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《中国普外基础与临床杂志》系中华人民共和国教育部主管、四川大学华西医院主办的专业性学术期刊。涉及学科范围有:肝胆胰外科、胃肠外科、微创外科、血管外科、甲状腺外科、乳腺外科、外科营养、器官移植、基本外科等。主要设有:述评、基础与实验研究、临床研究、移植工程、临床经验交流、新术式及新技术介绍、腹部影像、综述、讲座、论著摘要、病例报告、医海集萃等栏目。  相似文献   

泌尿系结石的形成与食物的组成有关。根据文献报道,能影响泌尿系结石形成的食物成分有蛋白质、脂肪(胆固醇、鱼油、多不饱和脂肪酸)、糖类、嘌呤、草酸、矿物质(钙、镁、钠等)、维生素(A、B6、D、C、K)、蔬菜(菠菜)、磁化水、乳制品、液体、微量元素等。改变饮食习惯或进行饮食控制,有助于预防结石复发。  相似文献   

肾宝合剂系汇仁肾宝的原始方剂,由蛇床子、川芎、菟丝子、补骨脂、茯苓、红参、小茴香、五味子、金樱子、白术、当归、覆盆子、何首乌、车前子、熟地黄、枸杞子、山药、淫羊藿、葫芦巴、黄芪、肉苁蓉、炙甘草组成。主要有词和阴阳、温阳补肾、安神固精、扶正固本等功能。主治阳痿、遗精、腰腿酸重、精神不振、夜尿频多、畏寒怕冷及妇科经带诸证。笔者广泛用于肾阳虚弱而致的腰痛、不孕证、痤疮、尖锐湿疣等病证,取得了理想的疗效,现摘录验案于下。……  相似文献   

蒽醌类中药质量控制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈涵 《临床荟萃》2010,25(22):2018-2020
中药蒽醌类化合物(anthraquinones)在醌类化合物中最为多见,含该成分中药主要有大黄、虎杖、何首乌、决明子、茜草、大血藤、鸡骨草、番泻叶等。其临床活性最为显著和多样,表现在泄下、抗菌、利尿、止血、促智、抗癌、明目、抗病毒、抗衰老、保肝利胆、抗紫外线、抗诱变作用等方面。  相似文献   

《临床心身疾病杂志》是中国医师协会系列杂志,由河南省卫生厅主管、河南省精神病医院主办的心身医学专业学术期刊,国内外公开发行(国内统一刊号:CN41-1353/R,国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-187X)。本刊为双月刊,逢单月20日出版。主要以国内外精神、心理、心身医学的临床、教学、科研工作者为对象,提供精神医学、心理医学、心身医学及康复医学等领域的新成果、新理论、新技术、新方法、新经验,及时反映国内外医学的新进展、新知识和实用经验。凡临床精神医学、心理医学、心身医学及其分支,如儿童、老年、司法、病理、药理、生理、生化、遗传、免疫、流行病学调查、心理卫生咨询、防治、康复、护理、管理等方面的论著、经验、病例报告、专题研究、文献综述、讲座、编译、信息动态等均受欢迎。  相似文献   

《实用医学杂志》是由广东省卫生厅主管、广东省医学情报研究所主办并出版的综合性临床医学学术期刊[综合性医药卫生类核心期刊(中文核心期刊)、中国科技核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊],旨在传播医学新理论,交流医学新技术,面向临床,重在实用。辟有述评、专题笔谈、专题报道、临床新进展、基础研究、实验研究、临床研究、临床总结、药物与临床、检验与临床、调查研究、误诊分析、中医中药、临床护理、综述、医院管理、经验交流、短篇报道、病例报告及临床病例讨论等栏目。  相似文献   

本刊设有述评、专家论坛、论著、实验研究、学术讨论、经验交流、综述、讲座、特载、检验与临床、病例报告、争鸣、仪器使用与排障、实验室管理、质量控制、继续教育、新书介绍、问题解答、学术会议信息,读者※作者※编者和检验信息等栏目。  相似文献   

