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2002年南京市10家医院剖宫产后出血的病因分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的:调查分析与剖宫产后出血的相关因素,为制定合理防治剖宫产后出血措施提供依据。方法:就2002年3月1日至2002年12月31日在南京市10家医院行剖宫产术分娩者有关剖宫产指征、产后出血相关因素进行问卷调查。结果: 1146例剖宫产分娩者产后24h平均出血量528 0ml;出血量≥500ml者447例,占39 .01%,其中宫缩乏力性出血为81 .3%。多因素分析显示,前置胎盘、双胎、新生儿高体重与剖宫产后出血有关。结论:剖宫产后出血发生率高,前置胎盘、双胎和新生儿高体重孕妇是剖宫产后出血的高风险人群。  相似文献   

如何正确估计阴道分娩的产后出血量   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
产后出血是产科最常见最危急的并发症 ,如何正确估计、精确测量阴道分娩的产后出血量 ,对采取正确的治疗措施有重要意义。1 产后出血的定义   1987年全国产后出血防治协作组统计 ,产后 2 4小时出血量为 398.6± 2 38.0ml,提出以 5 0 0ml作为产后出血的诊断标准 ,并建议产后 2小时内总失血量≥ 40 0ml也可作为产后出血的诊断标准之一。Williams产科学 (第 2 1版 )中产后出血量为5 46~ 6 5 0ml。近年来对此定义持有不同的意见。美国ALSO课程大纲中指出 :阴道分娩平均出血量在 5 0 0ml,而剖宫产则在 10 0 0ml。临床上 ,产后出血可以定义…  相似文献   

剖宫产产后出血的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨分析剖宫产产后出血的发生率、出血量及影响因素,阐明降低剖宫产率的重要性,提出目前降低产后出血率的根本有效措施。方法:回顾2006年9月至2009年10月在我院分娩的9201例产妇,对其中222例产后出血(剖宫产102例、阴道分娩120例)进行比较分析。结果:(1)我院近3年产后出血率2.41%,其中剖宫产产后出血率4.18%,平均出血量(1055.2±794)ml,阴道分娩产后出血率1.77%,平均出血量(701.5±380)ml,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)无论剖宫产或阴道分娩,产后出血的主要原因均是宫缩乏力(75.49%;61.67%),胎盘因素上升为第二原因(20.59%;24.17%),两组所占比例无明显差异(P>0.05)。(3)产后出血中剖宫产手术指征以产程延长/停滞最常见,其次为胎儿宫内窘迫,但前置胎盘的产后出血量最多,与其他组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:(1)剖宫产产后出血发生率高,出血量大,应降低剖宫产率。(2)即使有指征剖宫产,应重视其高危因素,降低产后出血发生率,以降低孕产妇死亡率。  相似文献   

阴道分娩产后出血量的精确测定与血液指标的关系研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
目的 :探讨产后出血量的测定与血液指标变化的关系。方法 :采用前瞻性研究方法。选择经阴道分娩的足月产妇共 6 30例 ,产后出血量的收集计量采用称重法 ,由专人精确测量从会阴切开至产后 2 4小时各阶段的出血量 ,再按血液比重换算成容积。血液容积 (ml) =血液重量 (g)÷ 1.0 5。在接产前及分娩后 4小时分别抽取肘静脉血 0 .5ml,即刻测定血红蛋白、红细胞计数、血小板数、血细胞比容。结果 :产后 2 4小时总出血量平均为 5 5 4.2± 2 73.1ml,其中产后 2小时内出血量为 42 0 .2± 2 5 9.1ml,占产后 2 4小时总出血量的 75 .8%,第三产程出血量为 2 12 .0± 180 .9ml,占产后 2小时内出血量的 5 0 .5 %。在 6 30例阴道分娩中 ,产后 2 4小时总出血量 >5 0 0ml者 ,共 319例 ,占 5 0 .6 %。产后 2 4小时总出血量 >10 0 0ml者 ,共 39例 ,占 6 .2 %。产后 4小时血红蛋白、红细胞计数、血细胞比容较产前下降 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ,尤以产后 2 4小时总出血量 >10 0 0ml者变化显著 ,而血小板的变化差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :以产后 2 4小时总出血量超过 5 0 0ml作为产后出血的诊断标准 ,则 6 30例产妇中有产后出血者 319例 ,产后出血的发生率为 5 0 .6 %。故是否需重新定义产后出血的量是值得研究的问题  相似文献   

