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目的分析腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术(EVAR)患者术后进行二次手术的原因。方法回顾性分析行EVAR治疗的171例肾下型腹主动脉瘤(AAA)患者的临床资料和随访结果,其中20例患者接受二次手术干预。分析二次手术的原因,并探讨如何减少EVAR术后并发症的发生。结果20例二次手术患者中,Ⅰ型内漏8例(Ⅰa型6例、Ⅰb型2例),Ⅱ型内漏2例(肠系膜下动脉返血),Ⅲ型内漏2例(左髂支回缩入瘤腔),左侧髂支血栓阻塞致主体支架内血栓形成2例,髂支血栓形成4例,髂支狭窄2例。回归分析结果显示,术后内漏、远端缺血是EVAR患者术后进行二次手术的主要原因。根据动脉瘤的瘤体情况选择不同的腔内修复手术,术后按时随访是提高患者手术安全性及治疗效率的关键。结论EVAR手术的近期疗效良好,但术后内漏及远端缺血等问题仍是影响手术疗效的关键,患者可能因此进行二次手术。  相似文献   

应用血管腔内带膜支架植入技术治疗29例主动脉夹层,手术在全身麻醉、数字减影血管造影(DSA)监视下顺利植入带膜支架。结果手术过程顺利,治愈26例,术后3例因并发症死亡。认为术前做好充分准备,术中密切配合,严格执行无菌操作,正确传递各种导管是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨国产覆膜支架行腔内隔绝术治疗DebakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层瘤的手术适应症、临床疗效及并发症防治。方法 2009年1月—2012年1月,采用国产覆膜支架行腔内隔绝术治疗DebakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层20例。移植物经股动脉切口导入,至胸主动脉封闭夹层裂口,手术在全麻、数字减影血管造影(DSA)监视下完成。结果 20例患者支架置入定位准确,术后即刻造影显示真腔血流恢复正常。手术成功率100%,无术中转开胸手术,无截瘫及瘤体破裂等严重并发症,无围术期死亡。结论使用国产覆膜支架行腔内隔绝术治疗DebakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层具有创伤小,术后恢复快,手术死亡率低,手术成功率高的优点,但远期效果有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

唐力娇  刘远英  严群好 《全科护理》2011,9(23):2104-2104
应用血管腔内带膜支架植入技术治疗29例主动脉夹层,手术在全身麻醉、数字减影血管造影(DSA)监视下顺利植入带膜支架.结果手术过程顺利,治愈26例,术后3例因并发症死亡.认为术前做好充分准备,术中密切配合,严格执行无菌操作,正确传递各种导管是手术成功的关键.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性主动脉综合征腔内修复治疗的方法、安全性及并发症的预防.方法 40例患者经CT动脉造影(CTA)确诊.结合CTA和数字减影血管造影(DSA)结果.选择合适的覆膜人工血管支架,在DSA监视下释放覆膜人工血管支架.术后随访有无内漏、支架移位和塌陷等并发症.结果 本组手术全部成功.有3例(占7.5%)出现内漏;有2例(占5.0%)出现下肢血栓(左下肢动、静脉各1例);死亡2例(病死率5.0%);无术后截瘫,无支架移位和塌陷发生.结论 腔内修复治疗急性主动脉综合征创伤小,恢复快.近期和中期疗效满意.远期疗效有待于长期随访观察.  相似文献   

