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目的评价胸骨下段小切口心脏不停跳心内直视手术的价值.方法2004年7月至2005年6月采用胸骨下段正中小切口、体外循环下心脏不停跳心内直视手术共25例,其中房间隔缺损10例,室间隔缺损13例,肺动脉瓣狭窄1例,法乐三联症1例.结果25例均治愈,无术后并发症,术后住院时间6~8 d.随访1~11个月,心功能恢复良好,无残余畸形.结论胸骨下段小切口心脏不停跳心内直视手术是一种安全、有效且创伤小的技术.  相似文献   

【】目的 总结43例10kg以下婴幼儿经胸室间隔缺损(VSD)封堵术的经验。方法 食道超声引导下,经胸骨下段小切口1.5cm,切开皮肤,胸骨下段及心包,在右心室表面定点,穿刺置入导丝,经VSD送入输送鞘及对称型封堵器封堵VSD。结果 本组无死亡,无Ⅲ度传导阻滞,与同期一组体外循环下心内直视室缺修补法对比,手术时间、术后呼吸机辅助时间、术后引流量、术后住院时间及输血量低于体外循环心内直视修补手术组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 经胸小切口封堵术治疗10kg以下膜周部室间隔缺损婴幼儿,能减少体外循环带来的风险,创伤小、出血少,恢复快、切口小而美观。  相似文献   

目的总结应用右前胸小切口进行心内直视手术的治疗体会.方法1999年3月-2003年6月,我们采用右前胸小切口行心内直视下修补先天性房、室间隔缺损65例,其中房间隔缺损37例,室间隔缺损28例.结果所有患者无手术死亡及手术并发症.结论经右前胸小切口进行心内直视手术是一种安全可靠的微创手术,对一些简单的先天性心脏病有良好的手术和美容效果,但不适合比较复杂的心脏病手术.  相似文献   

胸骨下段小切口行先天性心脏病矫治术116例   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 :介绍胸骨下段小切口行先天性心脏病手术经验体会。  方法 :采用胸骨下段小切口 ,部分劈胸骨 ,在全麻、低温体外循环下行先天性心脏病手术 116例 ,年龄 3个月~ 5 0岁(5 .7± 6 .8)岁 ,其中室间隔缺损 6 6例 ,房间隔缺损 33例 ,法乐四联症 13例 ,肺动脉闭锁、心内膜垫缺损、肺动脉瓣狭窄及冠状静脉窦无顶综合征各 1例。  结果 :全组 1例二次开胸止血 ,无手术并发症和手术死亡。  结论 :先天性心脏病矫治手术可采用胸骨下段小切口、部分劈胸骨入路 ,创伤小、恢复快、美观。  相似文献   

389例先天性心脏病右外侧小切口剖胸心内直视手术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:总结经右胸外侧小切口体外循环下行先天性心脏病心内直视手术经验。方法:1996年11月至2011年12月,我科室应用右胸小切口完成各类先天性心脏病(先心病)的心内直视手术389例。年龄1.5~57岁,平均13.5岁。体质量7.6~68 kg,平均24.5 kg。手术切口后缘自右腋中线第3肋间处,向前下斜行达锁骨中线第6肋间处做8~12 cm弧形切口,第4肋间入胸。手术方式:房间隔缺损修补157例,室间隔缺损修补150例,部分房室隔缺损矫治8例;右心室流出道疏通术24例;法洛三联症矫治32例,法洛四联症矫治5例以及其他畸形矫治13例。随机选择同期常规手术(胸正中切口)患者100例作为对照。结果:研究组切口长度、手术时间及术后引流量都显著低于对照组;研究组术后呼吸机辅助时间明显低于对照组;术后监护时间各组间差异无统计学意义。研究组手术死亡4例(1.03%),2例死于术后脑栓塞,另外2例死于低心排出量综合征(低心排)。结论:右胸小切口手术入路,可安全有效地行常见先心病的矫治。该技术创伤小、恢复快、美观,并提高了患者的生活质量,值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 :研究比较右胸前外侧切口和胸骨正中切口在临床上矫治先天性心脏病的优缺点。方法 :将术前超声心动图检查及手术确诊为单纯房间隔缺损或单纯室间隔缺损的患者共 15 1例 ,分成右胸前外侧切口和胸骨正中切口手术 2组 ,从术后呼吸机辅助呼吸时间、术后 2 4h引流量、体外循环时间、术后住院天数、并发症的发生率等方面进行统计分析比较。结果 :术后呼吸机辅助时间及术后住院时间 ,2组病人无明显差别 ;术后 2 4h引流量 ,右胸前外侧切口组较少 ;体外循环时间胸骨正中切口组较短 ;胸骨正中切口组切口感染发生率为 3 42 %、胸骨畸形发生率为 4 2 7% ,右胸前外侧切口组无切口感染和胸骨畸形。结论 :右胸前外侧切口可对经右房或房间沟入路完成的简单的心内直视手术 ,具有美容效果好、术后渗血少、切口感染发生率低、无胸骨畸形等突出优点。缩短住院时间不明显。是否能减少手术创伤 ,有待进一步研究  相似文献   

