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广汉市人民医院始建于1929年,是一所拥有76年悠久历史的国家二级甲等医院、爱婴医院,是广汉市的医、教、研中心,是四川省“讲文明、树新风”先进集体,是省级文明单位及省级卫生先进单位,是华西医科大学、第三军医大学、万县卫校等院校的定点实习医院,医院曾荣获“优秀县级医院管理奖”、“省级巾帼文明示范岗”、德阳市“星级文明示范岗”、四川省“五四红旗团委”、德阳市“十佳青年文明号”等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

该院是一所五十多年历史的综合性医疗机构。二级甲等医院,徐州医学院教学医院。王生部、联合国儿童基金会。世界卫生组织确认的“爱婴医院”,连续多年获得省文明医院、市县文明先进单位。市“十佳医院”等荣誉。  相似文献   

改革探索发挥优势促进医院建设徐向东作者单位:323000浙江省丽水市人民医院我院是一所二级甲等综合性医院,连续被评为全国卫生文明先进集体,省文明单位、省文明医院。多年来,医院确立“科技兴院,质量兴医”的战略思想,倡导“医疗质量第一、社会效益第一、病人...  相似文献   

改革是卫生事业的主旋律,创新是改革和发展的灵魂。多年来,荆门市第二人民医院全体干部职工坚持“以人为本、诚信敬业、文明服务”的服务理念,励精图治、大胆创新,进行创新管理,使改革卓有成效,实现了医院的跨越式发展。医院先后被评为市“新风杯窗口行业优质服务先进单位”、市“文明单位”、省“以患者为中心、文明优质服务示范单位”、省“职工职业道德建设十佳单位”、省“以患者为中心、文明优质服务示范单位”、“全国青年文明号”等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

犍为县人民医院,是一所综合性二级乙等非营利性医疗机构,全县唯一经批准的“120”急救中心;是本县的医、教、研中心;是四川大学华西医院远程教学·会诊中心;多所大专院校的教学实习基地。先后荣获卫生部“文明建设先进集体”、省卫生厅“文明医院”和省级“巾帼建功”先进单位四川省卫生协会、“县级医院优秀管理奖”等荣誉。  相似文献   

广元市人民医院始建于1950年,多年来,全院职工认真践行“三个代表”重要思想,全面推行“以发展为第一要务,坚持科学发展观,学习强院、科技兴院、依法治院、文化立院”的建院方略,艰苦奋斗,团结拼搏,使医院得到快速、协调发展,受到社会各界的关注和好评。近年来先后获“全国巾帼文明岗”、“四川省卫生先进单位”、“四川省文明医院”、“四川省文明医院服务窗口示范单位”、“四川省十佳城市医院”、“四川省医院感染控制先进单位”、“四川省民主评议行风工作成效显著单位”、“广元市最佳文明单位”等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

广元市人民医院始建于1950年,多年来,全院职工认真践行“三个代表”重要思想,全面推行“以发展为第一要务,坚持科学发展观,学习强院、科技兴院、依法治院、文化立院”的建院方略,艰苦奋斗,团结拼搏,使医院得到快速、协调发展,受到社会各界的关注和好评。近年来先后获“全国巾帼文明岗”、“四川省卫生先进单位”、“四川省文明医院”、“四川省文明医院服务窗口示范单位”、“四川省十佳城市医院”、“四川省医院感染控制先进单位”、“四川省民主评议行风工作成效显著单位”、“广元市最佳文明单位”等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

攀枝花市第二人民医院位于攀枝花市西区清香坪,是一所集医疗、科研、教学、预防保健为一体的国家二级“甲等”综合性医院,是四川省卫生厅“文明医院”、省级园林式单位、爱婴医院、首批攀枝花市医保定点医院及工伤害点医院。医院是成都中医药大学、  相似文献   

全国评出2,448家文明医疗单位。1984年以来,全国各地医院普遍开展创建文明医院活动,据不完全统计,目前全国有各级“文明医院”、“文明卫生院”2,448家。  相似文献   

温岭市中医院创建于1953年,是一所融医疗、科研、教育为一体的二级甲等综合性医院。先后被省、地、市命名为“文明中医院”、“文明示范单位”等称号,被卫生部授予为“爱婴医院”是省中医重点专科中西医结合胸外科、针灸推拿科的建设单位,是台州市中医中风病治疗中心。2005年起年业务收入超亿元,多项指标进入省中医十强行列。2006年2月份被省卫生厅批准为台州市中西医结合医院(筹)。  相似文献   

营造无烟环境 构建和谐医院   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,借创建全国文明城区的东风,结合争创上海市卫生系统文明单位的工作,我们将营造无烟环境,构建和谐医院作为加强医院文化与品牌建设的重要内容之一,采取多管齐下的方式,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

浅谈绿色医院建设的内涵   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
“绿色医院”亦即“安全可靠、无害化的医院”,概括了医院内在质量和外在环境表现的和谐统一。因此,绿色医院建设有其丰富的内涵,一是强有力的医疗安全保障;二是可靠的质量保证;三是文明服务,融洽的医患关系;四是舒适、人性化的医疗环境。应制定绿色医院综合考评标准,或纳入医院评审条件,使绿色医院成为医院建设发展目标。  相似文献   

