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关于医院管理学科体系的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
目的 探讨医院管理学科体系结构,为医学院纱学生课程设置及医院进行管理队伍继续教育提供参考。方法 采用文献复习、重点调研、专家咨询结合的方法实施研究。结果 赞同管理学科为4年制的有20人,5年制的有25人;认为管理者的医学学历为大专的18人,本科的27人;管理专业课程设置可分为公共基础课,医学基础课、医学临床课、专业基础课、专业课5部分5个阶段进行,并认为管理者的素质与一般医生的要求不同。结论对医院  相似文献   

近年来,国内部分高校开始尝试3年制医学专科全科医学教学以及全科医学成人教育等工作,并积累了一定的经验[1]。为此,安徽医科大学卫生系不失时机地从1999年开始招收5年制本科全科医学专业,现就其教学模式和课程设置基本思路作一初步探讨。1 5年制全科医生专业的培养目标通过5年系统的高等医学教育以及临床实习和社区社会实践等教学活动,努力使学生成为以人的健康为中心;家庭为单位、社区为范围;需求为导向;以妇女、儿童、老年人、慢性病人、残疾人等为重点;以解决社区为主要问题、满足基本卫生服务需求为目的,融预防…  相似文献   

临床医学七年制教学管理现状与探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管菊芳 《上海预防医学》2002,14(12):560-562
<正>临床医学专业七年制高等医学教育(以下简称“七年制”)是适应我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设需要而设置的[1],承担着21世纪医疗卫生骨干人才培养的重要任务。跨入新世纪,探讨临床医学七年制医学教育的办学模式,以适应新的形势和要求,培养德智体美全面发展的、具有综合素质的高级医学人才是社会发展和医学的需要[2]。本文旨在分析七年制不同办学模式的优缺点,对七年制的教学管理进行探讨。  相似文献   

对美国、英国、澳大利亚共10所一流大学本科营养专业的课程设置进行调查和分析比较,旨在为完善和优化国内本科营养专业课程的设置提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对医疗保险本科毕业生的8门主要相关临床与预防课程、20门主要相关专业基础和专业课程、10门其他部分相关课程掌握程度和必要程度评分及排序比较研究表明:医疗保险本科教学课程设置与社会医疗保险、商业医疗保险领域的实际需要还存在一定差别,需要进行调整和完善.并提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国不同公共卫生院校本科专业开设及课程设置现状,为完善我国公共卫生人才本科教育培养体系提供建议。方法 采用方便抽样的方法选取26所开设公共卫生本科教育专业院校,通过问卷填写和访谈方式获得相关数据,采用构成比和秩和检验的方法对相关指标进行分析。结果 各院校间专业设置差异大,专业数量少至1个,多达5个。本次调查的22家院校专业设置各不相同。专业核心课程设置比较齐全但具体课程构成比差异较大,东部院校预防医学必修课中基础医学学时达到44.7%,西部院校仅为22.6%。部分院校人文类课程开设不足,课程设置合理性有待加强,开设历史文化类和人际社交类课程的院校分别仅为13.63%、45.45%。结论 各院校应推行以能力为导向的教育培养模式,规范专业设置,应特别加强人文科学素质教育课程,强化专业精神和专业能力的培养。  相似文献   

我校在10年前已经在七年制临床医学专业的学生中开设了双语教学的课程,医学统计学是当时中山医科大学最早开设双语教学的课程之一。医学统计学是将统计学原理和方法与医学相结合的一门应用型学科,是医学专业基础必修课。按照我校七年制临床医学专业培养的基本规范要求,《医学统  相似文献   