目的探讨应用倒"J"形胸骨下段小切口行小儿心内直视手术的安全性和手术创伤情况.方法应用倒"J"形胸骨下段小切口,对小儿先天性心脏畸型患者行心内直视手术矫治.全组50例,年龄8个月至14岁.手术主要病种:ASD、VSD、VSD PDA、ASD PS、PS.与近年相同年龄组标准胸骨正中切口比较.结果①切口长度明显缩小.②小切口的上端未超过胸骨角,在某种程度上满足了患者的美容需求.③术后胸廓的稳定性较好,术后胸廓畸形的发生率和程度明显减轻.④应用小切口能较好完成房间隔缺损,膜部及干下型室间隔缺损,肺动脉瓣狭窄等手术;但部分心内手术结构的显露受到一定影响.结论只要手术适应证选择合适,应用倒"J"形胸骨下段小切口,并不影响手术安全性;可取得创伤小、术后胸廓畸形轻和较好的美容效果.  相似文献   

右腋下剖胸小儿心内直视术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨右侧剖胸小切口的手术要点及手术指征。  方法 :本组 10 2例患者经右腋下小切口剖胸及体外循环下行小儿心内直视术 ,其中房间隔缺损 2 4例 ,室间隔缺损 6 8例 ,法乐四联症 5例 ,室间隔缺损合并房间隔缺损 3例 ,右心室双出口、Ebstein畸形各 1例。合并畸形 :左上腔静脉 4例 ,右心室双腔及动脉导管未闭各 1例。  结果 :全组患者无死亡。  结论 :切口的正确选择是术野良好显露的前提 ,主动脉插管是手术成功的关键。该切口适用于大部分常见先天性心脏病的矫治。  相似文献   

目的总结经右腋下直切口体外循环低温室颤下行心内直视手术的治疗结果,探讨本术式的适应证及禁忌证。方法以2006年6月至2010年12月,经右腋下直切口体外循环低温室颤下行心内直视手术的38例患者为试验组,其中单纯房间隔缺损21例、室间隔缺损13例、二尖瓣置换4例;以同期经胸骨正中切口行体外循环下低温停跳心内直视手术的165例患者为对照组。观察两组体外循环时间、术后12h血清肌钙蛋白T、辅助通气时间、输血量、住院时间、住院费用等指标,并进行比较。结果两组患者术后生存率差异无统计学意义。低温室颤组患者体外循环时间稍长于对照组,但术后12h血清肌钙蛋白T低于对照组,辅助通气时间两组差异无统计学意义,输血量、住院时间、住院费用低温室颤组均低于对照组。结论经右腋下直切口体外循环低温室颤下行心内直视手术安全,与传统手术方法相比,具有出血少、住院时间短等优点,在严格掌握适应证的情况下,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

胸骨下段小切口手术是近年来新兴的微创心脏外科手术方法。我们结合20例先天性心脏病(先心病)的治疗对这种手术方式进行报告。1 临床资料  自1998年8月至1999年2月,经正中胸骨下段小切口进行心内直视手术20例,男11例,女9例,平均年龄25.5(16~50)岁,平均体重60.7(41.5~70)公斤。20例中房间隔缺损10例,其中合并二尖瓣关闭不全2例;单纯膜部室间隔缺损8例;干下型室间隔缺损1例;嵴下型室间隔缺损1例。  手术方法:手术于低温体外循环下进行;患者仰卧位,皮肤切口自胸骨角下方3厘米至剑突;自下而上纵行劈开胸骨至胸骨角下方3厘米处并用摇摆锯(…  相似文献   