The idea of an ideal observer is frequently employed in ethical reasoning and has recently been introduced into medical ethics. The contemporary use of this idea, however, is deeply flawed. It ignores important social and personal dimensions of ethics. By espousing a perspective of observation removed from history and community, the ideal observer notion encourages a pretense of objectivity and overlooks the distortions of distance. If taken seriously as a model for choice, the ideal observer is incoherent, as it dispenses with the concrete moral agent and the locus of choice. Adam Smith's ‘impartial spectator’ is examined as a more adequate statement of the need for appreciating diverse perspectives in ethical choices.  相似文献   

Previous research has confirmed that desirable hospital attributes as well as increased distance, or travel time, have an impact on hospital choice. These studies have become increasingly sophisticated in modeling choice. This study adds to the existing literature by estimating the effect of both hospital and individual characteristics on hospital choice, using McFadden's conditional logit model. Some patient characteristics have not previously been accounted for in this type of analysis. In particular, the effect of a patient's complexity of illness (as measured by Disease Staging) on the choice of hospital is taken into account. The data consist of over 12,000 Medicare discharges in three overlapping rural market areas during 1986. The hospital choice set was aggregated into seven groups of urban and rural hospitals. Results indicate that rural Medicare beneficiaries tend to choose hospitals with a large scope of service and with teaching activity over those with a lower scope of service and no teaching activity, holding other factors constant. Distance is a deterrent to hospital choice, especially for older Medicare beneficiaries. The more complex cases tend to choose larger urban and rural hospitals over small rural hospitals more often than less complex cases do.  相似文献   

通过近两年来上海部分医院后勤服务社会化改革尝试,医院污水处理的管理模式也悄然发生了变化,初步形成了具有各自特色的不同管理模式。医院污水处理管理社会化改革大大提高了治污效益,社会化是医院污水处理管理改革的方向。然而究竟那一种污水处理模式更理想、更有效且更具有可操作性,还需要在实践中进行不断探索和研究,以便更进一步深化医院污水处理管理改革。  相似文献   

In the Dutch health care system, hospitals are expected to compete. A necessary condition for competition among hospitals is that patients do not automatically choose the nearest hospital, but are—at least to some extent—sensitive to differences in hospital quality. In this study, an analysis is performed on the underlying features of patient hospital choice in a setting where prices do not matter for patients as a result of health insurance coverage. Using claims data from all Dutch hospitals over the years 2008–2010, a conditional logit model examines the relationship between patient characteristics (age, gender and reoperations) and hospital attributes (hospital quality information, waiting times on treatments and travel time for patients to the hospitals) in the market for general non-emergency hip replacement treatments. The results show that travel time is the most important determinant in patient hospital choice. From our analysis, however, it follows that publicly available hospital quality ratings and waiting times also have a significant impact on patient hospital choice. The panel data used for this study (2008–2010) is rather short, which may explain why no coherent and persistent changes in patient hospital choice behaviour over time are found.  相似文献   

As an aid to predicting future hospital admissions, we compare use of the Multinomial Logit and the Utility Maximising Nested Logit models to describe how patients choose their hospitals. The models are fitted to real data from Derbyshire, United Kingdom, which lists the postcodes of more than 200,000 admissions to six different local hospitals. Both elective and emergency admissions are analysed for this mixed urban/rural area. For characteristics that may affect a patient’s choice of hospital, we consider the distance of the patient from the hospital, the number of beds at the hospital and the number of car parking spaces available at the hospital, as well as several statistics publicly available on National Health Service (NHS) websites: an average waiting time, the patient survey score for ward cleanliness, the patient safety score and the inpatient survey score for overall care. The Multinomial Logit model is successfully fitted to the data. Results obtained with the Utility Maximising Nested Logit model show that nesting according to city or town may be invalid for these data; in other words, the choice of hospital does not appear to be preceded by choice of city. In all of the analysis carried out, distance appears to be one of the main influences on a patient’s choice of hospital rather than statistics available on the Internet.  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床治疗细菌性痢疾的理想可靠方法,为细菌性痢疾的治疗提供科学依据.方法 选取我院2010年12月至2012年12月期间收治的细菌性痢疾患者188例为研究对象,随机分为头孢哌酮组和阿莫西林组,每组94例,针对患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 ①头孢哌酮组患者退热时间、止泻时间、大便镜检转阴时间均显著低于阿莫西林组(P<0.05);②头孢哌酮组患者的治疗总有效率显著高于阿莫西林组(P<0.05).结论 与阿莫西林治疗方法相比,头孢哌酮治疗细菌性痢疾效果显著,是临床治疗细菌性痢疾的理想选择.  相似文献   

以星级科室和服务明星评比活动为载体,全面加强医院形象建设,实现了提高服务质量,转变服务作风,推动两个文明建设,促进社会效益和经济效益同步增长的目的。  相似文献   

我国公立医院产权制度改革的战略选择   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
随着医疗体制改革的深化和医疗市场竞争的加剧,公立医院的产权改革势在必行。本文在结合公立医院管理经验和自身的特殊性的基础上,探讨了公立医院产权改革可能的发展战略。提出国有产权在现代医院管理制度中应该处于主导地位,产权改革的重点是减少国有资本的政策性负担和加强国有资本的影响力和控制力。  相似文献   

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