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口腔医生对牙本质敏感的认知情况抽样调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都地区口腔医生对牙本质敏感的认知情况,为进一步做好口腔专业继续教育提供参考。方法用中华口腔医学会预防口腔医学专业委员会2008版《口腔医生牙本质敏感调查问卷》,对成都市5城区及部分郊县227名口腔医生进行抽样问卷调查。结果(1)对牙本质敏感流行病学的认知:对牙本质敏感患病情况认知不足,患病率被低估。(2)对牙本质敏感病因及诊断的认知:①流体动力学理论未被广泛知晓;②酸蚀症引发牙本质敏感的作用被忽略;③除非患者主诉或要求.很少医生主动检查患者是否患有牙本质敏感。(3)在牙本质敏感的治疗上的认知:治疗方法较多,但效果不理想,医生信心不足。(4)宣传教育及随访:①大部分医生对于牙本质敏感的宣教较有信心:②绝大部分医生要求患者随访,但随访率较低。结论口腔医生对牙本质敏感的相关知识及临床诊断治疗上仍然存在欠缺.有必要对口腔医生开展进一步的继续教育以及制定相应的诊治指南。  相似文献   

我国现阶段的口腔医学本科教学缺乏转化医学思维及理念的培养,这会显著影响将来创新型临床医师的成长。转化医学研究,特别是临床转化医学研究对临床研究型医师的成长意义重大,其强调以临床问题为导向,专注于基础研究和临床应用研究之间的双向转化。将转化医学理念融入口腔医学本科教育教学过程中,从理念、教学、课程、模式及平台等方面着手,多措并举,能够有效联通基础研究和临床诊疗,从而破除基础理论与临床应用之间的壁垒,加速科研、理论研究成果向临床诊疗实践的应用转化与推广应用。本文从转化医学教育理念角度分析其在口腔医学教育中的优势和应用策略,浅谈如何将转化医学融入到口腔医学本科教育教学工作中,推动口腔医学教育发展。  相似文献   

儿童口腔科医师实施行为管理相关问题调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 对儿童口腔科医师在门诊工作中与行为管理有关的工作内容及医生的工作压力进行调查,并就相关因素进行分析。方法 对参加第五届全国儿童口腔医学会议的139名医生进行问卷调查,并对有关因素进行分析。结果 在大学附属医院工作的医生更倾向于进行母子分离、过去一个月内44.6%的医生接诊过有行为问题的儿童。获得了具体各种行为管理方法应用情况的资料。另外51.5%的医生感觉门诊工作有比较大的压力。结论 目前儿童口腔医生在镇静全麻等特定方法的应用上还有待加强,工作压力所可能导致的对健康的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

中山大学附属口腔医院是教育部直属重点高等院校专科教学医院.是我国重要的口腔医学临床教学、实习和临床科研基地之一。医院拥有口腔综合治疗台271张、住院病床60张,日门诊量达1500余人次。医院科室设置齐全,开设21个临床及医技科室,并在广州天河区设立大型口腔专科社区医院。医院积极推广规范化的现代口腔诊疗技术.口腔常见病和疑难病的诊治工作达到国内外先进水平。医院全面应用现代化的计算机系统(CIS),实现了挂号、诊疗、处方、收费、预约的网络化管理。  相似文献   

刘尧  陈旭  程丹 《口腔医学研究》2012,28(4):376-378
目的:培养口腔医学专业学生的临床思维能力,提高其医患沟通技能,同时解决临床教学资源不足的矛盾,探索儿童口腔医学课间实习教学新模式。方法:在中国医科大学口腔医学专业本科生儿童口腔医学课间实习课程中引入学生标准化病人(Standardized Patient,SP)教学模式,进行教学改革及应用探索。研究分2组,即标准化病人教学组(SP组)与传统讲授教学组(讲授组)。采用问卷调查和试卷考试的方式进行教学效果评估,应用SPSS12.0软件,进行统计学分析。结果:实验组,即标准化病人教学组学生在学习兴趣,医患沟通及临床诊疗能力等方面的评估结果优于对照组,即传统教学组(P〈0.01),2组学生在试卷考核中基础知识类试题的成绩在统计学上无显著性差别,病例分析类试题的成绩标准化病人教学组高于传统教学组,有高度显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:将学生标准化病人教学模式引入儿童口腔医学课间实习课程中,提高了教学质量及学生实践能力,为临床前实习教学模式改革提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,线上教学越来越多地应用到各学科之中,线上继续教育在儿童口腔医学专业人才培养中起重要作用。文章通过对参加线上学习及授课的360名学员和33名教师设计问卷,对儿童口腔医学继续教育线上教学情况进行调查,从知识获取途径、参加线上学习的频率、对线上学习的态度、课程偏好、常用软件等方面进行分析,分析线上教育模式在儿童口腔医学继续教育中的应用现状。  相似文献   

