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游离腓骨复合移植重建上肢关节功能及骨缺损   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
目的:吻合血管的腓骨复合移植适用于一期修复上肢长骨骨缺损及重建关节功能。方法:自1985年以来,采用折叠腓骨段及复合组织瓣修复尺桡骨同时骨缺损4例;小儿肱骨近端肿瘤瘤段切除后采用吻合血管带腓骨小头的腓骨移植重建肩关节功能9例;桡骨远端肿瘤瘤段切除后取吻合血管带腓骨小头的腓骨移植重建桡腕关节6例。结果:经术后2~10年随访,重建的肩关节、桡腕关节功能恢复令人满意,尺桡骨骨缺损一期修复,骨愈合良好。结论:复合的游离腓骨移植是扩大应用于关节功能重建的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨平行重建钛缆固定和同心圆重建接骨板固定在恶性肿瘤切除后股骨连续性重建中的作用。方法回顾性分析2013年9月至2017年12月连续收治并获得随访的11例恶性肿瘤切除术后股骨干骨缺损、不愈合或骨折患者, 男10例、女1例;年龄(27.1±15.6)岁(范围7~49岁)。包括股骨干恶性肿瘤一期切除及骨缺损重建6例, 股骨恶性肿瘤大段异体骨移植术后接骨端不愈合或异体骨骨折4例, 大腿软组织肉瘤切除术后放疗致股骨骨折1例。采用带血管蒂游离腓骨联合大段异体骨或灭活骨移植进行重建:将腓骨放置于股骨和异体骨内侧, 以钛缆固定(平行重建组);或将腓骨放置于异体骨或灭活骨的髓腔中, 以接骨板和螺钉固定(同心圆重建组)。结果平行重建组5例, 接骨端或骨折端7个;腓骨移植长度(15.0±4.3)cm(范围10~20 cm);随访时间(33.2±15.6)个月(范围20~53个月)。同心圆重建组6例, 接骨端或骨折端10个;腓骨移植长度(15.5±2.3)cm(范围12~18 cm);随访时间(45.8±15.3)个月(范围22~62个月)。两组随访时间的差异无统计学意义(t=1.36, P=0.208...  相似文献   

无内固定自体腓骨移植修复肱骨近端肿瘤性骨缺损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨无内固定自体腓骨对肱骨近端肿瘤切除后骨缺损的修复重建方法。方法 1991年6月~2003年12月对26例肱骨近端骨肿瘤患者行病灶囊内刮除或瘤段切除,患者年龄6~41岁。其中骨巨细胞瘤5例,骨囊肿9例,骨纤维结构不良8例,内生软骨瘤4例。采用肱骨近端肿瘤病灶刮除自体腓骨支撑内固定15例,肱骨近端瘤段切除自体腓骨重建肩关节11例。根据手术类型和肿瘤切除后骨缺损的大小,用不带血管蒂的自体近端腓骨3~10cm(平均6cm),移植重建肩关节或联合异体骨填充骨缺损。结果 26例术后经1~12年,平均3.4年随访,2例术后2年内出现肿瘤原位复发,二期行截肢术,其中1例肺转移死亡。15例保留肱骨肩关节面,腓骨支撑填充骨缺损,术后肩关节外观及功能恢复良好,其中3例患儿术后3周肩关节恢复正常活动。11例瘤段切除后近段腓骨修复重建肩关节,术后肩关节保留部分功能。结论 无内固定不带血管的自体腓骨移植对肱骨近端肿瘤切除后的骨缺损是一种有效的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨静脉移植桥接血管蒂的游离腓骨瓣移植治疗长骨感染性骨缺损及软组织缺损的手术方法及临床疗效。方法回顾性分析自2008年6月至2014年1月收治的17例长骨感染性骨缺损患者病例资料,男11例,女6例;年龄1.5~55岁,平均31.3岁;股骨8例,胫骨5例,肱骨3例,桡骨1例;骨缺损长度为4~19 cm,平均9.4 cm;其中8例合并软组织缺损(5.0 cm×3.0 cm~17.0 cm×5.5 cm)。感染性骨缺损端彻底清创后,负压封闭灌洗引流2~3周,待肉芽生长新鲜,设计并切取腓骨瓣或腓骨皮瓣移植进行重建,移植自体静脉并端端吻合桥接受区血管与腓骨瓣的血管蒂。静脉移植桥接腓骨瓣的动、静脉血管蒂长度5~18 cm,平均9.6 cm;移植腓骨皮瓣面积6.5 cm×4.0 cm~18.0 cm×6.0 cm。结果17例腓骨瓣手术及术后恢复顺利,均无血管危象。伤口一期愈合11例,延期1~2周愈合6例。术后6~8周X线片示移植腓骨端骨痂形成。15例获得随访,随访9个月~6年,平均30个月,2例失访。13例骨缺损一期愈合,2例腓骨一端与受区未愈合,再次手术后愈合。1例移植腓骨术后7个月发生应力骨折,经外固定架治疗4个月后愈合。感染性骨缺损愈合时间4.2~9.8个月,平均5.9个月,末次随访时采用Enneking系统评分,优11例,良3例,可1例,优良率93.3%。手术后肢体功能恢复满意。结论静脉移植桥接游离腓骨(皮)瓣血管蒂,不仅能有效地修复长骨感染性骨缺损和局部软组织缺损,而且可以改善骨缺损局部血运,控制感染,明显缩短疗程,是治疗肢体长骨感染性骨缺损及合并软组织缺损的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨不带血管自体腓骨移植在四肢骨关节重建中的应用。方法 :切除肱骨近端、桡骨远端的骨肿瘤 ,用无血运自体近端腓骨移植重建肩、腕关节。用腓骨干联合异体骨填充近关节骨肿瘤造成的骨缺损。结果 :42例患者经半年~ 5年的随访 ,仅 3例患者出现肿瘤原位复发。 2 9例重建肩、腕关节外观及功能恢复良好 ,7例重建的膝关节功能良好。结论 :不带血管的腓骨移植在肿瘤致骨缺损的治疗中 ,具有手术简单 ,并发症少 ,术后功能较好等特点。是一个较理想的治疗选择  相似文献   