肝硬化腹水相当于中医学的臌胀、蜘蛛臌、单腹胀、肝水等病症。加减人参鳖甲汤来源张林教授,笔者对肝硬化腹水选用加减人参鳖甲汤辨证调治,收效满意。加减人参鳖甲汤的基本方:炒白术30g、茵陈25g、白参20g、泽泻15g、赤茯苓15g、赤芍15g、当归15g、川芎10g、柴胡10g、蝼蛄10g、猪苓10g、鳖甲10g、丹皮10g、甘草5g。1日1剂。将鳖甲捣碎,加水适量先煎半小时,再兑入其他药,慢火煎2次,剩药液300ml,分2~3次空腹温服。忌食辛辣、酒、醋、肥腻油炸、生冷之品,切忌房事、过劳、恼怒、吸烟及不良刺激等。  相似文献   

一、栏目设置 本杂志开辟有论著、综述、调查研究、专科护理、基础护理、康复护理、循证护理、社区护理、个案护理、心理护理、护理管理、护理教育、健康教育、护士与法、院内感染与控制、经验与革新、临床医学等栏目。  相似文献   

一、栏目设置 本杂志开辟有论著、综述、调查研究、专科护理、基础护理、康复护理、循证护理、社区护理、个案护理、心理护理、护理管理、护理教育、健康教育、护士与法、院内感染与控制、经验与革新、临床医学等栏目。  相似文献   

Molin, L. & Wester, P. O. The Estimated Daily Loss of Trace Elements from Normal Skin by Desquamation. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest. 36, 679–682, 1976.

The content of 21 elements (As, Au, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, La, Mo, P, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, W, and Zn) in normal epidermis has been determined with the aid of neutron activation analysis. The dermal loss of these elements via desquamation has been calculated, in view of its possible importance in balance studies. For the bulk elements Ca, K, and P, the calculated daily loss is considered to be negligible. For some of the trace elements, however, the loss may be appreciable. The daily loss of Fe by desquamation may be as much as one fourth of the daily urinary iron excretion; the corresponding fraction for Co, Cu, and Zn is one tenth.  相似文献   

目的探讨七氟醚的不同呼气末浓度对老年患者脑电双频指数(B IS)、听觉诱发电位指数(AAI)及血流动力参数的影响。方法行气管内全身麻醉术的老年患者30例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,在8%七氟醚、罗库溴铵,瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导插管后机械通气,调节挥发罐浓度,使七氟醚呼气末浓度依次稳定在0.6最低肺泡气有效浓度(MAC)、1.0MAC、1.3MAC,每种浓度均维持15 m in,记录七氟醚呼气末浓度稳定在各点15 m in后的BIS、AAI、平均动脉压(MAP)和心率(HR)值。结果七氟醚呼气末浓度为0.6MAC、1.0 MAC、1.3 MAC时的BIS、AAI、MAP、HR值与麻醉前比较明显降低(P<0.01),1.0 MAC、1.3 MAC时的BIS、AAI值较0.6MAC时明显降低(P<0.01),而1.0 MAC和1.3 MAC时的B IS、AAI值比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。七氟醚呼气末浓度在0.6~1.3MAC范围内,BIS、AAI、MAP随七氟醚浓度增高而降低,并呈显著的等级相关;HR与七氟醚浓度无相关性。结论 BIS和AAI可作为老年人七氟醚麻醉深度监测的有效指标。  相似文献   

目的研究及探讨再生障碍性贫血患者血清VEGF、EGF、EPO、TPO及氧化应激的变化。方法选取54例再生障碍性贫血患者为观察组,54名健康同龄人员为对照组,将2组研究对象的血清VEGF、EGF、EPO、TPO、酶抗氧化指标及非酶抗氧化指标进行检测及比较,比较观察组中不同Camitta分型与分类患者的血清VEGF、EGF、EPO、TPO、酶抗氧化指标及非酶抗氧化指标,并以Logistic分析上述血清指标与再生障碍性贫血患者的关系。结果观察组的血清VEGF及EGF水平均显著低于对照组,而血清EPO及TPO水平均显著高于对照组,血清酶抗氧化指标中的TAC、SOD及CAT均显著低于对照组,血清MDA则显著高于对照组,血清非酶抗氧化指标中的MT、GSH、Zn及Se均显著低于对照组,血清Cu则显著高于对照组。观察组中不同Camitta分型患者的血清VEGF、EGF、EPO、TPO、酶抗氧化指标及非酶抗氧化指标水平也存在显著差异。经Logistic分析显示,上述血清指标均与再生障碍性贫血有密切的关系(P0.05)。结论再生障碍性贫血患者的血清VEGF、EGF、EPO、TPO及氧化应激指标呈现明显异常的状态,且上述检测指标均与本病有密切的关系。  相似文献   