口腔诊疗中低龄儿童行为表现分类标准的制定与信度检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的制定并检验口腔诊疗中低龄儿童行为表现的分类标准。方法参考Venham儿童行为和焦虑六分类法制定出低龄儿童在口腔诊疗中行为表现的分类标准,并由11名儿童口腔医护人员对随机选取的24段临床诊疗录像用该标准进行分类。结果此分类标准依据儿童的情绪状态、诊疗中行为表现、医师完成治疗的情况等三方面来对儿童在口腔诊疗中的行为表现进行分类。该分类标准有较好的研究者间一致性(组内相关系数=0.929)和很高的重测信度(Spearman’s相关系数=0.963)。结论该方法可以作为临床对低龄儿童在口腔诊疗中行为表现进行分类的标准。  相似文献   

樊林 《广东牙病防治》2011,19(7):369-371
目的探讨学龄前儿童牙科诊疗行为特点及治疗方法,为临床工作提供参考。方法对口腔门诊984例学龄前患儿,根据其行为特点采取相应治疗方法,按年龄分组,分析影响学龄前儿童牙科诊疗顺利进行的相关因素。结果学龄前儿童牙科诊疗行为特点有较大的年龄差异:3岁组以强拒绝反应型居多(占59.04%),4~5岁组以消极拒绝反应型居多(占53.45%),6岁组以有条件合作型居多(占61.84%)。对不同年龄组患儿采取的治疗方法也有明显的年龄差异:3岁组以威吓、强迫法为主(占55.42%),配合使用行为诱导法(占38.55%);4~5岁组以行为诱导法为主(占64.37%),辅以威吓、强迫法(占20.40%);6岁组亦以行为诱导法为主(占66.00%),辅以常规法(占35.98%),一般少用威吓、强迫法。结论年龄是决定学龄前儿童牙科诊疗行为特点及治疗方法的重要因素。行为诱导法是一种广泛适合学龄前儿童安全、实用、必要的干预措施,值得加强和重视其在临床中的推广和灵活应用。  相似文献   

《现代口腔医学杂志》为面向全国发行的口腔医学专业学术性期刊,以促进我国口腔医学发展为宗旨,为口腔医学临床、教学和科研服务。1.本刊有基础研究、临床研究、综述、讲座、临床经验介绍等栏目,并开辟有儿童口腔医学、口腔预防保健、流行病学·调查报告等专栏。2.来稿注意事项:1文稿应具有科学性、实用性,要论点明确、资料可靠、数据准确(必要时做统计学处理)、书写工整、  相似文献   

生物力学是研究生物与力学有关的问题,从力学的角度来解释生命的科学,存在于口腔医学的各个领域。实验应力应变分析和理论应力应变分析是两大分支,常用的研究方法可分为实验生物力学技术(如电阻应变测量法、光纤光栅法、全息干涉法、数字图像相关法、光弹性法等)和计算生物力学技术(如有限元法)。这些技术为研究口腔医学中的基础问题、解决临床中的实际问题、发展临床诊疗手段,提供了力学基础。现对以上研究方法在口腔领域的应用特点进行分析比较。  相似文献   

目的了解儿童口腔医生使用局部麻醉的相关情况。 方法对2018年9月至2019年2月随机抽取来自全国不同地区、不同学历及工作情况的527名儿童口腔医生关于局部麻醉使用情况进行问卷调查,并对影响局部麻醉注射技术选择的相关因素进行Fisher精确检验分析。 结果共发放问卷527份,共回收有效问卷449份。449名样本人群中,阿替卡因使用率[50.78%(228/449)]显著高于甲哌卡因[26.06%(117/449)]和利多卡因[22.05%(99/449)]。医生局部麻醉注射技术的选择与学历(χ2 = 10.867,P = 0.045)及其从事儿童口腔诊疗工作时间(χ2 = 11.755,P = 0.029)有关。82%(367/449)医生认为下颌后牙浸润麻醉效果不佳,56%(251/449)医生选择牙周膜麻醉作为补充麻醉。6.68%(30/449)医生认为局部麻醉无并发症,93.32%(419/449)医生对并发症认知不足。 结论阿替卡因和浸润麻醉是儿童口腔临床诊疗中最常用的局部麻醉药物和局部麻醉注射技术,牙周膜麻醉作为补充麻醉使用率高,但儿童口腔医生对局部麻醉安全性认识不足,需要加强学习以促进局部麻醉安全。  相似文献   