Objective:To compare the clinical outcomes of minimally invasive right subaxillary vertical thoracotomy and traditional median sternotomy through right atrium in treatment of common congenital heart diseases.Methods:Clinical data of 59 cases of common congenital heart diseases treated with minimally invasive right axillary vertical thoracotomv from May,2011 to February,2013 and 77 cases of same diseases with traditional median sternotomy in the past three years were retrospectively analyzed,including atrial septal defect,membranous ventricular septal defect and partial endocardial cushion defect.The results were compared from the two groups,including the time for operation and cardiopulmonary bypass,amount of blood transfusion,postoperative drainage,ventilation time,hospital stay,and prognosis.Results:No severe complications happened in both groups,like deaths or secondery surgery caused by bleeding.No significant differences were in CPB time and postoperative ventilator time between groups(P0.05),while for all of the operative time,the length of incision,postoperative drainage and hospital stay,minimally invasive right axillary vertical thoracotomy was superior to median sternotomy,with statistically significant differences(P0.05).In six-month lollowup after operation,no complications of residual deformity and pericardial effusion were found in both groups bv doing echocardiography,but mild pectus carinatum was found in X patients in the traditional median sternotomy group(traditional groupi.whereas patients in another group were well recovered.Conclusions:Minimally invasive right subaxillary vertical thoracotomv for common congenital heart diseases is as safe as traditional median sternotomy,without the increasing incidence of postoperative complications.Additionally,compared with traditional median sternotomy,minimally invasive right subaxillary vertical thoracotomv is better in the aspects of hidden incision,appearance,and postoperative recovery.  相似文献   

目的探讨胸骨正中小切口在心脏瓣膜手术中应用的安全性和优点。方法在2000年8月至2006年10月间,50例风湿性心脏病患者,在常规体外循环下行瓣膜置换手术。其中二尖瓣置换术30例,主动脉瓣置换术20例。分别采用胸骨正中上段或下段部分胸骨劈开切口。切口长7田cm。结果本组无围术期死亡。术后恢复快,无严重并发症,术后纵隔引流量少,输血量少,无切口感染、裂开。手术效果满意。结论胸骨正中小切口可安全用于心脏瓣膜手术,具有创伤小、胸骨完整性破坏小、疗效好及美观效果。  相似文献   

This study reviews the current method of atrial septal defect closure at our institute with a minimally invasive approach without median sternotomy. From September 1997 to August 1998, 37 patients (13 males, 24 females) with mean age 36.5 years (range 18-67 years) underwent atrial septal defect closure by right anterior thoracotomy. Femoral vessels were cannulated through a small groin incision and extracorporeal circulation was established. Venous drainage was assisted with a centrifugal pump. Aortic crossclamping was performed through the intact chest wall using a special transthoracic clamp with sliding rod design inserted through a separate tiny 3 mm incision in the right second intercostal space in the mid clavicular line. Mean duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic crossclamp time was 35 +/- 14 and 23 +/- 7 minutes respectively; mean endotracheal intubation time after surgery 6.2 +/- 3 hours; mean ICU stay 10.6 +/- 2.8 hours; mean length of thoracotomy incision 7.2 +/- 1.8 cm; and, mean hospital stay 4.2 +/- 1.8 days. There was no post-operative neurological dysfunction or femoral cannulation related complication. There was no perioperative or late mortality. No residual atrial septal defect was observed by transoesophageal echocardiography in any patient. The procedure described here provides secure closure of the atrial septal defects in minimally invasive fashion with good results.  相似文献   

Hagl C  Stock U  Haverich A  Steinhoff G 《Chest》2001,119(2):622-627
STUDY OBJECTIVES: A variety of minimally invasive techniques have been recently introduced in adult cardiac surgery. Experiences with children and newborns are, however, limited. In this report, we present our first experiences with different methods of ministernotomies for closure of atrial septum defect (ASD) and ventricular septum defect (VSD) in pediatric cardiac patients. Also, the current literature for different surgical approaches is reviewed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five pediatric patients (range, 4 months to 12 years old) underwent elective ASD or VSD closure. Surgical access was either without division of the sternum (group A, n = 5), with partial inferior sternotomy (group B, n = 5), total sternotomy with limited skin incision (group C, n = 5), or total sternotomy with full skin incision (group D, n = 10). RESULTS: There were no severe intraoperative complications regarding exposure, cannulation, or bleeding. Conversion to full sternotomy was not necessary in any patient. Bypass time and cross-clamp time in groups A, B, and C were comparable to the standard operation (group D). However, preparation time was significantly increased in one minimally invasive group (group A vs group D, p<0.05). Despite general feasibility, the transxiphoidal access without sternotomy compromises exposure of the ascending aorta, resulting in impaired administration of cross-clamping, cardioplegia, and especially de-airing. CONCLUSIONS: Transatrial pediatric cardiac operations can be performed without or with limited sternotomy. The partial sternotomy allows uncompromised exposure of the great vessels and should be favored over the transxiphoidal approach. The operative access and perioperative risk is comparable to a classical standard surgical approach. Advantages include improved cosmetic results in combination with a high degree of safety.  相似文献   

