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目的 观察单侧完全性唇腭裂患者牙槽突裂植骨术后,阻生前牙牵引助萌效果,并分析其成败原因。方法 选取2002—2012年大连大学附属口腔医院 大连市口腔医院诊治的8例二期植骨成功的替牙期单侧完全性唇腭裂伴牙槽突裂患者,其中男5例,女3例,年龄(10.5 ± 2.6)岁。均有尖牙或侧切牙阻萌,其中侧切牙阻萌2例、尖牙阻萌6例。采用直丝弓矫治技术,在牙列排齐整平并开大阻生前牙间隙后与外科配合进行闭合式牵引助萌,同时进行矫治结果分析。结果 6例牵引成功,平均疗程(22.5 ± 4.5)个月,牵引时间(从手术开窗到牙齿破龈)平均(6.5 ± 3.5)个月;牵引到位的牙齿与邻牙邻接关系良好,牙合关系稳定,但与对侧正常萌出前牙相比,牙龈形态略不同。其余2例(1例阻生侧切牙、1例阻生尖牙)牵引失败。结论 对于唇腭裂伴牙槽嵴裂植骨术后出现前牙阻萌患者,应在矫治中及时进行牵引助萌。植骨时间、成功率、阻生尖牙萌出角度及与邻牙关系、助萌手术对阻生牙影响等均直接关系到牵引助萌的成败。  相似文献   

李伟 《口腔正畸学》2011,18(4):218-220
单侧完全性唇腭裂患者常伴有牙槽嵴裂,而裂隙侧的尖牙多发生阻生,即使在适当的年龄做了牙槽嵴植骨术,也常会出现尖牙阻生。本文介绍一例单侧完全性唇腭裂伴牙槽嵴裂患者经过术前扩弓治疗后进行牙槽突裂植骨,植骨术后正畸治疗完成尖牙牵引助萌。  相似文献   

冯莉  马松波  唐兵  段义峰 《口腔医学》2012,32(9):574-575
目的 观察正畸牵引联合牙槽外科手术矫治上颌尖牙埋伏阻生的临床疗效。方法 对30例上颌尖牙埋伏阻生病例,利用正畸牵引联合牙槽外科手术进行矫治。结果 6例埋伏尖牙,经开拓间隙或减数助萌治疗,3~5个月后自然萌出;24例行牙槽外科开窗术配合正畸牵引,8~12个月后萌出。牙髓活力正常,牙龈形态美观,牙周情况良好。结论 正畸牵引联合牙槽外科手术,可快速有效地矫治上颌埋伏阻生尖牙。  相似文献   

上颌前牙埋伏阻生正畸治疗12例报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨固定正畸矫治埋伏阻生上前牙临床疗效。方法 12例上颌前牙埋伏阻生病例应用固定正畸技术结合牙槽外科手术进行矫治。结果 8例埋伏前牙经开拓间隙或减数助萌治疗,3—4个月后自然萌出;4例行开窗术配合正畸牵引,5—7个月后萌出排齐。结论 应用固定正畸技术结合牙槽外科手术,可快速有效矫治上颌埋伏阻生前牙。  相似文献   

