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目的探讨多囊卵巢综合征(polycysticovarysyndrome,PCOS)高雄激素血症不孕患者应用达英-35(炔雌醇醋酸环丙孕酮)降低雄激素后,不同间隔启动HMG促排卵对妊娠结局以及子宫内膜血管体积百分比的影响。方法33名高雄激素PCOS不孕患者,在给予达英-35治疗至血睾酮正常后,启动HMG促排卵。根据促排卵前停用达英-35的时间不同分为短间隔组和长间隔组。统计组间HCG日子宫内膜厚度、妊娠率等差异。再选择实验组5名高雄激素PCOS患者,停用达英-35月经来潮第3天开始应用人工周期诱导胚胎种植窗子宫内膜;对照组为5名因男性不孕就诊,月经周期正常的女性患者,尿LH峰值后7~9d取子宫内膜。病理证实为分泌中期子宫内膜后,CD34免疫组织化学染色内膜组织,计数血管内皮细胞体积百分比。结果人选病例的一般情况、HCG日内膜厚度等组间差异无统计学意义。短间隔组(20.83%)的临床妊娠率较长间隔组(54.2%)显著降低(P〈0.05)。达英-35后月经来潮当月胚胎种植窗的子宫内膜血管内皮细胞体积百分比中位数(4.82%)较对照组(6.35%)显著降低(P〈0.05)。结论PCOS不孕患者停用达英-35后月经来潮当月启动促排卵的临床妊娠率较停用至少一个月经周期的患者显著降低。达英-35治疗后月经来潮当月的胚胎种植窗子宫内膜血管较正常月经周期患者明显稀疏。  相似文献   

目的:比较多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者冻融胚胎移植(FET)周期3种不同内膜准备方案的临床妊娠结局,探讨适合PCOS患者的子宫内膜准备方案.方法:回顾性分析127例PCOS患者冻融胚胎移植周期的临床资料,比较激素替代组(HRT组)、HMG诱导排卵组(HMG组)和来曲唑诱导排卵组(LE组)的子宫内膜厚度、临床妊娠率、种植率、早期流产率、活产率.结果:HRT组47例,43个移植周期,HMG组35例,32个移植周期,LE组45例,42个移植周期,3组年龄、不孕年限、体重指数、血清睾酮水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),周期取消率、子宫内膜厚度、复苏后胚胎存活率、平均移植胚胎个数,移植优质胚胎率、周期临床妊娠率、周期种植率、早期流产率、活产率亦差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:PCOS患者FET周期3种子宫内膜准备方案均能获得良好的妊娠结局,来曲唑诱导排卵可作为PCOS患者FET周期内膜准备方案之一,应个体化选择临床用药方案.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)患者子宫内膜增生(endometrial hyperplasia,EH)的发生率及相关预测因素。方法:以160例PCOS患者为研究对象,以80例因输卵管因素或男方因素不孕的非PCOS患者为对照组。研究P-COS诊断要素在EH中的作用;比较两组EH的发生率及不同亚型PCOS患者EH的发生率;研究PCOS患者临床特征与EH的关系。结果:月经稀发和高雄激素血症组的EH发生率明显增高(P均<0.05);PCOS组EH发生率明显高于对照组(18.75%vs 7.5%,P=0.021)。PCOS患者月经周期>59天或超声子宫内膜回声异常时,EH发生率显著升高(P=0.005,P=0.003)。结论:月经稀发和高雄激素血症在EH中发挥重要作用,只存在月经稀发或高雄激素血症的可疑PCOS患者亦应重视其子宫内膜病变。PCOS患者EH发生率增高,尤其是月经周期>59天或存在子宫内膜回声异常者,应高度警惕子宫内膜病变。  相似文献   

