsing fever borrelioses, tularemia, Q fever), particularly those regarded as emerging diseases. Methods are described for the detection and isolation of bacteria from ticks and advice is given on how tick bites may be prevented and how clinicians should deal with patients who have been bitten by ticks.  相似文献   

目的掌握塔里木盆地蜱类生态位宽度和生态位重叠,从蜱类生态学角度探讨该地区蜱类在蜱媒自然疫源性疾病上的作用。方法在该地区蜱类群落聚类分类基础上,采用harmon—Wiener的生态位宽度指数公式和Pianka(1973)的生态位重叠公式,计算各蜱类的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数。结果亚洲璃眼蜱指名亚种和亚东璃眼蜱的生态位宽度最大,分别为0.5257和0.468,其次为图兰扇头蜱和银钝革蜱(0.379和0.299),血红扇头蜱最小(0);图兰扇头蜱、银钝革蜱和血红扇头蜱三者相互之间的生态位重叠值最高均在0.9以上,2种璃眼蜱间的重叠值次之,为0.3479。亚洲璃眼蜱指名亚种与银钝革蜱、亚东璃眼蜱与图兰扇头蜱之间生态位重叠值分别为0.2387和0.1617。亚东璃眼蜱与血红扇头蜱和银钝革蜱,以及亚洲璃眼蜱指名亚种和2种扇头蜱之间的生态位重叠值都在0.1以下。结论亚洲璃眼蜱指名亚种和亚东璃眼蜱在塔里木盆地蜱类群落中占有十分重要的地位,并存在栖息地分布上的分离。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析黑河口岸地区蜱种类多样性。方法 对2012年至2014年黑龙江省黑河区域内蜱种群密度、数量、分布以及季节变迁方面的数据进行整理及总结,通过形态学的观察及PCR检测明确黑河地区蜱的分类及携带病原体情况。结果 黑河口岸地区的蜱类采集活动中,共获得蜱类1 343只,经鉴定分属3属3种,其中森林革蜱1 054只,占总体构成78.48%,为优势蜱种;嗜群血蜱236只,占总体构成17.57%;全沟硬蜱53只,占总体构成3.94%。之后本试验对采集到的1 343只蜱针对10种病原体进行PCR检测。在黑河地区的蜱类中,森林革蜱的立克次体感染率为64.37%、巴尔通体感染率为3.35%、类似巴贝西虫病原体检出率为1.70%,其他相关蜱虫病原检测结果为阴性。结论 森林革蜱为试验采集蜱虫中的优势蜱种;进行病原体检查发现立克次体具有较高感染率,其中病原体主要在森林革蜱中发现,森林革蜱仍然是监测新发蜱媒传染病的前哨种类。携带的病原体的种类随着生态环境的变化在慢慢发生变化,边境的生态环境复杂多样,在蜱虫比较活跃繁多的地区和季节应该增大防范措施,以免人们在工作以及生活中被其感染,从而造成生命财产损失。  相似文献   

目的 了解目前长三角城市群蜱媒分布,并对2070年该地区蜱媒适生区进行预测,为该地区蜱媒控制和蜱传疾病防治提供科学依据。方法 检索国内外公开发表的有关长三角城市群蜱媒及病原体分布的文献,提取蜱媒分布地理位置信息,采用刀切法分析最湿季平均温度、最冷季降水量、最干季平均温度、最热月最高温度、最干月降水量、最冷月最低温度、年降水量、平均日间温度范围、降水量季节变化、温度年度范围、温度季节性、年均温度、最暖季平均温度、最湿季降水量、等温性、最冷季平均温度、最湿月降水量、最干季降水量和最暖季降水量等19种气候因子对蜱媒分布的影响。采用最大熵模型分析2020年该地区蜱媒分布,并结合气候因子对2070年蜱媒适生区变化进行预测。结果 共检索中英文文献380篇,累计提取蜱媒分布点148个,并筛选出135个分布点进行研究。长三角城市群存在包括血蜱、扇头蜱、硬蜱、革蜱、牛蜱、璃眼蜱、花蜱在内的7属27种蜱。影响长三角城市群蜱媒分布的气候因子主要为最湿季平均温度和最冷季降水量,其贡献率分别为26.1%和23.6%。2020年,长三角城市群蜱媒高、中、低适生区面积分别为20 337.08、40 017.38、74 931.43 km2。受气候变化影响,2070年蜱媒适生区呈向南部扩大趋势,适生区总面积将增加1.81万km2,高、中、低适生区面积分别扩大至24 317.84、45 283.02、83 766.38 km2。结论 长三角城市群蜱媒种类繁多、分布广泛,未来气候变化可能导致该地区蜱媒分布区域扩大。  相似文献   