目的观察覆膜支架腔内修复联合解剖外旁路术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层的临床效果。方法38例Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者,急性主动脉夹层31例,慢性主动脉夹层7例;均行覆膜支架腔内修复联合解剖外旁路术的杂交手术治疗,术后行主动脉CT血管造影,观察手术效果及术后并发症发生情况;出院后3、6、12个月均行CT血管造影进行随访。结果本组手术成功率100%;术后死亡1例,病死率为2.63%;术后发生内漏2例,脑梗死2例,低氧血症4例,并发症发生率为21.05%;35例随访3~12个月,CT血管造影显示支架形态良好,无移位,假腔血栓逐渐形成。结论覆膜支架腔内修复联合解剖外旁路术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层是一种微创、安全有效的方法,但需注意术后并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的评价无保护左冠状动脉主干(LMCA)支架治疗的安全性和有效性。方法对126例无保护LMCA病变接受介入治疗患者进行回顾性分析。结果共植入151枚支架。所有LMCA支架植入均获完全血流重建,术中无急性心梗和死亡发生。住院期间主要不良心脏事件(MACE)3例,均为急性心肌梗死,其中行靶病变血管重建术(TLR)1例,死亡2例。随访1~43(9.86±8.46)个月,总MACE 15例(12.1%),其中TLR 12例(再次PCI 9例,冠脉搭桥术3例),死亡3例。40例术后进行冠脉造影复查,19例发生了再狭窄,术中有回旋支开口部受累者再狭窄率增加。不同病变部位、手术方式对支架内再狭窄无显著影响。结论经选择的无保护LMCA病变,PCI治疗是可行和安全的,可取得较好的近远期结果。  相似文献   

目的评价40岁以下冠心病患者的冠脉造影及介入治疗的特点、疗效。方法选择我院近4年行冠状动脉造影证实病变血管狭窄≥75%且年龄小于40岁的患者,常规进行经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)及支架植入治疗。结果40例患者共47处病变行PTCA及支架置入术,手术成功率达97.5%,无1例发生血管闭塞等严重并发症。临床随访28例,平均随访时间(8.1±4.3)个月,4例(14.3%)患者复发心绞痛症状,其余24例保持无心绞痛症状,无再发心肌梗死及死亡。支架再狭窄率12.2%。结论冠状动脉介入治疗对青年冠心病患者具有疗效好、安全性高、并发症少的特点。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨直接冠脉内支架术在冠心病治疗中的疗效和安全性。方法 :选择有支架植入指征的A型和部分B型血管病变的冠心病者 ,不用球囊预扩张 ,直接将第二代支架放在病变血管处高压扩张 ,术后重复造影和临床随访。结果 :15例冠心病患者植入支架 15只 (前降支 10只 ,回旋支 2只 ,右冠脉 3只 ) ,手术成功率 10 0 %。靶血管直径从术前平均 (1 0 3± 0 6 8)mm扩大至 (3 0 6± 0 32 )mm ,狭窄程度由术前平均 (82 6±11 3) %减至 (6 4± 4 1) % ,无严重并发症。随访 3~ 2 0 (12± 6 )个月 ,无心脏事件发生。 13例 (86 6 % )心绞痛消失 ,2例心绞痛复发。结论 :直接冠脉内支架术对某些选择性病例具有疗效满意、安全而费用减少的优点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用分叉型一体式覆膜支架腔内治疗腹主动脉瘤和髂动脉瘤的疗效。方法:回顾分析采用分叉型一体式覆膜支架治疗的20例肾下型腹主动脉瘤和髂动脉瘤患者的临床资料。结果:20例患者植入分叉型一体式覆膜支架的手术成功率达100%,无围手术期死亡患者,且所有患者均未出现各类缺血性并发症。8例患者术后存在少量内漏(6例Ⅰ型内漏,2例Ⅲ型内漏),1周后内漏消失;1例患者术后发生急性肝肾功能不全,经内科治疗1周后恢复;2例患者术后出现腹股沟切口淋巴瘘,经换药愈合。平均随访15个月,所有患者未出现新的内漏和支架移位。1例患者术后1年在左侧分支支架内形成血栓,左侧髂动脉局部无血流,经导管接触溶栓治疗1 d后实现血管再通。结论:应用分叉型一体式覆膜支架腔内治疗腹主动脉瘤安全有效。  相似文献   

腹主动脉瘤(Abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA)是指腹主动脉局限性瘤样扩张,超过3cm或超过正常直径的50%即可诊断为腹主动脉瘤,75%的患者并无临床症状〔1〕,破裂是其最常见、最凶险的并发症,破裂后的死亡率高达80%~90%〔2〕。  相似文献   