目的:探讨比较单独应用达英-35以及达英-35分别与二甲双胍、罗格列酮联合治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)伴有胰岛素抵抗(IR)不孕患者效果及促排卵结局的差异.方法:97例PCOS伴有IR不孕患者随机分成3组.A组(单独应用达英-35)35例,B组(达英-35和二甲双胍)32例,C组(达英-35和罗格列酮)30例,3组患者治疗3个周期后均促排卵.比较用药后对体重、WHR、BMI、糖代谢、性激素及促排卵结局的影响.结果:3组患者治疗后血清睾酮较治疗前明显降低,B组、c组患者空腹胰岛素,胰岛素抵抗指数等显著下降;治疗后B组、C组妊娠率较A组增高,周期取消率、OHSS发生率较A组降低,差异均有统计学意义.结论:PCOS伴有IR不孕患者应用达英-35联合胰岛素增敏剂(二甲双胍及罗格列酮),可以明显改善内分泌、代谢紊乱,在此基础上促排卵,可以明显提高妊娠率.但因罗格列酮的用药安全性问题及价格较贵,所以此类患者应首选二甲双胍治疗.  相似文献   

目的:探讨克罗米芬(CC)联合地塞米松(DEX)对CC抵抗的多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者的促排卵效果。方法:将50名CC抵抗患者随机分为治疗组(A组)和对照组(B组)。A组患者在月经第3 ̄7日口服CC100mg/d,同时在月经周期的第3 ̄12日口服DEX1.0mg/d;B组CC的应用同A组,同时在月经周期的第3 ̄12日口服叶酸片0.5mg/d。月经第8日开始监测卵泡发育情况。当有1个卵泡直径≥18mm或2个卵泡直径≥17mm时,肌注hCG10000IU,36h后性生活。观察2组注射hCG日成熟卵泡数和子宫内膜厚度、促排卵天数、月经周期第22日孕酮水平、排卵率和妊娠率。结果:A组注射hCG日的成熟卵泡数、子宫内膜厚度、月经第22日血清中孕酮水平以及排卵率和妊娠率与B组相比差异均有显著性(P<0.05 ̄P<0.01);促排卵天数组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:对CC抵抗的PCOS患者,DEX可以促进排卵,改善CC对子宫内膜的抗雌激素效应,增加子宫内膜厚度,提高排卵率和妊娠率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者在不同雄激素水平下诱导排卵的临床妊娠结局。方法:PCOS合并不孕患者352例,根据诱导排卵前基础睾酮(T)水平分为4组:A组60例,基础T正常,直接诱导排卵;B组64例,基础T正常,但仍给予达英-35治疗3个周期后诱导排卵;C组120例,基础T升高,给予达英-35治疗3个周期,复查T正常后诱导排卵;D组108例,基础T升高,给予达英-35治疗3个周期,复查T仍高于正常水平,经患者知情同意后,诱导排卵。比较4组子宫内膜厚度、尿促性素(HMG)用量、周期排卵率、临床妊娠率、流产率的差异。结果:4组子宫内膜厚度、排卵周期临床妊娠率组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组HMG用量最多,周期排卵率、总临床妊娠率最低,与其它3组的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05);B、C、D组间周期排卵率、总妊娠率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。A组早期流产率最高,但4组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:基础T水平正常的PCOS患者,诱导排卵前应用口服避孕药治疗可改善临床妊娠结局;口服避孕药治疗后T未降至正常水平,且有生育要求的PCOS患者可试行诱导排卵治疗。  相似文献   

目的比较多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)不孕患者经纠正内分泌代谢紊乱后应用3种不同促排卵药物的效果及对子宫内膜的影响。方法选择2009年3月至2010年1月中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院妇产科生殖中心128例PCOS不孕患者,于本院行第1次促排卵,有高雄激素或胰岛素抵抗者经预处理至少3个月。随机分为3组,来曲唑44个周期、他莫昔芬40个周期和氯米芬44个周期。结果月经第10天的子宫内膜厚度,他莫昔芬组[(6.4±1.2)mm]高于来曲唑组[(5.4±1.7)mm]和氯米芬组[(5.4±1.3)mm](P=0.01);HCG日血雌二醇(E2)水平,来曲唑组[(838.6±678.2)pmol/L]低于他莫昔芬组[(2629.2±1931.5)pmol/L]和氯米芬组[(1971.2±1222.8)pmol/L](P<0.001);3组间加用尿促性腺激素(HMG)周期数,HCG日子宫内膜厚度、血黄体生成素及孕酮、直径≥18mm成熟卵泡数,妊娠率和早期流产率,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);HCG日子宫内膜的厚度与注射HCG的月经周期日及月经第10天的子宫内膜厚度呈正相关(P<0.05),与药物的种类及HCG日血E2水平等无显...  相似文献   