Ticks are among the most important vectors of a wide range of human and animal diseases. During blood feeding, ticks are exposed to an enormous amount of free iron that must be appropriately used and detoxified. However, the mechanism of iron metabolism in ticks is poorly understood. Here, we show that ticks possess a complex system that efficiently utilizes, stores and transports non-heme iron within the tick body. We have characterized a new secreted ferritin (FER2) and an iron regulatory protein (IRP1) from the sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus, and have demonstrated their relationship to a previously described tick intracellular ferritin (FER1). By using RNA interference-mediated gene silencing in the tick, we show that synthesis of FER1, but not of FER2, is subject to IRP1-mediated translational control. Further, we find that depletion of FER2 from the tick plasma leads to a loss of FER1 expression in the salivary glands and ovaries that normally follows blood ingestion. We therefore suggest that secreted FER2 functions as the primary transporter of non-heme iron between the tick gut and the peripheral tissues. Silencing of the fer1, fer2, and irp1 genes by RNAi has an adverse impact on hatching rate and decreases postbloodmeal weight in tick females. Importantly, knockdown of fer2 dramatically impairs the ability of ticks to feed, thus making FER2 a promising candidate for development of an efficient anti-tick vaccine.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the tick species parasitizing domestic ruminants in Ghaemshahr county in Mazandaran, a Caspian province in the north of Iran.MethodsAbout 361 sheep, 54 goats and 10 cattle of 18 herds in several villages in Ghaemshahr were inspected for tick infestation. Separated ticks were preserved in 70% alcohol and identified.ResultsAbout 323 ticks (207 female, 116 male) were collected, the occurrence of ticks on sheep, goats and cattle were 28.3%, 22.2% and 20.0% respectively. The mean number of ticks on each animal was low (3-5 ticks per animal). Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Ixodes ricinus, Boophilus annulatus, Haemaphysalis punctata and Haemaphysalis numidiana were the tick species we found. Rhipicephalus sanguineus were the most abundant species in the study area. The largest number of ticks were generally present from April to July, mostly in animal ears and tails. Ixodes, Boophilus and Haemaphysalis occurred in mountainous areas of Ghaemshahr, whereas Rhipicephalus were present in both mountains and plains of the study area.ConclusionsThe result of this study is a survey of tick species from domestic animals in Iran and implication of possible prevention measures for diseases transmitted by ticks.  相似文献   

目的 掌握广西地区牛羊场硬蜱种类及其分子特征,了解该地区蜱类的分类地位,为养殖户防控硬蜱及蜱媒传染病提供参考依据。方法 本实验于2019年1月至2021年11月,采用动物体表法采集寄生的蜱类;提取蜱基因组,PCR扩增3种硬蜱的线粒体16S rDNA 和COI基因片段,并进行同源性分析。基于邻接法,用MEGA6.0软件分别构建系统发生树,进行遗传进化分析。结果 牛羊体表上共采集蜱2 030只,隶属1科2 属3种,其中微小扇头蜱1 968只,长角血蜱49只,具角血蜱13只。PCR扩增微小扇头蜱、长角血蜱和具角血蜱16S rDNA 和COI基因片段长度分别是460 bp和710 bp左右,分别与GenBank 中已登录的相应种类相似较高且在一个进化分支上。结论 广西地区牛羊场优势蜱种是微小扇头蜱且存在长角血蜱和具角血蜱。三蜱种16S rDNA 和COI序列存在多样性和地域差异性。  相似文献   

Anaplasmosis is the most widely distributed of several important tick-borne diseases that constrain cattle production throughout much of the world. Evaluation of the effectiveness of disease control strategies that integrate vaccination with tick control requires the ability to monitor tick and cattle infection rates. To detect Anaplasma marginale in ticks and bovine erythrocytes, a 2-kilobase DNA fragment from a cloned A. marginale gene coding for a surface protein having a Mr of 105,000 was prepared and evaluated as a probe. The probe was species specific and detected A. marginale DNA derived from infected bovine erythrocytes and adult Dermacentor ticks infected either as nymphs or adults. Tick infection was confirmed by microscopy and test feeding on a susceptible calf. The sensitivity of the probe is suitable for detecting infected ticks in experimental and field epizootiology studies.  相似文献   

The risk to humans of contracting tick-borne zoonotic diseases depends on the risk of a bite from an infected tick, which can be broken down into its component parts as the number of host-seeking ticks in the environment, in particular nymphs, and the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens they are carrying. In turn, the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens is dependent upon tick biting intensity on hosts that support transmission between ticks; namely rodents. These ticks once fed moult into the next life stage and search for the next blood meal, thus posing a zoonotic risk. Here, we analyse tick biting intensity on rodents in a known tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) focus in Trentino (northern Italy). We examine patterns of tick demography and the influence of host densities and climate on ticks' generation time, development rates, tick density and intensity. During the period 2000-2004, a population of the yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis, the most important TBE transmission host, was intensively monitored. Ticks feeding on individual rodents were counted, distinguishing between the larval and nymph life-stages. Local temperature and relative humidity was calculated using both data-loggers in the field site and regional weather stations. We investigated which factors had a predictive value both on feeding tick intensity and on the overall density of larvae or nymphs feeding on rodents in a year. We observed a negative effect of rodent density on tick intensity, while temperature influenced positively both larvae and nymph intensity. Overall larval density was higher in the years and trapping grids where rodent density was higher, while for nymphs no such effect was observed. The best explanatory variable for nymph density was the larval density in the previous year, confirming the discrete nature of tick demography. This provides important information in terms of monitoring the risk to humans of acquiring pathogen-infected ticks.  相似文献   

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