剖宫产术中出血的防治   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
剖宫产术中出血是剖宫产术最常见且重要的并发症 ,应予重视。处理不及时或措施不力均可威胁产妇生命。肉眼估计的出血量往往低于实际出血量 ,上海产后出血研究协作组精确测量剖宫产产后 2 4h内的出血量为 (4 94 34±2 11 16 )mL[1] ,主要是术中出血 ,所测出血量为目测法的2 4倍。因此 ,剖宫产产后出血的发生率报道不一 ,为5 87%~ 5 1 2 0 %不等。剖宫产的术中出血与手术指征、术式 (如子宫下段剖宫产出血为 12 0 4 % ,宫体剖宫产为4 1 6 6 % )、损伤、手术熟练程度及手术经过时间等因素有关。1 切口因素1.1 出血原因切口裂伤 :①子…  相似文献   

目的:探讨低置胎盘的合理分娩方式。方法:选取2012年1月1日至2014年4月30日在我院分娩的单胎头位低置胎盘产妇650例。按是否试产将患者分为试产组和选择性剖宫产组;按分娩前最后一次超声胎盘下缘距离宫颈内口的距离将患者分为低置胎盘1组(下缘距内口≥0mm但20mm)、低置胎盘2组(下缘距内口≥20mm但40mm)和低置胎盘3组(下缘距内口≥40mm但70mm)。分析患者的阴道试产成功率、试产失败原因、产后出血量及分娩期并发症。结果:(1)试产组的试产总成功率为82.64%,低置胎盘1、2、3组的阴道试产成功率分别为62.5%、82.61%和84.65%,其中因产前出血而改行剖宫产的风险分别为31.25%、8.7%和1.49%;(2)低置胎盘1组患者中阴道试产和选择性剖宫产的产后出血量无显著差异[(590.94±382.79)ml vs(465.68±367.83)ml];低置胎盘2组和3组中阴道试产的产后出血量明显少于剖宫产组[(267.17±104.47)ml vs(388.10±205.61)ml,P0.0001]及[(293.00±263.731)ml vs(348.59±98.68)ml,P0.0001]。结论:胎盘下缘距宫颈内口≥20mm不应作为孕妇选择性剖宫产的手术指征。  相似文献   

产后出血131例临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现将我院妇产科1985年1月至1987年6月131例产后出血进行分析,讨论如下。资料分析一、发生率:我科1985年1月至1987年6月共分娩5095例,发生产后出血共131例(其中41例为剖宫产),其发生率为2.57%。131例中,产后24小时内出血量存400~1000ml 者123例,1001~1500ml 者7例,>1501ml 者1例。本组产后2小时内出血者128例,产后24小时内出血者3例。二、分娩方式及出血原因见表1。  相似文献   

目的:通过比较3种常用的估计产后出血量的方法,选择相对快速、准确估计剖宫产术后出血量的方法;同时对术后出血量500 ml的患者进行相关因素分析。方法:回顾性分析2014年1-12月在我院行剖宫产手术患者583例的临床资料,分别用目测法、血细胞比容(HCT)法、公式计算3种方法对患者的出血量进行评估,以公式计算为标准对出血量500 ml患者的危险因素进行分析。结果:583例患者中,目测法估算出血量500 ml的23例(3.95%),公式计算法估算出血量500 ml的133例(22.81%),HCT法估算出血量500 ml的116例(19.90%)。3种方法相比较,HCT法估算出血量大于500 ml的发生率与公式计算法相近(P0.05),目测法与其他两种方法差异较大(P0.05)。出血量500 ml与HCT术前后变化值呈正相关;出血量大于500 ml时,HCT法在估计产后出血量的灵敏度、准确性上明显高于目测法(76.69%、87.93%与12.78%、73.91%)。产程异常、子宫肌瘤、胎盘因素、巨大儿为出血量500 ml的危险因素。结论:HCT法估计剖宫产术后出血量更接近于公式计算法,尤其在出血量大于500 ml时;HCT法比公式计算法更简便,比目测法更准确。HCT法可在临床中作为初步估计出血量的标准,而更加精确的估计出血量的方法仍应用公式计算法。巨大儿、产程异常等患者更易发生剖宫产术后大量出血。  相似文献   