目的 探讨符合我国社会需求的本科助产人才培养目标及课程体系设置。方法 通过文献回顾法和专题小组讨论法自行设计问卷,利用问卷调查法对校园招聘现场147名对象进行调查,结果采用SPSS 22.0统计软件进行分析。结果 本科助产专业人才培养目标调查结果较好;课程体系设置中被调查对象认为有必要开设的课程中,公共基础类课程排前5位的依次是卫生法学(14.6%)、法律(11.7%)、大学英语(11.5%)、计算机基础(9.1%)、社会学(9.0%),医学基础类课程排前5位的是人体解剖学(15.0%)、生理学(13.6%)、组织胚胎学(12.3%)、病理学(12.2%)、医学遗传学(9.3%),专业类课程排前5位的是高级助产学(10.4%)、妇产科护理学(10.1%)、妇幼保健学(9.0%)、儿科护理学(8.5%)、急救护理学(8.2%),人文社会科学类课程排前3位的是护士人文修养(21.0%)、护理心理学(20.6%)、护理伦理学(14.2%),实习的科室依次是产房(23.2%)、妇产科(22.3%)、儿科(20.9%)、其他科室(13.8%)、内科(12.1%)、外科(7.7%)。结论 本科助产专业人才培养目标需要进一步完善,以求更符合我国实际;本科助产专业课程体系设置调查符合助产专业特点,可为开设本科助产专业提供课程设置依据。  相似文献   

论述了国内外生物系统建模与仿真的发展以及该门本科教学课程的重要性,结合建模与仿真基本知识、生物医学工程学术与行业领域传统的建模与仿真、血流循环系统的可视化建模与仿真、生物信息统计与建模分析等内容结构进行了课程设置的探讨,并通过教学经验探索教学结合科研的模式,为生物医学工程本科教学课程提供了能够引导本科学生专业科研学习的模式。指出教学和科研相结合是我国本科课程建设发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

肖圣龙  高晓妹 《中国校医》2007,21(2):184-184,186
安徽医科大学第一临床学院于2002年开始招收七年制本硕连读学生,七年制学生有入学分数高、年龄小的特点,家长、学校和社会对他们都有较高的期望值,他们在学校成为令人羡慕的同时,也承受着较大的心理压力。为了了解七年制学生的心理健康状况,改进心理健康教育的方式、方法,提高他们的整体素质,2005年10月我们进行了本次调查分析。  相似文献   

在校成教医学生对医学教育的评价与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:文章通过对成人高等医学学历教育的在校学生就其所接受的医学教育教学安排、课程设置、教学效果等的调查分析。资料与方法:南京医科大学继续教育学院2002—2005年入学的所有接受学历教育学历,进行问卷调查。结果:多数学生对教学效果感觉基本满意,认为课程设置基本合理;主要的不满意之处表现在课程设置和教学内容安排方面,希望增加专业课的教学和加强实习安排,教学内容要突出学科新进展,与实际工作更紧密地结合。政策建议:合理调整成人高等医学教育的教学计划和教学大纲,体现成人特点,适应在职卫生技术人员知识更新、提高能力的要求。  相似文献   

Context  Tomorrow's Doctors provides guidance about what is considered core knowledge for medical graduates. One core area of knowledge identified is the individual in society : graduates are required to understand the social and cultural environments in which medicine is practised in the UK. Yet, despite the presence of the behavioural and social sciences (B&SS) in medical curricula in the UK for the past 30 years, barriers to their implementation in medical education remain.
Objective  This study sought to discover medical educators' perceptions of the barriers to the implementation of B&SS.
Methods  Medical educationalists in all UK medical schools were asked to complete a survey identifying what they felt were the barriers they had experienced to the implementation of B&SS teaching in medical education.
Results  A comparison of our findings with the literature revealed that these barriers have not changed since the implementation of B&SS in medical education. Moreover, the barriers remain similar across medical schools with differing ethos and strategies.
Conclusions  Various agendas within the hidden curricula create barriers to effective B&SS learning in medical education and thus need further exploration and attention.  相似文献   