我们采用同侧带血管蒂腓骨骨膜移植治疗胫骨缺损 11例 ,取得较为理想的效果。现总结如下 :临床资料 本组 11例 ,男 7例 ,女 4例 ;年龄 15~ 5 2岁 ;外伤性骨缺损 5例 ,慢性骨髓炎骨缺损 6例 ;骨缺损部位 :胫骨上段 3例 ,中段 3例 ,下段 5例 ;骨缺损长度 (包括术中咬除硬化骨端 ) 3~ 7cm ;病史平均为 5~ 15个月。手术方法 暴露缺损部位 ,切除硬化骨 ,凿通骨髓腔 ,测定缺损长度 ;切开小腿筋膜 ,保护腓总神经 ,沿腓骨长肌与比目鱼肌间隙分离 ,切断比目鱼肌的起点 ,找到胫后动脉及其分支腓动脉 ,沿腓血管向下分离 ,分辨出滋养血管 ,在胫骨…  相似文献   

[目的]探讨同种异体骨移植修复重建四肢恶性骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损的临床疗效。[方法] 2013年6月~2017年12月对本院收治的21例四肢恶性骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损病例进行大段同种异体骨移植重建,其中复合肿瘤型人工关节置换12例,单纯异体骨段移植9例。本组病例男13例,女8例;年龄11~51岁,平均(21.53±6.54)岁,均经过术前穿刺活检及术后病理确诊,Enneking分期ⅠB期4例,ⅡB期17例,其中骨肉瘤和尤文肉瘤患者术前均行2个疗程新辅助化疗及术后规范化疗。术后采用MSTS评分进行功能评价。[结果]所有患者获随访8~48个月,平均(29.64±11.22)个月,均未发生移植异体骨或假体周围骨折,无关节脱位及假体松动。其中19例肢体功能优良,MSTS功能评分16~28分,平均(22.82±4.47)分。[结论]异体骨移植联合肿瘤型人工关节复合置换,以及异体骨段移植重建长骨干缺损仍然是治疗四肢恶性骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损的一种有效重建方法。  相似文献   