目的 利用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)评价不同类型唇腭裂患者上颌前部牙槽骨厚度和形态,以及上前牙骨开窗、骨开裂情况。方法 选择016年8月至019年10月间在南京医科大学附属口腔医院就诊拟行口腔正畸治疗的唇腭裂患者85例(男51例,女34例,平均年龄(14.65±4.95)岁),其中单侧唇裂伴牙槽突裂(unilateral cleft lip and alveolus,UCLA)患者19例,单侧完全性唇腭裂(unilateral complete cleft lip and palate,UCLP)患者5例,双侧完全性唇腭裂(bilateral complete cleft lip and palate,BCLP)患者14例。在正畸治疗开始前均予以拍摄颌面部CBCT,应用Image J软件测量其上前牙唇腭侧牙槽骨厚度(alveolar bone thickness,ABT),计算骨开窗、骨开裂发生率,并比较不同唇腭裂类型患者上颌前部ABT及上前牙骨开窗、骨开裂发生率的差异。结果 UCLP、UCLA患侧上前牙骨开裂发生率(34.9%、4.9%)显著高于其健侧(10.7%、11.1%),但骨开窗发生率无统计学差异。UCLP健侧上中切牙(5.9%)、侧切牙(9.7%)骨开裂发生率低于UCLA。UCLA、UCLP、BCLP三组间患侧上前牙骨开裂及骨开窗发生率均无统计学差异。UCLP、UCLA患侧上前牙ABT在多部位小于其健侧。除UCLP/UCLA患侧侧切牙外,UCLA、UCLP、BCLP各类型上前牙唇侧平均ABT均小于腭侧。UCLA、UCLP、BCLP三组间患侧上前牙唇腭侧平均ABT无统计学差异。UCLP患侧上侧切牙、尖牙分别在唇侧和腭侧根颈处ABT大于UCLA。结论 单侧唇腭裂患者患侧上前牙骨开裂发生率高于健侧,ABT则在多部位小于其健侧;而三种类型患者上前牙唇侧ABT均小于其腭侧。单侧唇裂伴牙槽突裂与单侧完全性唇腭裂患者健侧上中切牙、侧切牙骨开裂发生率及患侧侧切牙、尖牙根颈处牙槽骨厚度存在差异;单侧与双侧完全性唇腭裂间上前牙骨开窗、骨开裂发生率及牙槽骨厚度则无差异。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌阻生尖牙闭合式助萌与开窗式助萌后牙周指数差异。方法:选择30例上颌阻生尖牙成功助萌患者(闭合式助萌与开窗式助萌各15例),分别测量尖牙矫治入列后6、12个月时的牙菌斑指数(PLI)、牙龈出血指数(BI)、牙龈指数(GI)及边缘骨吸收量。结果:所选取的病例的阻生尖牙均被成功矫治排入牙列,开窗组的PLI、BI、GI均值及边缘骨吸收的量在矫治结束后6个月时均高于闭合组,差异有显著性;开窗组的PLI、BI、GI均值及边缘骨吸收的量在矫治结束12个月时略高于闭合组,但差异无显著性。结论:上颌阻生尖牙闭合式助萌后尖牙牙周状况明显好于开窗式助萌。  相似文献   

双侧唇腭裂牙槽突植骨长期疗效的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨双侧唇腭裂病例牙槽突植骨的远期疗效。方法  5 5例双侧完全性唇腭裂患者 ,双侧牙槽突植骨手术在GOS儿童医院 (GreatOrmondStreetHospitalforChildren)完成 ,植骨部位共110个。植骨材料选用髂骨松质骨 ,以植骨手术进行时尖牙的萌出情况将裂隙分为 2组。植骨前后拍摄上颌前部咬合片 ,手术后观察时间为 1至 10年。采用Bergland标准评价植骨部位的牙槽骨高度。结果 在尖牙萌出前植骨的成功率 (95 % )明显高于尖牙萌出后植骨者 (6 7% )。结论 影响唇腭裂患者牙槽突植骨成功的因素很多 ,植骨时机是植骨成功与否的重要因素  相似文献   