Review of ethics curricula in undergraduate medical education   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Goldie J 《Medical education》2000,34(2):108-119
Medical ethics education, it has been said, has 'come of age' in recent years in terms of its formal inclusion in undergraduate medical curricula. This review article examines the background to its inclusion in undergraduate curricula and goes on to examine the consensus that has arisen on the design of ethics curricula, using Harden's curriculum and S.P.I.C.E.S models as templates. While there is consensus on content for undergraduate medical ethics education, there is still significant debate on learning and teaching methods. Despite the broad agreement on the need to apply adult education principles to ethics teaching, there would appear to be some tension between balancing the need for experiential learning and achieving the 'core curriculum'. There are also as yet unresolved difficulties with regards to resources for delivery, academic expertise, curriculum integration and consolidation of learning. Assessment methods also remain contentious. Although there is consensus that the ultimate goal of medical ethics, and indeed of medical education as a whole, is to create 'good doctors', the influence of the 'hidden curriculum' on students' development is only beginning to be recognized, and strategies to counteract its effects are in their infancy. The need for proper evaluation studies is recognized. It is suggested that the areas of debate appearing in the literature could be used as a starting point for evaluation studies, which would form the empirical basis of future curriculum development.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that teachers' salaries are a major factor in the cost of medical education. Little is known about the effects of curriculum on teaching time. A comparison of teaching time devoted to each of two different medical education curricula is presented. In a traditional teacher-centered, subject-oriented curriculum, 61% of the total teaching effort expended by twenty-two teachers took place in the absence of students, i.e. in preparation for student contact. Only 39% of the effort devoted by these teachers to medical education took place in the presence of students. In a problem-based, student-centered curriculum which focuses upon small-group tutorial learning and early extended primary care experience in a rural community setting, 72% of the total teaching effort devoted to medical education was spent with students and only 28% was spent in preparation for student contact. Overall, there were no differences in the total amount of teaching time required by each of the two curricular approaches to medical education. There were, however, major differences in how teachers spent their teaching time.  相似文献   

高职、中职课程体系的柔性衔接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等职业教育的改革中,促成高等职业教育课程结构的不断优化,富有弹性、灵活性、实行动态可变性,柔性化处理,与中等职业教育课程结构合理衔接,提高教学效益,促使达成职业教育的人才培养目标。从教学的宏观管理上进行调节,在教学的实施中,各门专业课的任课教师保持一定的机动性,采取多种有效途径,如课堂教学、实践教学、第二课堂、使课程衔接良好。  相似文献   

CONTEXT AND RATIONALE: Health professions educators have been systematically attempting to insert the humanities into health professions curricula for over 4 decades, with various degrees of success. Among the several medical humanities, the visual arts seem particularly adequate for the teaching/learning of crucial aspects of medicine. Educational efforts in the arts require, however, a sound pedagogical philosophy of art education. Health professions educators need therefore to be aware of educational frameworks in the arts. Discipline-based art education (DBAE) is a recognised contemporary educational framework for the teaching/learning of the arts, which may be adapted to medical humanities. OBJECTIVE: It is the ultimate objective of this essay to share the experience of applying this educational framework to a course in a medical curriculum. METHODS: The author describes a course on the representations of HIV/AIDS in the visual arts, with explicit reference to its objectives, content, instructional features and student assessment in the light of DBAE, whose principles and characteristics are described in detail. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Discipline-based art education may be applied to medical humanities courses in a medical curriculum. This essay throws light on how this structure may be particularly useful for designing other pedagogically sound art courses in health professions curricula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors' interpersonal and communication skills correlate with improved health care outcomes. International medical organisations require competency in communication skills. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) developed a toolbox for assessing this competency and 5 others, yet none initially for teaching these skills. PURPOSE AND METHODS: The original focus in the development of the ACGME competencies was evaluation. This paper represents a significant step toward defining methods for teaching communication skills competencies. A total of 16 medical education leaders from medical schools worldwide, participating in the 2003 Harvard Macy Institute Program for Physician Educators, worked together to: (1) further define the ACGME competency in interpersonal and communication skills; (2) delineate teaching strategies for each level of medical education; and (3) create a teaching toolbox to integrate communication skills competencies into medical curricula. Four subgroups defined subcompetencies, identified teaching strategies for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate medical training and brought their work to the larger group. The expanded communication competencies and teaching strategies were determined by a consensus of the larger group, presented to 80 Harvard Macy Scholars and Faculty for further discussion, then finalised by consensus. CONCLUSION: The teaching toolbox expands the ACGME core communication competencies, adds 20 subcompetencies and connects these competencies to teaching strategies at each level of medical training. It represents the collaboration and consensus of a diverse international group of medical education leaders in a variety of medical specialities and institutions, all involved in teaching communication skills. The toolbox is applicable globally across different settings and specialities, and is sensitive to different definitions of health care.  相似文献   