带血管腓骨移植的远期疗效报告   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
目的分析带血管腓骨移植修复四肢长骨缺损的远期效果。方法对 19例应用带血管腓骨移植修复不同部位骨缺损患者进行 5~ 20年 (平均 10.79年 )远期随访,参照 Enneking系统对患肢功能进行评价,采用等级记分法,以达到正常肢体功能的百分数表示。对移植腓骨的转归,参照国际挽救肢体专题讨论会制定的“同种及带血管移植的放射学评价方法”进行结果评定。结果应用带血管腓骨移植修复骨缺损的远期效果因缺损类型的不同而存在较大差异。 9例先天性胫骨假关节患者,术后肢体功能恢复 65%,其中移植腓骨骨不连 1例、骨折 3例 (7次 )、成角畸形 5例; 3例先天性桡骨缺如患者,术后肢体功能恢复 62%, 3例术后均出现移植腓骨骨骺线早闭,畸形复发; 5例骨髓炎、骨外露、骨缺损并软组织缺损患者,术后肢体功能恢复 94%,仅 1例发生移植腓骨骨折; 1例前臂软组织缺损并尺骨缺损,尺神经、正中神经损伤者,术后肢体功能恢复 67%,骨愈合顺利; 1例桡骨海绵状血管瘤者,术后肢体功能恢复 100%,骨愈合顺利。结论带血管腓骨移植是修复长骨缺损的好方法,与其他组织瓣联合应用,可一次完成骨支架重建与软组织覆盖,有利于肢体功能的尽早恢复。但对先天性胫骨假关节和桡骨缺如患者 ,远期效果不甚理想。  相似文献   

目的分析冷冻灭活瘤骨复合自体带血管腓骨重建四肢骨肿瘤术后骨缺损的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析作者单位收治的27例四肢骨肿瘤患者的临床资料,根据治疗方式分为两组。对照组11例单纯行自体带血管腓骨重建术后骨缺损,观察组16例采用冷冻灭活瘤骨复合自体带血管腓骨重建术后骨缺损。术后随访3年以上,入院复查X线片与CT,评估保肢率、复发率、转移率、并发症发生率、死亡率及骨肿瘤保肢MSTS93功能评分和ISOLS复合移植评分。结果两组随访时间差异无统计学意义(P0.05),观察组平均愈合时间短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。随访期间主要不良反应为切口感染、内固定不良及延迟愈合,对照组发生率高于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组MSTS93评分和ISOLS复合移植评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论冷冻灭活瘤骨复合自体带血管腓骨重建四肢骨肿瘤术后骨缺损术后稳定性好,局部支撑力强,利于患者骨性愈合和功能恢复。  相似文献   

目的 探讨下肢长骨大段骨纤维结构不良切除后骨缺损的修复方法.方法 1995年5月至2003年8月,6例骨纤维结构不良患者.男5例,女1例.年龄14~40岁(平均25.5岁).胫骨干2例,股骨干4例.肿瘤切除后骨缺损的长度为15~22 cm.移植双腓骨段长度17~24 cm.均从双侧切取带腓血管的腓骨,在一端将腓血管吻合,使成一条腓血管相连的双段腓骨.将双段腓骨的前内侧骨膜从中央纵行切开并向两侧剥离至骨嵴.双段腓骨折叠,其前内侧面相对,两断端同定,将相对缘游离的骨膜纵行缝合,使其组合为一个骨膜包裹的粗骨.将与双段腓骨相连的腓血管襻在移植体一端制成"U"形,勿形成锐角.能保证血管供血不受影响.解剖出受区血管.将组合的腓骨插入骨折两断端间,如不稳定,加用钢丝或螺钉固定.精确无误地将腓血管与受区血管进行吻合,通过移植体骨膜出血情况判断血管吻合口情况.结果 随访6~10年,平均7.4年.1年后骨性愈合;5年后5例移植骨髓腔再通.移植的双腓骨未发生肿瘤,X线片显示为正常骨骼;1例股骨干于正常骨干远段复发,但移植骨部分未复发.骨移植体愈合好,无发生骨不连、骨感染等并发症.膝关节伸屈功能恢复正常,逐渐恢复日常活动与工作.结论 骨膜内组合双腓骨移植足修复下肢长骨大段缺损的良好方法 .  相似文献   

Reconstruction after intercalary excision of tibia malignancy is challenging. The combined use of a vascularized fibular flap and allograft can provide a reliable reconstructive option. Eight patients underwent reconstruction with an allograft and vascularized fibula following tibia malignancy resection. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically. The average age of patients was 16.5 years. The mean follow-up time was 38.4 months. Contralateral free fibula flap was used in three patients and ipsilateral pedicle fibula in five. The average length of defect was 11.8 cm and of fibula flap was 15.9 cm. Primary union was achieved in seven patients. The average time for bone union was 5.8 months at fibula-tibia junction and 14.1 months at allograft-tibia junction. Five patients had 10 complications. The Musculoskeletal Tumor Society average score was 90.8% at final follow-up. Intramedullary fibular flap in combination with massive allografts provide an excellent option for reconstruction of large bony defects after tibial malignancy extirpation. Ipsilateral pedicle fibula transportation had the advantages of short operation time and avoidance of donor site complications compared with the contralateral free fibula transfer.  相似文献   