目的:了解家长对儿童牙科全身麻醉技术(dental general anesthesia,DGA)的认知和接受程度并分析其可能的影响因素。方法:向2011年11月.2012年3月间前来第四军医大学121腔医学院儿童口腔科就诊的1002名初、复诊患儿家长解释DGA后由家长完成调查问卷,数据采用SPSSll.0软件行统计学分析。家长对DGA的接受度采用相对数形式统计,利用X^2检验明确不同因素是否影响家长对DGA的接受。结果:儿童口腔治疗常见的行为诱导方法中,家长对DGA的熟悉程度较低,仅有6.69%的家长听说并对其有所了解。在医生提出建议时,20.76%的家长会接受该技术,61.98%的家长担心麻醉药物的副作用,同时分别有超过33.33%的家长认为全麻技术会对患儿大脑及身体发育产生影响。经统计学分析,家长对DGA的接受度与家庭月收入,家长最高学历及地域因素有关P〈0.05)。结论:DGA在国内儿童口腔医学领域是一种新兴牙科行为诱导技术,患儿家长对其了解较少,接受度普遍偏低。医生在选择该方法时应做好解释工作并获得家长的知情同意。  相似文献   

Reduced caries rates and an increased percentage of children with dental insurance have made it more difficult for dental schools to provide undergraduates with sufficient numbers of pediatric dental patients requiring restorative procedures. This may result in graduates who are not competent and are reluctant to treat children after graduation. To ensure the quality of the undergraduate clinical training program, the Division of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Manitoba changed from a comprehensive-based clinic to a block system in 1998-99. Specific communities with limited access to dental care (neighboring core area schools and Hutterite colonies) were specifically targeted as potential sources for child patients. This format increased the exposure of students to patient management as well as to complex pediatric dentistry procedures. To assess the learning experiences before and after the changes to the clinical pediatric dentistry program, sixty general dentists who had graduated from the University of Manitoba were randomly selected using the Manitoba Dental Association Directory. Surveys were sent to twenty general dentists who graduated in each of the following years: 1993, 2000, and 2002. Forty-five dentists responded, fifteen from each of the three surveyed classes. Dentists who graduated after the changes to the program (2000, 2002) reported that they performed a greater number of complex pediatric dentistry procedures and treated more toddler and preschool children than the group that graduated before the changes (1993). Referrals to pediatric dentistry specialists were higher in the 1993 group than in the 2000 and 2002 groups. In conclusion, an adequate pool of pediatric patients is critical to provide dental students with sufficient learning experiences. The dentists who graduated from the program after the changes were implemented are providing more comprehensive treatment to younger children.  相似文献   

The number of dentists in Japan may be too high. The ratio of dentists/population, in China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia, is less than 1 dentist for every 10,000 people. From this data, it can be seen that there is a shortage of dentists in China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. The shortage of pediatric dentists in these Asian countries is serious, particularly in the Philippines where the number of children with dental caries is increasing. There is an urgent need to increase the number of pediatric dentists in these countries. However, one problem is that dental schools in the Philippines and Singapore, do not have a department of pediatric dentistry.  相似文献   

In addition to the pressures of providing a high quality of dental care for children, dentists practising pediatric dentistry are faced with some legal and ethical concerns regarding the use of behaviour management techniques. The following article will discuss some of the pressures and ethical dilemmas facing dentists treating children. Strategies for making the dental appointment more humane for child, parent and dentist are suggested. The most perplexing issues in pediatric dentistry today are related to the management of patients. In addition to questions regarding clinical management, dentists treating children have to make careful judgements concerning management of patient's behaviour. The following scenarios are a few examples of the situations that often arise during the dental treatment of child and adolescent patients: "I really had to raise my voice to Jamie today and use a lot of physical restraint to administer the local anesthetic. I was not happy about being so aggressive, but it was important to get that filling done. I wonder, though, how he is going to feel about going to the dentist now?" "I feel frustrated that I did not get any work done on that four-year-old today, but I did not want to use undue force. Maybe I should have been more forceful; hand-over-mouth-exercise might have worked, but I always feel uncertain about using that technique and I wonder what the parents will think if I use it."  相似文献   