剖宫产术后再次妊娠177例分娩方式分析   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
目的探讨剖宫产术后再次妊娠的分娩方式.方法对1999年1月至2004年12月吴川市妇幼保健院177例剖宫产术后再次妊娠孕妇的分娩方式、分娩结局及母婴并发症进行回顾性分析,并将其中再次剖宫产(RCS)126例与随机抽取同期首次剖宫产(PCS)126例进行对照;将其中剖宫产术后阴道分娩(VBAC)51例与随机抽取同期非瘢痕子宫阴道分娩(VBNC)51例进行对照.结果 177例中73例行阴道试产,51例试产成功,成功率69.9%;RCS 126例,手术产率71.2%.VBAC组无新生儿窒息,产后出血量、先兆子宫破裂发生率与对照组比较差异无显著性意义.RCS产后出血量比VBAC组高,平均住院天数比VBAC组长,产后出血、严重粘连发生率均较PCS组高,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05).结论剖宫产术后再次妊娠分娩并非是剖宫产绝对指征,符合试产条件者,严密监护下阴道试产是安全的.  相似文献   

高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血危险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血的主要危险因素。方法回顾性分析2010年1月至2011年6月期间在北京民航总医院剖宫产分娩的623例高龄孕妇(年龄≥35岁)的临床资料,分为产后出血组(胎儿娩出后2h内出血量≥400ml或至胎儿娩出后24h内出血量≥500ml)和非产后出血组,对可能影响术后出血的因素进行单因素分析与Logistic回归分析。结果 623例高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血52例,发生率为8.35%。单因素分析有妊娠高血压疾病、妊娠期糖尿病、流产病史、经产妇、巨大儿、宫缩乏力和前置胎盘7种指标与高龄孕妇产后出血相关。非条件多因素分析结果筛选出3个主要的危险因素:宫缩乏力、前置胎盘、妊娠高血压疾病。结论高龄孕妇剖宫产产后出血的发生率较高。宫缩乏力、前置胎盘、妊娠高血压疾病是高龄孕妇剖宫产发生产后出血的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

All cases of massive PPH (defined as estimated blood loss > 1500 ml within 24 hours of delivery) were identified from the obstetric database of the unit for the period 1997-2001 (inclusive). The casenotes of the patients were retrieved and various variables collected for analyses. Over the 5-year period, there were 145 cases of massive PPH of the 27,106 deliveries; an incidence of five per 1000 deliveries (0.5%). Most (42%) of the women were nulliparous and 12 (8%) had four or more previous deliveries. There was associated antepartum haemorrhage in 12 (8%) cases, five of which were placental abruptions. Risk factors identified to be associated with massive PPH included prolonged labour, emergency caesarean section (CS) for failure to progress, especially in the second stage (34), and placenta praevia (10). Four women had an abdominal hysterectomy. Massive PPH remains an important cause of severe maternal morbidity; risk factors, which are independent of parity, include CS in the late first stage or second stage and previous CS (irrespective of parity). A high index of suspicion is necessary for these cases, as timely intervention is more likely to minimise the complications and its consequences.  相似文献   