The use of intercalary allografts has been an important innovation for use in limb-salvage surgery. However, the principal disadvantage of intercalary allografts is a high incidence of nonunion, fracture, and infection. With a recent trend toward higher doses of chemotherapy, an increased incidence of nonunion and healing problems can be anticipated with the use of allografts. In this article, the authors report two cases in which a vascularized fibula bone flap was used with an intercalary allograft, utilising an intramedullary approach, for immediate femur reconstruction following sarcoma resection. The rationale for this approach is to combine the mechanical strength of an allograft with the biologic activity of a vascularized bone flap. The allograft provides bone stock and early stability, while the addition of the vascularized bone flap substantially facilitates the host-allograft union.  相似文献   

复合骨移植修复骨肿瘤切除后大段骨关节缺损   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
目的 报道复合骨移植修复骨肿瘤切除后大段骨关节缺损的临床疗效。方法 2001年1月-2002年12月应用带监测皮岛的自体腓骨与大段同种异体深低温冷冻骨关节复合移植修复骨肿瘤切除后大段骨关节缺损10例。结果 10例均得到随访,随访时间5~24个月。移植的自体腓骨长度最长28cm,最短15cm。8例在术后3个月即有影像学骨性愈合,10例均于术后半年完全负重和邻近关节自由活动,术后超过1年的5例均已拆除内固定,术后1年均完全愈合。结论 带监测皮岛的自体腓骨与大段同种异体深低温冷冻骨关节复合移植是修复骨肿瘤切除后大段骨关节缺损的有效且可靠的方法,可用于骨肿瘤保肢术中。  相似文献   