An interactive, multimedia, virtual patient module was designed and developed on compact disc (CD-ROM) to address the need for student dentists to increase their competence and decrease their perception of difficulty in caring for children with developmental disabilities. A development team consisting of pediatric dentistry faculty members, parents of children with developmental disabilities, an individual with a developmental disability, and educational specialists developed an interactive virtual patient case. The case involved a ten-year-old child with Down syndrome presenting with a painful tooth. Student dentists were required to make decisions regarding proper interactions with the child, as well as appropriate clinical procedures throughout the case. Differences in perceived difficulty level and knowledge change were measured, as well as the student dentists' overall satisfaction with the learning experience. Significant results were obtained in both perceived difficulty level and knowledge-based measures for student dentists. Participants reported overall satisfaction with the modules. Preparing student dentists to provide sensitive and competent care for children with developmental disabilities is a critical need within dentistry. This study demonstrated that an interactive, multimedia (CD-ROM), virtual patient learning module for student dentists is potentially an effective tool in meeting this need.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aims of this study were to investigate the number of female bachelor of dental surgery graduates who earned postgraduate education degrees from King Saud University, their specialties, degrees of qualification, and countries of graduation.MethodsA questionnaire survey was conducted through face-to-face or phone interview among 677 female dentists who graduated from the College of Dentistry at King Saud University between 1984 and 2006.ResultsFive hundred forty-five (81%) graduate female dentists responded, of whom 54% had completed postgraduate dental education. In the Saudi Board, 17% had obtained degrees in advanced restorative dentistry, 15% in pediatric dentistry, 14% in advanced general dentistry, 11% in orthodontics, 10% in prosthodontics, 8% in operative dentistry, 5% in endodontics, 5% in periodontics, 3% in oral and maxillofacial surgery, and 11% in other specialties. Fifty-nine percent had master’s degrees, 7% had doctorates, 32% had board certificates, and 2% had fellowship certificates.ConclusionMore than half (54%) the female dentists surveyed had pursued postgraduate education. This investigation highlighted the different specialties enrolled by female dentists. Orthodontic post graduate program displayed the highest percentage of interest. Understanding the unavoidable social family needs and the demand for higher education by female dentists provides ideas as more programs should be planned to accommodate the needs of Saudi female dentists. This type of study should be repeated due to the increasing interest of female dentists in higher education.  相似文献   

Background: The perception that there is a surplus of dentists may be an opportunity to explore attractive career options in dentistry in Japan. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 2,114 graduates of a private dental school in Japan. We asked about the perception of oversupply, rated by a visual analogue scale, work environment factors, potential areas of dentistry and necessary medical subjects for their dental practice. The association of a strong perception of dentist oversupply with work environment factors, dental areas and medical subjects was examined by multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results: The response rate was 66%, and data from 1,203 community dentists were analysed. Most respondents (76%) perceived either a strong or very strong surplus of dentists. A very strong perception was significantly associated with work environment factors, including practising in large cities and earning the second lowest of four levels of annual income, but no further associations were found with either the number of patients treated or with the other two ranges of income. This perception was negatively associated with the number of necessary medical subjects, specifically otorhinolaryngology, but no significant association was seen with the number of potential areas of dentistry. Conclusions: The negative correlation between the aspiration to acquire medical knowledge and the perception of dentist oversupply under the circumstance of the possibly excessive perception among community dentists invites further research on the benefits of teaching oral medicine to graduate entry students to build future working satisfaction.Key words: Perception of surplus, dental practice, dental education, oral medicine  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to examine the experience of and attitudes to dental care for children with congenital heart disease (CHD) among Swedish general dentists. 183 general dentists employed in the Public Dental Health Service in the counties of V?sterbotten and Uppsala, and private practitioners listed with dentistry for children in the county of V?sterbotten, Sweden, were enrolled in the study. Data were collected with a questionnaire with 18 questions. Eighteen per cent of the dentists stated that they had received special education or information except the graduate training to treat children with CHD. Forty-eight per cent of the dentists had one or more patients with CHD. Seventy-two per cent of these stated that their CHD-patients had a caries problem. Statistically significant differences were displayed between answers on the questions "who in the dental team perform the major part of the dental care for children with CHD" and "what is your opinion on which personal category that should perform the major part of the dental care for this group of children" (p < 0.001). Among dentists whose clinical time mainly was used for dentistry for children, it was more common to treat children with CHD (p < 0.001) than for dentists with a lower degree of dentistry for children. The study showed that the Swedish dental care for children with CHD today mainly is performed by dental nurses, dental hygienists and general dentists. This strongly differs from the dentist's opinion on who should perform the major part of the dental care for this group of children. These findings taken together with the very low number of dentists that had received special education or information except the graduate training to treat children with CHD indicates that the Swedish dentists are unsettled and insecure in the dental treatment of children with heart defects. An early and close cooperation between specialists in pediatric dentistry, dentists with special training and general dentists is strongly desirable to support the dentists and facilitate the dental care for children with CHD.  相似文献   

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