Hypothesis: new technology, such as endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) may promote an ‘irrational exuberance’ for its application. Methods: nonsuprarenal AAA repairs performed at a single institution over a 7 year period were retrospectively studied. Method of repair, 30-day mortality and EVAR aortic neck anatomy were assessed. Results: 431 AAA repairs were performed between January 1996 and June 2002, 238 (55%) open and 193 (45%) EVAR. The percentage of EVAR increased steadily from approximately 20% in 1996 and 1997 to a peak of 69.5% in 2000. However, in 2001–2002 the percentage of EVAR fell to approximately 40% of total repairs. In this time period our selection criteria for EVAR became more conservative, with treatment of fewer patients with short aortic necks (12.8 vs. 28.9% with neck length ≤ 20 mm, p = 0.05; 3.8 vs. 10.8% with neck length ≤ 15 mm, p = 0.1) or highly angulated necks (3.8 vs. 28.9% with neck angulation ≥ 40 degrees, p = 0.04) in 2001–2002 versus 1999–2000, respectively. Institutional volume of AAA repairs doubled over the study period (p = 0.001). 30-day mortality over the study period for nonruptured EVAR and open AAA repair was 2.6 and 3.3%, respectively (p = NS). The complexity of open repairs increased significantly during the final 3 years of the review. Conclusions: the application of EVAR has fallen from a high of 69.5% of our AAA repairs in 2000 to approximately 40% in 2001–2002. More prudent patient selection in recent years regarding unfavorable aortic neck anatomy was felt to be a primary etiology of changes in overall EVAR utilization. The anticipated improvement in long-term results from EVAR await multi-year follow-up.  相似文献   

腔内修复术治疗胸腹主动脉瘤经验总结(附6例报告)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的总结腔内修复术治疗胸腹主动脉瘤的经验。方法回顾性分析2004年12月-2006年5月6例降主动脉瘤及夹层动脉瘤患者施行腔内修复术的病例资料。结果真性动脉瘤2例,假性动脉瘤1例,夹层动脉瘤3例,共植入支架8枚。术后内瘘大出血死亡1例,腹股沟血肿1例,其余患者均于术后2 d下床活动。未发生肺部感染、肺不张、截瘫、腹胀、肾衰、脑梗塞、心功能不全、心律失常等并发症。术后1周复查CT,支架无扭曲移位,封堵效果满意。结论腔内修复术的近期治疗效果确切,创伤小,并发症少,其远期效果还有待进一步观察。短瘤颈者,DeBakeyⅠ、Ⅱ型夹层动脉瘤患者,累及重要血管的主动脉瘤患者如何进行腔内修复术还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的探讨破裂性动脉瘤患者中期进行血管内栓塞治疗的围术期护理方法。方法对78例破裂性动脉瘤患者进行精心的术前、术后护理,重点关注Hunt-HessⅢ级以上患者,警惕颅内再出血,加强延迟性缺血性神经功能障碍(DIND)及术后并发症的防治与护理等。结果本组患者因术后并发症死亡6例,病死率7.6%;72例患者获3~96个月随访,8例DIND患者中有5例于术后6个月能生活自理,另3例为永久性偏瘫;栓塞术后动脉瘤均未再破裂。结论有效的围术期护理对破裂性动脉瘤患者的病情恢复及改善预后具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨CEUS评估腹主动脉瘤(AAA)术后内漏的诊断价值。方法 收集46例接受手术治疗的AAA患者,分别采用CEUS及CT血管造影术(CTA)检测患者术后发生内漏的情况,以CTA结果为金标准,比较2者的诊断效能。结果 46例患者中CTA示39例未见内漏,7例可见内漏,其中4例Ⅰ型内漏、1例Ⅱ型内漏、1例混合型内漏;CEUS示37例未见内漏,9例可见内漏,其中6例Ⅰ型内漏、2例Ⅱ型内漏、1例混合型内漏;CEUS诊断术后内漏的敏感度100%(7/7),特异度94.87%(37/39),准确率95.65%(44/46),CEUS诊断术后内瘘的准确率与CTA差异无统计学意义(P=0.784)。结论 CEUS诊断AAA患者术后内漏的诊断效能与CTA相当,可为临床提供更客观准确的信息。  相似文献   