This study pinpoints the necessity to constantly monitor local approaches in undergraduate medical education on an inter-European scale. Traditional undergraduate medical curricula need restructuring to account for the increasing amount of medical knowledge and rapid changes and developments in societies, nosology, therapy and IT. European undergraduate medical curricula should be harmonized not egalized, with a focus on inter-European sharing of resources, mobility, credit (allocation, accumulation and transfer), definition of European and trans-European mission statements, identification of quality metrics, advice on dealing with conflicting aims such as specialization and generalization, on communicating core knowledge instead of providing overabundance of information, and on introducing multifaceted teaching and learning methods, as well as providing strategies for life long learning. Sound medical education can no longer and nowhere be considered under the autonomous auspices of individual Medical Schools or national philosophies. It has to be perceived and structured as a competitive and flexible approach which promotes life long learning of teachers, students, physicians and other related staff with international awareness. It is stressed that student and staff mobility, as well as virtual mobility in the form of worldwide available teaching modules and expertise have to be incorporated into national medical curricula. This is to guarantee up-to-date education in support of patient demands, future professionality and competitiveness of students, physicians and Public Health System institutions. The formal approaches of traditional subject related curricula as well as problem based learning must be linked with quality approved state of the art ODL, evaluated international CME strategies and training in the utilization of IT in preparation of lifelong learning. Strategies for the use of IT need updating on a regular basis to diminish the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. General European perspectives of medical education are discussed in relation to ECTS, ODL, compulsory credited and evaluated CME and relicensing of physicians. Prime features of ETM--the most reputed and well-known European medical CME initiative fostering quality assured international awareness are described and recommended for local and nationwide implementation. Specific links of the Bonn undergraduate medical curriculum with credited and evaluated CME and imminent European strategies are detailed. The authors conclude that European universities not adapting at least some of the outlined curricular necessities will rapidly lose their competitiveness compared to other national and international Medical Schools. Harmonized European ethical mission statements and consequent utilization of IT deserve special considerations in this context.  相似文献   

Context  Teaching and evaluating professionalism remain important issues in medical education. However, two factors hinder attempts to integrate curricular elements addressing professionalism into medical school training: there is no common definition of medical professionalism used across medical education, and there is no commonly accepted theoretical model upon which to integrate professionalism into the curriculum.
Objectives  This paper proposes a definition of professionalism, examines this definition in the context of some of the previous definitions of professionalism and connects this definition to the attitudinal roots of professionalism. The problems described above bring uncertainty about the best content and methods with which to teach professionalism in medical education. Although various aspects of professionalism have been incorporated into medical school curricula, content, teaching and evaluation remain controversial. We suggest that intervening variables, which may augment or interfere with medical students' implementation of professionalism knowledge, skills and, therefore, attitudes, may go unaddressed.
Discussion  We offer a model based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), which describes the relationships of attitudes, social norms and perceived behavioural control with behaviour. It has been used to predict a wide range of behaviours, including doctor professional behaviours. Therefore, we propose an educational model that expands the TPB as an organisational framework that can integrate professionalism training into medical education. We conclude with a discussion about the implications of using this model to transform medical school curricula to develop positive professionalism attitudes, alter the professionalism social norms of the medical school and increase students' perceived control over their behaviours.  相似文献   

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