目的:回顾分析达英-35治疗后接受体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者早期妊娠流产的内分泌因素及胚胎因素。方法:选择2003年1月~2007年9月因PCOS予达英-35预处理,且因输卵管因素在中山大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心接受IVF-ET辅助生殖后妊娠患者35例,其中早期流产15例,分娩20例。选择同期因单纯输卵管因素在本中心行IVF-ET的非PCOS早期流产患者20例为对照。对所有入组患者的基础代谢情况(BMI、空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素水平、HOMA-IR)、达英-35治疗前后及IVF-ET周期中的内分泌水平(启动日的FSH、LH、E2水平,及注射HCG日的LH、E2、P水平)、获卵数、受精率、优质胚胎率、胚胎种植率和废弃胚胎率等胚胎情况进行回顾性的统计学分析。结果:PCOS患者接受达英-35治疗后,LH、T水平均显著下降,且PCOS流产组LH水平及LH/FSH比值显著低于PCOS分娩组。PCOS流产组和PCOS分娩组患者的肥胖程度、代谢水平、基础内分泌水平及卵子、胚胎情况均无统计学差异。PCOS流产组与非PCOS流产组的内分泌及胚胎因素无统计学差异。结论:用达英-35预处理的P-COS患者接受IVF-ET后早期自然流产的发生与基础代谢、内分泌、卵子及胚胎情况无关。使用达英-35能降低PCOS患者的基础LH水平及基础T水平,但激素情况改善并非降低流产率的关键环节。  相似文献   