益母草注射液预防剖宫产产后出血的多中心临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨剖宫产术中应用益母草注射液预防产后出血的有效性和安全性.方法 采用多中心、随机、单盲、阳性药物对照的前瞻性研究方法,于2007年4至8月,选择全国15所三级医院440例因产科医学指征行剖宫产分娩的产妇为研究对象.其中益母草组147例,于胎儿娩出后子宫肌壁注射益母草注射液40 mg,术后2 h开始,益母草注射液臀部肌内注射,20 mg/12 h,共3次;益母草+缩官素组144例,于胎儿娩出后子宫肌壁注射益母草注射液40 mg及缩宫素10 U,术后2 h开始,益母草注射液臀部肌内注射,20 mg/12 h,共3次;缩宫素组149例,胎儿娩出后子宫肌壁注射缩宫素10 U,同时静脉滴注缩宫素10 U(加入5%葡萄糖液500 ml中),术后2 h开始,缩宫素臀部肌内注射,10 U/12 h,共3次.观察:(1)产时出血量、产后2、6、12、24、48 h的阴道出血量;(2)产后24 h总出血量和产后出血发生率;(3)产前及产后血红蛋白、红细胞计数的差值;(4)不良反应.结果(1)出血量:平均产时出血量益母草组为(368±258)ml,缩宫素组为(269±14t)ml,益母草+缩宫素组为(255±114)ml,3组的产时出血量分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);产后2、6、12、24、48 h各组阴道出血量比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).(2)产后24 h总出血量:产后24 h总出血量益母草组平均为(480±276)ml、益母草+缩宫素组为(361±179)ml、缩宫素组为(381±179)ml,3组术后24 h总出血量分别比较,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.01).(3)产后出血发生率:产后出血发生率益母草组为32.0%(47/147)、益母草+缩宫素组为11.1%(16/144)、缩宫素组为18.8%(28/149),益母草+缩宫素组产后出血发生率最低,而益母草组产后出血发生率最高,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).(4)产前及产后血红蛋白、红细胞计数:各组产后与产前比较,红细胞计数和血红蛋白水平均有不同程度的下降,其中益母草组红细胞计数差值为(0.3±0.5)×1012/L,血红蛋白差值为(9±13)g/L;益母草+缩宫素组红细胞计数差值为(0.2±0.4)×1012/L,血红蛋白差值为(6±10)g/L;缩宫素组红细胞计数差值为(0.2±0.4)×10124/L,血红蛋白差值为(7±30)g/L,缩宫素组、益母草+缩宫素组分别与益母草组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);益母草+缩宫素组血红蛋白下降程度最低.(5)不良反应:3组中共有2例发生轻度过敏反应.结论剖宫产术中应用益母草注射液联合缩宫素,可明显预防产后出血的发生,且药物安全性好.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of motherwort injection combined with oxytocin for preventing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) after cesarean section (CS).

Methods: From March 2011 and February 2013, a randomized study was conducted on 165 primipara undergoing CS. 83 and 82 cases were placed into the combination of oxytocin and motherwort group and oxytocin group, respectively. Blood loss was calculated and measured during three periods: from placental delivery to the end of CS, from the end of CS to 2?h postpartum and from 2?h postpartum to 24?h postpartum. Vital signs were also measured.

Results: Blood loss in the period from placental delivery to the end of CS was similar (P?=?0.58) in these two arms. The quantity of total blood loss from the end of CS to 2?h postpartum (P?=?0.03) and from 2?h postpartum to 24?h postpartum (P?=?0.01) were significantly reduced in the combination of oxytocin and motherwort group. No significant abnormal vital signs were observed. Mild, transient side effects occurred more often in the combination of oxytocin and motherwort group.

Conclusions: It is efficacious and safe that combination use of motherwort injection and oxytocin could reduce blood loss and prevent PPH after CS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Determine safety of household management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) with 1000 microg of rectal misoprostol, and assess possible reduction in referrals and the need for additional interventions. METHODS: Traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in Kigoma, Tanzania were trained to recognize PPH (500 ml of blood loss). Blood loss measurement was standardized by using a local garment, the "kanga". TBAs in the intervention area gave 1000 microg of misoprostol rectally when PPH occurred. Those in the non-intervention area referred the women to the nearest facility. RESULTS: 454 women in the intervention and 395 in the non-intervention areas were eligible. 111 in the intervention area and 73 in the non-intervention had PPH. Fewer than 2% of the PPH women in the intervention area were referred, compared with 19% in the non-intervention. CONCLUSION: Misoprostol is a low cost, easy to use technology that can control PPH even without a medically trained attendant.  相似文献   



Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide. Many methods have been developed to decrease its rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of a new non-pharmacologic maneuver in decreasing its rate.


This case series study was conducted in one center in Cairo, Egypt, from January-2010 to June-2013. 400 pregnant women, aged 18 years or more and candidate for normal labor, were enrolled to this study. High risk subjects for PPH were excluded. After placental delivery, the new maneuver was done by sustained traction of the anterior and posterior lips of the cervix by two ovum forceps for duration of 90 s. The amount of blood loss was estimated by standardized visual estimation after removal of the forceps. All subjects were followed up for 6 h.