目的:探讨阻生上颌尖牙合适的临床处理策略,为其合理治疗提供依据。方法回顾2000-2012年期间在大连市口腔医院正畸科接受治疗的35例阻生上颌尖牙病例的临床资料,总结分析尖牙阻生状况及相应的治疗措施和疗效。临床处理方法包括拔除、助萌和导萌。结果拔除2例;只做正畸治疗的助萌法16例,留出足够间隙后等待阻生尖牙自行萌出,观察时间5~24个月,均取得良好治疗效果,矫治后阻生尖牙牙龈形态及牙根状况良好;正畸附加外科手术牵引的导萌法17例,除1例21岁男性患者外,其余16例均牵引到位,但矫治后部分阻生尖牙牙龈形态不如助萌法矫治后。结论当阻生上颌尖牙牙体严重畸形、根弯曲短小及高位近远中向横位阻生时考虑拔除;阻生上颌尖牙近远中向错位不严重,扩弓或减数拔牙即可为阻生尖牙留出足够萌出间隙,判断其能自然萌出时首选助萌法;阻生上颌尖牙近远中向错位严重或阻生尖牙已伤及邻牙牙根、仅用正畸治疗无法去除阻生尖牙萌出障碍时采用导萌法,导萌术后的牵引需注意控制牵引方向及大小,要避免伤及邻牙牙根,尽量使阻生牙从附着龈萌出,有利于形成良好的牙龈形态。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨二期牙槽突植骨进行时裂隙侧尖牙的发育阶段与植骨后萌出的关系。方法 :植骨成功的完全性唇腭裂患者 6 3名 ,单侧 5 8名 ,双侧 5名 ,植骨时患者年龄为 8 14岁 ,手术后观察到 15岁。将研究对象按植骨时尖牙发育阶段分为 3级组 (牙根形成 1/ 2 )和 4级组 (牙根形成 3/ 4 ) ,分析 3级组和 4级组裂隙侧尖牙的萌出率有无差别。结果 :3级组和 4级组裂隙侧尖牙的萌出率分别为 97.7%和 84 .0 % ,总体萌出率为 92 .0 % ;3级组的男性患者的尖牙萌出率较 4级组的高 ,差异有统计学意义。结论 :在裂隙侧尖牙牙根形成 1/ 2时进行牙槽突植骨有利于尖牙的自然萌出。  相似文献   