目的:探讨地塞米松对伴肾上腺雄激素分泌过多PCOS患者的疗效。方法:采用前瞻、随机、对照的研究方法,将60例经达英-35治疗后高雄激素和临床表现仍然未能明显改善且伴有肾上腺雄激素分泌过多的PCOS不孕患者作为研究对象,将患者随机分成对照组(达英-35+安慰剂)和实验组(达英-35+地塞米松),所有患者治疗3个月,比较2组患者性激素水平、临床表现。随后给予氯米芬(CC)及人绝经期促性腺激素(hMG)促排卵治疗,比较分析临床结局。结果:所有患者治疗后雄烯二酮(A2)均降低,下降率组间无差异(P>0.05),实验组硫酸脱氢表雄酮(DHEAS)降低率、性结合球蛋白(SHBG)提高率明显好于对照组(P<0.05);实验组较对照组的痤疮及多毛症状改善明显(P<0.05),而体质量指数(BMI)及腰臀比(WHR)的改变不明显(P>0.05)。实验组比对照组的成熟卵泡率、排卵率及妊娠率效果更好(P<0.05)。结论:经用达英-35治疗后高雄激素血症和临床表现仍然未能明显改善,并伴肾上腺雄激素分泌过多的PCOS不孕患者,加用地塞米松,较单纯应用达英-35更能有效抑制高雄激素血症,提高SHBG,改善临床表现,提高成熟卵泡率、排卵率及妊娠率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者膜结合型前列腺素合酶-1(mPGES-1)和环氧合酶-2(COX-2)在子宫内膜组织的表达及临床意义。方法:选择2005年6月至2007年6月华北煤炭医学院生殖内分泌门诊诊断为PCOS的患者21例为PCOS组,卵巢功能正常的不孕患者20例为对照组。PCOS组采用二甲双胍/达英-35联合治疗。病例均测体重、身高、性激素六项及75g葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)和胰岛素释放试验(IRT)。并于月经干净3~5天(闭经患者确认为卵泡期)取子宫内膜组织,采用免疫组织化学技术检测PCOS组治疗前后及对照组中mPGES-1和COX-2的表达。结果:PCOS组患者BMI、HOMA-IR、空腹胰岛素(I0)、75g葡萄糖负荷后2h胰岛素(I120)及T均明显高于对照组患者(P均<0.05);治疗前PCOS组mPGES-1和COX-2在子宫内膜的表达显著高于对照组(P<0.01),治疗后两因子的表达与治疗前比较明显下降(P<0.01)。结论:PCOS患者子宫内膜可能处于一种慢性炎症状态,子宫内膜mPGES-1和COX-2过度表达可能是导致患者子宫内膜异常增生和不孕的原因之一,二甲双胍/达英-35联合应用可逆转该炎症状态,可能有利于孕卵着床和预防子宫内膜癌发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of the combination of Diane 35 (2 mg of cyproterone acetate, and 35 microg of ethinyl estradiol) plus finasteride (5 mg), and Diane 35 alone in the treatment of hirsutism. DESIGN: Prospective randomized clinical study. SETTING: Outpatients in Erciyes University Medical School. PATIENT(S): Forty women with hirsutism were selected. INTERVENTION(S): For 1 year, group 1 patients (n = 20) were treated with Diane 35 alone (2 mg of cyproterone acetate and 35 microg of ethinyl estradiol) daily on days 5 to 25 of the menstrual cycle and group 2 patients (n = 20) with Diane 35 plus finasteride (5 mg daily). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Hirsutism was graded at 6-month intervals using the Ferriman-Gallwey method. The basal hormone levels of total and free testosterone (T), androstenedione, DHEAS, and sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) were measured by radioimmunoassay before the study. Total T, free T, SHBG, and DHEAS were also measured at 6-month intervals for 1 year. Multiscreen blood chemistry and side effects were evaluated during the treatment. RESULT(S): Thirty-four patients completed the 12-month study period. A significant decrease in the hirsutism score as compared to baseline was observed after 12 months with both Diane 35 treatment (mean +/- SD, 15.62 +/- 4.89 vs. 9.75 +/- 3.97) and Diane 35 plus finasteride treatment (16.27 +/- 6.90 vs. 8.38 +/- 4.44). The percentage decreases in the hirsutism score (mean percent +/- SD) were 30.26 +/- 14.56 vs. 34.70 +/- 11.60 at 6 months, 38.09 +/- 11.46 vs. 48.14 +/- 14.27 at 12 months in the Diane 35 and the Diane 35 plus finasteride groups, respectively. The percentage reduction in the hirsutism score in the Diane 35 plus finasteride group at 12 months was greater than in the Diane 35 group (P <.05). CONCLUSION(S): The percentage decrease in the hirsutism score at 12 months was higher in the Diane 35 plus finasteride group than in the Diane 35 group. We believe that Diane 35 plus finasteride is an effective and safe combination for the treatment of hirsutism.  相似文献   

目的 观察达英 - 35 (Diane - 35 )联合克罗米芬 (CC)治疗顽固性多囊卵巢综合征 (polycysticovarysyndrome ,PCOS)所致不孕症的疗效。方法 排卵障碍所致不孕的 6 0例顽固性PCOS患者随机分为Diane CC组 (n =30 )和CC组 (n =30 ) ,Diane CC组采用达英 - 35联合CC治疗 ,CC组采用剂量与治疗组相同的CC治疗。结果 治疗组睾酮 (T) ,黄体生成素 (LH)水平较前明显下降 (P <0 0 5 )。治疗组排卵率达 6 1 1 % ,妊娠率达 5 3 3% ,而对照组周期排卵率 9 0 % ,妊娠率 6 7% ,两组疗效比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1 )。结论 达英 - 35联合CC治疗顽固性PCOS所致不孕症能获得较高的排卵率及受孕率  相似文献   

