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寡核苷酸药物具有靶向性、可修饰性和高生物安全性。近年研究表明, 寡核苷酸可用于制作生物传感器、疫苗佐剂, 并具有抑制牙槽骨吸收、促进颌骨和牙槽骨再生修复、抗肿瘤、破坏菌斑生物膜以及精准控制药物释放的功能。因此寡核苷酸在口腔医学领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文将从寡核苷酸的分类、作用机制以及其在口腔医学领域的研究现状进行综述, 旨在为寡核苷酸的进一步研究和应用提供思路。  相似文献   

人工智能在口腔医学领域显示出可能带来变革的应用前景, 相关文献从20世纪90年代以来呈逐年增长趋势。本文通过文献检索, 初步总结口腔医学领域人工智能相关文献的发表情况, 浅析口腔医学领域人工智能研究的热点演变及相关技术进展, 以期为人工智能研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

研究3D打印技术的发展其及在口颌面治疗中的应用现状.查阅PubMed、Web of Science、Elsevier ScienDirect、万方、维普期刊、中国知网等数据库.3D打印技术首先被应用于工业工程领域,随后被推广到临床医学领域,主要涉及骨科、心胸外科、口腔科、神经外科等.3D打印技术对于制造大规模的个性化产品具有划时代的意义,其在口腔医学上的应用将成为一种必然趋势.  相似文献   

近年来,机器人技术发展迅速,医用机器人在临床上的应用日益广泛,特别是在口腔医学领域的应用越来越受到关注.将机器人技术应用于口腔医学领域,将突破传统的治疗模式,为口腔医疗带来一轮新的技术革命.本文结合国内外医用机器人的研究和应用现况,就机器人在口腔医学领域的应用优势、应用现状及发展前景作一综述.  相似文献   

微焦点CT这一先进技术,近年来在口腔医学的诸多领域得到广泛的重视和研究,有着良好的应用前景。本文重点介绍了微焦点CT的结构和原理、成像条件求及其在口腔医学领域的应用。  相似文献   

微焦点CT这一先进技术。近年来在口腔医学的诸多领域得到广泛的重视和研究。有着良好的应用前景。本文重点介绍了微焦点CT的结构和原理、成像条件求及其在口腔医学领域的应用。  相似文献   

姜黄素是一种从植物姜黄根部中提取的天然多酚类化合物,具有广泛的药理作用,能够有效抗炎、抗菌、抗癌、抗氧化、抑制骨吸收等.其具有来源广泛、价格便宜等优点,且生物学功能丰富,所以长久以来都被应用于各医学领域当中.口腔疾病亦多与细菌感染、炎症、甚至是癌变等息息相关,因此近年来将姜黄素应用于口腔医学领域的应用研究越来越多.这些研究涉及口腔医学各个分支学科,涵盖龋病、牙周炎、黏膜病变、口腔癌、种植体周围炎、颞下颌关节炎、正畸牙骨吸收等,研究类型含括多数基础研究和部分临床试验.此外,姜黄素可作为化学交联剂,改善牙本质粘接效果.但其具有稳定性差、生物利用度低等主要缺点,学者们亦针对性地提出相关解决方法.本文针对姜黄素在口腔领域中的相关生理功能及研究进展做一综述,为姜黄素在口腔医学领域的进一步研究和应用提供参考.  相似文献   

纳米羟磷灰石(nano-HA)在整个医学领域应用越来越广,它不但具有羟磷灰石本身的特性,而且因为它是纳米级材料,所以具有比普通羟磷灰石更优质的性能。在口腔医学领域,纳米羟磷灰石也有着广阔的应用前景。本文综述纳米羟磷灰石在口腔医学领域的最新研究进展及应用现状,同时简要分析其发展前景。  相似文献   