The rate of PPH, defined as more than 500 ml, was eight cases (2 %) with 95 % CI (0.63–3.37 %). The rate of PPH was not affected by parity, gestational age, episiotomy, or the presence of tears. PPH is more in cases with anemia (p 0.032). It occurred in all cases with uterine atony (p < 0.001). The range of estimated blood loss was 550–600 ml in cases with PPH and 150–450 ml in cases without PPH. Severe PPH more than 1,000 ml did not occur.


This pilot study introduced a novel maneuver that can be helpful in decreasing the rate of PPH and reducing the amount of postpartum blood loss. Further RCT is recommended to investigate it.  相似文献   

S H Bao  J Liu 《中华妇产科杂志》1990,25(1):9-11, 61
We analyzed the outcome of mother and baby in 487 cases of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) delivered by Cesarean section (CS). The indication for CS in 70 cases was simply PIH (14.4%) and 6 out of 9 antepartum eclampsia had CS. There was no maternal or fetal death. The authors suggest that CS should be done whenever eclampsia could not be put under control in order to save both mother and baby. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) was lower in the CS group than in the vaginally delivered group. No late PPH occurred in our CS cases. The incidence of IUGR was 30.4%. Of these IUGR cases 43 were delivered by CS. No stillbirth occurred. The number of neonatal anoxia was less than in the vaginally delivered group (P less than 0.10).  相似文献   

Objective: To compare effectiveness and tolerability of carbetocin versus syntometrine in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) after cesarean section (CS).

Methods: A double-blind randomized study conducted on 300 pregnant subjected randomly either to single 100?μg IV dose of carbetocin (150 women) or combination of 5?IU oxytocin and 0.2?mg ergometrine (150 women) after fetal extraction and before placental removal. Primary outcome parameter was the occurrence of PPH. Other parameters were hemoglobin and hematocrit changes, the need of additional oxytocic, hemodynamic changes and occurrence of side effects.

Results: There was no significant difference between the two study groups regarding hemoglobin and hematocrit at start of CS and after 2 days of surgery and mean blood loss during the operation (p?>?0.05). There was a highly significant difference between the two study groups regarding incidence of primary PPH (2.7% versus10%) and the need of additional oxytocic (3.3% versus17.3%). Women in oxytocin group showed a statistically significant lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 1, 5 and 30?min than women in carbetocin group. Women in carbetocin group experienced more metallic taste, flushing, headache, dizziness, dyspnea and itching, while women in oxytocin methergine group experienced more palpitations.

Conclusions: Carbetocin is a reasonable effective alternative to syntometrine in prevention of PPH after cesarean delivery.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of tranexamic acid (TA) in decreasing blood loss during and after elective caesarean section (CS).

Methods: This prospective randomized trial was conducted among 124 pregnant women subjected to term elective CS. Patients were equally divided into two groups. Study group received 10?mg/kg TA intravenously 5?min before skin incision while the control group did not. In addition, both groups received 10 units oxytocin and 1?ml ergometrine after delivery of the fetus. Blood loss in both groups was measured from placental delivery to end of the surgery and from end of the surgery to 2?h postpartum. Hemoglobin and hematocrit values were determined preoperatively and on the third day postpartum (before discharge) for all cases. Maternal and neonatal adverse effects in study groups were recorded.

Results: TA group showed lower amount of blood loss (391?ml) when compared to control group (597?ml). Risk estimation has revealed that treatment with TA resulted in decrease in risk of postpartum blood loss by 30%. Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels were significantly lower in the control group on the third post-operative day.

Conclusion: TA reduces blood loss during and immediately after CS. Its use in caesarean delivery may be considered especially in cases where blood loss is expected to be high or in anemic patients.  相似文献   



A randomized study involving pregnant women was conducted to compare the effectiveness of a single intravenous (IV) injection of carbetocin with that of a standard 2-h oxytocin IV infusion with respect to intraoperative blood loss in the prevention of uterine atony after cesarean section (CS). The two treatments also were compared for safety and ability to maintain adequate uterine tone and to reduce the incidence and severity of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in women at risk for this condition.  相似文献   

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