LH activity has been proposed to influence treatment response and outcome. In order to assess its clinical profile and efficacy, human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) was compared with recombinant FSH (r-FSH) in IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles. Computerized and hand searches were conducted for relevant citations. Primary outcome measures were live-birth and OHSS rates. Secondary outcomes were clinical pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, miscarriage rates and cycle characteristics. The live-birth rate was significantly higher with HMG [odds ratio (OR) = 1.20, 95% CI = 1.01-1.42] versus r-FSH, but OHSS rates (OR = 1.21, 95% CI = 0.78-1.86) were not significantly different. As for the secondary outcomes, there was statistical significance with regard to the clinical pregnancy rate also in favour of the HMG group. Even so, there were significantly fewer treatment days, total dose and embryos produced in the r-FSH group compared with the HMG group. The other secondary outcomes were not different between the two groups. In conclusion, HMG has been demonstrated to be superior to r-FSH with regard to the clinical outcomes, with equivalent patient safety during assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical efficacy of an original combined therapy with cyproterone acetate, 2 mg, and ethinylestradiol, 35 microgram (Diane 35), plus finasteride (5 mg) for 2 weeks per month with that of Diane 35 alone in hirsute women. DESIGN: Prospective randomized, single-blinded study.Setting: Outpatients in an academic research environment. PATIENT(s): Fifty women with idiopathic hirsutism (IH) or the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). INTERVENTION(s): Group 1 (n = 25) received Diane 35 alone and group 2 (n = 25) received Diane 35 plus finasteride. The latter drug was administered using a new therapeutic scheme: 14 consecutive days for each therapeutic cycle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(s): Hormonal evaluation was done before beginning treatment and after 3 and 6 months of therapy. Hirsutism was graded at 3-month intervals. RESULT(s): The combination of Diane 35 plus finasteride for 14 days significantly decreased the hirsutism score after 3 months of therapy, while Diane 35 alone induced this effect after 6 months. CONCLUSION(s): Finasteride in combination with Diane 35 for 14 days is effective, well accepted, and safe in hirsute patients, as the amount of antiandrogenic drugs administered is much lower than that in conventional treatment.  相似文献   

This pilot study was conducted to compare the results of intrauterine insemination (IUI) under ovarian stimulation with either letrozole (Femara) or human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG). A randomized controlled trial was conducted. Eighty women aged 20-35 years with unexplained infertility of at least 2 years' duration were randomized according to a computer-generated randomization list into the letrozole group and the HMG group. Letrozole was administered at 5 mg/day from day 3 to day 7 of the IUI cycle. HMG injections were started on day 3 at a dose of 75 IU for women under 30 years old and 150 IU for women over 30 years old and monitored periodically by vaginal ultrasound and oestradiol concentrations. The variables selected for analysis were clinical pregnancy rate, endometrial thickness, length of follicular phase and number of preovulatory follicles. No statistically significant difference in clinical pregnancy rates per cycle was found for patients in the letrozole or HMG group (18.4 versus 15.7%). Cost was significantly higher in the HMG stimulation cases (P < 0.001) and no injections were required in the letrozole group. In conclusion, letrozole offers a new treatment regimen in ovarian stimulation regimens for IUI that is cost effective, simple and convenient for the patients.  相似文献   

的探讨人绝经期促性腺激素(HMG)+氯米芬(CC)、HMG和来曲唑(LE)+HMO对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者宫腔内供精人工授精的治疗效果。方法将2007年12月-2008年5月期间在我中心就诊的114例PCOS妇女的114个宫腔内人工授精(AID)周期分为3组:CC+HMG周期组38个周期,HMG周期组38个周期,LE+HMG周期组38个周期。分析比较3组的年龄、血清T水平、绒毛膜促性腺激素肌肉注射日(HCG日)平均卵泡直径(MFD)≥14mm的卵泡(成熟卵泡)个数、平均卵泡E2水平、子宫内膜厚度、HCG日单优势卵泡发育成熟百分率、HMG用量和周期妊娠率。结果CC+HMG组、HMG组和LE+HMG组患者年龄和血清T水平比较,差异无显著性(P〉0.05),CC+HMG组HCG日成熟卵泡个数为(2.9±1.6)个,明显多于其他两组[HMG组为(1.6±1.0)个,LE+HMG组为(1.9±1.2)个],差异有显著性(P〈0.05),而内膜厚度较其他两组薄,差异有显著性(P〈0.05),HMG组与LE+HMG组HCG日成熟卵泡个数和子宫内膜厚度比较,差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。3组HCG日单优势卵泡发育成熟百分率分别21.05%、78.95%和52.63%,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。CC+HMG组、HMG组和LE+HMG组HMG用量分别为(4.89±1.59)支和(9.88±4.59)支、(9.68±4.67)支(75IU/支),CC+HMG组与后两组比较,差异有显著性(P=0.00)。HMG组、LE+HMG组HMG用量比较,差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。3组的周期妊娠率分别为36.84%、39.48%和31.57%,差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论HMG促排卵周期更易得到单优势卵泡发育成熟;CC+HMG促排卵HMG用药量最少;CC+HMG、HMG和LE+HMG均可获得满意的周期妊娠率。  相似文献   