目的:把握全球3D打印技术在口腔医学中的应用专利研发态势,为我国相关技术研发和专利布局提供参考.方法:本文利用专利分析的方法,采用智慧芽专利分析平台,结合人工标引和统计,对全球3D打印技术在口腔医学中的应用专利进行系统分析.结果:3D打印技术在口腔医学领域应用的专利呈快速增长态势,中、美、韩在该领域专利申请量较多.中国市场受到国外机构重视.口腔假体制造、植牙工具、口腔正畸是3D打印技术在口腔医学领域应用的热点领域.SLA、DLP、SLM技术是3 D打印技术应用于口腔医学领域发展较快的技术.3 D打印的过程、产品、数据处理方面也是近年来备受瞩目的领域;3D打印的材料、由金属粉末制造工件或制品所用的专用设备的专利布局刚刚兴起.结论:3D打印技术在口腔医学领域应用正在兴起,并具有较大潜力,中国在该领域的专利申请量最大,但质量有待提升.业界应加强国外重点机构新技术的监控研究和预警,围绕核心产品,既要注重原创性较高的发明专利的申请,也要有实用新型专利的布局,在3D打印的过程、产品、数据处理、相关材料和制备设备等方面全面布局专利,全方位保障核心产品的安全生产.促进产学研合作,提升专利质量.做好国外专利的布局,以专利走出去保障企业市场走出去.  相似文献   

光遗传学技术是指利用光控蛋白对特定基因进行光学控制的一种技术,具有高度的时间和空间特异性。光遗传学技术在心血管疾病、视听障碍、代谢性疾病和神经系统疾病等临床治疗研究中均有广泛的应用,在基础医学的研究中也逐渐成为热点技术。近年来,光遗传学技术在口腔医学领域中的应用也逐渐增多,如味觉系统的研究、三叉神经痛的治疗、颌面部肌肉神经支配的研究等。本文就光遗传学技术在口腔医学中的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

脂质体是磷脂分散在水性介质中自发形成的具有双层膜结构的球形囊泡,具有两亲性质,是一种优良的药物载体。脂质体具有良好的生物相容性、可生物降解以及无免疫原性等特点,可靶向递送并持续释放负载药物,增强药物的溶解性,提升药物的稳定性,降低药物的毒性,提高负载药物的治疗效果。近年,脂质体药物递送系统在口腔医学中的研究和应用已十分广泛,本文从脂质体药物递送系统在龋病、牙髓疾病、牙周炎、口腔种植、口腔麻醉和口腔念珠菌病等领域的研究和应用作一综述。  相似文献   

聚氨酯是一种新型的有机高分子材料,因其具有优良的性能而被广泛应用。聚氨酯在口腔医学领域中可用于粘接剂、充填用树脂、根管充填材料、种植体、正畸弓丝以及组织工程等多方面。该文仅就聚氨酯作为牙体修复材料的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

根管治疗是目前国内、外公认的牙髓及根尖周病最有效、彻底的治疗方法.提高根管治疗术的质量是提高患牙保存率的重要保证.影像检查是惟一能够记存的、贯穿根管治疗术始终的、直观的影像学资料.长期以来,临床常规使用的是根尖片.由于二维影像显示三维立体牙齿的局限,存在重叠、变形、失真等不准确现象锥形束CT以其低剂量照射、高分辨率、价格低廉、操作简单等诸多优势,被广泛应用于口腔临床的各个相关学科,并成为研究热点本文主要探讨锥形束CT在根管治疗诊疗计划中的临床应用,与根尖片比较了解其优势.  相似文献   

New anesthetics     
Since the introduction of cocaine local analgesia in 1886, and the subsequent development of procaine (1904) and other closely related ester-type compounds, dentistry has prided itself on being as close to 'painless' as possible. In the late 1940s the newest group of the local anesthetic compounds, the amides, was introduced. The initial amide local analgesic, lignocaine (Xylocaine), revolutionised pain control in dentistry worldwide. In succeeding years other amide-type local anesthetics, mepivacaine, prilocaine, bupivacaine and etidocaine, were introduced. They gave the dental practitioner a local anesthetic armamentarium which provided pulpal analgesia for periods of from 20 minutes (mepivacaine) to as long as three hours (bupivacaine and etidocaine with adrenaline). In addition these popular drugs proved to be more rapid-acting than the older ester-type drug and, at least from the perspective of allergenicity, more safe. In 1976, in Germany, the newest amide local analgesic, carticaine HCl was introduced into dentistry. Articaine (the generic name was changed) possesses properties similar to lignocaine but has additional properties which made the drug quite attractive to the general dental practitioner. In 1986 articaine was introduced in North America (Canada) where it has become the most used local anesthetic, supplanting lignocaine. Articaine has been approved for use in the United Kingdom. In this introductory discussion we review the development of articaine and discuss its place in the dental local analgesic armamentarium.  相似文献   