术前正畸对完全性唇腭裂牙槽突植骨疗效的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨牙槽突植骨术前正畸治疗对于完全性唇腭裂牙槽突植骨长期疗效的影响。方法 选择牙弓狭窄、上颌前牙舌倾或扭转 ,可以伴有前牙反 \ ,牙槽突植骨手术不易进行的完全性唇腭裂患者 16例 ,男 9例 ,女 7例。其中单侧完全性唇腭裂 10例 ,双侧完全性唇腭裂 6例 ,共有裂隙 2 2侧 ,患者年龄 8~ 2 2岁。在牙槽突植骨前进行正畸治疗 ,植骨术后定期拍摄上颌体腔片或上颌前部咬合片 ,观察植骨疗效 ,手术后观察期为 0 5~ 4年。牙槽骨高度的评价采用Bergland标准进行。结果 术前正畸 ,特别是通过开展狭窄的上牙弓 ,能够使因存在错畸形而不易进行牙槽突植骨的唇腭裂患者顺利完成手术 ,牙槽突植骨的临床成功率达 86 %。结论 对于上牙弓狭窄 ,错畸形严重的完全性唇腭裂患者 ,应该在植骨手术前进行正畸治疗。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上颌埋伏前牙正畸治疗的时机.方法 对17例20颗萌出道异常或牙根弯曲的上颌埋伏前牙摄片定位、拓展间隙后,在牙根未发育完成前进行闭合式牵引,治疗后测量埋伏牙和对侧同名牙牙根的相对长度,并采用PES(the pink esthetic score)指数对牵引后的埋伏牙进行牙龈软组织美学评价.结果 20颗埋伏前牙均牵引成功,牵引后中切牙、侧切牙和尖牙的牙根平均长度分别为(18.00±2.79) mm、(15.75±1.06) mm和(21.88±2.32) mm,略短于对侧同名牙[中切牙(20.25±1.56) mm、侧切牙(18.00±1.41) mm、尖牙(23.5±2.58) mm],牙龈软组织美学评分平均为10.65±2.68.结论 对某些萌出方向异常或牙根弯曲的埋伏牙在牙根未发育完成前进行闭合式开窗和正畸牵引可获得较好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this case report is to describe the combined surgical and orthodontic treatment of two cases with an impacted maxillary central incisor and canine in the same quadrant and to discuss the causal relationship between them. BACKGROUND: The most common causes of canine impactions are usually the result of one or more factors such as a long path of eruption, tooth size-arch length discrepancies, abnormal position of the tooth bud, prolonged retention or early loss of the deciduous canine, trauma, the presence of an alveolar cleft, ankylosis, cystic or neoplastic formation, dilaceration of the root, supernumerary teeth, and odontomas. Although impaction of the maxillary central incisor is almost as prevalent as impacted canines its etiology is different. The principal factors involved in causing the anomaly are supernumerary teeth, odontomas, and trauma. REPORTS: Case #1: A 10.5-year-old girl in the early mixed dentition stage presented with a chief complaint of the appearance of her anterior teeth. She had a Class I skeletal pattern and a history of trauma to the maxillary central incisors at age five with premature exfoliation. Radiographs revealed an impacted upper right central incisor in the region of the nasal floor, delayed eruption of the maxillary permanent central incisor, and the adjacent lateral incisor was inclined toward the edentulous space. Treatment was done in two stages consisting of surgical exposure and traction of the impacted central incisor and fixed orthodontic treatment. Case #2: An 11.5-year-old girl presented for orthodontic treatment with the chief complaint of an unerupted tooth and the appearance of her upper anterior teeth. She was in the late mixed dentition period with a Class III skeletal pattern along with an anterior cross-bite with some maxillary transverse deficiency. The maxillary right canine and central incisor were absent, but the maxillary right deciduous canine was still present. Treatment included arch expansion followed by surgical exposure and traction of the impacted teeth and fixed orthodontic treatment. SUMMARY: This case report provides some evidence of a significant environmental influence of an impacted maxillary central incisor on the path of eruption of the ipsilateral maxillary canine. When an impacted maxillary central incisor exists, the maxillary lateral incisor's root might be positioned distally into the path of eruption of the maxillary canine preventing its normal eruption. Ongoing assessment and early intervention might help to prevent such adverse situations from occurring.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the long-term effect of mandibular bone as donor material in bone grafting of the alveolar process defect in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP), compared with iliac crest cancellous bone. METHOD: During a 7-year period, 101 UCLP patients were bone grafted, 57 cases with iliac crest cancellous bone and 44 with mandibular symphyseal bone. The long-term results with an observation time of more than 4 years were analyzed with respect to marginal bone level and dental and gingival condition in the grafted area. Complications were recorded. RESULTS: The bone level in the grafted area was satisfactory in both groups. Impaction of cleft-side canines was found in 35% of the patients in both groups. Patients with agenesis of the cleft side lateral incisor had significantly more impacted canines, compared with patients with a cleft-side lateral situated in the lesser maxillary segment, probably due to the fact that the lateral incisors help in guiding the canine down through the grafted area. The number of complications was scarce, although both groups demonstrated some gingival retraction with a longer crown length at the cleft side central incisor. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study have changed our strategy in bone grafting. Timing of orthodontic treatment and bone grafting has been more varied depending on the position and presence of teeth in the cleft area. Bone grafting of the alveolar process is not just a local treatment of a bony defect, but in respect to the burden of treatment, bone grafting of the alveolar process has to be planned in accordance with orthodontic treatment and maxillofacial growth.  相似文献   