BackgroundMassive bone allograft with or without a vascularized fibula is a potentially useful approach for femoral intercalary reconstruction after resection of bone sarcomas in children. However, inadequate data exist regarding whether it is preferable to use a massive bone allograft alone or a massive bone allograft combined with a vascularized free fibula for intercalary reconstructions of the femur after intercalary femur resections in children. Because the addition of a vascularized fibula adds to the time and complexity of the procedure, understanding more about whether it reduces complications and improves the function of patients who undergo these resections and reconstructions would be valuable for patients and treating physicians.Questions/purposesIn an analysis of children with bone sarcomas of the femur who underwent an intercalary resection and reconstruction with massive bone allograft with or without a vascularized free fibula, we asked: (1) What was the difference in the surgical time of these two different surgical techniques? (2) What are the complications and number of reoperations associated with each procedure? (3) What were the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society scores after these reconstructions? (4) What was the survival rate of these two different reconstructions?MethodsBetween 1994 and 2016, we treated 285 patients younger than 16 years with a diagnosis of osteosarcoma or Ewing sarcoma of the femur. In all, 179 underwent resection and reconstruction of the distal femur and 36 patients underwent resection and reconstruction of the proximal femur. Additionally, in 70 patients with diaphyseal tumors, we performed total femur reconstruction in four patients, amputation in five, and a rotationplasty in one. The remaining 60 patients with diaphyseal tumors underwent intercalary resection and reconstruction with massive bone allograft with or without vascularized free fibula. The decision to use a massive bone allograft with or without a vascularized free fibula was probably influenced by tumor size, with the indication to use the vascularized free fibula in longer reconstructions. Twenty-seven patients underwent a femur reconstruction with massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula, and 33 patients received massive bone allograft alone. In the group with massive bone allograft and vascularized fibula, two patients were excluded because they did not have the minimum data for the analysis. In the group with massive bone allograft alone, 12 patients were excluded: one patient was lost to follow-up before 2 years, five patients died before 2 years of follow-up, and six patients did not have the minimum data for the analysis. We analyzed the remaining 46 children with sarcoma of the femur treated with intercalary resection and biological reconstruction. Twenty-five patients underwent femur reconstruction with a massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula, and 21 patients had reconstruction with a massive bone allograft alone. In the group of children treated with massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula, there were 17 boys and eight girls, with a mean ± SD age of 11 ± 3 years. The diagnosis was osteosarcoma in 14 patients and Ewing sarcoma in 11. The mean length of resection was 18 ± 5 cm. The mean follow-up was 117 ± 61 months. In the group of children treated with massive bone allograft alone, there were 13 boys and eight girls, with a mean ± SD age of 12 ± 2 years. The diagnosis was osteosarcoma in 17 patients and Ewing sarcoma in four. The mean length of resection was 15 ± 4 cm. The mean follow-up was 130 ± 56 months. Some patients finished clinical and radiological checks as the follow-up exceeded 10 years. In the group with massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula, four patients had a follow-up of 10, 12, 13, and 18 years, respectively, while in the group with massive bone allograft alone, five patients had a follow-up of 10 years, one patient had a follow-up of 11 years, and another had 13 years of follow-up. In general, there were no important differences between the groups in terms of age (mean difference 0.88 [95% CI -0.6 to 2.3]; p = 0.26), gender (p = 0.66), diagnosis (p = 0.11), and follow up (mean difference 12.9 [95% CI-22.7 to 48.62]; p = 0.46). There was a difference between groups regarding the length of the resection, which was greater in patients treated with a massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula (18 ± 5 cm) than in those treated with a massive bone allograft alone (15 ± 4 cm) (mean difference -3.09 [95% CI -5.7 to -0.4]; p = 0.02). Complications related to the procedure like infection, neurovascular compromise, and graft-related complication, such as fracture and nonunion of massive bone allograft or vascularized free fibula and implant breakage, were analyzed by chart review of these patients by an orthopaedic surgeon with experience in musculoskeletal oncology. Survival of the reconstructions that had no graft or implant replacement was the endpoint. The Kaplan-Meier test was performed for a survival analysis of the reconstruction. A p value less than 0.05 was considered significant.ResultsThe surgery was longer in patients treated with a massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula than in patients treated with a massive bone allograft alone (10 ± 0.09 and 4 ± 0.77 hours, respectively; mean difference -6.8 [95% CI -7.1 to -6.4]; p = 0.001). Twelve of 25 patients treated with massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula had one or more complication: allograft fracture (seven), nonunion (four), and infection (four). Twelve of 21 patients treated with massive bone allograft alone had the following complications: allograft fracture (five), nonunion (six), and infection (one). The mean functional results were 26 ± 4 in patients with a massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula and 27 ± 2 in patients with a massive bone allograft alone (mean difference 0.75 [95% CI -10.6 to 2.57]; p = 0.39). With the numbers we had, we could not detect a difference in survival of the reconstruction between patients with a massive bone allograft and free vascularized fibula and those with a massive bone allograft alone (84% [95% CI 75% to 93%] and 87% [95% CI 80% to 94%], respectively; p = 0.89).ConclusionWe found no difference in the survival of reconstructions between patients treated with a massive bone allograft and vascularized free fibula and patients who underwent reconstruction with a massive bone allograft alone. Based on this experience, our belief is that we should reconstruct these femoral intercalary defects with an allograft alone and use a vascularized fibula to salvage the allograft only if a fracture or nonunion occurs. This approach would have resulted in about half of the patients we treated not undergoing the more invasive, difficult, and risky vascularized procedure.Level of Evidence Level III, therapeutic study.  相似文献   

A series of 14 young, active patients who underwent vascularized bone graft reconstructions of large (9-15 cm) segmental skeletal defects of the upper extremity resulting from resection of a variety of bony tumors is presented. Eight defects involved the proximal humerus and required shoulder joint reconstruction, two were mid humeral and four involved the distal radius. Surgical techniques for both distal radius reconstruction with vascularized iliac crest and vascularized fibular head and glenohumeral reconstruction using the vascularized fibula are described. Several cases are discussed in detail, including achievement of bony union, postoperative range of motion and pain, and each patient's ability to resume activities. The literature is reviewed, and other reconstructive options for large bony defects of the upper extremity after tumor resection are discussed: nonvascularized bone grafts, allograft transfer, and custom prosthetic devices. The authors think that vascularized bone grafting offers the most favorable method of upper extremity salvage with preservation of joint function, especially at the shoulder.  相似文献   

We analyzed our clinical results in 48 patients (40 men) treated during 1990-1993 with free vascularized bone-graft reconstruction for bone defects, the follow-up being an average 6 (5-8) years. The bone defects were located in the femur (10), tibia (32), humerus (2), and forearm (4). We performed 41 fibula transfers, 4 iliac transfers, and 3 rib transfers in these patients. 3 patients required early revision surgery due to venous thrombosis. The average time needed for radiographic bone union was 4.2 months. Bone transfers to the lower extremity showed significantly more hypertrophy than those in the upper extremity. The functional outcome was good in 43 patients.  相似文献   