Amalgam is still the material most often used to restore posterior teeth, since it is easy to use, it has a low cost and a long clinical life. However, its use requires the solutions of several problems: lack of adhesion to tooth structure, marginal leakage, postoperative sensitivity and susceptibility to corrosion. In order to combine the advantages of dentinal adhesives with the excellent mechanical properties and good long clinical behaviour of amalgam, their use under amalgam restorations has been proposed. Adhesives improve marginal sealing and guarantee an additional retention to restorations, due to the formation of a layer linked with micromechanical bonds both to the tooth and the amalgam; they create a barrier that occludes dentinal tubules access, protecting the pulp. In this article the results of several in vitro studies performed to assess amalgam restorations properties are summarized. Present knowledge, based on an accurate literature review, allows to consider bonded amalgam restorations as a real progress in conservative dentistry: if long-term longitudinal studies, that are presently carried out, confirm the good short-term results, bonded restorations will represent the solution of choice for amalgam application.  相似文献   

The practice of orthodontics encompasses all other aspects of dentistry, but at the same time it also is very different. Therefore, the pharmacologic agents that would be practical for orthodontic practice are much more limited than those used in other disciplines of dentistry. This, however, does not imply that a full understanding of pharmacologic drug action, side effects, and contraindications is unnecessary. Some common drugs, such as the antibiotics, anticholinergics, fluoride, antianxiety agents, and drugs for myofacial pain, are reviewed according to their application to orthodontic practice.  相似文献   

Precious alloys are an important material group in dentistry because of their ease of use, excellent compatibility, favorable mechanical and physical properties, and application in ceramometal bonding. Although new precious alloys have been introduced in the past decades, frequently because of economic pressure, gold-based alloys remain a popular choice. Researchers have suggested that alloys should be chosen based on an understanding of the alloy system, selection of proven alloys from quality manufacturers, and consideration of the requirements of a given clinical situation.  相似文献   

Titanium and its alloys are increasingly important in dentistry. Thin titanium nitride (TiN) coatings improve properties of metallic material for industrial purposes. Recently TiN coatings have been advocated in dentistry. In a survey of the literature, aspects of biological, mechanical and corrosive behaviour are assessed. Moreover, specific problems for clinical application are indicated. It is concluded that as long as the integrity of the TiN coating is not guaranteed under critical conditions, one should be cautious with its clinical application, and in no situation can it be used to improve deficient dental alloys.  相似文献   

石墨烯拥有独特的结构和优异的性能,被誉为"黑金" ,是21世纪当之无愧的"新材料之王" ,有望广泛应用于生物医学领域,如组织工程、药物运输、基因载体、生物成像等。石墨烯在口腔医学领域具有良好的应用前景,本文就其生物相容性和细胞毒性、抗菌性能、促进成骨分化以及优异的机械性能,在口腔种植方面的相关研究作一综述。  相似文献   

Titanium and its alloys are increasingly important in dentistry. Thin titanium-nitride (Ti-N) coatings improve the properties of metallic material for industrial purposes. Recently Ti-N coatings have been advocated in dentistry. In a survey of literature aspects of biological, mechanical and corrosive behaviour are assessed. Moreover, specific problems for clinical application are indicated. It is concluded that as long as the integrity of the Ti-N coating is not guaranteed under critical conditions one should be cautious with its clinical application. By no means it can be used for improvement of deficient dental alloys.  相似文献   

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