??Objective    To study the influencing factors of successful closed traction for maxillary impacted canine??and to further know the difficulty of the traction of impacted teeth??and then to guide the clinical treatment plan. Methods           Collect the clinical cases of impacted teeth from the year 2007 to 2016 in China Medical University Stomatology Hospital??and calculate the success rate of different impacted teeth. Measure angulation with palatal plane??positions with lateral incisors and buccal-lingual direction of maxillary impacted canine. The age of patients was also recorded at the same time. The data were analyzed statistically by SPSS 21.0 statistical software. Results    Chi-square test suggested that the age of the patient?? buccal-lingual direction and the angulation affected the traction of maxillary impacted canine??but the relative position with the lateral incisor didn't. Additionally??only the buccal-lingual direction of maxillary impacted canine affected the traction by logistic regression analysis. Conclusion    The buccal-lingual direction of maxillary impacted canine is the main factor that affects the success of traction??which is to say that buccal impacted maxillary canine is more likely to have successful traction.  相似文献   

目的: 采用锥形束CT(CBCT)研究单侧尖牙阻生病例牙颌的三维结构特征,评估发生上颌尖牙阻生的相关风险因素,为正畸临床早期干预提供依据。方法: 选取30例单侧上颌尖牙阻生患者的CBCT,利用Romexis软件进行三维重建,测量、比较两侧牙颌三维结构特征指标,采用SPSS17.0软件包进行配对t检验和相关数据的回归分析。结果: 阻生侧尖牙和侧切牙倾斜度明显增大,尖牙牙冠更向近中、侧切牙向远中倾斜(P<0.001);阻生侧尖牙体积更大、侧切牙体积更小(P<0.05),当尖牙体积增大或侧切牙体积减小时,上颌尖牙的阻生概率增加;阻生侧牙弓弧形长度更短,牙弓宽度在尖牙区和前磨牙区更短(P<0.001),而宽度在磨牙区无显著差异(P>0.05),两侧牙弓长度在尖牙区、前磨牙区和磨牙区无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论: 上颌尖牙阻生伴随或导致同侧牙及牙槽骨三维方向发育异常,上颌尖牙阻生的严重程度与周围牙颌结构异常密切相关,提示上颌尖牙阻生可以早期预判、诊断,且可以实施有效的早期干预。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the dental and periodontal condition of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) before orthodontic treatment and evaluate whether the dental and periodontal condition of these patients during and after orthodontic treatment was jeopardized by the duration of the orthodontic and surgical treatment. DESIGN: Seventy-five individuals with UCLP (52 males, 23 females), between ages 8 and 20 years, participated in a retrospective study during their final follow-up visit with regard to dental abnormalities, such as hypodontia, external root resorption, crown and root malformation, and supernumerary teeth. Alveolar bone height and periodontal attachment loss on the cleft side were also screened before or after bone grafting and at different stages of orthodontic treatment. RESULTS: Hypodontia of the lateral incisor was found in more than 50% of the patients on the cleft side. Second premolars and/or lateral incisors outside the cleft area were missing in 27.2% of the patients. In 32%, malformations of the teeth near the cleft were noticed. In general, the teeth around and in the cleft of the patients showed normal septal bone heights and a healthy periodontium. Sixty of the 75 patients received a bone graft to restore the interrupted alveolar process. In 93.3% of these patients, the cleft was grafted before the eruption of the canine. CONCLUSION: The periodontium of the teeth in and around the cleft in patients with UCLP observed during and after orthodontic treatment can cope relatively well with the long orthodontic treatment and combined surgical interventions. The children, who had not yet started treatment, also showed enough bone support and no periodontal problems of the teeth besides the cleft. Early secondary bone grafting seems to give optimal periodontal results.  相似文献   