周萌  林川  贾晶丽  高洁 《中华护理杂志》2019,54(12):1877-1880
目的 总结膝关节置换术后患者出院随访的最佳证据,为临床实践提供参考。 方法 计算机检索美国指南网、英国卫生与临床优化研究所、苏格兰学院间指南网、加拿大临床医学实践网、国际指南网、澳大利亚国家卫生和医学研究委员会网站、加拿大安大略注册护士协会网、Cochrane Library、Joanna Briggs Institute(JBI)循证卫生保健中心数据库、护理累积索引数据库、UpToDate、BMJ best practice、Embase、PubMed、中国知网数据库、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、维普数据库关于膝关节置换术后患者出院随访的所有证据,包括指南、系统评价、证据总结、推荐实践以及随机对照试验。 结果 共纳入文献9篇,包括临床决策1篇、指南2篇、系统评价3篇、随机对照试验1篇、专家共识2篇,总结最佳证据包括随访时间和方式、身体评估、药物管理、出院康复、健康教育5个主题,共17条。 结论 本研究总结了膝关节置换术后出院随访的最佳证据,护理人员应接受相关培训,将最佳证据真正应用于临床,但在应用最佳证据时,还应考虑患者意愿和具体临床情况,结合专业判断,形成有效、可行的随访策略,从而提高护理质量。  相似文献   

Orf is one of the most widespread viral diseases worldwide, affecting mostly small ruminants and, sometimes, other species, including wild animals. Of late, there have been an increasing number of reports of new species being affected by the disease, implying a dynamic host–pathogen interaction. The causative agent, orf virus, has been extensively investigated over recent years, owing to its zoonotic importance and ability to cross-infect other species sporadically. The evasive mechanisms that the virus has developed to adapt and grow in the presence of an active immune response helps to explain the ability of the virus to repeatedly reinfect the same host. The apparent diversity in the antigenic/immune targets of different orf virus strains involved in such repeat infections may also be contributing factors. Exposure of animals to stress or immunosupression as a result of therapy or primary viral infection can accentuate the severity of disease. Genes homologous to host cytokines or their antagonists, and which contribute to viral virulence, have been found in the viral genome. A combination of electron microscopy, histology and PCR is the most accurate laboratory approach for confirmation of the disease, although clinical signs are often typical. However, some infections may be confounded by similar clinical manifestations caused by other infections. This review presents, in brief, a recent understanding of the virus at the host–pathogen level, molecular biology of the virus, disease epidemiology, clinical manifestations in man and animals, diagnostic procedures, and the economic and environmental impact of the disease.  相似文献   

We investigated the in vitro drug adsorption of PQ 10150 sodium silicate gel (AIS, Santa Clara, CA) with particle size of 230 um and surface area of 400 nr/g. We observed 99% to 88% adsorption of gentamicin; a mean 91 % of disopyramide; a mean 89% of quinidine at low concentration, falling to 75% at higher concentration. Insulin was 88% adsorbed at low concentrations but less so (65%) at higher concentrations. We observed a mean 83 % adsorption of procainamide, a mean 84% of N-acetyl procainamide, 74% oflidocaine, 73% of amitriptyline; and 44% of desipramine. We found an average 14% reduction of total digoxin concentration when serum containing digoxin (2 to 33 ng/mL) was exposed to sodium silicate, while the reduction in free digoxin concentration was 16%. Five percent ethosuximide was also removed. The adsorption of theophylline, phenobarbital, acetaminophen, phenytoin, ethylene glycol, methotrexate, salicylate, thiocyanate and diazepam was minimal and not significant. We conclude that significant amounts of charged, non-albumin bound drugs can be removed by PQ 10150 sodium silicate gel.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This article is part of the series regarding genomics and nursing practice, science, education, and policy. Issues in genetic testing, genetic information and the lessons learned through applications of genetic and genomic science are analyzed and discussed. FRAMEWORK: Scientists, scholars, and members of the public have articulated a vision to guide genomics research and scholarship. The three overarching themes of this conceptual framework are genomes to biology, genomes to health, and genomes to society. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses can promote the use of genomic research technologies and information in the context of health, biology, and society, as well as in nursing research, practice, education, and policy.  相似文献   

Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors are a class of lipid-lowering medications, with a major activity on plasma cholesterol levels, now enjoying a vast popularity among physicians and patients. These drugs, affecting a very early and key step of sterol biosynthesis, differ to a large extent in their physicochemical properties, tissue distribution and side effects in animals, possibly in humans. Some of these agents (namely lovastatin and simvastatin) are strikingly lipophilic and require enzymatic conversion from the lactone to the open-ring forms, whereas pravastatin, active per se, is hydrophilic. Liver uptake of pravastatin is regulated by a carrier-mediated mechanism. Other HMG CoA reductase inhibitors have been designed, with the objective of obtaining high levels of hepato-selectivity. Evaluation of available date in terms of potential advantages in tissue, namely liver selectivity, of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, suggests, that, indeed, altered sterol biosynthesis in a number of tissues may potentially result in the appearance of significant side effects. While there is no clear-cut relationship between tissue selectivity and lipophilicity, the presence of this latter feature seems, in general, to dictate a lesser absortion to peripheral tissues vs the liver. At present, the toxicological profile of major HMG CoA reductase inhibitors appears safe; it is, however, possible that in selected patient groups liver selectivity may offer a considerable therapeutic advantage.  相似文献   

目的:探讨超声在产前诊断胎儿畸形中的应用。方法:采用B型超声诊断仪或彩色多普勒超声诊断仪对15 000例孕妇行产前检查,并观察胎儿的情况。结果:15 000例孕妇产前检查中,检出胎儿畸形96例,其中无脑儿30例,脑膨出7例,脑积水5例,唇裂2例,开放性脊柱裂5例,单腔心2例,多指畸形2例,腹裂8例,脐膨出2例,胎儿胸、腹水14例,膈疝2例,单肾发育不全1例,单侧肾积水2例,双肾盂扩张8例,胃肠道畸形3例,致死性软骨1例,双胎连体畸形2例。结论:超声诊断仪对产前诊断胎儿畸形有重要价值,对降低围产期发病率和死亡率及提高出生人口素质和优生优育有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾素血管紧张素系统(RAS)、血管内皮和钠肽系统中AGT、ACE、eNOS、ET-2、ANP和NPRC等6个原发性高血压候选基因多态性在云南汉族健康人群中的分布,为进一步研究其在原发性高血压等心血管疾病发生中的作用提供本地信息.方法 用基因芯片检测技术,对97例健康者进行AGTM235T(MM、MT、TT)、ACE I/D(II、ID、DD)、eNOS Glu298Asp(EE、ED、DD)、ET-2 A985G(AA、AG、GG)、ANPT2238C(TT、TC、CC)和NPRC A-55C(AA、AC、CC)等位点基因多态性检测.结果 ①云南汉族97例健康人群中AGT M235T位点的MM、MT、TT基因型频率分别为0.052、0.381、0.567;M和T的等位基因频率分别为0.242、0.758.②ACE I/D突变的II、ID、DD基因型频率分别为0.340、0.598、0.062;I和D等位基因频率分别为0.680、0.320.@eNOS Glu298Asp位点的EE、ED、DD基因型频率分别为0.845、0.144、0.011;E和D等位基因频率分别为0.918、0.082.④ET-2 A985G位点的AA、AG、GG基因型频率分别为0.020、0.258、0.722;A和G等位基因频率分别为0.149、0.851.⑤ANPT2238C位点的TT、TC基因型频率分别为0.959、0.041,未检出CC基因型;T和C等位基因频率分别为0.979、0.021.⑥NPRC A-55C的AC、CC基因型频率分别为0.763、0.237,未检出AA基因型;A和c等位基因频率分别为0.381、0.619.结论 云南汉族健康人群AGT M235T、ACE I/D、eNOS Glu298Asp(E298D)、ET-2 A985G、ANP 12238C和NPRC A-55C等6个位点基因多态性有地区特征.  相似文献   

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