We analyzed our clinical results in 48 patients (40 men) treated during 1990-1993 with free vascularized bone-graft reconstruction for bone defects, the follow-up being an average 6 (5-8) years. The bone defects were located in the femur (10), tibia (32), humerus (2), and forearm (4). We performed 41 fibula transfers, 4 iliac transfers, and 3 rib transfers in these patients. 3 patients required early revision surgery due to venous thrombosis. The average time needed for radiographic bone union was 4.2 months. Bone transfers to the lower extremity showed significantly more hypertrophy than those in the upper extremity. The functional outcome was good in 43 patients.  相似文献   

We analyzed our clinical results in 48 patients (40 men) treated during 1990-1993 with free vascularized bone-graft reconstruction for bone defects, the follow-up being an average 6 (5-8) years. The bone defects were located in the femur (10), tibia (32), humerus (2), and forearm (4). We performed 41 fibula transfers, 4 iliac transfers, and 3 rib transfers in these patients. 3 patients required early revision surgery due to venous thrombosis. The average time needed for radiographic bone union was 4.2 months. Bone transfers to the lower extremity showed significantly more hypertrophy than those in the upper extremity. The functional outcome was good in 43 patients.  相似文献   

Ewing sarcoma is a rare and lethal malignant bone tumor, mostly affecting young male patients, and has a predilection for the femur, tibia, pelvis, and humerus. Based on the use of improved staging systems, chemotherapy, radiation, and resective surgery, actually most patients live and retain function of their limbs. The concept of limb-sparing surgery has evolved over the last three decades and has become as effective as amputation in treating extremity sarcoma. Many centers have abandoned traditional reconstruction with avascular allografts, resection arthrodesis in favor of metallic endoprosthesis, or fibula free flap for long bone defects. The ipsilateral fibular pedicled flap is an excellent choice for tibial, large, segmental defects reconstruction, because it has a low rate of infection and malunion; the functional outcome is good and avoids contralateral donor site morbidity, and it is less time-consuming than free fibula flap. It also provides the advantage of one-stage reconstruction. We report a case of a 12-year-old patient with history of Ewing sarcoma on the 1/3 of the upper tibia. The bone defect after tumor excision was 12 cm; the flap was dissected until the vascular pedicle, rotated to 180°, and fixed with plate in T and screws. The patient had successful bone union and achieved good functional results at the end of the 1-year follow-up period. Full weight-bearing was achieved within 7 months. This technique should be considered for reconstructing large and complex bone defects resulting from tumor extirpation.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe options for the reconstruction of diaphyseal defects following the resection of bone tumors include biological or prosthetic implants. The purpose of our study was to evaluate different types of intercalary reconstruction techniques, including massive bone allograft, extracorporeal devitalized autograft, vascularized free fibula, and modular prosthesis.MethodsWe performed a systematic review of articles using the terms diaphyseal bone tumor and intercalary reconstruction. All the studies reporting the non-oncological complications such as infection, nonunion and fracture of the intercalary reconstructions were included. We excluded articles published before 2000 or did not involve humans in the study. Case reports, reviews, technique notes and opinion articles were also excluded based on the abstracts. Thirty-three articles included in this review were then studied to evaluate failure rates, complications and functional outcome of different surgical intercalary reconstruction techniques.ResultsNonunion rates of allograft ranged 6%–43%, while aseptic loosening rates of modular prosthesis ranged 0%–33%. Nonunion rates of allograft alone and allograft with a vascularized fibula graft ranged 6%–43% and 0%–33%, respectively. Fracture rates of allograft alone and allograft with a vascularized fibula graft ranged 7%–45% and 0%–44%, respectively. Infection rates of allograft alone and allograft with a vascularized fibula graft ranged 0%–28% and 0%–17%, respectively. All of the allograft (range: 67%–92%), extracorporeal devitalized autograft including irradiation (87%), autoclaving (70%), pasteurization (88%), low-heat (90%) or freezing with liquid nitrogen (90%), and modular prosthesis (range: 77%–93%) had similar Musculoskeletal Tumor Society functional scores. Addition of a vascularized fibula graft to allograft did not affect functional outcome [allograft with a vascularized fibula graft (range: 86%–94%) vs. allograft alone (range: 67%–92%)].ConclusionAseptic loosening rates of modular prosthesis seem to be less than nonunion rates of allograft. Adding a vascularized fibula graft to allograft seems to increase bone union rate and reduce the risk of fractures and infections, though a vascularized fibula graft needs longer surgical time and has the disadvantage of donor site morbidity. These various intercalary reconstruction techniques with or without a vascularized fibula autograft had similar functional outcome.  相似文献   

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