目的 应用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)对多生牙进行新的临床分类,并分析新分类方法的临床意义。方法 收集2016—2019年首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院口腔科的CBCT影像资料5100例,其中多生牙患者209例,共计多生牙278颗。应用CBCT对多生牙进行新的临床分类,包括萌出型、骨埋伏高位型、骨埋伏低位型、骨埋伏复杂型和牙弓外型,并分析其临床意义。结果 (1)临床资料分析:多生牙发生率为4.1%,其中有1颗多生牙的患者占76.6%,有2颗多生牙的患者占19.1%,有3颗及以上多生牙的患者占4.3%。多生牙好发部位依次为:上颌切牙区、上颌磨牙区、下颌尖牙及前磨牙区、上颌尖牙及前磨牙区、下颌磨牙区。34.9%的多生牙对邻近恒牙产生了继发影响,以萌出错位及阻生为主,主要发生在上颌切牙区。(2)新分类方法的临床意义分析:上颌切牙区多生牙以骨埋伏低位型及萌出型为主,尖牙、前磨牙及磨牙区多生牙以萌出型为主。不同类型多生牙对邻近恒牙产生继发影响的发生率不同或不全相同(χ2 = 26.057,P < 0.001),提示对邻近恒牙易产生继发影响的多生牙类型依次为:萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型、骨埋伏高位型、牙弓外型、骨埋伏低位型。结论 基于CBCT的多生牙新分类方法简单实用,其中萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型及骨埋伏高位型多生牙更易产生错牙合畸形,建议尽早拔除多生牙、定期随访,必要时正畸治疗。  相似文献   

 目的 应用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)对多生牙进行新的临床分类,并分析新分类方法的临床意义。方法 收集2016-2019年首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院口腔科的CBCT影像资料5100例,其中多生牙患者209例,共计多生牙278颗。应用CBCT对多生牙进行新的临床分类,包括萌出型、骨埋伏高位型、骨埋伏低位型、骨埋伏复杂型和牙弓外型,并分析其临床意义。结果 (1)临床资料分析:多生牙发生率为4.1%,其中有1颗多生牙的患者占76.6%,有2颗多生牙的患者占19.1%,有3颗及以上多生牙的患者占4.3%。多生牙好发部位依次为:上颌切牙区、上颌磨牙区、下颌尖牙及前磨牙区、上颌尖牙及前磨牙区、下颌磨牙区。34.9%的多生牙对邻近恒牙产生了继发影响,以萌出错位及阻生为主,主要发生在上颌切牙区。(2)新分类方法的临床意义分析:上颌切牙区多生牙以骨埋伏低位型及萌出型为主,尖牙、前磨牙及磨牙区多生牙以萌出型为主。不同类型多生牙对邻近恒牙产生继发影响的发生率不同或不全相同(χ2 = 26.057,P < 0.001),提示对邻近恒牙易产生继发影响的多生牙类型依次为:萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型、骨埋伏高位型、牙弓外型、骨埋伏低位型。结论 基于CBCT的多生牙新分类方法简单实用,其中萌出型、骨埋伏复杂型及骨埋伏高位型多生牙更易产生错牙合畸形,建议尽早拔除多生牙、定期随访,必要时正畸治疗。  相似文献   

目的: 利用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)对下颌前牙唇侧骨壁厚度及倾斜角度进行测量分析,为下颌前牙区的即刻种植术前设计提供参考依据。方法: 选取青岛大学附属医院口腔科135例(男67例,女68例)下颌恒牙列完整的CBCT资料,分别测量牙槽嵴顶处(P1)、牙根中点处(P2)、根尖处(P3)3个位点的唇侧骨壁厚度、下前牙长轴与牙槽骨长轴的角度。采用SPSS 23.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 下颌中切牙、侧切牙、尖牙唇侧牙槽嵴顶处骨板厚度分别为(0.65±0.24)mm、(0.66±0.28)mm、(0.57±0.29)mm,根中处骨板厚度分别为(0.58±0.35)mm、(0.47±0.23)mm、(0.58±0.30)mm,根尖处骨板厚度分别为(3.45±1.28)mm、(3.87±1.25)mm、(4.60±1.32)mm;下颌中切牙、侧切牙、尖牙牙体长轴与牙槽骨长轴角度分别为5.43°±2.30°、7.22°±3.12°、6.28°±2.65°;相同牙位左右侧之间、不同性别之间各测量值之间无显著差异。结论: 下颌前牙唇侧骨壁厚度菲薄,下颌前牙倾斜角度较小,可为下颌前牙区的即刻种植术前设计的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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