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医院知识产权战略实施偏差主要表现在重视论文和成果,而轻视专利和技术(商业)秘密,这种偏差不利于医院持续发展.扭转这些偏差应从提高认识、建立制度、加强医院文化建设、培养专业管理人才人手,才能增加医院知识资本存量,才能依靠整体知识产权战略快速推动医院发展.  相似文献   

医院知识产权战略实施偏差主要表现在重视论文和成果,而轻视专利和技术(商业)秘密,这种偏差不利于医院持续发展。扭转这些偏差应从提高认识、建立制度、加强医院文化建设、培养专业管理人才人手,才能增加医院知识资本存量,才能依靠整体知识产权战略快速推动医院发展。  相似文献   

制定医院知识产权战略思考研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效的知识产权战略是制约医院核心能力发展的重要因素之一。在社会主义市场经济和新的医疗保健制度下, 医疗行业面临着巨大的挑战和压力, 技术创新水平的高低成为影响和决定医院生存和发展的关键因素之一。医院是科技比较密集型的行业, 医院医务人员在医疗、科研、教学及管理过程中都会产生知识产权,然而,我国的大多数医院未真正建立起一套知识产权管理和保护的制度,也没有专门的医院知识产权管理部门和团队,制定医院知识产权战略,使知识产权推动医院可持续发展迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

作者从医院品牌、著作、成果、商业秘密和专利等方面阐述了知识产权在医院中的意义和作用,并从提高认识、建立制度、制订战略实施计划和创建医院文化环境等方面,使知识产权成为医院可持续发展的重要动力。  相似文献   

知识产权权利体系及其保障机制是医院知识产权领域重要而基础性的问题,但学界研究甚少.作者对各类医院知识产权的内涵进行了界定,对知识产权内部结构进行了探讨和归总.在客观分析当下我国医院知识产权流失主要途径的基础上,提出了保障我国医院知识产权的流失防范、侵权救济、开发利用三大机制,从而较为完整地构建了医院知识产权权利体系及其保障机制.  相似文献   

试论市场经济体制下的医院发展战略   总被引:42,自引:29,他引:13  
作为医院,只有制定和实施科学、合理的医院发展战略,才能在激烈的市场竞争中取得主动和领先优势。那么当前,医院应根据各自的现状和环境,制定面向新世纪的市场竞争战略;依托人事制度改革的人才开发战略;科技开发战略;后勤服务社会化战略等,并依照上述战略推动医院建设。但在医院发展战略的实施中要保证总体发展战略的连续性和稳定性,切忌朝令夕改。只有这样,才能通过制定医院发展战略促进医院全面发展。  相似文献   

知识产权在医院管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权是对人们的智力成果及经营活动中的商誉、秘密等进行保护的一种权利,具有无形性,专有性,地域性,时间性和公开性,我国目前规定的有著作权,商标权,商业秘密权,专利权等.医院知识产权是医院应用医学知识基础上创新取得的新知识,是医疗技术知识的法律保障权利类型,医院知识产权的发展对医院在将来激烈的竞争中的地位越来越重要,如何更好地保护、开发、利用医院知识产权是医院管理者必须面对的问题.  相似文献   

医院品牌经营战略的探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
跨人21世纪,医院将面临一个理性消费的时代、知识经济的时代、全球经济一体化的时代和微利时代.这些时代特征决定了我国的医院管理将逐步进入以患者满意度、忠诚度、医院知名度和美誉度为中心的品牌经营时代.医院只有加强品牌建设,实施品牌经营战略,才能创造优势,增强竞争能力.一个品牌所拥有的巨大价值在企业经营中的重要性已经不言而喻了,但对医院品牌的研究几乎未涉及,笔者试图对医院品牌经营战略作一探讨.  相似文献   

医院的发展壮大必须靠实施品牌经营战略和医院的先进的文化来推动,只有建立先进的医院的文化,才能真正使医院形成品牌、拥有品牌和发扬品牌。因此医院面对日益激烈的竞争,医院只有加强品牌建设,全面提高综合实力,才能在激烈竞争中赢得患者,才能创造优势,才能可持续发展。  相似文献   

近年来,医院的内外环境发生了前所未有的变化.医院管理必须抛弃原来的传统管理模式,运用战略眼光,着眼于未来,制定更加科学、合理的发展战略,才能促进医院的发展.  相似文献   

三级医院为不断加强自身管理体系的优化改革,逐步将绩效考核作为医院内部改革的核心内容。当前国内三级医院员工绩效考核模式主要有目标管理法、平衡计分卡法、360绩效考核法、关键绩效指标法等,四种绩效考核模式各有所长,对增强员工工作积极性、提高医院绩效水平、推动医院科学化管理均有重要意义,但也存在评估标准偏差、分配不均衡、适用科室有限等缺点。该文立足国内三级医院绩效考核现状,对三级医院几种绩效考核模式进行综述分析,并提出建立完善三级医院绩效考试模式的建议,以期对我国三级医院绩效考核工作的开展有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文基于利益相关者理论和方法,分析公立医院经济运行相关利益主体格局的变化特点,在此基础上分析利益格局变化对公立医院经济运行的影响。一方面利益主体多元化和关系对等化,调动多方积极性,促进医院的发展;另一方面由于各个利益主体目标的差异性和博弈关系的复杂性,也制约医院的发展。  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview on the use of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) for internal hospital management. Some figures derived from a comparative study between 3 university hospitals in Belgium are used to illustrate specific points. Attention is given to cost accounting and cost control on the one hand, and utilization review and quality assurance testing on the other. Costs have been approximated by billed charges. It is concluded that DRGs can effectively be used for hospital management, in addition to hospital financing for which some pressure also exists in Europe.  相似文献   