Background. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a major endocrine abnormality that affects women of reproductive age. Oral contraceptive pills are usually the first choice of treatment for PCOS when fertility is not desired. Metformin, an insulin-sensitizing drug, has been shown to improve such metabolic abnormality.

Aim. To compare the effects of a contraceptive pill in combination with metformin on the clinical, endocrine and metabolic parameters in obese and non-obese patients with PCOS.

Methods. Sixty PCOS patients (25 obese, 35 non-obese) were enrolled in this prospective clinical study. PCOS was defined according to the Rotterdam criteria. Patients were randomized to oral treatment with Diane35® (35 μg ethinyl estradiol plus 2 mg cyproterone acetate), metformin or a combination of Diane35/metformin for 3 months. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), Ferriman–Gallwey (FG) score, leuteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, fasting insulin and glucose/insulin ratio were measured at baseline and at the end of treatment.

Results. Diane35 resulted in a higher reduction of FG score in both obese and non-obese PCOS patients compared with metformin. Menstrual regularity was restored in all PCOS patients treated with Diane35 compared with only 28% of those receiving metformin. Metformin significantly decreased BMI and WHR in obese patients (p < 0.05). Testosterone levels decreased in all three groups. LH levels and LH/FSH ratio decreased with Diane35 and Diane35/metformin in both obese and non-obese patients. Metformin significantly decreased fasting insulin concentrations (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) and increased the insulin sensitivity (p < 0.05) in both obese and non-obese PCOS patients, while no significant changes were observed in the Diane35 group. In addition, insulin levels also decreased (p < 0.05) in the Diane35/metformin group.

Conclusions. Our data show that a combination of metformin and contraceptive pill may be more effective in suppressing the hyperandrogenemia of obese and non-obese PCOS patients than metformin alone and may reduce insulin levels more than contraceptive pill alone. Hence, combined treatment may become a more effective therapeutic option for PCOS.  相似文献   

Monitoring of human follicular development by real-time ultrasound during HMG—HCG treatment is presented. With the aid of ultrasound monitoring, the ovulation rate is raised to 94.3% (formerly 80% without ultrasound). Serious side effects such as ascites and/or hydrothorax did not occur in this study (1.2% without ultrasound controls). The pregnancy rate was 2147 (44%) of all hormonally treated patients. By means of real-time sector scan examination, the growing follicle could be detected in 103106 (97.3%) of HMG—HCG treated cycles. Thus real-time ultrasound examinations provide results comparable to those achieved mostly by time-consuming compound scan in demonstration of the growing follicle.  相似文献   

A significantly lower pregnancy rate following the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol as compared with the long GnRH agonist protocol has been reported. The objective of this study was to investigate whether increasing the dose of gonadotrophins on the day of antagonist administration would increase the pregnancy rate. This study is an open labelled, randomized controlled trial and allocation was done using sealed envelopes. One hundred and fifty-one subfertile couples undergoing IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles were included in the study. Ovarian stimulation was started on day 3 of the cycle, using 150-300 IU human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG)/day. From day 8 onward, daily vaginal ultrasound and daily urinary LH estimation were performed. If a premature LH rise was detected, the cycle was cancelled. The antagonist (0.25 mg daily) was started when the leading follicle reached 15 mm in mean diameter and LH testing in urine was negative up to and including the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) injection. Patients were randomized on the day of starting the antagonist into two groups: group A, 72 patients with no increase in HMG dose, and group B, 79 patients in whom the dose of HMG was increased by 75 IU on the day of antagonist administration, and continued till the day of HCG administration. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding number of oocytes retrieved, embryos obtained, implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate and multiple pregnancy rate. It was concluded that there is no clinical evidence for increasing the dose of HMG on the day of antagonist administration.  相似文献   

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