From May 1999 to May 2000, 317 unselected patients, representing 92.7% of all coronary artery surgery procedures, underwent open heart surgery of the beating heart by median sternotomy with the aid of a cardiac stabilising device. The main preoperative characteristics were: mean age = 66.1 years; men = 78.9%; left main stem disease = 31.8%; mean left ventricular ejection fraction = 54.1%; mean Parsonnet index = 16.9. These 317 patients were compared with a group of 303 patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery the year before by the same surgical team with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and cardiac standstill. Seven hundred and eighty-six distal anastomoses were carried out in the beating heart group (2.48 grafts per patient) compared with 2.91 in the CPB group: p < 0.001). There were 10.1% single bypass, 37.5% double bypass, 47.3% triple bypass and 5% quadruple bypass procedures. A cardiopulmonary bypass was required in 13 patients (4.1%). The mortality at 30 days was 3.1% versus 4.6% in the CPB group (p = NS). The need for blood transfusion was reduced by nearly 40% in the beating heart group (23.7% versus 39.9%, p < 0.001). The incidence of cerebrovascular complications was reduced from 3% in the CPB group to 0.6% in the beating heart group (p = 0.06). The peak postoperative troponine I levels were much lower in the beating heart group (2.5 versus 6.4 ng/ml, p < 0.001). The authors conclude that surgery on the beating heart is feasible in most patients. Compared with conventional surgery under CPB, there seems to be less requirement for blood transfusion and a tendency to reduce the cerebral risk. Nevertheless, a large prospective randomised trial is required to validate the potential advantages and limitations of this technique with respect to conventional surgery and to determine the optimal indications of surgery on the beating heart.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been a trend in recent years towards less invasive therapy for many congenital cardiac malformations. For the past 5 years, we have employed a technique of limited surgical exposure when repairing atrial defects within the oval fossa. METHODS: Over the 5-year period from July 1992 to August 1997, 115 consecutive patients underwent surgical repair of an isolated atrial septal defect in the region of the oval fossa by a single surgeon. The patients had a limited midline skin incision starting at the line of the nipples and extending inferiorly across 2 to 3 intercostal spaces. A partial sternotomy was performed, sparing the manubrium. Standard instruments and cannulation techniques were used for cardiopulmonary bypass and fibrillatory arrest. RESULTS: There were no deaths and no major complications. The median time to extubation after leaving the operating room was 3 hours (30 minutes to 8 days). Mediastinal drains were removed the morning after surgery. The median stay in the intensive care unit was 7 hours (3 hours to 10 days), and patients were discharged from the hospital a median of 4 days postoperatively (2 to 23 days). CONCLUSIONS: This approach using limited exposure can be applied safely without any new instruments and without peripheral incisions or sites of vascular access, while providing a comfortable exposure for the surgeon and achieving a cosmetically superior result for the patient.  相似文献   

目的总结经右腋下直切口行体外循环直视心脏手术的临床经验,探讨其适应证及技术要点。方法2008年6月至2011年1月我们共完成79例经右腋下直切口的sJ,JL体外循环心脏直视手术,患者年龄6个月至12岁,平均(7.4±3.3)岁,体重6.5-42.0(17.8±8.7)kg。其中房间隔缺损19例,同期行三尖瓣成形5例;室间隔缺损55例,其中合并动脉导管未闭2例;部分房室管畸形5例。所有手术均在全身麻醉、体外循环下进行(房间隔缺损修补在不停跳下进行)。患者取左侧卧位,切口位于右侧第3肋间腋中线与第5肋间腋前线之间,皮肤切VI长度3.5-6.0(4.7±1.3)12111,经第3或第4肋间进胸,切开并悬吊心包,行升主动脉及上、下腔静脉插管建立体外循环,经主动脉根部灌注心脏停搏液,单纯房间隔缺损采用心脏不停跳下手术,经右心房切口修补房、室缺及三尖瓣成形。结果全组手术均顺利完成,无手术死亡;1例因术后心内膜炎致室缺残余漏,再次正中开胸行室缺残余漏修补术。体外循环时间(63.4±18.2)min,主动脉阻断时间(37.6±14-3)min,术后24h胸腔引流40-130(85.3±26.5)ml。68例患者术后未输血。全组无其他严重并发症。结论右腋下小切口直视心脏手术安全、可靠,可减少用血量,术后切口隐蔽美观,患儿及家属满意率高,值得临床椎广。  相似文献   

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