核心竞争力--医院持续竞争优势的源泉   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
医院获得长期竞争优势是由医院拥有的核心竞争力决定的。文章在对医院核心竞争力概念及内涵进行界定的基础上 ,研究了理解医院核心竞争力的逻辑层次 ,分析了目前对医院核心竞争力认识上的偏差 ,提出了核心竞争力的培养原则和培养条件  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the frequency of skin irritation and dryness associated with using an alcoholic-hand-gel regimen for hand antisepsis versus using soap and water for hand washing. DESIGN: Prospective randomized trial with crossover design. Irritation and dryness of nurses' hands were evaluated by self-assessment and by visual assessment by a study nurse. Epidermal water content of the dorsal surface of nurses' hands was estimated by measuring electrical capacitance of the skin. SETTING: Miriam Hospital, a 200-bed university-affiliated teaching hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-two nurses working on three hospital wards participated in the trial, which lasted 6 weeks. RESULTS: Self-assessment scores of skin irritation and dryness decreased slightly during the 2 weeks when nurses used the alcoholic-hand-gel regimen (mean baseline score, 2.72; mean final score, 2.0; P=.08) but increased substantially during the 2 weeks when nurses used soap and water (mean baseline score, 2.0; mean final score, 4.8; P<.0001). Visual assessment scores by the study nurse of skin irritation and dryness did not change significantly when the alcoholic-hand-gel regimen was used (mean baseline and final scores were both 0.55), but scores increased substantially when nurses used soap and water (baseline score, 0.59; mean final score, 1.21; P=.05). Epidermal water content of the dorsal surface of nurses' hands changed little when the alcoholic-hand-gel regimen was used (mean+/-standard deviation baseline electrical capacitance reading, 24.8+/-6.8; mean final reading, 25.7+/-7.3), but decreased significantly (skin became dryer) with soap-and-water hand washing (mean baseline, 25.9+/-7.5; mean final reading, 20.5+/-5.4; P=.0003). CONCLUSIONS: Hand antisepsis with an alcoholic-hand-gel regimen was well tolerated and did not result in skin irritation and dryness of nurses' hands. In contrast, skin irritation and dryness increased significantly when nurses washed their hands with the unmedicated soap product available in the hospital. Newer alcoholic hand gels that are tolerated better than soap may be more acceptable to staff and may lead to improved hand-hygiene practices.  相似文献   

This study involved observation of hand-hygiene behaviour and evaluation of the effect of alcohol-based hand disinfection and handwashing with plain liquid soap on microbial flora. The study was performed in a combined medical and surgical intensive care unit. We demonstrated a crude compliance of hand hygiene of 50.4%, which was only performed adequately in 20.8% of cases. Of this group, handwashing and hand-disinfection procedures were performed properly 34.0% and 71.6% of the time, respectively. Hand samples for bacteriological examinations with the glove juice method demonstrated that whilst handwashing was sensitive to the way in which hand hygiene was performed, alcohol-based hand disinfection was less sensitive to such performance. Our study demonstrated that alcohol-based hand disinfection is a robust hand-hygiene method with many advantages in a practical setting. It is very feasible for use in hospital wards.  相似文献   

奉城医院自1999年正式实施院务公开制度,特别是近4年来,新一届党政领导紧紧依靠广大干部员工,加强民主管理和民主监督。既坚持院务公开制度和狠抓凝聚力工程建设,增加必要的透明度,又十分注重公开的内在质量,提升医院政治民主建设。院务公开促进了医院文化建设,充实和完善医院文化内容,医院文化的工具作用逐渐凸现;促进了科学管理水平,转变了思想观念,干部员工的精神面貌焕然一新;促进了科技兴医、人才强院战略的实施,院内出现了人才辈出的局面;也促进了医院发展,增强了员工的凝聚力,内外部环境协调和谐发展,两个文明跃上新台阶。从几年院务公开的实践中笔者体会到:要做好院务公开工作,需要医院党政工通力合作,才能形成党组织领导、党政工齐抓共管、工会组织协调、员工群众积极参与的工作格局。同时院务公开工作要建立相应稳定的工作制度才能取得理想的成效。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the influence of a hand hygiene program on consumption of alcoholic hand rub, and specifically the impact of the development of hand washing training in a tertiary hospital belonging to the Cantabrian Health Service in Spain.MethodsWe performed an ecological study from January 2005 to December 2008. The dependent variable was consumption of alcoholic hand rub (ml/day). As the independent variable, we used the hand hygiene campaign developed by the Cantabrian Health Service. The relationship between alcoholic hand rub consumption and the campaign was evaluated using multiple linear regression.Results and conclusionsThe training received in hand hygiene in hospital wards was associated with consumption of alcoholic hand rub, which improved as the campaign became consolidated (in 2008) and showed a positive effect, particularly its training aspects.  相似文献   

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