Background Administrative databases have been used to compare methods used for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. This requires the use of procedural codes whose accuracy has not been established. In this study we measured the accuracy of procedural codes for open AAA repair and endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in administrative databases. Methods Between April 2000 and July 2005, we identified all surgeries of non‐ruptured AAA using open or EVAR technique at a tertiary‐care teaching hospital. During the same time period, we identified all patients who were coded with either an open AAA repair or EVAR. Results During the study period, 514 people had an elective AAA repair or were coded with one. Coding quality of open AAA repair was poor (sensitivity 48.1%; specificity 77.4%; accuracy 52.9%) while that for EVAR was slightly better (sensitivity 58.2%; specificity 100%; accuracy 93.6%). We developed an algorithm that included similar procedures and considered anaesthetic type to improve the identification of both open repair (sensitivity 97.7%; specificity 86.9%; accuracy 95.9%) and EVAR (sensitivity 84.8%; specificity 99.5%; accuracy 97.3%). Conclusion Administrative database codes that are routinely used to identify open AAA repairs or EVARs are inaccurate. However, slight modifications to the coding algorithms permit the use of administrative databases to study AAA repair.  相似文献   

目的探讨国产一体式分叉型覆膜支架治疗腹主动脉瘤的临床疗效、并发症的防治、术中注意事项。方法对14例经CTA检查确诊腹主动脉瘤的患者,给予一体式分叉型覆膜支架植入行腔内隔绝术。结果 14例手术成功,其中有3例造影示有上端Ⅰ型内漏,1例安置Cuff,内漏消失。另2例3个月后复查CTA,内漏消失。所有病例无严重并发症,随访2年,支架位置、形态良好,无移位、内漏。结论 一体式分叉型覆膜支架腔内治疗腹主动脉瘤具有成功率高、创伤小、恢复快等特点,且手术更简便,支架稳定性更高。  相似文献   

A 46-year-old man who presented with an unruptured left paraclinoid aneurysm was treated via endovascular embolization using Guglielmi detachable coils, obtaining its complete exclusion. Within 5 hours, the patient developed a transient mild headache and moderate speech difficulty. CT scans revealed a left temporal ischemic area. Continuous transcranial Doppler monitoring was initiated. Eighteen hours after embolization, the patient developed a mild headache associated with a transient decrease in consciousness, while the diastolic blood flow velocity decreased and the pulsatility index increased in the left middle cerebral artery. These changes prompted us to perform CT, which revealed a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Angiograms demonstrated partial revascularization of the newly embolized aneurysm. The patient underwent a second embolization procedure with additional coils for complete exclusion of the aneurysm. His postoperative course was uneventful, with no additional neurological deficits. Although TCD monitoring is not recommended as a routine procedure in such cases, and experimental studies are needed to evaluate the possible risk of rebleeding in this specific setting, it could be used to detect the hemodynamic consequences of an acute increase in intracranial pressure, as in patients at risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage after endovascular treatment.  相似文献   

Double origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (DOPICA) is a rare anatomical variation, and can be associated with intracranial aneurysm formation. We describe a 66-year-old woman case of a ruptured aneurysm involved in a DOPICA. We performed aneurysmal coil embolization for the ruptured aneurysm involved in the cranial channel of DOPICA, but the aneurysm relapsed two months later. We subsequently performed internal trapping of the cranial channel because of well visualization of the distal flow by the balloon occlusion test. Endovascular trapping of a channel is one of the effective treatments of an aneurysm involved in DOPICA.  相似文献   

Spontaneous “non-moyamoya” arterial occlusion of the intracranial arteries is very unusual. Progressive occlusion of a major intracranial artery, independently from the etiology, can lead to the development of collateral arterial networks that supply blood flow to distal territories beyond the occlusion. These collateral arteries are typically small and conduct low flows, but the hemodynamic stress within them can lead to aneurysm formation within the collateral network. In this report we present a case of spontaneous internal carotid artery occlusion and collateral network aneurysm for the first time in the literature and discuss the main features of the etiology and endovascular treatment of this rare, challenging aneurysm.  相似文献   

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